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I'll Go Crazy If You're Gone Any Longer — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
@Silver <3
….Long and unneeded things in post that shouldn’t be there is not my fault. Ace made me >.>

Early Morning: 6:15 AM — Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 70° F/21° C

He couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t eat. He couldn’t drink. All he could do was think about Silver, whether or not she was okay. She had gone over the mountains on a scouting mission, and he missed her more than anything else. His sleep pattern was completely messed up; sleeping almost all day and up all night. But one good thing was that he checked the borders at least two times a day; early morning and late night. The Pitch Pine Trail scent that clung to his pelt was crisscrossed all of the territory, but he kept mostly to the northwestern borders where he was more likely to run into the love of his life.

Large, creamy paws thudded rhythmically on the ground as he padded around the borders, marking every few feet to make sure that any creature would know not to cross it, or face the consequences of a half-crazy guardian. The Pitch Pine Guardian needed Silver with him, she had been gone too long, and he felt that if she was gone a day longer he’d turn into a corsair; rampaging across the territory and devouring everyone in his way.

Stopping on the edge of the border, Ace lifted his head to stare up at the sky. A new day was dawning, and most of the stars had already disappeared as the sky lightened, but a few still twinkled up above. The way they connected with each other to form shapes reminded him of how much he needed to be with Silver; breathe in her scent, feel her body as he brushed against her, but most of all: just see her with his own two eyes.

A soft whine rumbled in his throat as he looked back down and stared passed the boundary of Pitch Pine Trail. The need to go out there, past the mountain and find her was strong, but he needed to stay with the pack. It was safer that way, for both of them. If he had gone with her, the journey would have taken much longer. Climbing up and down the mountain was much easier for Silver’s agile form, than his bulky mass. He would have just been dead weight.

But the pack needed someone to continually patrol the borders and refresh the markings, and even though he thought of them as family, he didn’t trust them enough to do the job properly. Maybe if they proved themselves by joining each and every morning and night he’d trust them to do it, but so far, none had worked as hard as he did. All his life he had been trained and brought up to protect his family, and when the time came, to lead. It was in his blood to be an alpha, and he also had a willing female to lead beside him. Even is Silver didn’t have the alpha gene in her, he could easily teach her how to handle things and what to do in dire situations. All you needed was a clear head and a sharp mind.

Lifting up his creamy white muzzle into the clear, morning air, Ace let out a mourning howl, hoping that Silver would hear. “If you hear this Silver, my love….Know that I am waiting for you to come home, to come home to Pitch Pine Trail, to me. I miss you so much it hurts. Please come back soon….”

566 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
That's fine, I think it's cute ^_^

"@Ace I'm coming home." it came out as a whisper but also a thought in her head. Silver was worried for him. Silver was dashing through the trees, rocks and anything that got in her way. Stumbling only here and there. She had been somewhat tiered from her trip but not enough to make her want a different role in the pack. Truly the only other thing she could be was a hunter, if that even. Plus she liked the travels and adventures.

The only thing that was a negative thing about being a scout was it pulled her away from Ace more. It made Silver think, what did he do when she was gone? Was he seeing someone else? No that was crazy. He was her mate and she had to fully trust him. Flicking her tail around she heard his howl. It was welcoming and she howled back "My Love, I'm closer than you think. I shall great you in maybe minutes if not seconds." her feet now were pounding on the ground. Silver was using any and all left over energy. Just so she could see him.

The farther she got the closer his scent was. It was intoxicating like a drug. Something she couldn't get enough of. Finally Aces' figure came into sight. Before Silver could think the word flew out of her "Ace!" it was a shrill of excitement that escaped her. Golden eyes burst bright in the breaking day light.

Silvers' body knocked right into his chest. Licking his chin and nuzzling Ace until he would tell her to stop and calm down. Her tail was wagging like crazy. Calming herself down a bit she was still nuzzling him but her tail stopped wagging so much."Are you okay, you look a bit of a wreck?" she examined him carefully. It was obvious he had been a wreck when she was gone.

table by Whisper

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

Ace’s heart caught in his chest when he heard a returning howl. It was @Silver. She was home! Excitement and nervousness coursed through his being as he waited for her to arrive. He couldn’t keep still, and paced back and forth, looking up every two seconds. Eternity seemed to come and pass, but in reality, a minute hadn’t even gone by.

Forcing himself to stop pacing, the Pitch Pine Guardian faced the direction her howl had come from, and watched with an almost pained expression on his face. He felt as if he had gone crazy during her absence, but that was nothing compared to what he felt right that moment. Just waiting for her to appear took all of his energy away.

Just like she took his breath away when she appeared.

The moment her form came into sight he heard her yell out his name, just as he did hers. ”Silver!” His voice was thick with emotion as she barreled into his muscled chest. The force of the impact caused him to move backwards slightly, but he immediately started to nuzzle her and cuddle closer to her.

