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Oh, deer — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

The feeling of the wind against her muzzle was freeing, Minka had been hesitant to leave the territory much with Narimé being so sick so her muscles needed a good stretch. Rhythm of paws against earth drove her forwards, her whole mind and all of her senses trained on the deer herd, she refused to let her first hunt be a failure. A flash of red in her peripheral vision slowed the hunter, the golden orbs now focused to the end of the clearing as she briefly saw the telltale red coat of her alpha. Nodding her tawny head she once more picked up speed now somewhere between a trot and a run until she reached a vantage point of being about higher up the meadow of a quarter of the herd. Hidden by the foliage around her the golden gaze analyzed the situation, resting upon each member of the herd briefly before moving onto the next.

There seemed to be about 20 members, a fairly large herd but only a couple of bulls within it, the rest were young or does. Orbs rested staring at the closest bull which was about 3 wolf lengths up the herd from where she stood, but was this far enough that it would flee? Or would it choose to attack? Suddenly the beast seemed distracted and moved farther up the herd and the woman breathed a silent sigh of relief, that was one less thing she had to worry about. Finally a target was chosen, a doe who had fallen behind the slowly meandering herd, her sides were heavy and swollen, speaking of child. While this seemed cruel it would make her a much slower member of the herd and this was the way of life, survival at the fittest.

Leaping from the foliage Minka ran around the curve of the herd towards the back, causing them to stampede away from the men. The doe was now caught with the female between herself and her herd, the woman changed her direction springing towards the doe forcing her to run. Snarling and snapping her jaws at the beast she drove it on, forcing her closer to the attackers who lay in ambush, the doe had no choice but to be herded by the hunter. Should the doe turn and try to flee back to her herd she would meet the fate of the teeth of the two chasers. Blood pounded in Minka's ears as her heart raced, this was what she lived for, the thrill of the chase.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane chuckled to himself at Keith's startled reaction to his arrival. Large as he was, he was uncannily stealthy. Well, when moving slowly that is. When he ran it rather made his presence known in a big way. He gave the elder male a friendly nod and a slight wag of his tail, not wanting to attract any undue attention from their prey. Then he continued to move off about a dozen yards or so, crouching behind a small bush which did little to hide his bulk, merely blending with his outline to make him less distinguishable to the herd in the distance should they look his way.

Once he was settled and satisfied with his spot he turned his sharp gaze to the herd in the distance, scanning for the two huntresses that stalked them. It took him a few minutes, but he finally located their small agile forms taking up position on either side of the herd. For now the herd of nearly two dozen remained oblivious to the danger that approached. The closer that the girls could get before getting noticed, the better.

He saw Minka studying the deer intently, presumably choosing her target. Sloane noticed one of the two large bucks near her vantage point and his brows furrowed with worry until the antlered male moved off a ways. It only seemed a moment later that Minka cut off her selection from the rest of the herd, a doe large with young. The two smaller forms darted at the broad sided doe, efficiently cutting her off from the safety of the herd.

Sloane cast a quick glance at Keith and wondered if he was a excited as himself at the thrill of the hunt. Looking back at the fast approaching trio, the alpha felt his blood pumping strongly in his veins as his muscles tensed in anticipation of the attack.
Knight of Honor
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali's paws were still as silent as a rippling river, and moving as quick as they could. She could now see the herd, and the woman's eyes quickly scanned it. It looked to be fairly large, and her eyes flickered between Minka and the herd, trying to see which one would be their target.

The novice hunter watched as Minka seemed to pick out an animal, a doe who carried young. Determined to do her part, Inali kicked into overdrive, her paws gaining speed, but silent as ever. In short time, she caught up with Minka, and that's when the doe started to really freak out. The doe started to run faster, and that's when the girl felt instinct take over.

Her body strayed closer to the animal, as her and Minka tried to close her in, bring her closer to Kieth and Sloane for the final part of the game. Snapping her jaws and growling, her eyes brightened with determination. They would succeed in taking this doe down. She jumped at the doe to scare her, as she had seen Minka do previously. Keeping on snapping and growling at the bright-eyed prey, her eyes flicked towards the spot where Kieth and Sloane were currently in hiding.

Her attention turning back on not letting the doe escape, Inali felt a flicker of disappointment. The fun would soon end. She almost felt sorry for the deer. Almost. But that's the way it was. Food was an essential part of survival for a wolf, and, unfortunately for deer, among other animals, they were the food that wolves hunted.


[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Melorama who has 49 posts.
Inactive II. Teacher
Kieth Tatum

There seemed to be about two dozen members in the herd, a fair amount, including a couple of bucks that were fairly close to the two huntresses. The Caverns Teacher watched Minka and Inali as they prowled around the herd, presumably searching for a suitable target. He could feel the blood pumping in his veins as excitement coursed throughout his being. His muscles were tensed as he crouched behind the small bush that blended his outline and made him look less distinguishable.

