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staring down the barrel of a .45 — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Midnight-08/11/13 From what I read, she technically would be within the pack territory, so just going to post this lonely thread here. I don't want anyone to find her just yet, so it'll just be me for multiple rounds then it would be nice if someone could find her. I'll let WC know when I'd like that to happen.(:

Three days passed before the fallen queen awoke from her unconscious state. When she fell through the weak ground and into the caves that Whisper Caverns calls home, her head hit a rock and it knocked her unconscious. Now her head throbbed and the blood that once trickled out of her deep cut on the right side of her face by her ear, had crusted over with dried blood. Her fiery eyes stayed closed as she tried to become fully aware of where she may be. The last thing she remembered was feeling like she was falling then everything went black. She could smell water in the distance, but she heard nothing but the constant drip drip drip sound from water falling from the ceiling. Finally, Athena began to open her eyes. Allowing some time for them to adjust, she looked around, but stayed lying down. Looking up, she saw the large hole that she created when she fell. If only she could somehow get out the same way she came in...

Getting up on sore and bruised legs seemed harder than she thought, but she managed. She began looking around for any places that she could leap off from, but she couldn't find anything. The walls were too smooth and there were no large rocks in sight. With no easy escape out of the cave, she resorted to another method. Opening her jaws, the woman tried to howl out to anyone around, but dehydration prevented her vocal cords from working correctly. A dry, rasping howl was all she could manage. Trying a few times to make herself heard, but she wasn't all that successful. Remembering that she had smelled water a little further down the tunnel, she abandoned her howling mission and began to seek out the water and possibly a way out of this place..

Athena Moon
i bleed just to know that i'm alive
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Words: 262 || Tags: n/a || Notes: I guess anyone from WC could follow her since she is within pack territoy, but doesn't find her until she's close to the exit and/or close to death

Finding water had been harder than she first anticipated, but she eventually found standing water further down the darkened tunnel. Once her thirst was quenched, she walked on further. She needed to find a way out, so she could save her daughter, but escaping this prison wasn't going to an easy task. As she continued the walk, she came upon a fork in the tunnels. Either way, Athena had no idea where she was going, so either tunnel was a coin toss for her life and possibly her daughter's. Choosing to go down the right branch, she hoped and prayed that she made the right decision.

Unable to tell when it was night and day, she slept when she became tired. However, she slept little as she made it her mission to escape these caves and find her daughter. She went on though, with little sleep and enough water to satisfy her thirst, but still she had no food. Having had eaten the night before she went looking for Aphrodite, she could go for a long period of time without any food. However, if she could find prey, it would be in her best interest to eat it. Though, she has had no luck at all finding any prey. As she came to a stop after another of day of weaving through tunnels, her tired body crumbled in an exhausted heap on top of the cold, wet ground. An exhausted, hungry, thirsty, and tired mother closed her eyes and tried not to let the world get to her as she fell asleep.

Athena Moon
even my memories cannot drown me
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane was out scouting for food and stretching his long legs. He was actually itching for another hunt for his blood called him to the hunt. Rabbit was fine and dandy, but fresh venison was so much better! He criss-crossed the territory catching the trail of many interesting prospects, but alas, all were old and faint. Disappointment filled the huge alpha. He'd hoped to find another prospect for the pack to hunt.

Perhaps he would try and get some fish instead. Perhaps there would be some fresher sign of game there. As his trot ate away the distance another smell crossed his sensitive nose. It too was stale, but still fresh enough for him to determine that it was a strange wolf that was not only within their territory, but headed deeper into it. Despite the scent clearly being that of a fae, Sloane could not help his hackles raising at the intrusion. Setting a new course that shadowed that of the mystery wolf, he felt his aggravation rising at the temerity of the trespass. He'd have to be sure to have Kieth and the others to patrol this border a bit more thoroughly.

As he trailed the unknown fae a sense of de' ja vu overcame him. They were near the area where Narime' had fallen into a near death trap so long ago. He didn't often come this way, preferring the territory closer to the den. Then his face paled beneath his russet fur. The fae's scent disappeared. It vanished just as the ground before him had. The stranger had also fallen into the pit of darkness that riddled the ground beneath the northernmost edge of the meadow. His earlier ire, now turned to concern. Trespasser or not, he didn't want to see her hurt, possibly dying in the labyrinth of darkness all alone.