Her scent was intoxicating and just looking and being close to her made him feel alive, and less crazy. Strength poured back into him and he felt as if he could fight a hundred wolves and more without attaining a scratch. At her words Ace chuckled, he felt as if he was a wreck, but upon seeing her, he felt like a new wolf.

Nuzzling her muzzle with his own, he looked into her golden eyes with his own Silver eyes. They were completely the opposite, yet the same. ”I’m fine, now that you’re here.” The Pitch Pine Guardian could see her eyes scan over his body, as if making sure he was healthy and unscathed. Doing the same, Ace froze when his gaze landed on scratches on her muzzle.

A low, hushed growl emitted from his muzzle. Whoever, or whatever, had given her those scratches, there would be hell to pay. Closing his eyes, Ace forced himself to calm down. ”Who or what gave you those scratches?” The words were spoken in a dangerous, yet protective tone. He would do anything to make sure that his Silver Angel was not harmed. But now that she was here, with him, there was no way that he’d ever let her go again.

400 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Ace slight PP, let me know if you want it changed :)

Silver had to stop and collect herself. How was she suppose to say a bobcat attacked her without making it sound that big of a deal? It felt impossible too. Giving him a soft hushing sound when she heard a small growl that came with his concern. Not in a dominance stance way she closed around his maw with her jaws as if to say "Stay silent while I talk, wait till the end for questions." and then a small growl came out. Silver wasn't meaning to be harsh (if she was coming off that way) not once did she ever wish Ace harm.

"I'm fine, they won't scar. It was truly my fault I choose to mess around with a bobcat. Of course I wasn't thinking of what a pissed of bobcat could do. Well I guess it had enough and turned and gave me these scratches. Nasty little thing if you ask me." Silver now gave him a nudge just to let him know it was okay to talk now. Ace was probably still concerned but she would keep him calm. Or at least try to.

Sitting under and curled up in Aces' chest with his warmth and scent welcoming her home Silver smiled to herself. It was nice to have him next to her. Of course the trip across riddle heights and into the meadows was amazing too. Her life couldn't be more perfect. She had thought over the mountain, how could they ever have a family? It would be work but it would be worth it.

table by Whisper

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
It’s okay! ^^

At his Silver Angel’s soft hushing sound, the rumbling in his chest stopped, but the anger and concern he felt was still there. The Pitch Pine Guardian stiffened when Silver closed her jaws around his. Blinking, he understood her actions immediately and clamped down on his jaws. He would keep silent until she was done, or she told him that he could speak.

When Silver told him that it was a bobcat that had attacked her, the beginnings of a snarl started in his throat, but he forced himself to keep quiet, even though he felt otherwise. His eyes were drawn to the scratches on her muzzle. Even though they would and fade away, he wouldn’t forget. The image was stuck in his mind.

A small sigh escaped from him as his Silver Angel nudged him, he guessed that it was alright to talk now. Oh, he had so many things to say; should he be angry, comforting or concerned? But when she curled up under him by his chest, he scent and touch soothed him, clearing his mind. Gently nuzzling the top of her head with his muzzle, Ace spoke softly. “Provoking a bobcat by yourself was very dangerous, but I admit, I probably would have done the same.” A small grin formed on his face, he was unsure whether he should be smiling or not, she may think that he was paying her out, but that wasn’t the case. It was true, he would have, when he was younger. That danger of attacking a bobcat and surviving was a mighty tale to tell your friends, and the ladies.

Now that everything important was out of the way, the Pitch Pine Guardian relaxed. He lowered his head so that his muzzle was resting against Silver’s shoulder, and sighed softly, closing his eyes. It was peaceful when it was just him and her, with nothing else to distract them. “So….” He ran his cheek along her neck until they sat face to face, and he stared into her golden orbs. “How was your trip?”

344 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Ace muse is running a little low

Silver smiled at him. He was all hers' and only hers'. Lifting her muzzle to his ear she whispered to him softly"Beautiful, maybe we could go during the Spring. That is if everything we want can be worked out..." her voice trailed off and she nudged Ace softly before giving him a lick on the chin. She brushed herself on his left side before walking around him to his right side. Twisting her scent into his she had a wild look in her eyes. The look that spoke of charm and danger. Just what she was, charming and dangerous.

It was like a high whenever she was around him. His scent like chemicals messing with her mind. Teasing her whenever she was around him. Ace was her only thing she needed in life. Silver loved him like no other. No one could ever take his place in her heart. Moving to the front of him she placed her face against his and spoke words only for his ears "I wanna be the one you love forever. The one you wake up to everyday." the sun was now high enough that it could peak through the trees. Shine down on her fur and her golden eyes. The moment seemed like a fantasy.

