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Head Over Heels — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
@Simaea surprise! Not, anyways slight pp let me know if you want it changed.
Random Event: Minka, you find a strange, slimy moss.

Minka's muscles were still a little sore on her right side, though it was mostly her pride that had been bruised. The fae had been chasing a particularly clever hare when a fallen log had entered her path, thinking nothing of it she had made to leap onto the log and then jump down onto the other side. Only, this wasn't what happened, her paws had found no purchase upon the log and her feet had skidded across the girth while her claws scrabbled for friction to no avail and she had fallen onto her right flank upon the ground. The landing hadn't been harsh, the soil was carpeted with fallen leaves from the previous autumn, but her ego had been beaten up at being outsmarted by a snow hare.

With a snort and an impatient growl the tawny woman had stood turning to give the log a good glare when she noticed the moss coating. Now moss wasn't unusual to find in the forest, but this seemed strange somehow, it looked wet, but no rain had fallen recently. Her paws found that it was slimy, slick with some unknown liquid which was why she had been unable to stay perched upon the log, her nose wrinkled at the smell. It didn't smell rotting like one might expect, rather it smelt extremely bitter, like a lot of the herbs that Simaea brought home.

This had been her mindset when she had raced back to the den searching for the young healer. Now the two were trotting along the forest as the tawny woman tried her best to retrace her footsteps. Snout to the ground Minka's pace was a brisk walk, her own scent was mixed with that of the hare, but also of the thousands of types of plants and rodents that the forest contained. Finally she found her trail and from there it was easy work to get to the log, the new scent of the moss pungent. Her golden gaze took in the streaks her claws had made in the plant, and the dent her body had made on the carpet of leaves on the other side, a blush creeping up her neck. Gesturing with her tail towards the bitter thing Minka turned to the healer, "I didn't know if you would know what this is, but it smells like everything else you've filled the den with." The sentence was filled with a chuckle and a wink, Simaea had witnessed the first time they met just how quickly medicinal learning was forgotten by the femme.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
(This post was last modified: Jul 05, 2013, 12:22 AM by Minka.)
Played by Ghoff who has 83 posts.
No Rank
Simaea Nite
It had been peaceful in the moments before Minka arrived, and her arrival in fact felt like a complete overturning of her world. The older female swept in like a storm spouting off about some moss that made her fall. Simaea didn't even have time to react, let alone check for injuries, before she was being swept out of the den, through the cave and into the forest. The second seemed exceedingly worried about the moss, as apparently she had never seen it. Simaea was unconcerned with it truthfully, as moss couldn't be especially harmful to anyone, however to calm the fears of her superior she agreed to go and investigate the strange slimy stuff

Upon her arrival Simaea examined the stuff, as if it were and intriguing mystery. In reality she already knew that it was just some extra slimy moss. But with a sly grin the small dark healer decided to have some fun with it. Abruptly she turned around, "Quick Minka! Lick yourself clean and spit everything out! It's a poison moss it could kill you if you let it settle for too long, it would be best if you licked the tree bark after you are clean to remove it from your tongue." Simaea turned away and began to pace as if worried, and cast reassuring glances at Minka. It was an old trick Shantai used to play on Simaea. Hopefully Minka would take the bait, then Simaea would watch before telling her that the moss was.... just moss.

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

Panic. That was the only word that could be used to describe the fae's reaction to her healer's comments. Golden eyes widened until they looked like a full moon, her jaw dropping open, the heart in her chest began to race and her stomach felt slightly queasy with worry. Still, Minka tried her best to keep level headed even though for all she knew it was possible she had become poisoned by that dreadful moss. The reassuring glances from the dark woman calmed her slightly, enough to unfreeze her from the spot where her muscles had locked into place at the news. The femme inhaled a deep shaky breath before solemnly nodding at her instructions, she would do everything Simaea told her to do without question, she had no reason to doubt her and no healing knowledge of her own.

