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Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
RE: There is a shooting star tonight.

Ashanti was over all... just confused. Her heart told her one thing, and her mind another. Her heart told her to follow it, and to go and find any remains of her family that was left, but her mind knew better and told her to stay with her new family. She wanted to do both, but there was one Ashanti and two places that were probably far away from each other. How my deeds pain me as time stretches long. How could I have hurt them this way? Her mind faded out off into the distance. She howled, a song almost, to her family, even if they couldn't hear her. "Lullay, dear family, good night siblings mine. Rest now in starlight’s embrace. May this cool lullaby reach you in dreams, and ease you your passage of days. May my apologies find you this night, and may my sorrow in kind. Sister, you loved me much more than I knew, forgive me for being so blind."

With that, she cut her howl off, collapsing to the ground as she looked up at the night sky. All she saw was stars falling from the sky, it was almost like... they were responding. She didn't care of the answer was from her parents and siblings in Aranna... or if it was something else. To her, it was peace of mine. It was closure to her pains, she looked towards where she knew her pack to be, she was only on the edge of the fields near the border, but it didn't matter. She was in a whole other world tonight. A world made up of just her and whomever decided to join her, whether they were pack of loner she did not care. It was her mind, herself, that mattered. The last art of her lullaby to her family... it was directed towards her sister, the only one that she had seen after the violent overthrow of her birth pack... the last part was directed towards Isen.

(This post was last modified: Aug 24, 2013, 07:19 PM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah had made her way to the blackberry fields as she often did in search of herbs and the tender berries which she found quite refreshing. Usually she came in the daylight, but for some reason a bit of restlessness was upon her and she found her pale golden form nearly glowing in the darkness as she traveled. She didn't want to go far and didn't plan on being gone for too long.

In the distance, she heard a beautiful, yet bitter-sweet song being sung by a familiar voice. Ashanti. Azariah felt her heart weep a bit for the sadness of the other young woman. She'd been through so much and still she persevered and the golden fae was proud to call the other young woman pack mate and perhaps friend. If the other was willing to deepen their relationship. The two healers had not had much time to get to truly know one another and Azariah wondered if perhaps this was the reason that she couldn't keep still tonight. Perhaps it was time for the two to become friends. The thought pleased the golden fae.

As the song faded away, she adjusted her course to lead her to her pack mate. A sight caught her attention. A flickering in the night sky. Pausing in her travel she looked up and saw a single star fall, followed by several other. Then there was nothing for a few moments, before it seemed a half dozen other bright white lights streaked across the inky backdrop. Shooting stars had always meant prosperity to Solarra and therefor to Azariah as well. A small smile lit her face and there was a lightness in her step as she finally came upon the large beautiful fae laying alone in moonlight.

She did nothing to hide her approach for she didn't want to startle Ashanti or break her peaceful reverie.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
{We haven't threaded together in forever}

Ashanti had been all caught up in her sad and rather tacky song that she had failed to watch around her, it was the first time that she had truly let go of her constant alertness to those around her and everything around her since the incident. She turned, scenting someone whom she recognized as a packmate, nothing more and nothing less. They hadn’t really talked either. She had a puzzled look on her face, and she called out the name. "Azariah? Azariah, is that you?" She called out to the golden fae whom she understood had a thing for Hollow; after all she had called him her love when he was injured by that bobcat. It also reminded her she had to check on the dark colored Guardian.

The stars shimmered in the sky, and she knew everything from then on was going to be all fine. She had a family, though they may not carry the Aranna name, or for that matter they might not even be related by blood, but they were family. The girl had grown into a woman, she had experienced knowledge that made her grow up and mature. She let a small smile on her face, she was happy to see a packmate and someone she knew. Perhaps they could learn a bit more about each other in the process of talking. She gazed at Azariah and then back at the sky. "The sky is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?" She asked whom she believed to be her packmate.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah answered, "Yes, it's me Ashanti. Would you like some company?" She padded softly over to where the larger wolf lay and looked up at the sky once more. There were still a few random stars streaking across the sky, lighting thier way across the dark heavens. She'd often wondered why they moved when normally stars were ever dependable and stationary. But she'd learned that these star dances were a sign of good things to come and so she rejoiced in her heart for whatever good tidings they heralded.

When Ashanti commented on the lovely show in the sky, she nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, it is to be sure. It's been a long time since I've seen the stars dance. In my birth pack... well, at least our Master Healer Solarra, who raised me, believed that the Star Dance boded well. I still feel the same, myselt," she said with a shy smile. She had never really talked much about her past, even with Hollow. It was not that she had anything to hide. Not really. Why hide the fact that she was a daughter of the Alpha pair and that they had wanted her dead? That she'd been saved and raised by the kind and eccentric healer? Nothing to hide, but not exactly something to shout to the world. She'd found a home in Nina's pack. She was a valued member. Here, she was wanted. Loved, even she thought as an image of Hollow came to mind. He was ever her Knight in Shining Armor.

