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not in blood, but in bond
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Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
A White Stag Has Appeared! - Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 77° F/25° C

When the sun hit Sierra Hills, it seemed to cover the land in a sea of blood, if just for a moment. Borlla had never really noticed that before. If she'd ever woken up early enough, she'd remained inside, happy just to watch her family sleep. Today, however, she left the den when the sun began to light up the sky and she watched it rise. There was an itching in her paws, an excitement that claimed her today. Her children were growing, the sun was shining...Maybe a celebration was in order. Maybe there really wasn't much reason for it, but the woman wanted to call her pack together. It had been ages since she'd seen them all in one place, she thought. Team building. A smile pricked at her muzzle. She could hardly remember hunting with Swift River when she was a child. Not that that seemed to have much impact.

Morning rose on Magnolia Glen before Borlla crept back into the den. She'd expressed a slight interest in calling the Glen wolves together for a pack hunt to her mate, and perhaps today was the day. Attempting to nose the two youth awake, she pondered at the same time where to take this little event. Probably by the creek. It was a warm day, certainly animals of all sorts would be flocking to the cool mountain waters. <b style="color:#32527a">"I think today's the day." She said quietly, excitement evident in her voice. <b style="color:#32527a">"Up and at 'em. Stretch your legs, darlings." With a smile upon her face, the woman moved to back out of the den. Sunlit eyes trained upon her mate, she smiled a little wider. <b style="color:#32527a">"I'll go ahead, call the pack together by the creek." With an excited squint, she backed out and began to make her way towards the creek.

The short journey was taken with ease. She watched the sun slowly climb up the sky, and ignored the mild ache in her paw. She made no short work of the walk to the creek to avoid any excessive pain in her paw. It was nearly healed now, and mostly felt like a bruise when she put too much stress on it. She was far more worried about the cuts across her muzzle, but that did not affect much of anything unless touched directly. They were also on the slow journey to scarring, very slow, being so recent. Borlla was simply glad for the healer in their midst. It was about mid-morning when she arrived at the creekside, the near-perfect greenery surrounding her. It was a nice place. Flawless with lots of places for big critters to feel safe. But they'd find them. Bowing into a stretch, before lowering to her haunches, Borlla tipped her nose to the cloudy blue sky and howled for the wolves of Magnolia Glen. <b style="color:#32527a">

CALLING ALL MAGNOLIA GLEN WOLFIES! time for a pack hunt. round 1 ends on August 8th, the gathering. round 2 (august 15th) will be organization and the beginning of the hunt! round 3 (august 22nd) is the wrap up. dates are subject to change based on how fast everyone the posted in round 1 posts after that! this isn't necessarily a "free-for-all" but once the hunt starts, don't be afraid to actually kill the stag (or not, based on how many members actually show up). otherwise, this is just gonna drag out. @Phineas @Inkheart @Lucero @Erebos @Zia @Ataneq @Fiora @Kyros @Hypatia
(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2013, 10:49 PM by Borlla.)
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Sarah who has 14 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kyros Argyris-Tainn
Lost in his dreams, the pale cub felt a nuzzling against his side. One muddy-blue eye forced itself open, finding the ashen coat belonging to his mother. Her light voice echoed through their little den, forcing him to question exactly what day it was. As suddenly as she was there, she had backed herself out into the light once more. A yawn pushed it's way across his features, and he moved to stand. Practice paid off as he only had to count to three. Each time he stood he felt sturdier on his legs than the day before, and with it his confidence was growing. Of course there was still a long way to go, and the fact that he was missing an extremity didn't help.

With a voice still clinging tightly to sleep he spoke, "What day is it?". Confusion lined his features as he hoped Hypatia could answer his question. Half hoping, half walking Kyros moved toward the den's entrance, blasting sunlight across his coat. Bits of cinnamon were even more apparent now, descending from his Argyris blood. He had to squint just to see outside, reminding him of the first time he left their little hideaway. His father had to pick him up while his sister was able to move on her own. A sigh escaped his lips and he continued outside. Muddy eyes adjusted in time for him to catch the retreating form of his mother headed to the creek. Rapidly blinking, he waited for his sister to take the lead.