Her tawny rump sat upon the ground with a hurried force, her only concentration on getting the slime off of her as quickly as possible, it had been on for much too long as it were. Pink tongue was about the make contact with pelt when she paused, her instructions finally began to sink in, if she were to lick it, even to spit it out wasn't that dangerous? Wasn't there a better way? Turning her golden eyes to the young woman she was frantic in her questions, "Wouldn't it be safer just to run to the lagoon? Then I wouldn't run the risk of it poisoning me through my mouth....." Minka's voice faltered with doubt, she just wanted to be okay, she didn't want to become ill, especially if it could be fatal.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by Ghoff who has 83 posts.
No Rank
Simaea Nite
Simaea watched, a sly grin planted upon her face. As Minka's eyes widened she almost could not contain her laughter. It truly was not intended to terrify or upset, and hopefully Minka would see the humor from Simaea's side. Of course if the healer was as much like Shantai as she thought Minka would probably just get mad. Simaea watched with a stoic expression however as Minka set about frantically cleaning herself, but she stopped just before she set her tongue to her fur. Her question was valid, it was acknowledged with a flick of her ear and short clipped words, "Why water only enhances the effects, it is best to remove it with your tongue, and then lick the bark of a tree vigorously, it absorbs into the tree's bark. however if you don't do anything the poison will cause all of your fur to fall out and an unappealing rash to form on your skin. Of course that is if you only touched a small amount, if you touched a lot I'm afraid it could kill you but I have only encountered it once"

Simaea nearly laughed once more but still managed to keep her stoic mask. Shantai may have scolded her for using her herbal knowledge to play a joke on a pack mate and friend. But Simaea had been cooped up watching over the pups and finding herbs far too often recently, she needed a good laugh for herself. Even though it may upset Minka, Simaea was already prepared to apologize, but instead she simply hoped she would abide so that Minka would lick a tree. It may have been just a little cruel on her part but truthfully, the young healer had not been around other wolves enough to know where the boundaries lie. If it were to anger Minka, Simaea would indeed feel very bad about it.

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
The answer only future confused the fae, if water only enhanced the effects why would she lick herself? That too would surely make her fur fall out if what the healer was saying was true, the tawny head of the woman cocked to the side as he tried her best to make sense of everything that was happening. Choosing to naively trust Simaea the huntress began to lock her fur, but found that the residue tasted just like, well regular moss did, it did not taste odd or dangerous in the way she had expected.

Looking up towards the dark girl the confusion was plain upon Minka's face, she really didn't understand that the younger femme was playing a trick on her. Completely trusting in nature the rust hinted woman would never assume that anyone in her pack would lead her astray, even if it was all in good fun. In truth if she found out that Simaea had purposely fooled her it would probably hurt the young woman's feelings and trust in her pack mate, she had never taken well to sarcasm or being the butt of a joke.

Finally she voiced her confusion to Simaea, "But Simaea, this only tastes like regular moss, it doesn't taste like anything unusual or dangerous...." The honey voice faltered, her trust beginning to wane in the words of the healer, she didn't believe her pack mate would purposely make a fool of her, but she was now wondering if she even knew what she was talking about, perhaps this was regular moss after all.
(This post was last modified: Jul 25, 2013, 04:10 AM by Minka.)
Played by Ghoff who has 83 posts.
No Rank
Simaea Nite
The joke it seemed had met its end for Simaea was out of ideas so instead she stepped forwards and place her forehead against Minka's. "Minka... It's just moss." She smile and stepped back for a few moments. Debating within herself as to whether or not she should tell Minka the reason for her little prank. It was not out of any ill will, merely in the heat of her irritation that she had adopted from her mentor she had decided to mess with Minka for dragging her out to look at moss. Of course the young healer had no idea how upset this would make her friend, she had not developed much in the area of social tact or skill in her lifetime.

In the end Simaea did dicide it would be best to tell her friend the reason for her little trick. "Minka moss is moss, there are many kinds, some are just funny looking and slimy. Now if you had asked instead of dragging me from my den I would not have had to come all this way and play this prank on you." She gave a little chuckle and circled around a few times before beginning to scoop up some of the moss and press moisture out of it. Almost absentmindedly all the while keeping one ear swiveled back towards Minka. One thing this moss did posses was and excellent absorbency she noticed as she pressed water out. "Actually Minka it seems like this is useful moss it is very absorbent" Simaea was at the moment totally unaware of any irritation she may have caused on Minka's part. If it was to be known Minka would have to tell her.

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Confusion covered the woman's features as her forehead was placed against Simaea's, if it was just moss then why had she said all those things about it making her sick? Then realizing that her pack mate had purposely lied to her Minka stepped backwards, hurt plain in her eyes as she stared at the grey wolf. Unsure of what to do her golden eyes followed the circles, as her mind raced through all her emotions at once.

At Simaea's explanation hurt turned to anger, yes it was stupid of her to drag the healer from her den so rashly, but the prank had been uncalled for. Minka never pulled rank among we pack mates, it wasn't her way to force others to submit to her, especially since she was only second and not a leader, but the anger made her hackles rise. Golden eyes narrowed as they stared at the healer now, "You had to pull the prank?! I think that was a choice you made, not a duty you have." The words were snapped from a clenched jaw as hurt and anger rolled together, Minka had never dealt well with being the butt of a joke.

