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Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Chuckling lightly, Senka couldn't help but agree with the others' words as she swore not to judge until the entire story had been told. Truth be told, she wasn't sure why there was an urge to speak to otherwise complete stranger of her past. It made little sense. Ever since leaving her pack, she had been alone and it never bothered her when she was travelling how lonely it could be. It had been a relief, never having to worry about what others thought of her because no one knew her. But now, in the company of another, the words wanted to be told of how she had been mistreated and then outcast by her pack for things beyond her control. Because of this, she had very few close friends outside of her family and even those she held a level of distrust with, for fear that they were only friendly to eventually break her heart in the future.

"I suppose I should start with the fact that ever since I was a pup, I held friendships with mice and owls." Senka started slowly, her eyes settling on a leaf floating down the creek before them. "The first clear memory I have of this starting is of a bedraggled mouse begging me not to eat her on my first practice hunt with my father. For some reason, something made me let her go." Senka remembered the night clearly and each time she thought about it, it made pride swell inside her. "Months later, when my brother was sick and when no herbs could help him, the healer deemed him unable to survive the week and told my family to say our goodbye. The mouse who I set free, Fern I learned later was her name, heard of my plight and brought the necessary herbs to save my brother to me in secret. When they did, we made an agreement that she would spread the word that I would not eat her kind in exchange for the best places for herbs for each season." Pausing to take breathe, Senka glanced over to Elettra to note her reaction. When she had told the story to whoever asked in her pack, they always laughed at her for allowing a mouse to escape and later becoming friends with the rodent. She continued on with her tale. "Owls were the next creatures I made a pact with. A month after my brother was saved by the herbs Fern gave me, an owl approached me, by the name of Artemis . She asked me why I was friendly with mice, a main source of food for her kind and I told her the story of my hunt, my brother and how he was still alive because of what Fern had done. Artemis had been impressed, as I recall and asked if it were possible to speak her. 'I want to ask how she, a small rodent who should have been eaten, could have been so brave to go into a wolf's den even with the protection of a wolf like yourself.' were her words. She meet with Fern, who cowered under my paws at the sight of the hunter of her kind." This memory made Senka smile fondly. After the first fright of meeting the owl, the prey and predator took well with each other. "Like myself and Fern, Artemis saw the assets to knowing where good herbs were and offered me to show where the favored breeding grounds were for deer and other prey wolves loved and offered Fern to never hunt her immediate family. Artemis couldn't promise to eat all mice, since they were a big part of her diet but Fern gave her an idea. Her family would wear pleated bands made of grass around their tails so once Artemis and her flock spread the word, they would not be harmed." There was more of her tale to tell but Senka paused so it wouldn't become too much for Elettra. Not only that but if Elettra could sit through that tale, then she would be able to sit through the next one.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
The story began and Elettra's black ears perked higher, turned into the direction of Senka which settled at her side by the small creek within the heart of the Cedarwood Forest. Elettra's eyes, a silvery paleness, remained cast upon the forest before them, out beyond where once there was the territory of Grizzly Hollow, her former home. Throughout the story, Elettra remains silent, content to do so and listen. Information was something she craved and her lack of care for rambling simply to keep the conversation going helped her to gain such knowledge. Knowing this woman communicated with mice and owls was more certainly strange to Elettra and the possibility that she actually talked to them seemingly impossible. Somehow though she had created a system with this mouse, promising not to harm her or her family in turn for herbal supply. It was a short-lived trade, granted the mouse could have easily been picked off by any other predator and if not, their lifespan certainly made any agreement to last but a few measly years. Learning of the owl was something Elettra mostly wondered off, though kept silent as the story went on. The owl made promise not to hurt the mouse and her family, as well as tell this wolf of locations for good herds... but throughout this all, what was the owl gaining? What had she been given in this trade? It seemed unfair, to say the least, but Elettra's concerns for an owl was little to none. She was one of the top predators within the wild in this region, with the cougar and the bear. She needed not worry her time over lesser species.
Now that Senka was finished, for at least the time being as she ended how speaking to animals came to be and how she worked with them, Elettra's head turns, seeking out the woman's features for but a single question. "So you speak to these creatures...how?" It was very puzzling to Elettra, the whole lot of it and while Elettra had no intention of sparing time to a mouse before killing it, she wondered if the ability was something easily managed. A wolf talking to a mouse was like a human talking to their dog. They communicated, but did not exactly speak...so how did Senka?
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
(Now aren't I an idiot. I thought I had saved this as a draft instead of posting before forgetting it due to uni work. XD terribly sorry if this is making absolutely no sense. )

