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Glycerine — Clandestine Brook 
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Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
Say your prayers and stomp it out

Shade had thought a lot about everything that had been happening. The pack hunt had been a good one, and he was thinking about getting to know more of his pack mates soon. He just had been so busy trying to sort out his past from the present that he hadn't payed much mind to it. His nightmares had stopped the past few days and he felt a sigh of relief for it. Since his talk with Spectre, the pack second and a friend of his, he had definitely thought a lot about the future of the pack, rather than his past and tracking down his former mate. If she didn't return, they would remain estranged, if she returned and had a good reason for leaving, they could work things out maybe. If she didn't have a good reason, she would be turned away like a loner he had never met and did not trust.

Shade had to think about Karpos and Adsila too, the two pups that made up his life and everything around it. He walked along side a brook {the Clandestine Brook} thinking about what he could tell them about their mother. They deserved to know what happened, but he just couldn't tell them. He seemed relaxed, the setting sun on the horizon. He gazed at it, serenity and peace were what it represented in his mind. Things would get better than their. Shade found that he was having weird dreams, some about the pack, and some.... some seemed to be about wolves in the pack. Sometimes it was Beelzebub and Anastasia overthrowing him, just off because of what Spectre had told him. Then there was dreams about Spectre, but he didn't see anything, nothing but her face. It all confused him. He wasn't ready to admit anything to himself.

Words: 303 || Tags: @Spectre || Notes: Always up for a Spectre/Shade thread
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

The water, it was something Spectre found that she had enjoyed in her time as part of the pack. Ice Blue eyes stared into the colorless depths of the small brook as she walked straight through it, her pale legs and underbelly becoming soaked to the skin. She was silent, and for once, not trying to hunt - after all, she had worked her tail off and the pack had plenty of food. No, today was not a day for working, but a day for resting and relaxing. Thus, it found the pale Pitch Pine second enjoying her time off. As she slogged through the water, she noticed a stick floating down stream and grinned, leaping after and snapping it up in her jaws. Much as she had done upon her first few days within the pack, Spectre tossed the stick in the air and once again caught it between her teeth.

The female ran along the brook, her head lowering as she snapped at the visible currents of the water in play. She would throw herself forward and send a wave of water surging ahead of her before she found the water more muddied, and grinned, throwing herself further still into the shallow heart of the brook. It was not until she passed by Shade that she realized another was there, so she turned and slogged back up the river current towards the dark pelted leader, standing where the surface bubbled just under her belly, the stick still ensnared within her jowls. "Waths up, thade?"

Word Count: 254
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
Say your prayers and stomp it out

Shade laughed a bit as Spectre suddenly appeared in the brook beside him, speaking in a distorted and slurred tongue. He dipped his paw in the water and pulled it up with an angle to splash her. He determined with that, the water was fine and he got into the water himself. The brook had a decent current, but he had the strength to fight it, for the most part. "Nath mush." He replied back, kicking his feet in circles to keep himself afloat before kicking against the current to see where the brook led. He was curious to see, he talked to Spectre, two simple words other than his response to her which had been nothing much. "Fowl me." He said with a smile, he always seemed to go where his heart led him, regardless if his mind turned against his heart.

His tail was wagging in the water, though the resistance was difficult to cope with. The current wasn't strong enough to make it so a wolf couldn't swim, but it was certainly putting up a fight. The temperature in the air was perfect, around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Shade had connected his dreams and everything, but he could not bring himself to face it, not after him rushing into things with Rosealia, and that turned out with him alone with their children, and her gone leaving him to worry sick before he had finally given up on the hopes she would return. The white fae, Second of Pitch Pine Trail, was special to him, and he liked having some hope in his heart.

Words: 265|| Tags: Spectre|| Notes: <333 Subterritory discovery?
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

His speech confused the pale pelted female, then she grinned, dropping her stick as the Pitch Pine alpha took off at a dash through the waters of the brook. A laugh escaped the bemused female as she took chase, bouncing through the water as she attempted to catch the male. She did eventually manage to drag herself onto the embankment and race alongside the ebony creature, finding the moments where she thought she could catch him and leaping into the water in an attempt to land on him, only to miss and land with a splash and lose precious ground on the black male. She loved swimming, and enjoyed the feel of the water rushing through her fur. Spectre chuckled as she finally grew tired and dragged herself from the water, standing on the side, panting. She watched Shade, ice blue eyes locked onto his form and wondering at the strange feelings stirring within her breast.