(This post was last modified: Aug 03, 2013, 12:31 AM by Kyros.)
Played by Allie who has 103 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate

Another sleepless night. By now she was used to them and the way they should have interrupted her life but didn't. Most of the time she would wake hours before dawn, when the world was still and quiet and the shadows weren't really there because they just blended into the shades of black that the wilderness wore like a funeral veil. This time of year was favorable, as she always did like summer time best─the nights were warm and the breezes were easy, and the rolling hills that hid her favorite haunts within Magnolia Glen were donned in thick layers of green grass and mottled with flowers. Of all the places she'd ever been, her home was the most beautiful.

The canary-yellow hue of her black-lined eyes glistened as she stared idly about. She'd taken for a den not a hollowed out hole in the ground, but a nook between the woody roots of an old tree where the dirt was soft and cool. Her spot faced west and it had to, because sometimes she'd fall back into sleep just before the sun quivered along the eastern sky. The only thing worse than spending the dark and quiet hours of the night alone and tired was finally getting some sleep and being woke by the heat of the sun or its shine in your eyes. Today, she waited out the twilight, biding her time and bidding the moon goodnight as the early birds began to sing off in the distance. Soon enough she would rise to greet the day and everything it had in store for her.

Finishing up a long bath in the cool water of her favorite bend in the creek, Lucero headed for shore with not much on her mind. The water felt good as it ran down her skin and between the blades of her ivory fur, and even in the shade she was warm and refreshed. When a familiar voice sang through the morning air, the girl's rounded ears pressed forward eagerly. Borlla, her best friend and one she loved and missed deeply. Any excuse to spend time with the creamy-furred woman or the children was a welcomed one, and though she didn't know what her alpha had in mind, swift strides carried her to Borlla's chosen location with ease.

In her gentle approach the girl took quick note of the fresh scars─though they weren't so visible─adorning Borlla's pretty face, though she made sure not to gawk or seem too curious about them. Soon they could catch up and maybe then Borlla would tell her all about it. Until then, Lucero was content to pay her respects and offer up some affection to both the queen and the budding prince as she waited for the others to arrive.

not in blood, but in bond

(This post was last modified: Aug 05, 2013, 11:38 PM by Lucero.)
Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
The day she thought was like any other. The sun would rise, and if all was well they could go outside.Nestled to the warmth that was her brother, she expected to be woken when it was time. Since worrying her mother, and that rather nasty badger incident Hyp was wary to leave the safety of dirt walls.

Behind pale, blond eyelids she felt the bump of a gentle nose. Assuming it was her mother, her almost golden eyes full of sleep managed to open. Her nose twitched in search of food, but found none. A question on her tongue, it was halted. Today's the day? She was about as puzzled as Kyros. The energy it had been spoken with was even more bewildering. It was a change to her cream colored mother, and the young Agrys-Tainn shook her head. Trying to wake the rest of her body. She wanted to know what was so special. Her gaze followed her mother's steps outside, a half smile to her tawny face. Looking about she saw Kyros had beat her to a stand, and quickly did the same. Meeting his gaze, she shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea, but she was going to find out. Mother was outside, and the girl was sure she could smell Phineas too.

Coming to stand side by side with her only sibling, he was taking the head start, and Hypatia had an easy time catching him. She too spotted the flick of her mother's, and wondered what Kyros was waiting for. A light-hearted bark she encouraged him they could go. While she knew she could move faster, she stuck close to her pale brother. In the distance she heard the song, and felt excitement light in her own frame. They seemed to make good time, Kyros a little ahead, Hyp glanced at the other white female with a curious gaze, before scampering the rest of the way to Borlla's side. While she had questions she figured they would be answered, or made aloud by her brother.

(This post was last modified: Aug 06, 2013, 05:14 PM by Hypatia.)
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Going to try to meet all the rounds! I GET MARRIED IN THREE DAYS, WHOA!

Borlla was early to stir – the shift in weight and temperature of the den caused his eyes to flicker open sleepily, fiery agze watching her as she retreated to the outside. His first instinct was to follow her – reassure himself she was okay, yet nothing in her manner had caused him to worry, and instead his muzzle shifted closer between their two children, feeling the warmth of Kyros’ breath upon his nose and the light touch of Hypatia’s paw upon his cheek.