With a slight quaver, his deep voice rang out into the nothingness below him. "Hello? Can you hear me? Are you injured?" In his mind, it was his sweet Narime' trapped once more. His voice echoed for a few moments and then there was complete silence. A shiver crossed over him and he called out once more, but was only met with more silence. Was the fae still alive?
Knight of Honor
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Words: 268 || Tags: @Narimé || Notes: This is set forward to August 24th. Any WC are now welcome to come find her!

A fortnight has passed since she had fallen into the darkened labyrinth. She wasn't sure is she could find her way out, but she was damn determined to. Her pads upon her paws, that were once strong enough to withstand the tough terrain of the mountains, have been worn down to the point where the slightest prick and they're bleeding. Athena walked through the pain, even when the pain got to the point where every motion caused her pain. Walking became a routine and she'd become almost like a zombie, traveling though the darkened tunnels to an exit that she wasn't sure was there.

Another three days passed, however, Athena could not tell. Drinking and sleeping when she could, a routine became apparent. She'd walk for most of the day, criss-crossing between tunnels and passages. Then whenever water could be found, she'd drink what she could, then she'd take a nap. As soon as she'd wake, Athena would walk once again. Routine was how she kept herself sane. With nobody and nothing to interact with has greatly affected her. However, the absence of food affected her mind and body much worse. She was much weaker than when she first started finding her way out. Walking was getting harder and harder. Her hope of an exit was being to disappear. However, what she didn't know was that the exit was just ahead. Her shuffling feet kept her going, but when she stumbled and fell, she didn't have the strength to rise to her feet. With all her hope gone, she stopped fighting and let the world take her away.

Athena Moon
if i’m alive and well, will you be there a-holding my hand
(This post was last modified: Aug 21, 2013, 06:39 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
I'm PP Tokino cause he's mine any who.

She was tired, but at least the pups were fed and the pack was well. Although for the longest time Nari had put off searching the lower tunnels for the she wolf that Sloane said had fallen in. The young mother had been worried that her pups would see her going into the dangerous half of the cave.Her worry was that they would follow and get hurt in the deep water or the deep crevices that were scattered throughout the cavern. The silver wolf had hoped that the lost female would find her own way out but now worry edged into Nari's heart. It shouldn't take this long to get out of the cave unless the woman was injured or severely confused.

Worry for the stranger finally brought Narimé down to the lower tunnel where the first of three barriers had been placed by her pack mates. Knowing that Sloane, Minka and her other subordinates would be watching the four pups the gray woman tore down the barrier and stepped into the dark tunnel.

Though it was true that the silver wolf knew the blocked off section of the cave, she was still cautious unsure of its safety. Nari and her pack mates had already seen how the water levels would rise and drop drastically depending on the weather and season among the water filled tunnels. She wasn't sure if the rest of the cavern might be filled with water or the same as she had left it.

The woman's wariness was awarded when her front paws slipped into two foot deep water almost immediately after padding into a lower section of the darkened limestone room. This water is probably from those thunderstorms not too long ago.. The silver she wolf tested each step cautiously feeling out her direction and trying to remember the way back to the room with the open ceiling. What she thought was that the stranger would be in that room still either alive or dead.

So it was a complete surprise to Nari when she reached the higher bank on the other side of the water and found very fresh wolf scent. Dropping her head to smell the trail , Nari was sure this was the scent that was left on the white pup Tokino had brought to them. She might be her mother.. Nari had also recognized a stale smell that was oddly familiar to her. She remembered the scent when meeting with Chantille and Tlarx. This woman was a Poison Path wolf!

Now knowing that the stranger might be dangerous to her own pack Nari quickly stepped forward to follow the trail. She hoped all the stranger would want was her pup, though the silver wolf would question the mother as to why the pup had been alone in the woods in the first place. She wouldn't be giving the girl back unless Nari was sure that the stranger was her mother and would take good care of the lost princess.

Like a ghost among the shadows of the walls Nari spotted the sickly white fur blazing through the darkness. Pausing for a moment the young alpha scented the air and noted the stillness of the stranger.