Pitch Pine was her sanctuary, her safe haven. Everyone here posed no harm. Just protection of their position. But of course, Silver wanted what she couldn't have, the part of being Alpha with Ace.

table by Whisper

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
It’s okay :)
And short post is short :c

The sound of a soft chuckle escaped from the Pitch Pine Guardian at his Silver Angel’s words. If she said it was beautiful over the mountains, then it surely was. But it wouldn’t be more beautiful than herself. She was the most gorgeous entity in his life, nothing could beat her looks or personality.

The corners of his lips twitched up in a smile as she licked his chin, and a soft rumbling purr in his chest expressed his contentment. He could happily spend all day with Silver, watching her, talking to her, just being around her. She was like a drug that he was addicted to.

A curious expression formed in his silvery gaze as Silver brushed herself along his left side, before walking around his body to his other side. Her scent mixed with his, and he could see a wild look in her golden eyes. The look was of charm and danger, and he felt a shiver go down his spine.

When she placed her forehead against his, the Pitch Pine Guardian rubbed his nose gently against hers’, while breathing in her sweet scent. Closing his eyes briefly, Ace listened as she spoke, and only opened them when silence returned once again. “I will never stop loving you, my Silver Angel. No matter what happens, I will be there for you.”

He would be with Silver forever. Always at her side, comforting her in the time of need, assisting her, but most importantly; loving her. The love the Pitch Pine Guardian felt for his Silver Angel went deep down to his very core. Through thick and thin, they would never separate from one another. Not if he could help it.

283 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

A small smile light up her dark features as Ace talked. She kept her face against him. He knew how to charm and how to love. Everything that she never received. At least from her family she didn't. Silver tried to push the thoughts of her long gone family out of her mind. It only brought back an aching pain to her heart. Making her so cold and distant from the rest when she was consumed by her dark thoughts. Nuzzling @Ace her thoughts slowly drifted away but kept tugging at her. Somethings she hadn't told him that she needed to. Even though she acted like it never happened, there was the day when she met Borlla, Alpha of Magnolia Glen. Looking him ever so softly in the eyes she whispered to him and for him only "We should go on a little walk. Maybe get to know each other much more then we did when we first met." a shallow smiled formed on her face as if she was weary to tell him.

Silver started to lead him. Her black paws carefully were placed on such uneven ground covered with dead leaves and sticks. All the signs that winter was coming soon. Almost to soon. It made her a bit cautious about how the pack would hold up for a winter. Was this their first Winter as a pack? If so it would sure be a fun experience for them all. Give them all something to learn about. Of course coming from Alaska she knew first hand that Winter was a beauty but also such a danger. Flicking her tail as a sign for Ace to follow, she waited for him to appear at her side. Just like he always was. Right next to her and close to her.

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
Had absolutely no muse for this post >.>
And OMG wow, exactly that same as my other post xD

Ace could think of no other wolf to spend his time with, to care for and to love, she was like no other, a special wolf that had somehow found him, where they could be together forever. He could think of so many things to say to his Silver Angel, but the words just couldn’t out. It seemed that he was tongue-tied. A feeling that he had never felt before in the presence of another, or just in general. New feelings were being experienced, ones that he wasn’t used to, and that he thought he’d never feel in his life. But apparently, he had been wrong.

He gave a quick lick on her chin with his salmon pink tongue, before brushing his neck gently along hers’. Being around her made him feel young and carefree, without a worry in the world. But it didn’t last long. His ears pinned back almost completely against his skull at her words. What did she mean get to know each other a bit more?

The Pitch Pine Guardian was frozen in place until a flick of the tip of her tail from Silver beckoned him to follow her. Unsure of what to say and how to act, Ace followed her, and walked at a slow pace beside her; ears laid back ever so slightly against his skull. He was curious about what she wanted to know about him, and what she would tell him about her. But at the same time, he didn’t want to know.

Looking around at their surroundings, Ace took in a deep breath before looking almost hesitantly at Silver. “What is it exactly that you want to know about me, or tell me?”

283 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

She saw he was a bit worried so she brushed her side into his as for comfort."Well. I want you to know more about me." her voice trailed off at the end to give him time to think before she began to speak again. "A while ago, when I had first entered Relic Lore I cam across a pack known as Magnolia Glen. It was a beautiful place. And I did like any wolf would, i tried to seek acceptance into the pack. But I slipped up a bit. With that the Alpha almost ripped of my muzzle. Nothing to big, but sometimes I think back to that day and what would have happened if I was there still." it was kinda a scary thought to be honest. She couldn't imagine herself without Ace now.

Silver nuzzled him softly. She didn't want to let him go ever. @Ace was the only good thing in her life. No, he was the Best thing. It was like a soft whine that came from her chest as she had finished speaking. Letting the silence fall between them she rested her head on her chest. Being able to hear his beating heart. And it beat for her too, Just like her heart beats for Ace. Sitting under him with her head on his chest she whispered to him "If you ever become Alpha, just know that I'll do whatever it takes to lead by you."

(This post was last modified: Sep 13, 2013, 01:50 PM by Silver.)