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honey badger don't give a shhh — Sierra Hills 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Cloudy, dusk beginning - 68° F/20° C
now, if we just imagine the wolverine is the honey badger...
@Ice <3

Dusk was falling, the red sky of sunset bleeding into purple as night began to wash across the horizon. Ava had spent nearly the entire day roving the treacherous passes and yet she found herself no less enamored with Sierra Hills than she had been from the start. Even as the light was failing the stone refused to be diminished, the vibrant red rock unhindered by shadows, no less noticeable in the absence of sunlight. For certain she'd never been anywhere like it, and never thought something like this might even exist. It delighted her the way a pup's own tail could do for them; not much variety, and yet she was endlessly entertained by the red stone paths that snaked through the plant-free range. But she could not stay much longer with her four at home, and so she decided, veering right up the rise and snaking through a small space in between some protrusions, that this would be her last adventure for the day.

It would be entirely unlike Ava to end her day with anything less than excitement, much the same way it was unlike luck to guide her to a path without obstacles. With a little extra effort her dark legs carried her on to a higher shelf of stone, where she could see an easy path down the side and into the thick forest. All she needed to brave was the drop, and something dark and furry in the pit. For a moment the she-wolf faltered, amber eyes flickering. A badger? Even before her leathery pads touched the ground and the animal turned around to face her Ava realized her first guess might have been too optimistic. The grey-patterned creature lurched forward as he locked eyes with the wolf, glaring from beneath a black mask with as much wolverine outrage as he could. She'd never understand why they were so foul tempered, but just as well she found her own fire warmed quite graciously by the foe as he leaned forward and scraped the ground with his claws.

Him, warn her off? Her blood ran redder than dust that coated the rock surface, her nose wrinkling as she bared her teeth with a vicious delight. It had been some time since she'd let a little exhaust out her pipes, hadn't it? So much of the winter she'd spent in depression, and all through her pregnancy she'd been pumped full of love. But without her lust for a little fresh fury, Ava would be lost. And that was something she would not allow - not ever again. Muscles brimming with an excited tension the she-wolf roared a snarl the size of the mountain and advanced on her adversary, more than pleased to show the overgrown weasel who was really Queen of the Hill.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.

He'd spent a lot of time trying to map out their immediate surroundings, but he knew that it was just a thin, flimsy excuse for the real reason: he was looking for @Triell and @Marsh, always sniffing the ground and trunks for a hint of their passage, always looking for some copper hairs to be struck by sunlight... Day by day his quest seemed to grow more futile, as he caught no trace of either of them - they were simply gone, and it tore at his heart in a way that had him so confused and at odds with the joy he felt each time he looked upon his sons. It was like half of him was filled up with bliss, and the other half left out in the cold, dark snow without a light.

Today, his treks had taken him east, up into the red hills bordering their corner of the spooky woods. He wasn't really sure what was up with that place, for mist always seemed to hang in the most eerie fashion between the trees, but he hunting was good and their den was in a sunny, mist-free spot. Grunting with the effort of scaling the steep mountainside, Ice paused and looked down over his shoulder; it was a dizzying drop should he tumble off the path, but down there somewhere he thought he caught a glint of the creek.. somewhere there, was the oak and the den and the pack. He raised his eyes. And beyond that, the entire world. Somewhere out there Marsh was.

He turned back to the task at hand, hauling himself up the heights until he suddenly found himself on a small plateau of sorts, the path below him and the jagged heights above him. And.. a lot of other interesting things, too. The difference in altitude had hid her scent from him, but now that they were more or less in the same place, he suddenly realized she was here. Ava, his lost friend, the poisoned wolf he couldn't bring himself to hate, who had suddenly turned up smelling of Borden's old haunt: and in front of her, a wolverine who seemed quite intent to knocking her off the perch they shared.

Ice let himself forget about Marsh, forget about Triell, forget about the long way down. A twitch ran through his fur and his scruff rose, ears pointing forward; lips peeled back and bared fangs, and a low rumble thundered through his chest. That wolverine better run away.. lest the dark lady and her shining paladin cooperate tonight, and send him scurrying back to his den in tatters.

.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya

Her teeth ached with every step she took, as though each one was desperate to feel the pulse of blood beneath a good hold, the pressure right before she punctured skin, the liquid rush that that would follow, hot and sweet. Only a few more steps and she would purge her violent urge, wrench his head from his neck, or something else equally unbecoming of the lady. But something changed. The wolverine's beady stare broke angrily off of Ava and flickered off to the side purposefully. Immediately the coal-pelted female came to a halt, lifting and turning her head in the same direction her enemy had.