His mate returned shortly, and his muzzle then lifted, his shoulders rolling back in a leisurely stretch as she awoke the two cubs. It was hard to believe they were three months already, and as they slowly rose to paws, sleep evident in their stance and eyes, a small smile pulled at his inked lips. He too rose, nodding to Borlla and giving his ivory pelt a light shake, as if to ward off his drowsiness. With both of his children present at this hunt, he needed to be fully aware of everything to best keep them safe.

Rounding the kids out of the den, the four travelled at a pace comfortable for little paws.. and, of course, Kyros. There were questions, but he did not answer them, only offering a small wink to encourage the mystery of the situation before they stopped, Borlla’s cry calling out to the members of the pack.

Lucero was first, and the male wuffed a light greeting to her as the pale woman was eager to cast her affections upon his mate and children. His bright eyes cast out upon the lands before them, waiting for the other wolves of the Glen to emerge. If they didn’t come pull their weight.. they would face the consequences.

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#FA2F00;">
Inkheart was undeniably blinded by the days light, being drowned in its beautiful rays as he lounged stomach upright by the creek’s edge. It was a beautiful day to just lay around and relax, bathe in nature’s creation and be all mystified by the grandure of their pack, but it would seem that Borlla had something different in mind. Although it was different he certainly would not back down from attending the packs first hunt in which case the two Glen children would aptly watch.
Bringing himself up to stand he stretched his limbs out eagerly in preparation for a lot of sprinting, snapping and hopefully with his body size he might get the chance to bring it down himself. Wouldn’t that be something? Then maybe that might impress Zia… yes, it seemed a good plan. After his long period of stretching he began a fast paced jog towards Borlla’s position where he expected to see Phineas, her two children and quite possibly the rest of the Magnolia crowd. However, when he got there he was quite surprised.
A simmering pile of disappointment filled his gut for a moment as he took in the mere sight of the Argyris family plus a lonely Lucero. Was this really the only wolves that were apt to come? There was still two other males within the pack plus Zia and he knew there was one another female that he hadn’t even seen but had smelt. So that was six out of ten wolves that were present and only four of them could even participate… they needed a few more to actually do the task.
Sighing, he continued his slow walk and bowed to each of his Alphas and smiled to Lucero (even managing a bow to her, respectful of her co-position as second). Eagerly he placed himself a feet or two away from Lucero and waited in hopes that the other four would show up so that this wouldn’t be a call that was without purpose.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
A warm midsummer day found Zia resting beneath an old oak tree, relishing in the shade provided by it's leafy canopy. After the recent badger attack at the main den, she had been taking it easy. Of course, she had been on edge after the first few days, and upped her vigil both throughout the whole territory and at the borders as well. She, Borlla and the pups had gotten quite the scare, and her reason for the tightened security she watched over the pack with, was justified. Hypatia and Kyros may not have been her own children, but she was just as protective and out for their well being as any mother. The cost of their safety had not come without it's price. She had sustained deep gouges on her right foreleg. Her Alphess has paid with a set of claw marks lining her muzzle. Now, several days later, the wound had scabbed over, but still retained an angry red coloration along the edges. Fortunately enough, the injury was not so severe as to hinder her daily routine.

Laying contentedly on her side with gently closed eyes, her sides heaved as a sigh blew past her nostrils. The warm breeze that shook the leaves of the trees and combed through her fur was particularly refreshing. While summer was not her favorite season, she certainly was curious what the Glen would look like once autumn arrived. She imagined the little valley she called home would be quite stunning, drenched in vibrant reds, warm golds and soft yellows. With a lazy roll of her tongue, her muzzle parted in a silent yawn. It wasn't that she was tired...she had been resting in this spot for several hours now. It was more like she was bored. None of her packmates were within sight, and her ritual of marking the borders had been completed early in the morning. While she debated between spending the rest of the day lounging or going to the river to fish, the voice of Borlla interrupted her peaceful train of thoughts. Apparently her ivory leader had plans for the day. A hunt to be exact. The first ever of Magnolia Glen. What perfect timing! Zia would never miss such a thrilling event, not that she had any choice in the matter. Springing to her paws, she bounded off in the direction of the howl, allowing her muscles to uncoil and stretch as she sought out the rest of the pack.