What was it she felt for the other wolf? So far, in what she could remember, Spectre hardly felt that way about wolves. Sure, she felt close to Silver, and closer still to Shade and Adsilla. But the rest of the pack? She had no opinions really, except for Beezlebub.. But still, that did nothing to explain the feelings she had for the Alpha of her pack, and in fact, the feelings made her feel slightly..guilty. She liked him, perhaps more than she should...considering he was the alpha, with an alphena at his side to lead their pack to glory. "Shade!" What was she doing?! Spectre fell silent, locking her lips down and swallowing. She was not going to pine after him like a giddy yearling. It was unbecoming.

Word Count: 285
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
Say your prayers and stomp it out

Shade neglected to notice Spectre get out of the water, he was in his own paradise. It was not until his name was called by Spectre that his focus went back to the female. His head went under the water briefly, his nose blowing air out to not get water in his nose before breaching the surface and getting out of the water. He gave his pelt a nice good shake before turning to Spectre. "Yea?" He said with a smile, he always seemed to be smiling, though most of the time he was just bemused by various things. I dream about you all the time. No, that sounded too cheesy for him to say to one of the ladies of the pack when they were just goofing off, it made him seem like a pedophile, or perhaps a stalker.

The female had said his name, like she had something important to say. His ebony fur was drenched, dripping still despite him attempting to shake it all off. He liked Spectre, at least as a best friend. She just seemed to understand, and she gave great advice. He thought he had helped her when she was in the forest, lost and alone, about to sink like a stone. But in truth, bringing her to Pitch Pine Trail had actually saved him. Everyone needed someone, because if they had no one, what did they actually have? Shade had someone at one point, but she left, and she was no longer. Rosealia was gone, and he didn't see her returning to them soon, so he kept his options open. Perhaps Rose was right, and it was just puppy love that they had been through. Puppy love that ended in... pups. But this was different. For once, Shade felt at home...

Words: 298|| Tags: Spectre|| Notes: <3
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

"N...Nothing...Would..Would you be interested in taking a walk with me? Perhaps we will be able to find a trinket to return to the children." She had stuttered at first, but as she gre bolder, Spectre's tone grew in strength, and she shook vigorously, sending water flying everywhere before she wagged her tail lightly. "How do they fare? Adsilla and Karpos? I have seen Adsilla showing plenty of signs that she will be a fine hunter someday.. but what of your intentions for Karpos?" She was quick to change the subject, attempting to diver his attention from her earlier stuttering to something more.. mundane. Perhaps in time she would gain the courage to tell him of her worries, but not now.

Spectre was honestly afraid that if her leader knew she was pining after him, he would banish her from the pack, or that Anastasia herself would do the honors. That brought forth another question that had the pale female frowning as she walked, her mind not entirely on the conversation at hand with Shade. What of Silver? He had sent the darker lady on a mission that was likely to take weeks..if not months. Spectre worried over the health and well being of her friend, but she worried for her own hide in a more selfish kind of way. What if the adventures that Silver had gone on hardened her? Made her more liable to return and challenge Spectre for her position? One one paw, Spectre could see that as the packs second, her cavorting with Shade was not so bad, but any lower and it would be even worse, should someone deem to punish her.

Word Count: 275
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
Say your prayers and stomp it out

Spectre seemed in a hurry to change the topic, saying that she had nothing to say. Perhaps it had just been to get his attention to get him out of the water. He smiled kindly, at least she did care. Adsila and Karpos came into the conversation, and it did not surprise him that Adsi would become an amazing hunter, after all she had Rose's blood in her. Perhaps they could find a trinket for them to bring back to the pups, something to play with maybe. Shade spoke next, when asked what Karpos would excel in. "I'm not sure yet, I see him as a strong hunter, but more of the Guardian build." His words were honest and true, for once reason alone, he could never lie to her.