True, they were no longer alone. Her eyes scanned over the figure as he approached, his strong physique, pale eyes blazing, the cascading shades of white and grey in his coat like the frozen ponds she liked to dance upon in the dead of winter... wait - dost mine eyes deceive me? Was it the summer heat messing with her amber eyes or was that Ice? Her snarl withdrew for a moment as the confusion dulled her thirst for blood, knowing that they were quite a ways across the opposite side of the mountain, and Swift River was even further than that. Ava would have never thought to see him out here, perhaps even on this side of Serpent's Pass. Her gut ached when she thought of the purple flowers growing along the poolside of her tranquil home, how him and her mate had fought the rabid threat together, how she knew no one was a better friend to her than the River Guardian and he'd been so damn close - in tangible proximity and to her heart as well - and yet he remained removed, all by fault of her own.

Claws against the red surface returned her attention to the little shit-head blocking her way who'd had the audacity to charge while she was otherwise preoccupied with her thoughts. Seemingly unfazed by the antithetic duo the wolverine barreled forward, jaw hung to reveal rows of teeth far too big for that little body. He had an awful lot of pride to think Ice and Ava could be so easily frightened - a trait that (let's be honest) the jet black she-wolf reciprocated in full. With an almost conceited snort she lunged, snapping to grab a hold of his spine. Low to the ground he managed to pull forward some before her jaws snapped shut around his grizzled tail. In retaliation the creature swiped at her hold, prompting a sound of fury as its claws raked down the side of her muzzle.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Derrr, sorry. <3

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.

Somehow, it didn't strike him as odd to see Ava there - it should've confused him but it just seemed natural, to see her again, when the Hollow had laid so far to the west. They had roamed far and wide in the west.. so why not in the east, too? His silver gaze went from the wolverine's back to her face, meeting her eyes for a moment, and the world paused: she was still fire and shadow, cloaked in the darkest night with sun-struck amber for eyes... Beautiful and haunting.

Then the wolverine was moving, scurrying forward and Ava met it head-on, Ice's claws scrabbling against the rocks as he propelled himself forward, too. Dark jaws closed on a bushy tail and stout claws raked across her muzzle, and then Ice was there, the filthy smell of the struggling animals thick in his sensitive nose. His lips still revealed his teeth, the growl a constant rumble in his chest, and the trapped creature spun to face him, knowing it had no chance but to go offensive with its butt stuck in Ava's iron grip. And Ice, didn't mind. Something about the movement.. the focus.. it took his mind off his troubles. Clawed paws flailed in Ice's face, his jaws snapping and finding nothing, little tiny cuts torn across his lips and nose before he backed off half a step - and threw out his great right paw, smacking the wolverine hard on the side and staggering it for a moment.

.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
s'okay <3 <3 <3

Ice thundered forward more terrifying than any avalanche she'd ever seen - and she had seen one, in fact, recently - and still the creature wanted to go. Unbelievable, Ava had thought initially, but it was a wolverine. So vicious and yet so stupid, worse than coyotes even. Her teeth punctured flesh beneath a thick layer of rough, nasty-tasting fur and blood had never tasted so bitter. It'd been forever since she'd gone hunting and her blood lust was on high - but the disappointment that was the taste of wolverine filled her already flaming eyes with a darker fury.

Then Ice struck the beast and she felt her teeth drag marks through his tail as its body fought to fly away. No longer interested in being an anchor for the rotten thing she gave a furious shake of her neck and released her hold, letting the stunned wolverine stumble gracelessly away from the pair of opposites. He'd dizzied the fight all out of it, or so she hoped that it wouldn't come back for another round. Ava could not care for the expense of energy a brat like that required. Her pink tongue snaked from between her teeth and ran over her maw, wrinkled with distaste. Anything she swallowed she did without pleasure. Perhaps on the way home she'd catch a hare or two to forget the taste of wolverine forever.

Content to let the vermin off to nurse its wounds Ava turned her attention to her partner in crime. The adrenaline began to wear away, leaving her fully conscious to consider why he was all the way over here when she knew the Grove lay west of the Pass, and how he'd been all the time before and after the last time she saw him. Ava still shuddered to think of the epidemic that had plagued the Lore only too recently and took a good comfort in seeing him here again, 'cause it meant they didn't take him too.

Plenty of thoughts wormed through her brain; she had so much to consider, really. What mattered most was that she was happy to see him. But as a lady of class, now, she had to attend to different matters first. Slapping an authentic prize-winner of a grin across her face she said most genuinely, "Thank you, my paladin," and accompanied her words with a grand flourish of a bow.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
sofjsi seriously what is wrong with me ;~;

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.

It seemed that a good whack on the head did the trick: Ava let it go as it staggered sideways, and Ice growled warningly at it. But it didn't seem inclined to get all its brains rattled that day, because it began to scamper off, bleeding from the tail and unable to keep an entirely straight track. Ice snorted, watching it go. Seemed like it hadn't gambled on Ava getting reinforcements, but at least it had sense enough to live another day.