"Hello? Are you awake?" Concern prickled her gray fur and Nari stepped forward to nose around the white womans shoulders and legs. Her blue eyes glittered with concern for the Poison Path mother who simply looked horrid. Skin and bones from lack of food; Nari knew this wolf needed help and fast. The caverns wolves had enough food to spare for now at least.

"Don't attack me now I'm just trying to help okay?" She spoke roughly as Narimé tried to wedge her head under Athena's thin frame hoping the white wolf wouldn't wake up and outright attack her. Once the Poisoned wolfs head, chest, and front legs were over Nari's shoulders the silver wolf gently gripped the white wolfs front leg in order to keep her from sliding off. Then standing up slowly on long gray legs, the whisper caverns alpha began half carrying and dragging the white wolf back towards the water.

"Don't die on me now. Not when you have healthy Aphrodite to see."Nari walked slowly out of the water and towards the entrance of the room. Once there she padded forward readjusting her grip on the white queens front leg and passing through the barrier into the main portion of the cave. The gibbous cavern entrance was not far.

Now Narimé had no clue what to do. She glanced around checking on her pups and pack mates (whoever was in the cave at the time) and couldn't figure out where she was supposed to put the sick mother. Nari spotted Tokino by the pups and let a whine slip out from her muzzle directed towards him. Then the young mother let the white wolf slide onto the soft earth on the far side of the caves entrance opposite the pups. She would have to call for help from Simaea while keeping an eye on her own children.

"Tokino keep and eye on the woman for me while I call for Simaea." The command came from her silver jaws as Nari padded towards her pups to warn them of the danger.

"Yuka, Titan, and Malia do not go anywhere near the stranger unless I say so. She's sick and might hurt you on accident if you scare her." Nari looked at each of the pups with a hard stare making sure they knew that this was an order. The young wolf was sure that the stranger might be aggressive with a bunch of strangers all around her in a strange place. Then she looked at Aphrodite with a calm gaze. "She might be your mother, but in case she's confused please don't approach her without permission okay? It would be bad if she accidentally hurt you. Especially since I believe she was searching for you in the first place. " Nari kept her voice calm. She wasn't sure if the pup would obey her especially with her real mother nearby. Nari would not stop the girl if she did try to approach Athena. She would only defend if the stranger mother did do something to harm her own child.

With the warnings given out Nari raised her head and howled for the black healer to come wherever she may be. Then the silver wolf sat protectively between Athena and her own pups making sure that she would be the first wolf the stranger met if she were to wake up aggressive to those around her.

(This post was last modified: Aug 23, 2013, 07:47 PM by Narimé.)

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Words: || Tags: || Notes:

The ever present darkness blanketed her world as she fell into unconsciousness. Not knowing that a savor was close by, she let go, let go of everything she had been fighting for. She had no more hope and she couldn't go on any further. The last image that went through her mind was the images of her two children playing alongside @Ash. The sight was so beautiful. The three beings that she loved the most, all together in one place. However, the image began to disappear, like ripples on a lake's surface.

The sensation of floating overcame her, but she couldn't escape the darkness within her mind. She could hear voices, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. The voice was soft and seemed non threatening, almost like how her baby sounded like. She was no longer floating, but she could feel the cold ground once again. Everything around her felt foreign, except for one thing. Call it a mother's instinct, but she could feel that her baby was nearby. Summoning all energy that she had, she began to mumbled out towards her daughter, "Aph.... Aphro...dite.." Not knowing if the young girl heard her, she tried to open her fiery eyes, but only managed a squint before her energy disappeared and the darkness overtook her once again.

Athena Moon
even my memories cannot drown me
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Tokino grumbled darkly as Narimé first walked in to the den. Now that she was back he would probably be forced to move away from the pups so that she could cuddle with them or something. It really was annoying when the gray male wanted to do more with his kin. Especially since each pup looked like an older relative he had once known.

Kino warily watched his younger niece pad right by him without saying a word or any kind of greeting. No, thanks for watching the pups! Even... Though he couldn't help noticing how stressed she seemed to be as of late. So the older wolf simply passed it off as the girl getting overwhelmed by work and said nothing.