Senka knew that it was confusing that she could speak with mice. "I understand that it's hard to believe and I don't understand it fully either. I was quite surprised when I heard words instead of the normal sounds for their species coming from Fern and Artemis. At first, I thought I was imagining things and I have had many theories on why I could understand them but none ever lasted long. One provided by my mother, one of the wolves in my pack who were religious, was that it was because the moon had blessed me with the ability to understand anyone, no matter their species. I've never believed it though." Senka's mother believed that the first wolf was born of the moon and thus wolves had a special connection with it. "Understand I've learnt to accept it and not overthink it too much. I've never been able find any reasonable explanation for it and I don't think I'll ever find one." Senka sighed, shaking her head at the memories of all the times she had tried to come up with a reasonable explanation for her ability. "I'm sorry I can't offer a better explanation. My pack weren't known for being overly kind to those who were different." Her heart feeling heavy, Senka wondered if she should go on with the second half of her story. It still bothered her she was telling her past to a wolf she hardly knew and figured didn't particularly care for what she was saying. What had prompted her to allow the words to spill forth so easily? It wasn't due to loneliness, surely. Loneliness was something she was accustomed to, even back in the days surrounded by her family, the bite of being alone still ripping deep.

So what made Elettra any different? Not only didn't she exhibit any signs of being the caring type, she wasn't friend and as of yet, hadn't shown she was a foe. Senka was normally so distant from everyone, except for her parents and siblings that it unsettled her greatly that she was speaking of her past to her. But so far, she had sat and listened to her, after showing the way to the creek when more than likely, she had other duties to care for. The smell of healing was strong on Elettra and even the faint smell of pups lingered on her, meaning she was more than likely the Alpha of her pack. Why was she bothering herself with a lone wolf who was nothing but a freak and a stranger?

"That isn't the entire reason I left though." Senka begun to slowly speak again, trying to understand the conflicting logics within her. "However, that story is even longer than the last and I'm sure your pack is worrying after you. We have been here for a short while." It was true. The sun, though having moved marginally, had indeed moved a distance since they had been laying there, not to forget the time they had travelled to the creek.
(This post was last modified: Aug 29, 2013, 11:19 AM by Senka.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Your perfectly fine, and please excuse if I am rambling in this post. XD

"The Moon Goddess?" The question peeped out of Elettra, causing her black silken ears to perk higher in much interest. Yes, indeed! The only real explanation made sense with Senka's words. Though Elettra had not been entirely an avid worshiper, she was a believer in the gods and open minded to the manner in which other wolves had grown up believing in them. Though there was Priestesses and those believed to be Oracle's within her home land, Elettra had only been taught the basics which all of the pack was to learn and then kept to her training in war and medicines. Thinking that possibly the Gods bestowed this gift upon Senka was nothing Elettra was about to question and so nodded with agree. After all, Elettra's own religion matched the idea of the world and the elements, including the Moon Goddess.
"Your correct." The words were simple as Elettra spoke, once more agreeing to this particularly odd woman, with the supposed power of speaking to small creatures, at least a few of them, which Elettra admitted, she still would have to see to believe. She lifts then from her settlement at the side of the small stream, taking one last glance beyond the what once was the borders of Grizzly Hollow, until then turning away towards home. "Perhaps you would continue while I make my return?" She offered the lady then to accompany her, to continue her story as they moved south-east back towards the Drooping Willows.
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
(Hey, I have to reign myself in half the time so I don't go completely overboard. XD )

Senka was puzzled when Elettra seemed to perk up considerably at the mention of the Moon Goddess before offering to accompany her to her pack lands. Senka rose from her spot, answering the other's question as she stretched her legs. "Yes, so far it is the only one that comes even close to something reasonable, even if I don't quite believe it. To no offense, I never took to believing in the gods and their actions when I was young. Not that it wasn't the religion directly that made me disbelieve it. When it was found, my ability was scorned by believers and nonbelievers alike." Senka blinked as she remembered the taunts and teases of her childhood that continued to her adulthood until her leaving. They would still haunt her occasionally in her dreams. "Actually, the worst came from the believers. I could never understand why they hated me so for something their goddess apparently bestowed on me." As the two begin their trek towards the other womans' home, Senka wondered why Elettra had offered to allow her to come back to her lands. It still surprised her that Elettra had the patience for her. "I have one question before I do continue. I am a stranger to you and you are to me as well. You barely know who I am and yet despite what I just told you, you take it in stride as if you do this all the time. Why?"
(This post was last modified: Aug 31, 2013, 08:27 AM by Senka.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Lol, I think you and Senka are doing fine. Love her new images, btw.