But with the going of the wolverine, and the fading of adrenaline, the things he'd kept at bay surged in again. Marsh, Triell, everything. Being a father. Ice's ears flicked backwards for a moment, and then he sighed. No point in wasting time anguishing about the whereabouts of Marsh. Because, if he could run into Ava in the unlikeliest of places.. what was to say the next unlikely encounter wouldn't be Marsh? Clinging to that thought, Ice found a faint grin on his lips as he turned to peer at the dark lady. As he saw her grin, his own widened, and his raised tail began its wag from side to side, clearly indicating his pleasure at seeing her again. To think they had started out as enemies... She thanked him with a bow, and he wondered if that meant the roles were reversed, and he should curtsy?

In the end, though, he simply inclined his head gravely (somber enough to fit a paladin). "I am glad to be of help, my wicked witch." The corner of his mouth curled up, and he made a huffing noise before taking a few strides forward, closing the distance between them and putting his nose against hers. A true greeting, and still his tail kept wagging as they stood up there on the mountainside, content to be silent for a while.

.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
*snuggles Fenfen*

Perhaps if Ava had been with anyone else she would not have caught the sigh, brief and quiet as it was especially when adrenaline-fed blood had been rushing through her ears - but that was not the case. But he smiled back at her, and she was able to disregard the noise completely when he made short work of the space between them. With a low whine she too started forward, her dark tail whipping furiously behind her as she returned the pressure of her nose against his. It had been far too long; she yearned for his presence, his opinion in her life. Her thoughts were racing faster than she could put them to words even within her mind, just so much Ava had to share with Ice. Yet for all her eagerness she too enjoyed the peace of a silence only two of their fit could comfortably share.

Only when she was abundantly satisfied with their hello did she withdraw her muzzle, cocking her head cheekily to one side. "I would have you know," she began with an indignant sniff, "you are talking to a real proper lady now." Most certainly. A Leader. A mother. So much responsibility. She smelled the same thing but the other way around on him, too. Not unlike her old self a crooked grin appeared on her face in an instant and she murmured as though sharing a secret, "I'm only a witch on the weekends, now." Yes, her day job required quite a few less games than she was used to - but that didn't mean she'd forgotten how to play.

Her eyes trailed off for a moment, peering toward where the wolverine had disappeared. "I hope you've been well," Ava stated, her voice quiet but sudden in its change of tone. Lacking in all her usual skewed humor she'd meant what she'd said with absolute sincerity. Last she'd seen him he was marching off to destroy a very real threat. The time before that, well - they had patched up their wounds, perhaps, but still she'd known their circumstances were a foggy grey area lurking with danger. But now was different in almost every way. At least, it was for her. And she could only assume it was for him too, 'since he smelled like children and he was on this side of the Pass.

There had been many sentences preparing in her head earlier, so many bases to cover and so much recent history that had to be shared - but no longer did the words itch to leap from her throat. Rather, her ears perked forward and her eyes gleamed hopeful. A half-smile invited Ice to share first, because she did very much want to include him in her life - but she wanted to be part of his even more.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
omg only a 3 day wait this time! xD

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.

His whole hind end was swaying from side to side with the force of his joy, and the pressure of her dark, wet nose against his sent his spirits soaring. Perhaps he had lost a thing or two, but he still had this, this mischievous dark little lady, who was just as happy to see him as he was to see her; the corners of his mouth tugged up, and for a moment his eyes closed. There were still good things in the world, things of joy, a reason to believe, cause to celebrate; there were pups in the Bend and friends he hadn't left behind in quite the same manner as he thought. While it had grieved him he hadn't gone to the Hollow to say goodbye.. he realized that even if he had, she wouldn't have been there. There was only a very, very faint scent of cedar on her, as if she, too, had closed the book and finished the chapters in the west.

He didn't mind at all. And when she began to pull back, his pink tongue darted out, trying to catch her on the nose before she drew out of range; his face split into a lopsided grin at her words. Ava, a lady? No way. She was a lady as much as a skunk was a sweet-smelling rose - that is, not at all. "The weekends must be really long, then," he said, lolling his tongue out at her. Things had changed the past half a year, and quickly; he'd taken over the River, and she.. she had taken over the Hollow. And then, they'd both just upped and left and become parents.

As she glanced aside he followed her gaze, then sighed quietly at her words. He shuffled one paw over the red rocks of the Hills, scattering a few loose pebbles before turning his head west. The faint outline of the Serpent hovered on the horizon, the Mountain of Dire jutting into the sky. Mountains on one side, mountains on the other, like jaws waiting to close. "I wish I had, Ava... the past year was very turbulent for us, not just with those pup-killing rabid rogues." For a moment his ears flattened, as he remembered Rissa's torn face glittering coldly in the moonlight. "We came here to escape the memories and the pain..." And suddenly he had moved, barely knowing it himself, trying to run his cheek against her face and seek comfort in the scruff of her neck. How long would it be until the wounds healed? There was so much new, but until he knew what had befallen Marsh and Triell.. he needed that final closure, but he feared that he would never know where they had gone.After a moment's silence he asked, quietly, "What brought you over here?".