A slightly bemused look came over her golden countenance thinking of her love, before she shook it off, her neck warming and glanced at Ashanti to see what she thought of her odd belief.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

Asha couldn't help but smile as Azariah spoke of the rejoicing it brought her, but the girl had a different mind as to what falling stars meant. While they were truly beautiful, her mother and her entire birth pack saw it as a sign of remembering those who were close to them whom had passed away. She gazed over at Azariah, wondering if the female had a piece of advice that she could possibly give Asha. She closed her eyes for a second, taking a deep breathe. "Azariah, have you ever missed something, someone that was really close to you? Have you ever missed someone where you don't know if they are still alive or not?" She asked, her voice having sorrows mixed into them. She was terrified to find the fate of her friend.

She stayed rather quiet after that, reflecting on her life as she did a lot lately. Her mind was almost blank for once and her heart was beating fast. She had no idea why, but she was completely nervous to be around Azariah. She knew that Hollow and Azariah were a thing, and maybe she was just nervous because out of every wolf in the pack, Hollow seemed to always be there for her. After all, if Hollow hadn't found her, she wouldn't call Secret Woodlands home to the day. Her head was jumbled when it faded out of the blank emotion it once held. "Azariah, Hollow is lucky to have you." She said with a small smile.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah was happy to be spending some time with Ashanti. The pair of young healers often seemed to be heading in different directions from one another and she liked the idea of getting to know the young mother a bit better. After a few moments the larger fae closed her eyes and took a deep breath before asking, 'Azariah, have you ever missed something, someone that was really close to you? Have you ever missed someone where you don't know if they are still alive or not?' The petite healer thought about what she asked and her thoughts drifted to those that she truly loved. She found that her list was sadly short. From her birth pack, there was only Solarra... and she knew that she was gone. Now there were her packmates, but the only one that truly had her heart was Hollow. "I'm sorry Ashanti, but I truly don't have any idea what that must feel like. The only wolf I ever loved before the Woodlands has passed on. Thankfully, no one that I love is missing now."

She paused for a moment, looking at the other woman with sadness in her eyes for her fear. It was easily evident. She nuzzled Ashanti's white shoulder affectionately, trying to comfort her in some small way. "If you want to talk about it.. an anything else, I'm here for you. I know we don't know each other well, but I'd like to think that we are friends. Please remember that if you need a shoulder." She knew that Ashanti had Hollow as a friend and she was glad for that. His was certainly a noble and strong shoulder. Ashanti got quiet for a few moments then her that Hollow was lucky to have her. She felt herself grow warm with a bout of emotion, the compliment was a sweet one. "Thank you for saying that, Ashanti. I'm pretty sure that I'm the lucky one though." She gave a self-conscious laugh.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Ashanti Aranna
Maybe my heart isn't that whole

Sorry for the wait!! I've been terrible with posting XD

Ashanti had calmed herself down quite a bit from when she was broken down in the forest those long months ago. It had been Hollow who had brought her back, and Azariah had trusted his judgement to do so. Azariah had been the first one there and she had calmed her down {or at least attempted} to take care of her in that time. She was grateful to the both of them, if it hadn't been for them, she wouldn't be talking to Azariah, and she would probably be dead. Her mind was stuck on that when she thought about Azariah and Hollow, that was all she really knew about Azariah, and Hollow she did know a bit more about... well not really. They both were mysterious wolves to her, but they were friends all the same.

The teacher had been neglecting her job lately, she had to admit it because it was true. "Thank you Azariah, and you both are lucky to have each other. Love always makes a wolf stronger than they ever are alone." Except for if you love someone who you may never see again. She added to herself bitterly, she had listened carefully to what Azariah had to say. She was probably right, not many did know what Asha had gone through in her life, only Nina and Sloane. Well that and Isen and all those wolves who were actively involved in her life. "Did I ever tell you how I did find Secret Woodlands?" She asked, her voice a bit cracked, almost hoarse.

(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2013, 08:42 PM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah still blushed because of Ashanti's comment about Hollow being lucky to have her. She truly believed it the other way around and always would, no matter how long they loved one another. To Ashanti's wise words she replied, "I believe that to be true as well. Without Hollow, I somehow feel less whole. But there are far more wolves to love than just one. There are many that love you already in other ways. I'm sure that you will find your heart one day and he will be by your side." Ashanti deserved to be loved. She'd been through so much and yet she prevailed. She was a strong wolf indeed.

Ashanti asked a question then, 'Did I ever tell you how I did find Secret Woodlands? She shook her head and said, "No, Ashanti...How did you come to find Nina and the pack?." The tone in the other fae's young voice had cracked a bit with her question, filled with emotion. She wagged her golden tail gently a few times and nuzzled her friend encouragingly. It seemed that they all had some story to tell and not all were good. Many in fact were tales filled with woe and tragedy. She wondered what it was with the world that so much sadness must be heaped upon everyone. It just didn't seem right. Every wolf deserved joy in their lives.

Shaking her own melancholy thoughts, Azariah flicked her golden ears, waiting for the other woman to tell her tale.

Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child