Elettra listens to the woman, to the hate and fear which those who she had faced within her pack had offered her from this 'gift' which she had claimed to have, possibly by the gods or possibly by some other random mishap or connection she had gained through birth or within time. Anything could have occurred to make this happen and though the idea still seemed unrealistic and so, unimaginable to Elettra who in many ways was a realist, Elettra could only assume that the God's had bestowed her with the power and so, did not bother meddling in it further. So she could talk to mice and owls. Odd, weird, freaky - yes, this was all true and yet, it is what it is and there was no changing it, it seemed. "I can understand their fear and so don't look down on them for what they did. They fear the unknown, as many do." She speaks with an open honestly, bold with her words to lease Senka to take them as she wished. Elettra had no intention, as never before, in curbing her words to make someone feel better. It was the truth and nothing but the truth, her judgement as she set it. "I, however, have no intention of mocking the gods and so, welcome your gift." Though as said, she was no avid worshiper, nor head over heels religious, but she was no fool to go against the will of those far more powerful then herself. A shrug takes her, a rolling of her shoulder blades back with a huff as her silver attention shifts to Senka at her side for but a moment before moving back to the path which they had set for themselves. "As well, though I think it odd, as I have no intention to attempt conversation with my prey, you do what you do on your time, as I do with mine." Simple enough. Though Elettra thought it foolish to spend time talking to her food when she could be eating it, if this helped Senka on her task at tracking down herds and gaining larger meals by instead befriending the mice instead of eating them (as they were rather insignificant meals anyhow) then so be it. Had Senka been in her pack, she would not have cared how she got the job done, so long as she got in done.
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
(Beware the extra long post! And thanks :)}

Senka chuckled slightly, not the least bit offended with what the other lady was saying. She admired her open honesty. “As I said, it was my first practice hunt so I was a little clumsy in the hunt. And if I remember correctly, I was the first of my siblings to catch anything so I suppose I boasted a little too much and I never got around to the finishing blow before the talking started.” Easily keeping strides with the other, Senka continued with the rest of her story.

“There was a long tradition within my pack, that dictated once an Alpha was deemed too old or weak to rule, or in the female's case, bear anymore pups, their partner would began to seek out a new mate to take over for them. So the Male, Cain who had been chosen by the older Alpha, had secretly started the tradition of finding a new mate to take over for her. I had been chosen, as Cain saw my skills as a hunter an asset. But when the Female, Asha had been found nearly slain in her den, her body covering the quivering bodies of her pups, and upon her recovery, claimed that I was the one who attacked her and that was enough for most of the pack. She weaved lies that I only wanted the spot for the power it held and that I wanted to take revenge on my pack for all the harsh words and actions against me.” Anger filled her eyes as she spoke the last words, her fur unconsciously bristling with her emotions. Whenever she merely thought of what had happened to cause her ostracization from the pack, the energy of anger and pain of betrayal coursed through her. Not many liked or trusted Senka for her odd ways but she had thought her pack was smarter than that.