His icy orbs watched as his sisters silver doppelganger padded all the way to the back of the cave and disappeared behind a pillar that rose up connecting the ceiling and the floor with five foot wide tan stone.

Thinking she had to go get a drink from one of the lower tunnels, Tokino turned his attention back to the pups he was guarding. His serious gaze looked over Titan's coat of black mixed with the misted silver guard fur on his neck, shoulders, and body. The boys eyes had not changed from blue to orange, yellow, or brown like they should have. Instead they changed from a powder baby blue to a deeper pool blue with a hint of violet from his mother that hinted the boys Lagina blood line. Kino thought that the lad much resembled his sister DarkWind in both mind and body.

However the male was most interested in the grayish pup. For that smaller male looked like a duplicate of his sister Keema Lagina. Though the boys eyes had already changed to a deep amber like his father Sloane. Kino watched the smaller boy sometimes with interest as Yuka ventured around learning more and more about this world. The elder male could see that although Yuka lacked the boldness his brother and sister had, he made up for it in patience and smarts. Kino hoped the boy well in the future.

Then there was the little spit fire that the old man constantly had to keep and eye on. He still hadn't been told by Nari of the little girls name nor the name's of her brothers. However Kino couldn't help simply calling her miss princess. The little girls coat did not remind him of anyone from the Lagina bloodline. Nor did the girls amber eyes match much of their noble bloodline. Instead it seemed she had gained all of her looks from her fathers side of the family. Kino only hoped that meant she would gain her parents height as well.

Then there was Aphie, who Tokino had taken from the woods and brought to Whisper Caverns more than three weeks ago. He had watched her settle with Nari's pups. Though the man truly felt bad about the child, he hoped she would see that they really had tried to help.

A strange noise uttered at the back of the cave. Turning his head to look Kino spotted silver and white fur coming towards them. Then the scent hit him. Narimé's scent mixed with another strange feminine one. Narrowing his eyes in suspicion Tokino stood up protectively watching the form shuffle forward. Who's that? the gray wolf uttered the question only seconds after realizing the Nari was carrying someone.

The silver she wolf gave no answer instead gently dropping the woman at the far side of the cave away from them. Then she stepped forward and gave Kino the job of looking after yet another stray. Of course.. He stretched then padded slowly across the earth floor to the white mass that lay by the east wall of the room. The man's blue eyes traveled over the form concern spreading across his features. Whoever this she wolf was, the woman was in horrible condition. The thought occurred to him that maybe she was the reason his niece had been so stressed since Aphrodite's arrival. This might be her mother searching for the lost child... Kino sat a foot or so away from the womans head sweeping his gaze over her and comparing the elder womans form with that of the white pup.

Though the man had guesses he still wasn't positive. I wonder how she got into the cave without us noticing? That was the one question that flew through his head as Kino sat there watching the rest of the scene unfold.

Played by Bryony who has 39 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Aphrodite Moon
Things had been pretty nice in the caves. She had lots of other pups to play with and weird things to smell, and sometimes, if she was feeling courageous, she'd sneak away to the pretty golden field and roll around and chase mice. Once, she'd even caught one, but for fear of being scolded, she'd eaten it where she'd found it and made her way back as fast as she could. Not that any of them would really hurt her. She was the Princess of the Moon and would be the Queen of it one day and no one here would hurt her or say mean things to her. But she worried regardless, and tried to keep her brave little adventures short so no one would miss her. At night, she would dream about Mother and Ash and Elliot and everyone that had ever played with her. They were nice dreams, quiet dreams. And even when she had nightmares with big dark figures that spoke in quiet kind voices, she would just wake up and peek outside so she could see the night sky. It always made her feel better.

Of course, she still missed her mother, though, as a child with a whole new world at her paws, the pale face and sunny eyes of her mother was becoming blurry, being replaced with the pale eyes of Tokino and Narime's own face. Mother was still mother though, even if she found herself forgetting what Mother looked like. Queen Athena would always come back for her and she would tell that to all of Narime's pups. Their mother wasn't a queen, but she was a nice lady anyway and so Aphrodite would never say anything bad about her or Tokino. She'd been sitting by the rocks, having a bit of fun with the other cubs when Narime came back into the main cavern, a messy heap on her back. The funny-eyed foster mother had said something hard to her children, and Aphrodite had even found herself reacting to it, , more than aware of the words that screamed "command". But then she said something for Aphrodite. Mother? The heap was so far away and so messy. It didn't look anything like mother.