Under a little than five minutes, the silver subordinate arrived on the scene, noting that Borlla, Phineas and their children were already present. In addition, Lucero, who she hadn't seen in some time, was also there. Her good friend Inkheart, seemed to have just arrived as well. Her sapphire eyes immediately flickered to Borlla, showing a hint of genuine concern as to how her wounds were healing. She felt a great sense of accomplishment between her and the ivory Queen after they had successfully disposed of the badger. With Kyros and Hypatia present for the hunt, her already good mood elevated. Letting her tail hang at her hocks, she slinked over towards the leaders, head low between her platinum coated shoulder blades. With a few submissive flicks of her tongue, she openly paid her respects. Circling back around towards the perimeter of the group, she made sure to lightly brush her flank along Borlla's side, in a subtle attempt to re-affirm the kinship she felt growing between her and the female. With a wagging tail, she smiled kindly towards Lucero. "Good to see you again. Are you looking forward to this as much as I am?" She phrased the last few sentences of her question as she shared a glance with Inkheart. Hunting always had been a favorite pastime of hers, and with her trim, athletic frame, Zia was perfectly suited for endurance running.

Table by Pann, Image by Jolee
Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#144034;">
Ataneq had fallen short of many things since the leave of a good friend, finding that he just couldn’t make himself speak. Being as hard-headed as he was he had not once given up his usual duties of patrolling borders or scouting the lands around them for move on herds or packs moving around. However, he had come to the conclusion that it just hurt more to talk. First his mother and then Po, it was like he wasn’t meant to find the happiness. Perhaps if either of them had left him with any sort of ‘goodbye’ it would have been different but he felt as though he had been left with nothing but soggy memories.
When Borlla called to summon them for a hunt he felt torn to simply stay behind in solemn and interact in a hunt. After a couple minutes he realized that going on this hunt might leave him in a better place (maybe). Perhaps hunting would get his adrenaline going and allow him to exert his anger on something that wasn’t a pack mate. With a heavy heart he lifted his body from the base of a majestic oak and dragged his sorry arse to Borlla and crew. It seemed a few had gathered—he made a physical and mental note that Lucero had arrived and wished he could bring himself to go to her but his mind told him no. Constantly his mind was waging war against him telling him that he didn’t have anybody anymore. He was alone in this, just as he always would be. Nevertheless he was here and would try to make the most of it.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
just a reminder, this round ends on August 15th, and includes organization and the hunt itself!! and thank you guys so much for post, you make me cry tears of happiness. (also AHHH rachelflskdjf)
There's no real posting order, despite what Borlla is requesting. My real intention is to actually finish this little event, so just pretend that stuff is happening and everything will fall into place! (i give you guys permission to mildly PP Borlla if it makes your post work better hunt-wise, because otherwise my post would go on foreverrrrr)

A curious question had risen from her son, but she remained silent on the matter for the time being. Let it be a surprise. Thankfully Phineas didn't answer his son either, though Borlla grinned at the boy, just to assure him that he wasn't ignored, nor were they about to abandon him or Hypatia in the middle of nowhere. They set off then to their position in the wood and it was simply a short waiting game then to gather the wolves of the Glen together. Kyros had seemed to make good time today and Borlla quietly hoped that their little demonstration would be an inspiration to both of the children.

Lucero was the first to arrive, and Borlla smiled at the woman, unspeakably glad to see her. It had been sometime since they'd been able to speak and Borlla feared that she'd lost a friend. But clearly that was not the case at all. Inkheart was next, his dark form a welcome sight at their little gathering. Zia arrived then, offering her respects and then some, sticking Borlla's smile fast upon her muzzle. It seemed that her fears from weeks past had been dashed away. She didn't let her smile falter when Ataneq arrived lastly. Something felt off, but this was not the time or the place for it, so the woman could only hope he would give his all in his hunt. She let another moment or so pass, wondering where Erebos or Fiora had gone off to, but with a heavy heart kick-started the little gathering.

<b style="color:#32527a">"I hope you're all ready to hunt." She said, her plume of a tail wagged behind her, and she rose to her paws. <b style="color:#32527a">"Today seemed as good as any to introduce Kyros and Hypatia to true hunting. So, they will be joining us, to a certain extent, on our little excursion. Lucero, perhaps you'd like to keep an eye on the children, explain to them what's going on?" Golden eyes turned on the other pale woman, hoping she wouldn't be against it. It would be a job in itself, narrating the hunt for the two of them, and ensuring that they didn't miss a play, as it were. Her nose twitched curiously upon the end of her muzzle, and the woman was unsurprised to find prey scent on the air, deer to be exact. It would save them a bit of time, and for that Borlla was thankful. The scent was a bit strange, not as strong as she'd expect for a herd of deer, but she pushed the thought aside.