Not to mention he had no reason to lie, if he did, he would have to be hiding information. Shade just felt awkward here, he liked her, and it was somewhat obvious no matter how hard he tried to hide it. His shook his head a little bit before looking up at the sky. The clouds were a bit darker than they had before, it made him wonder if it was going to rain on them, and how bad it was. If it was bad, they couldn't get back to the pack, but if it wasn't so bad they could brave through it. But what was the risk? They could get sick, and Lachesis might not know how to help them exactly. They would probably wait it out.

Words:258 || Tags:Spectre || Notes:<3
(This post was last modified: Aug 01, 2013, 09:25 PM by Shade.)
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

"I am certain he will be a fine guardian, or a hunter, so long as he is allowed to choose. If there is one thing I have learned about the pups, it is that they are headstrong with minds of their own. It is quite..endearing actually." Spectre chuckled, her paws leading her along the dryer rocks and ground covering, her words on the conversation at hand, but her mind elsewhere. She parted her jaws to ask him of what the pack thought of Anastasia when the crack of lightning lit the sky in a brilliant display of nature's wrath, followed closely by a peel of thunder that vibrated within her breast. The pale female froze where she stood, her toes stretching and seeming to latch on to the ground where they stood as the fur along her spine stood at attention, perhaps risen by the proximity of the lightning. "I think..we should find shelter." No sooner had the female spoke than the skies opened up and released a torrent of rain upon them.

She was beginning to relax from the initial fear the lightning had caused, and chuckled nervously as she glanced towards him. "Well..I suppose we were already wet.." Spectre smiled, though she was certain the gesture was lost in the sheets of rain that fell around them. As much as she liked water, Spectre did not wish to find herself trapped in a rainstorm, so she began looking around for something that would do as a shelter. In the distance, she could see a darker shadow amongst some trees and sprinted towards it, spurred faster with an unladylike yelp when yet more lightning crackled overhead.

Word Count: 276
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
Say your prayers and stomp it out

"I am certain he will be a fine guardian, or a hunter, so long as he is allowed to choose. If there is one thing I have learned about the pups, it is that they are headstrong with minds of their own. It is quite..endearing actually. I think..we should find shelter. Well..I suppose we were already wet.." Shade nodded to all of it, looking around the area for a place to stay, perhaps they needed to hide out with the strength of the storm, oh darn. "We need to find a place to stay, there is no way we're gonna be able to get our way through the storm with the strength it is at. I think there is a cave up ahead, lets look."

Those words were ones he used for the pure safety of him and the second ranked female of the pack. Sure they had soaking wet fur already, but they didn't want it to never dry, so they would rest and return in the morning. That was his plan at least, and oh dark it meant he had to spend some time alone with Spectre. His fur was hot almost as he looked around. He ran up ahead, his eyes scanned around, a cave just out of site as he stalked forward again. He would find a place. He saw the gave and let a small howl out for Spectre in case she hadn't been following. He ran into the cave, shaking out his fur again with a smile. They would be safe there.

Words: 258|| Tags: Spectre|| Notes: <3
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

She had looked for her own shelter and smiled when she saw Shade, and heard his call. Spectre abandoned her search and turned, retreating towards him and then entering the cave before shaking herself vigorously, growling with annoyance at the storm that raged overhead. She could hear the howling of the wind outside, and turned her ears backwards against her skull, frowning at it. The cave was small - but just big enough to fit the two of them somewhat comfortably. "We will remain dry at least.. Hopefully the pack will have all found their way to shelter before this storm hit.." Spectre stared out the caves entrance, her mind on things other than Shade, or her feelings for him. Had Adsilla and Karpos found their way to safety? Perhaps she should make her way back and make sure they were safe..

A whip crack of lightning outside had her instantly rethinking that plan and whimpering despite herself, scuttling backwards until her back was pressed firmly against the rear of the cave, eyes wide and the whites showing with fright. Well, who would have thought that she was terrified of lightning? Not Spectre, certainly.. but it was an irrational fear she was not able to shake. Had something happened to her in her puphood that had left such an impression upon her? The pale female swallowed, ears turning slightly towards Shade as she tried to still the trembling in her limbs. "I-It..certainly is a storm.." Now, if it would just stop, she would be content to wait it out.

Word Count: 259