Her ears twitched as she looked from Narime to Athena, confusion evident on her face. Her own lightening eyes stopped on Athena's face as she stirred, jaws parting to utter her name. It kind of sounded like Mother, but...And then the child caught the faintest sliver of orange. <b style="color:#c980d2">"Momma!" The child shrieked, tossing away all pretenses, even disobeying Narime, and running towards her mother's unconscious body. Mother Athena would never hurt her, never. Never. She came to Athena's belly, pressing herself into the woman's mussy fur, trying to get her head between the woman's forelegs for some semblance of comfort. The growth she'd gone through in the caves provided her with enough strength to do so and she laid there, nose pushed into Athena's white chest. The Princess began to sob. <b style="color:#c980d2">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Nari stood waiting for @Simaea to arrive. Every few seconds her blue eyes would switch from the cavern entrance to Athena and back again. When she heard the girls voice chime out Nari turned her head to look at the white girl pup scrambling across the dirt floor towards the injured white stranger. Nari's face remained calm and accepting as the scene played out.

So she was her mother after all. They certainly do look alike... Nari sighed and looked over to her own pups making sure they were not following Aphrodite towards the stranger. She's not mine. I have no reason to "order" her to do anything. the silver wolf thought quietly knowing that it would be up to Aphie whether she stayed or left now that she found her real mother.

Casting her gaze back to the caves' entrance the silver female shook herself glad at least that she had some back up with Kino being there. Not that an already injured wolf meant much of a threat just then. As long as she stayed away from the silver girls pups.

Once moreher gaze switched to see Tokino standing rigidly in front of Athena. His icy eyes were transfixed on the leggy white pup he had rescued from the forest. Had it been wrong for him to rescue her? Or would a predator snatched the pup before her mother had gotten to her had Kino let it be? Nari thought wondering if he had really done the right thing. At least it seemed to her that he had done well. Narimé thought about what would have happened had she come to the pup lost in the woods. Yeah I probably would have done the same... Her eyes flicked quickly to her pups as Titan stared curiously in the injured ladies direction.

"Titan stay..." She gave him a sharp look watching the pup shrink back into his siblings warm bodies.

Played by Ghoff who has 83 posts.
No Rank
Simaea Nite
A howl pierced Simaea's thoughts. She had been in her own hole, far from the rest of the pack, checking her herb stores. Recently things had been hectic in her own mind, nothing seemed to fit right. But still the dark healer tried harder and harder all the time to things well, and right. Narime sounded anxious and so Simaea made short work of the run into the main cavern where she saw several things that threw her brain into a momentary grinding halt. An injured wolf, whom at first glance appeared to be her child, Tokino, Narime, and the children. In a split second the young female realized she had locked herself away for so long because of her mistake with Minka, she had no idea what had been going on in the pack.

An exhale through her nose and she strode forwards, business as usual almost. The only thing betraying the fact that she was in a state of distress was her matted and unkempt fur, and "thinner-than-normal" look. The white pup is for sure the she wolf's I can scent that much. Simaea began to wordlessly nose the white female. a cut on her head that had healed badly, but it didn't appear to be infected. Otherwise her pads were roughed up badly, and she looked malnourished and exhausted. "She will be okay, just pushed herself too far. I need water for her, Narime, please send someone to soak moss as I will need a lot to hydrate her and help clean her wounds. " Simaea paused looking over the she wolf once more. Solomon's seal would be best for her external injuries, Simaea sent a wordless thank you to Nina, for her wisdom there. Still Athena needed food.

"She needs food too, Get her something small and tender as she is weak. It will need to be divided, which I think you should be well adapted for Narime. If she wont take it from you have her pup there do it." Simaea pointed her muzzle towards Aphrodite, Simaea learned over time that her nose had become over sensitive to things wolf things, She found that now she could scent ailments well and even tell relation.Plus the similarities in their appearance and scent told her all she needed to know. "Maybe the familiar scent and voice will spur her to eat. I need to go to my den and fetch something, someone could also her as soon as you can I need her clean so that I can work."