The fae raised her muzzle proudly, making herself larger as her hackles still stood on end, pulling rank for the first time in her life. A slight growl rumbled in her throat, not to threaten Simaea, rather to call the females attention to the hunter, "Do you think it's funny to make a fool of someone who outranks you? Do you find it amusing to break the trust of your pack mates? To make them believe that they are dying for a few cheap laughs?" The fae's voice was usually like warm honey, but now it was a snarl, she would take no more bullshit from the wolf she thought was her friend. Minka merely snorted at the healers words about the moss being absorbent, she wouldn't be patronized.
Played by Ghoff who has 83 posts.
No Rank
Simaea Nite
She had not noticed what she had done at first. Until Minka began to snarl at her. With those terrible sounds reawakening the deep rooted fear, Simaea yelped with each snapped word. She was terrified for a few moments and bared her scared throat to the second. Wishing upon wishes that she would kill her and end that terrible sound she was making she hated it! That sound, oh that sound it grated upon her ears and mixed with what she heard as the cries of her parents and brother. Just let it end, please let it end. It did at last, it was over and Minka fell silent once more. Simaea let loose a few strained whines and her eyes stared wide at the ground before her, her sides heaved as if she had just been in a fight.

"i.... I'm s-s-sorry Minka" she began to whine like a pup "It's the way Shantai treated me... I can't ever say the right things or do them, I got so used to her being irritable and cruel, but she meant nothing mean by it and neither do I. I guess I never knew that it wouldn't be funny to anyone else" Her tail tucked between her hind legs and her ears were folded flat with her eyes closed as those horrible cries began to come once more on a tide of blood behind her closed eyes. She backed away until her hindquarters were pressed against the rough bark of a tree. "I didn't... I didn't mean to"

(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2013, 02:30 AM by Simaea.)
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

Minka watched in shock the reaction that from the healer and immediately stopped snarling, her hackles lowered and her lips covered her teeth. The fae was still hurt and furious but at the moment could feel little but shock at the scene that was unveiling before her eyes. The tawny woman took a step forward but hesitated unsure of what to do, stepping back instantly when Simaea showed her throat, clearly displaying that she would do no such thing like attack her. She shook her head forcefully, "Simaea I would never purposely hurt you, let alone do enough damage to kill you, you do not need to show your throat." The words were meant to be comforting, though a stern tone underlined it, it seemed the younger wolf had less experience in a functional pack than the femme had originally thought.

A sigh slipped from her jaws at the explanation and Minka shook her head once more, her eyes saddened. When she spoke now the main emotion was disappointment, as a mother would speak to a badly behaved child, "Just because someone was cruel to you, does not give you an excuse to be cruel to others, in fact it should have taught you to behave in an opposite fashion." The golden eyes turned to look away from the small wolf, focusing now on the fallen log where the damn moss lay that had started all of this, she stared at it now as she pondered her next move, what to do next.

Finally the tawny woman cleared her throat and broke the silence, her golden eyes focusing once more upon the healer. Waiting until Simaea met her gaze before continuing, "I will not hurt you, and I do not wish to fight with you, but I no longer trust you," then she was silent once more. The emotions that would run across the healers face next would be lost to the huntress as she turned her head to stare off into the forest as silence consumed them. It seemed that had started off as an ordinary day had now become the day that a rift had started between two pack members.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by Ghoff who has 83 posts.
No Rank
Simaea Nite
This going crazy thing is becoming a trend...

The healer began to back away, "I-I meant no harm... like Shantai, she was never meaning to be cruel and I'm not either." Her gravel voice was almost immersed in confusion. But her eyes were still wide and ears still flat, her tail was still under her belly. She was merely backing away speaking as if she were insane. "Why isn't it okay? Why can't I be trusted?" Her eyes began to stare and she circled herself. Several times as if she were looking for an escape from this. It was like hell for the young Nite to have done something so wrong to loose one's trust. "It was only a joke... just a joke... just a... a joke." She turned and fled as if she were being attacked.

Simaea ran as hard as she could for home, only she was running the wrong way. She had turned towards her birth home, and then changed course towards Secret Woodlands and Hollow, her mind was darkening into confusion. Why can't it ever be okay? why can't it always be like when I saved the pup, or when I found Hollow again? What's wrong with me? She reached the border and suddenly changed pace again, not once noticing her surroundings. She was headed towards the cavern now, flat out, as fast as she could run, even when she passed the same log she had originally come to see her eyes did not change their panicked stare. Simaea didn't know what to do anymore, so she was heading for the den, her hole to curl up and die in.