Pale grey eyes saw two lithe forms jump forward to separate a doe large with young. The smallest of frowns crossed his face, it was a pity that she was to be hunted and killed, but that was the circle of life. Unluckily for deer, they were the prey, and wolves were the hunters. The two huntresses jumped and snapped at the doe as they separated her from the rest of the herd, and guided her to where he and Sloane lay in wait. The Caverns Teacher's mouth watered at the thought of deer. His diet was mainly rabbit and other small prey that he and the others managed to catch. But this was the first pack hunt, and he could feel his muscles tense in anticipation as the doe and two huntresses came closer.

The Caverns Teacher dragged his gaze away from the fast approaching trio to look at Sloane, who happened to be staring right back at him. A grin crossed his face, and he glanced at the trio that was steadily coming closer. His blood was pounding in his veins as he looked back at Sloane, awaiting the signal to attack the doe and bring it down. Attacking at the same time would make bringing down the doe that much easier, as she wouldn't know which way to go without running into the other wolf. A good plan, really.

314 Words

You can run, but
you can't hide...
[Image: wcpride3_by_terra_anne-d60id3y.png]
You can run, but you can't hide

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

Out of her peripheral vision Minka saw her friend leaping and snarling at the doe, following her lead and the huntress smiled. Inali could hunt well enough to survive, and was she ever quick, but it seemed that she didn't have a ton of experience in it, however she was catching on quickly. Seeing the doe veer slightly more towards herself the fae darted in closer, snapping her jaws just inches from the beasts hind leg, forcing it to change direction back to its original path, directly towards the males. They were in the home stretch now and ground was being covered quickly, grass flying beneath them as paws made steady rhythm with the ground, breath flying widely as muscles pushed themselves harder.

It was now or never, the chasers had done all they could and it was time for the take down, they could help but much of their energy would have been sapped from the flight. Besides that, the males were much larger than either fae, they packed more muscle mass than the two of them put together practically. Tapping into the adrenaline Minka pushed herself faster, until they were about 6 feet from where the men lay in ambush, then she leapt.

Claws and teeth latched onto the back hindquarters, opening a large gash in the beasts haunches, exposing blood and muscle below. Quickly releasing the doe Minka fell back to the earth, and though exhaustion was making itself apparent now the fae clamped her jaws upon the closest leg, tearing through tendon and effectively hobbling the creature. Even if the ambush was unsuccessful the doe would be unable to get very far now without losing much blood from the effort of fleeing with only three working legs. The rest of the hunt was out of her paws, it now lay in the responsibility of the attackers.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane watched the action unfolding before him and a definite sense of pride filled the alpha watching his two pack mates harry the unfortunate doe. Even from the distance their growls and snarls could be heard as the directed her in his and Kieth's direction. Ever closer to her death. The loss of life might be sad, if looked upon from another perspective. But he was a large, hungry wolf with a growing family and bloodlust coursed through his warrior's body.

He met Kieth's inquiring gaze, seeing that the Teacher was just as ready as he was to take down their prey. The sound of pounding hooves and snarls grew louder and the smell of fresh blood greeted his nose, sending his hunger into a near frenzy. It had been much too long since his last true hunt for large game and if he didn't have the control he'd learned from pup hood he might have jumped out too soon. But he was a seasoned hunter and held his position with iron will, muscles bunched beneath his fiery coat, ready to leap in an instant.

When the trio was about twenty feet away, his amber eyes briefly met those of his second and he gave a slight nod. That tiny motion was enough to set the beginning of the end in motion. In seconds, the deer, now with only three sound legs pounded between him and Kieth. Knowing that his actions would be mirrored on the other side of the pregnant doe, Sloane leaped forward, launching his impressive bulk at her, claws raking the side of her shoulder as his long fangs sought purchase in the topline of her neck a foot or so behind her skull in the hopes of knocking her of balance and off of her flying hooves. If she was on the ground, they could make short work of dispatching her and enjoying the fruits of their labors.
Knight of Honor
Played by Melorama who has 49 posts.
Inactive II. Teacher
Kieth Tatum
Extremely sorry for the long wait! Just got my internet back so I’ll be on more often ;)

Pale grey eyes watched with anticipation as the two huntresses harried the doe; snapping at her heels and directing her towards where he and his leader lay in ambush. When they time was right, they would leap out of the brush and attack the doe, hopefully bringing her down where they could enjoy their hard work with fresh meat. To one, that would seem cruel and sad. But he was a wolf, and unluckily for them, deer was a source of food. But such was the circle of life.