<b style="color:#32527a">"A bit south of here is our quarry. Not too far, thankfully, but be aware."

She eyed the small group before her, attempting to decide who would be best at what, and give their party a bit of organization. <b style="color:#32527a">"Phineas," Her eyes turned upon her mate. <b style="color:#32527a">"You and Inkheart should fish out the largest." Their party might have been small, but she doubted it would be too hard for all of them as a unit to take down a stag. <b style="color:#32527a">"I'll help the two of you with that. Ataneq, Zia, I'll leave you two in charge of weakening whatever we drive to you. Once we get it far enough from its herd, we'll join you and hopefully can make quick work of it. If you think you have an opening, though, take it." She addressed the group with a strong tone. Part of her hoped that Zia and Ataneq would be able to take down the target together, if only so her children would get to watch. She was mildly doubtful that Lucero would be able to get the children to run the possible distance it would take should they choose to tire the prey out before taking it down. But, of course, she didn't want to see her packmates injured in an attempt to cut corners. So, if there was an opening, she could only hope it would be taken advantage of, for the benefit of everyone.

With a cock of her head, she signaled for them to make their way towards the herd, or what she thought was a herd. They hadn't gone far downstream before Borlla saw what she'd smelled. A deer, yes. A single deer with the strangest white fur and an oddly colored point perched atop its commonly hued rack. What a spectacle for her children to see, watching their elders take down a strangely colored deer, standing in the midst of a small clearing. Borlla was glad she'd listened to her gut and had picked today. She nodded to Lucero quickly, if she desired to move the children to a different place, and gave a smile of encouragement to the two pups. She was as excited for them to see what unfolded as she was to actually be a part of it. <b style="color:#32527a">"Listen to Lucero, you two." She told them, her voice betraying the smile on her face with serious tones. It was important that they listened to her, lest they possibly end up underfoot and injured.

Turning her gaze from Lucero to her mate and Inkheart, she hoped they'd seen the deer as well and they could get started. With only one deer to deal with, certainly it wouldn't be that hard. They could easily move around and simply drive it towards the brush where Ataneq and Zia could ambush it. <b style="color:#32527a">We can come around from behind and drive it this way, alright?" Her voice was merely a hush as she spoke to the hunting party. <b style="color:#32527a">"You two should have no problems ambushing the stag." They would easily finagle this deer. With a final nod, she began to make her way around to the far side of the little clearing by the stream, eyes upon the deer and the opposite end. She was thankful for the afternoon sun, a welcome warmth, despite the clouds the lined the sky. The damned clouds threatened them daily, but it would not rain today, and she was thankful for that, too. Her eyes watched the opposite end, waiting to see her mate or Inkheart. Borlla was certain they could make short work of this...She was certain. <b style="color:#32527a">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
i always feel so weird writing hunt posts, idk why. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#FA2F00;">
Being near to Zia felt calming, it had been quite some time since he had actually performed a hunt with real wolves so this was taxing to say the least. He trusted his pack mates, particularly his leaders (and of course Z), so they shouldn’t have any issue taking anything down. Borlla had the idea that Phineas, him and her would be fishing out the largest and target it. Following her out near to the Quarry, meanwhile completing zoning out the responsibilities given to the other pack mates (he was one of those selective hearing folks), he paid close attention to his surroundings but when they got there, he didn’t smell much. All that was there was a single target, but it was a spectacle.
Before them today stood a regal looking stag with white adorning its fur, large and beastly with hooves that could destroy, with gigantic antlers placed atop its head and a strange appendage just between them. Well, that was surely odd. He looked to Z, seeing if she saw the strange attributes of their chosen prey. It was then that he had been chosen to separate from the rest of the crew, following his leaders intently. It was almost unnoticeable but he lowered his head in a fair goodbye to his friend and departed to follow Borlla to the far side of the clearing. It was still hard to register that there was such a thing as a white stag, in all four years of life he had never seen something quite so strange.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!