“Other than Asha’s claim, there was no evidence to prove I had done anything wrong.” The hatred for Asha was clear in her words. Despite not being accepted, Senka was still a friendly face for the few who did enjoy her company yet aside for two, when the deeds done by Asha, it had begun the fester of hate for Senka which she did not deserve. “It certainly didn't help that there were accusations that because of my tendency to wander, it was believed I was speaking to another pack leader who was without a female leader and we were making plans to rule both packs together. The idea took and it was spread around that if Asha had died, by manipulating Cain, I could have easily killed him and take over as the new Alpha Female with this other male. None of this was true and were lies being fed to the pack by the few loyal wolves to Asha. I tried to explain that Asha had found out who had been chosen because she was getting old and the litter of pups she had been found protecting were her last. She didn’t want to lose her leadership, as I kept telling everyone who would listen but no one ever did, apart from Cain and my mother. They tried to help prove Asha wrong but the pack had decided. To them, I was staging an all out war for leadership with the help of a rival pack and nothing was getting in my way. I was nearly killed when I fled.”
(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2013, 12:46 AM by Senka.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
The story went on, moving into a further reason why she had been basically kicked from her previous pack, other forming lies and feud, anything to get the woman out on the lands who they thought crazed for talking to their prey. She had been thought to have attacked the elder Lead female and her children who clung to her side. It was quite the crime to be thought of doing, though Senka here with her story insisted the lie. Of course, perhaps this was not that best thing for Elettra as a Leader, with children of her own, to hear, but she took the story in stride none the less and allowed Senka to continue. Whether she had or had not done the deed, there was no way to know and the woman which walked at her side now had yet done anything to Elettra worth being questionable about.
Once the woman is finished, the Archer woman is silent for some time, taking it all in with a deep breath and her grey rimmed lips tightening to the news. Her story of how she ended up being here was heard, probably something Senka felt a need to get off her chest now that she was free of all others who distrusted her. "Unfortunately, I do not think seeing your mother would be wise..." Returning surely meant being chased off the lands immediately, and should they catch her, likely a fatal mistake on Senka's part. "Why had your mother not traveled with you?" Surely, there was plenty of reasons. Perhaps that had always been her home and she simply did not want to leave. Perhaps she did not wish to leave her mate or her other children behind. Of course, the woman's age could be a major reason for any will to travel, but the curious question still left Elettra none the less. The dark fae did not care to pry into another's history, but if she was going to be told of it, she might as well at least cover all details.
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
“My brother and sister, they…” Senka trailed off, wondering why it had been so easy to tell the story of her betrayal by her pack but when it came speaking of her close family it was difficult. “After our father died in an accident, one they thought that could have been prevented by the pack, they left. Mother didn’t want to leave in case they ever came back. I stayed with her because I couldn’t stand the thought of her being alone in the pack.” Senka blinked away the sadness that emerged in her breast. “My mother was very loyal to him and though she did give him two litters of pups, the first litter didn’t survive their first year and when myself and my siblings were born….You must understand, though my pack did have an Alpha pair, they were lenient on others mating and having pups, though it was controlled. Even Asha understood that without pups, the pack would dwindle in numbers and there would be no one to hunt or anything. Or in her case, to rule over. Half of her litters would eventually leave and the other half would stay. However, she typically only had small litters, only two or three every litter."

It would probably sound odd to Elettra's ears but to Senka, it was considered normal. And if the dark furred woman had stayed without catching Cains' eye, it would have been more than likely that Senka would have been allowed to have pups when she was ready and with her chosen mate.."Of course, loners were allowed to enter but they were few and far between. Other than the Alphas, there were only two other pairs of mates allowed and one pair was my parents. My parents only had this privilege because my father was a great hunter and my mother was one of the best guardians so it believed any children of theirs would be well equipped for anything. They were right with my siblings and I, since my fathers hunting skills were handed down to me and my brother became a guardian like our mother. My sisters' skills lay in being a scout." Her heart clenched when she spoke of her sister. There had been a fight between the sisters before the elder had left, leaving themselves in bad spirits with one another. Her brother had come to her a few hours later with his tail between his legs and an apologetic smile on his face. He was going after their sister because he agreed with her and it had broken Senka's heart even further when he told her. They had been close, she and her brother. He was kind and sweet, the first after their parents to accept her strange ways. Luna had taken longer to accept it, thinking her younger sister was lying and attempting to get attention.But when her abilities had helped save Rayne, she was at least grateful.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She most certainly got more then she had been bargaining for with her question. Senka opened up on the breeding rights of those within the pack, where the strongest, highest amongst the ranks were given the rights to breed. Although typically only the Lead pair was allowed to breed, a tradition seeming to uphold within Relic Lore and one which Elettra herself held onto for the sake of her own children's survival, the concept was not at all odd for Elettra. After all, the Torbine Empire worked in this same manner, where the Elite were given rights for breeding to strengthen the pack in number. However, the lands were vast and all belonged to the Empire. There was no worry of struggle with it's numbers to keep up the hunting and often were bands able to leave for weeks at a time in search for food without having to worry that those left behind would not be able to care for themselves. Willow Ridge was simply too small to care for more then one litter of children and as of yet, no mated pair had managed to gain her respect enough to allow for children. Not to mention, her not having a mate also swayed her will to allow a mated pair such a thing, when a challenge could easily disrupt her own ruling. Her pack was strong, perhaps, but it was far from an Empire, as one she had been raised within.
"I understand." Or at least she thought she did. That pack, though flawed as any could be, was the woman's home and she had every intention of staying should her other two children, having ventured off, ever return to her. Likely, they would not. Elettra knew not Senka's siblings and had only just met her, but many children who wondered off on their own did not return, at least if they were successful in life. Usually, it was those who had failed in their wishes and dreams which came scrabbling back to the teet. Pausing now that she and her traveling partner had successfully made it to the edges of Drooping Willows, where beyond in the east her pack settled, Elettra turned to the russet hued large woman with a small smirk to her features. "And what shall you do now?"
(This post was last modified: Sep 13, 2013, 04:37 AM by Elettra.)