.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
lol and then there's me with this slop of a reply! e_____e sowwy

The perma-grin that seemed to set in every time the monochromatic duo crossed paths had yet to falter, as if the corners of her mouth physically could not turn down. "Yeah, keep talkin' and we'll see how long the weekend can be," she 'threatened', tossing her head cockily to one side as she gave him her biggest show wink. It was then that her smile finally fell, quieted by the sigh that proceeded his next sentence. Ava's ears flicked downward momentarily; she'd never been a fan of the apprehension before bad news.

Like ruffled feathers the dark she-wolf's hackles rose at the mention of pup-killing rabid rogues, not straight up like she were angry but rather in jagged tufts - unsettled entirely. They didn't smooth until some moments later as she mulled his admission and he leaned forward to seek support in an embrace. Of course she encouraged him, giving a gentle nudge to the side of his face as it passed by. A subtle whine pressed between her teeth, a gesture of sympathy, of support, but truly of love. Though it was an unspoken truth Ava knew she wouldn't have gotten anywhere without Ice. It was his backbone that had lent to the building of her own foundation; she'd be there when his strength wore thin.

Ava was quick to end the silence that trailed the softness of his voice, meeting his metallic gaze with a quiet fire burning. "The same thing," she admitted, because it was more or less true for basically everyone but herself. Grizzly Hollow's quiet demise had been harder on Sibyl, Destin and Kade than it had been for herself and Maksim. But she too felt the haunted land, even if she had not been familiar with the ghosts. "To begin anew," she added, her smile-narrowed eyes suggesting that she understood the cheesiness of what she'd just said. There in the truth lay something more optimistic. She'd rather think of the beginning than the ending; wouldn't Ice too?

"Kade and I have founded Darkwater Rapids by the Falls. Now before you say anything, no, Princess is not my preferred title. It already belongs to two others so I'd prefer a distinction." She waggled her 'brows at her blatant suggestivity. Happiness was apparent in her amber eyes, hoping he'd find it contagious. "And you?" she probed, stepping forward to physically mimic her instrusion. Tell me, tell me, tell me, her lopsided grin begged as it returned to her face.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Sorrysorry. :c

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.

Black fur bristled, and with two children of his own at home, he could relate to the fear and anger rising at every thought of a threat. He'd even felt the bitter taste of it made real, but swallowed it. That belonged to a different time. It wasn't something he had meant to carry with him over there, instead he would find new ghosts to haunt them. His eyes closed, lungs drawing in her comforting scent, so blessedly free of Naira and nightshade. All those nights ago in the willows, Ice had been torn between what was right: was it to abandon the lowly traitors, or to follow her oath? Both had seemed equally right, but he would be a liar if he denied he was glad it had turned out this way in the end.

Slowly they pulled apart, her fiery gaze meeting the soft silver of his. It felt like the roles were reversed, that it was no longer the paladin standing tall and proud and helping her on her way, but she being the strong one - she had always been strong, he suspected, but difficult situations can make even the strongest wolf need guidance. Ice was tenacious, even if his heart was breaking, and it was a relief to listen to Ava's voice. The corners of his mouth twitched at her words of beginning anew, as if not sure they remembered how to properly smile; she spoke of Kade, and Darkwater Rapids. Strangely strong as the bond between Ice and Ava was, he was not jealous of the other black-furred man: his heart had never beat for Ava in that way, and what little he had seen of Kade was.. promising. He'd helped defeat the Aniwayan wolves, and he trusted it was no idiot if he lived with Ava. If she thought he was good enough for him, then he was, but Ice still planned on meeting him again just to make really sure he was good enough.

His tail gave a few wags, the corners of his mouth finally pulling into a shy smile since his plunge into the icy waters of memory. So Ava had two daughters, just like Ice had two sons; thinking of Serach and Sceral was mixed joy and pain, for their aging was nothing but proof of how quickly time passed, and how overdue Marsh and Triell's return was. Bittersweet. "Corinna and I settled.. down there?" He turned away from Ava, balancing easily on three legs as he used one front paw to point in the general direction; it was barely visible from here, over at the horizon, where the strange, quiet forest thinned out. "We call it Oak Tree Bend, after the creek and oak tree we've got. And I'm no Prince, because we've got two other princes." There. It was the first time he'd admitted to someone else, outside of the pack, that he was a father: father to two little silvery pale males, mewling bundles of fur. Helpless, and perfect. His smile became wider, even if he was anxious to see, and hear, her reaction. Ava was, after all, someone who mattered a lot to him.

.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul