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They'll Call Me Freedom
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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Karpos Slayer
i lost my heart along the way

The dark colored boy had been acting different since his da had disappeared, and later he had returned, just two days, but still too long for the Slayer child. Then his da had disappeared again, but his uncles, aunts, and his adoptive ma had ended up assuring him that his da would be quite fine, so he shrugged it off and focused on childhood things. But his da had been gone for a long time.... 6 whole days!! Well that was too long for him. He was being weened off the milk, and onto meat, so he figured he could go looking for him and just give his da a piece of his mind about being gone for so long! His paws carried him to the log, it was his common hang out spots, and his da, and sister both knew that he would be there when he was no where to be found. His dark fur melted into the surroundings, the shadows he learned to walk in, and he let himself behind along the way.

Karpos hadn't noticed, but his eyes had already started to change into the golden brown color, inheriting his dad's looks, but his birth mother's size. He had been thinking about his ma, Anastasia in his opinion was his ma, and he seemed to be picking up the feeling she was upset, whenever he would go back to the den to sleep. He had shrugged it off and had kept playing, but his mind developed more... and he found himself to be intrigued as to what was bothering her. So he waited there, he had mustered up enough strength to howl, but decided to instead head back to see if he could find her. He aimlessly walked around the territory looking, and then eventually he went to the pack den once more, knowing that she would return there at some point. He stared at his paws, his eyes filled with an obvious confusion as to what was going on in the pack exactly. He was calm though, his breathing steady and his fur flattened against his pack. His tail lacked a wag, but that was always fine in his mind. It just showed himself that he was being attentive. His ears were perked up, listening for the familiar footsteps of a packmate approaching and he kept sniffing for the comforting scent of Ana.

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2013, 03:03 PM by Karpos.)
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
There had been no moment since her stepping down that she had felt at peace. Something had been switched inside of her to give her an unsettling feeling. It had been most painful to know that her spot had been taken by another woman. It was not as if she was in love with her co-Alpha but she felt as though she was not given the amount of time she wanted to lead. Sure, it had been known as temporary and that she would eventually step down but it had come too soon. Anastasia had not been ready, been blind-sided by the sudden movement towards her position. It had only been a week before that Spectre had asked her about if she was worried about her spot being taken from her because Silver had looked for Spectre’s. Ana had not thought it would happen and thus told her that she did not fear; but she should have.
So with much to think about with Shade’s and Spectre’s absence, she felt as though things were more screwy than usual. There was something amiss and while leadership position was something she wished she could gain back, she had never quite wanted it like this. Not at all. Walking around the pack she usually tried to do as much as she could while the two leaders were away but for the most part it was quiet. Occasionally she would keep a distant eye on the two children, walk the borders and fill caches when she could. However, that didn’t make it easy for her. One leader couldn’t do everything and while Ace periodically did watch the borders and protect, she also felt it was in her duty to do everything that was expected of her. By now, walking through the Fen on the partly cloudy afternoon, she felt that knew the Fen more so than she ever had.

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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Karpos Slayer
i lost my heart along the way

Karpos sat there, but as usual, the puppy got bored of doing nothing, so he started off once more, glancing around everywhere and sniffing for a familiar scent that was fresh. His ears still perked listening as he stalked through the marshy forest that he called home. He passed the log, and off towards the borders of the pack territory. He hoped that there were no stinky loners there if he did indeed go that far, he remembered running into a loner or two, though none of them were bad. No, it was the other packs that he had to watch out for. His mind drifted away, and then back again in a continuous cycle. Then... he caught her scent just a little ways off. He went to run to her, and skidded to a halt in the bushes near her, she looked almost upset in his opinion.

Curiosity killed him, and he couldn't let it stand still for even a second. He made sure his fur wasn't all messy real quick before padding out from the bushes, his head tilted to the side in a confused manner. "What's wrong ma?" He asked the woman who had cared for him for so long desite him not being her own blood. He didn't like to see others upset, it made himself upset, and his mind was expanding so he understood a lot more than he had just a short month ago. He was starting to grow up, there was no doubt. His amber eyes held a confused gaze and his brown and black fur which he inherited from his father was all flat and groomed. He may have been smaller than Adsila, but he would be a force to be reckoned with with he grew into an adult.

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2013, 03:05 PM by Karpos.)
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
Anastasia always seemed to be very buried in her mind these days with Shade and Spectre gone. She didn’t know what to do without them there given that she had not been prepared for them to be gone for so long. It had been a surprise to hear that Spectre was leaving to go find out if Shade was alright but had she known it would be for so long she would have felt more prepared. However, the longer that the two were away the more she feared that something had happened to the both of them. What would she do then? If Shade wasn’t back then she didn’t know what would happen to his children. Karpos took a quick liking to her but Adsila, not so much. She had developed a harder image of Ana than her brother. One that Ana had tried to fix by allowing some free play every now and then but even that seemed trivial.
Quickly she caught the scent of Karpos and looked around to find him coming upon her, hair freshly mowed down by a paw or tongue. She gave him a smile, appreciative of his concern for her and that something was clearly upsetting her. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Shade has still not returned, nor has Spectre. I worry for their safety.” Anastasia was not going to talk to Karpos like a child because he was growing and needed to know that there were some things in life that certainly were not going to be filled with as much fun as he might like.

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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Karpos Slayer
i lost my heart along the way

Karpos had heard her fears, and he understood them, because he had felt the same, even when his da had disappeared with Spectre for two days, he was worried his da might not come back at all. But that was a different fear than what Ana had. He was unaware of the vengeance that wolves were seeking that involved his da and death, he thought Shade would leave just like his birth mom had. "But... they have to return... right?" He asked, making sure that he assumed right and his father had to return. He knew that he wasn't allowed to cross the mountains yet on his da's orders, but if his da left him, he could ignore that rule surely. He was worried, but not too worried anymore. His da loved him far too much to leave him and Adsi behind, to leave all of Pitch Pine Trail behind for that matter, he knew his da couldn't do that.

Karpos wanted to make sure, so he asked one more question, out of curiosity and concern. "Ma, is that all that is on your mind?" Hope, concern, maybe a belief would be plaguing her? Who knew, even Karp himself had begun to develop his own thoughts on who ruled the world, almost like a religion, but his ideas were almost foolish in his mind. He was starting to believe that peculiar forces ruled the ground he walked on, and that they took his actual ma because of rage of something she had done, or that his da had done. But as he considered it more, his ideas were more foolish. He would ask his da about the forces when he returned to them... if he ever got back. It seemed like he left the Trail forever ago.

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2013, 03:04 PM by Karpos.)
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
There was nothing like feeling as though everything had been lost. All she felt she had now was Lachesis. He always stood right with her, ready to fight anything and everything so that the two could be happy together. Even he had taken the news to her stepping down in the same lengths that she had. Surprised at how things had come together and fallen apart right before her eyes. It was a tragedy, kind of. One that had come as a surprise yet Anastasia should have seen it coming. Her gut had told her that things wouldn’t work out. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“I would assume so,” she answered with a genuine smile, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“he wouldn’t just leave you and your sister.” He just couldn’t.
As usual she was completely blown away by his knack to sense that there were more things wrong. In fact there were but they more than likely weren’t things that he should really be worried about. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Yes, but it’s nothing that cannot be fixed over time.” It was true, but more than that she didn’t want to make him think that everything on her mind was bad. Karpos was a strong spirit and he could get through things with an understanding that even most adults didn’t possess. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Is there something you want to do today?” she inquired carefully, wondering if maybe he wanted to go explore somewhere new or just go on an adventure. Either way, it would get both of them out of their minds and into the present.

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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Karpos Slayer
i lost my heart along the way

Karpos couldn't help but frown, it may be able to be fixed with time... but it was something wrong for now. He cared not about what happened in the future, or what happened in the past, he only cared for the present. When his ma asked him if they wanted to do something together, Karpos nodded, though he was trying to think about what exactly they could do. He braced himself for a proposal that would be rejected most likely. "We could go on walk?" He asked, always looking for an excuse to stretch his legs. Out loud, he repeated what was happening in his mind earlier. "Ma, if you don't mind me asking, what is it that can be healed over time? Things might work out in the end, but who knows how far the end is? Over time isn't enough is it?"

Karp kept his eyes off towards the borders. He rarely ever crossed them, but he figured that when he went on his journey with uncle Lach, that he couldn't walk to them for a while. "Uncle Lach promised me when I was older... he would take me to the mountains and look up at the stars." He said half to himself, leaving out the part about star catching, that was going to be their little secret. His eyes scanned around, even up to the sky where stars would appear soon. Where had his uncle Lach disappeared to anyways? He seemed to always be around, but he would disappear for a few days and return with a weird smell {of herbs} on his pelt.

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2013, 03:02 PM by Karpos.)
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
nice new table! <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
At this point Anastasia would do just about anything with anybody just so long as she was thinking about something else other than the troublesome things. Surely Karpos would be able to keep her mind off of Shade and Spectre’s disappearances for a little while. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“That sounds lovely,” she answered with a smile and made the first effort to start walking in a random direction. Karpos was more than likely to change the direction of their pace but as usual the woman would just follow after his lead. From her experience he had always been somewhat of a leader so she had no doubts that he would know where to start walking.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“There are many possible things that can be healed over time,” though she didn’t really know what he was referring to. Ana assumed that maybe Shade had told them that their family would be healed over time and such but she would do what she could to explain. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Emotional pain can be healed over time. Say your sister hurt your feelings… you’d be upset for a while but eventually you’d forgive, right?” Wow, Anastasia felt like she had given him likely the worst example possible but he likely had not been associated with ‘love’ before so that couldn’t be used as the example. That would simply just have to be the ticket.
When Karp mentioned Lachesis she could feel her heart beat a little faster, very pleased to hear his name come up in conversation. It was something she automatically knew she had no problem talking about. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“I doubt that Lachesis would go back on his word so you’re in for a treat,” she smiled and kind of wished that she could accompany them there but that’d be a good bonding time. It’d be really neat to see them from that perspective.

i'd love more threads, so message me if you'd like one!
looking for friends, potential love interests and role-inspired threads!
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
<3 Thanks, Mimi is amazing!!!
Karpos Slayer
i lost my heart along the way

Karpos had a bit of a frown to him muzzle as she spoke, not giving him a definite answer to his question. Perhaps he had worded it wrong? He thought about it, and was slightly irritated when Ana had given the example of Adsi hurting his feelings, she had never done that and he liked to believe she never would. But he forced himself to remain calm on the outside, and he smiled when she said Uncle Lach would probably never go back on his word. That meant that they could go star catching! He kept his smile, but with the talk of emotional pain, Karpos was once again curious as to what his mother was talking about. "Ma, who hurt you? Why would they ever hurt you?" He asked, pained filled his eyes. Who would ever dare?

Karpos himself was unaware, or at least he refused to believe that Anastasia was no longer alpha female. It made sense for everything to remain the same after his time being use to the standings. Just like it made complete sense to him that Ana was his ma even though he didn't come from her womb. He saw it as she had cared for him all his life, well at least the past two or three months, which was most of his life. His real ma was gone, and she was probably never returning. She was just a blob in his mind, because the last time he saw her, his vision was still messed up. He sighed, he didn't want his ma feeling upset, and it made himself upset to know that someone had wronged her.

table by mimi
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
If you want, you can fade the thread out with your next post or we can continue it? <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
From the moment that Anastasia had seen the two young children of Shade, she knew she loved them. They obviously were not hers officially but she certainly looked after them like they were. Both of them were almost complete opposites to Ana in personality—Adsila seemed to draw more distance between her pseudo mother and her while Karpos never seemed to put any space between them at all. Anastasia was Ma, a woman that he looked to and wanted to know why she was upset. That spoke volumes of love that Anastasia could not even begin to express how thankful she was to be given such a joy.
With them beginning a steady walk, Ana obviously was going to be walking a little slower than her normal gait, it allowed the woman to clear her mind of the troubles she had seen. For the moment, Shade and Spectre were elsewhere taking care of things across the Mountains and while she worried for both of their safeties, she also had begun to second-guess herself. The self-conscious decision that she had been replaced by Spectre because of her choice of acceptance in Beelzebub had weighed her down. She worried that she would accept another soul into the pack and they would be another bad call—one that Spectre wouldn’t agree with and thus Shade would see to it that Ana didn’t accept any more than she already had.
Karpos voice came as a surprise to her as they walked her mind had become focused on the worry rather than the moment now. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Sometimes there are wolves in the world that intend to hurt to you,” she did not wish to have this conversation with him but she didn’t know what else to tell him. Lying was not something she ever wished to convey with Karpos or Adsila, so the truth was the only thing she had. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Their reasons for hurting you sometimes aren’t clear or don’t make sense… but the best you can do is move on. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” Well, it did to her. Anastasia had gotten away from her birth pack alive and although she had been emotionally shaken up by the course of actions, she certainly was thankful for the life Shade had given her even if it had come crashing down.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Now, let us talk about something besides bad feelings. Found any cool places yet in The Trail?” Anastasia had yet to find the time to scavenge the land to find neat places to hide, hang out and otherwise find peace but children always seemed to get into trouble and find places they knew they shouldn’t be.

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