As the trio grew steadily closer, the sound of growls and snarls could be heard, and the scent of sweet, fresh blood greeted his sensitive nose. His jaws opened slightly as he crouched, saliva forming in his mouth at the thought of taking down the deer. It had been far too long since he had truly hunted, and he could feel bloodlust coursing through his body.

The Cavern’s Teacher watched as Minka leaped and latched herself onto the hindquarters before releasing and clamping upon a hind leg. Blood spurted out of the pregnant doe’s wounds and he saw her stumble slightly. Seeing their prey so close to being brought down caused a shiver to run down his spine, if he hadn’t been so experienced and taught well, he would have jumped too soon.

His eyes moved from the injured doe towards Sloane. When his leader gave the signal, both wolves would leap and hopefully bring down the doe. Their gaze’s met and he saw him give a slight nod. The tiny movement set both wolves in action as they leaped at the same time, both latching onto the doe.

His sharp claws raked along her side and neck as his fangs sought to dig into her lower neck. Seeing as Sloane was heavier, he would try to pull back while the other would lean forwards in the hopes of knocking her off balance where they would quickly finish her off.

329 Words

You can run, but
you can't hide...
[Image: wcpride3_by_terra_anne-d60id3y.png]
You can run, but you can't hide

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

The novice huntress noticed that they were getting closer and closer to the men hidden somewhere amongst the trees. The chase would soon be over, and a great feast would commence. The thought of fresh meat other than hare brought a smile upon her lips.

Inali kept on running, the scent of her pack mates up ahead entering into her muzzle. She knew they were close to their ultimate goal of getting a fresh kill. The young woman took a couple of steps back as the men appeared from their hiding place. With gleeful satisfaction she watched as they jumped onto the injured doe.

She could feel the saliva coating her tongue, and suddenly had the urge to join in the fun. At least a little bit. Her jaws parted as she jumped forwards and clamped onto a hind leg. The terrified, painful noises coming from the doe barely penetrated through her blood lust. She could feel her sharp canines go deep into the leg, and with that satisfactory note, her jaws parted.

As Inali let go, her paws tumbled over each other as they searched for steady ground. It only took a few seconds for the lithe creature to regain her balance. Taking a couple steps back, she looked at the wound she had created. It was bleeding profusely. Inali had done her job. She had chased the deer along with Minka, and had aided Minka in wounding the doe. Now it was up to @Kieth and @Sloane to actually take it down.

(This post was last modified: Sep 14, 2013, 08:59 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
He could hear the snarls of the females behind the doe, but all of his focus was on the task before him. He and Keith made an excellent take down team. He could feel the impact of his friend hitting the animal from the other side, but he could easily tell that the experienced older male had not hit full force. This allowed the momentum from Sloane's huge bulk slamming into her to knock the harried deer off of her feet. Between the chase and the wounds that had been inflicted thus far a lot of the fight had gone out of the terrified animal.

Sloane allowed his body to go down with the beast, gripping her neck firmly while the force of his attack carried his own body over and around to her other side. Now he was on the same side as Kieth and the both help her pinned down. His grip on the thick muscle of the middle of her neck was strong and he didn't want to let go and give her the chance to get her legs under her for another chance at escape. That left it up to either Kieth or the girls to finish the job and sever her jugular. Her breath already came in terrified gasps as she struggled desperately, flailing her sharp hooves wildly as she attempted to loose herself from the long fangs and dead weight of the wolves keeping her on the ground.

He could only hope that whoever gave the killing blow would stay out of range. He knew from experience that even in death throes... perhaps even more so then, a lethal blow could be struck to the attacker from a powerful kick.

Knight of Honor
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Minka's sides heaved as the fae gasped for breath, after expending so much energy in the chase and the slight aide in the take down, but there was only one job left now, the actual kill. Golden eyes quickly surveyed the scene, @Kieth and @Sloane had pinned the beast from either side and @Inali gleefully had a grip of the other hind leg, leaving three of the limbs flailing dangerously. Before the huntress could even give a growl for her friend to fall back the female let go and settled seemingly safely and without injury. Taking a few deep breaths and tapping into the last of her energy reserve Minka moved around the hind side of the doe towards Sloane, coming up beside him the huntress firmly planted a paw on the jaw of the doe, holding her head steady against the ground. The motion was swift, jaws clamped around the now exposed jugular and the fae felt the life leave the beast's body, her substance spurting red and hot onto the ground as her body grew still.

The blood lust was upon all of them now, the sound of panting and gnashing teeth filled the clearing, but part of the huntress' job was to make sue the pack ate in precious pecking order. Being such the female stepped between Sloane and the other pack mates so that he may have first taste of their hard work, giving each of them a warning stare to keep their manners in check the female lifted her muzzle to the sky and announced the success of their hunt to the rest of the pack.

(This post was last modified: Oct 29, 2013, 04:43 AM by Minka.)