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A Cave of Wonders!
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Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Dated 7/24/2013
9:46 AM Sunny 67degrees F


"Momma? Mommmaa? Are you gone?" Titan called out for his missing mother until a yawn was forced upon him. He'd woken up a few minutes ago curled up next to his brother and sister. Though the dark lad did not at first recognize his surroundings. It took him a minute to remember that they weren't at home anymore..Err.. little home anyway. Dis is big cave home. He'd reminded himself after remembering how Nari had called this big den a cave. Even now Titan couldn't believe how big it was. He still wanted to ask one of the adults how they had managed to make such a big cave den.

After noting the silence after his call, Titan knew that mom had left them to go someplace. One day Ima go width momma. Ima helped her width da work. He sat up raising his dark face high smiling. Titan knew that one day he would be just as big as his dadda. Ima chase away awe da bad guys. Pulling himself to his paws the young Thorben looked around the cave den. His teal blue eyes opened wide at the still unfamiliar sight of his big new home.

Light filtered through the tall wide opening of the "cave den" announcing to his darkened world that it was late morning just outside of the cavern. Titan turned his gaze to the dark side of the giant cave. His weaker eyes were unable to see the floor in the farthest reaches of the main room. The dark Thorben wondered if back there in the black dark he would fall through the floor forever unable to find a way out. Curiosity however took the pup deeper into the main room after a few minutes of staring into the dark. He wanted to find out if there was no end to this giant den.

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2013, 06:56 PM by Titan.)
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
(I hope you don't mind me jumping in here with Dad. I can delete it if you want!)

Sloane was enthralled by his children and now that they were in the main den, it was even easier for him to see them and he was now returning from a morning run to see his beloved family. He'd scented that Narime' had headed out, likely for a drink of just to stretch her long legs. It couldn't have been easy for an active young fai like her being cooped up in the tiny birthing den for so long. He altered his course slightly and headed into the large community cave that the pack shared. The pups were farther back in the shadows.

Just as he entered the large mouth of the cave, he heard Titan call out for his mama, sounding a bit groggy and confused. After a few moments, the boy seemed to remember where he was. All were adjusting to the new arrangements, but he imagined it might be overwhelming for his innocent children. He saw his firstborn peering into the darkness, with wonder and curiosity on his little face.

Sloane hung back, rather than jumping forward and stopping the black pup from moving forward. He was here to keep him from any real danger and he was curios to see what the tiny Thorben would do.. So he held back, silently wagging his tail, russet ears pricked forward and amber eyes alert for the slightest trouble to see what Titan would do.

Knight of Honor
Played by Melorama who has 49 posts.
Inactive II. Teacher
Kieth Tatum
None at all Jen! ^^
Also, I am so sorry about the wait. Life took over and I had no internet….
I still don’t have proper internet >.>

He was on pup duty; looking after them and making sure that they didn’t get into trouble. So far, they hadn’t done much but sleep. Laying a few feet inside the entrance of the den, the Caverns Teacher spread out to his full length, blocking the escape route if any of the young Thorbens dared to sneak past him as he napped. But, it didn’t last long.

Just as one of the three young Thorbens called out for Narime’, a familiar scent reached his sensitive nose, and a quick turn of his grey head confirmed that the wolf was part of Whisper Caverns. It was his leader; Sloane Thorben. Quietly and quickly, Kieth clambered to his feet and acknowledged Sloane with a respectful dip of his head.

The Caverns Teacher smiled and turned his head to watch Titan, the firstborn of the Thorben litter. He seemed to be the most adventurous out of his siblings, which wasn’t a bad thing when it came to exploring new things.

Kieth stood next to his alpha with pricked ears, watching the young Thorben slowly creep into the depths of the den. The Caverns Teacher wouldn’t interfere unless if Titan went too deep or couldn’t find his way back into the main area of the den.

Sitting down just outside the entrance of the den, Kieth watched Titan and the two other Thorbens. ”They have grown bigger, and Titan seems to be the adventurous type.” His voice was a soft whisper, as he was careful not to alert the young Thorben to their presence. He wanted to see how far Titan would go, and was sure that Sloane did too. Such was the life of a pup sitter.

284 Words

You can run, but
you can't hide...
(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2013, 10:10 AM by Kieth.)
[Image: wcpride3_by_terra_anne-d60id3y.png]
You can run, but you can't hide

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
As he walked further into the shadowed side of the large room Titan couldn't suppress a shiver of excitement. He was having an adventure, but the adventure wasn't outside for once. Instead it was in a place that the boy thought he was allowed to look through. If it's our cave den then I shouldn't be in trouble for looking. Was what he thought. To a point the small boys way of thinking rang true. He was allowed to look around this new place, and with nobody stopping him Titan would explore every nook and cranny of the cavern.

A large...thing stood in his way. Titan squinted his eyes and looked up at the giant pillar of stone that connected the floor to the roof. He was amazed at two different things. One that the stone was so wide and strong. Titan felt that it could hold up the entire sky above them. Then he realized that he could see it when about five minutes ago all the boy could see was pitch blackness. Titan didn't realize that his eyes were quickly adjusting to the low light conditions within the dark end of the cave.

"Aww cool! " His belated voice echoed all around them making the boy flinch at his own words. Then Titan jumped forward trying to be like his dad and ran around the pillar. Twice, three times he ran around until the boy paused and tried to mark the giant stone as his own. He succeeded in releasing a few droplets of pee and from there dashed further forward till he reached the back of the room.

About ten minutes passed of Titan surveying every piece of the back wall. He could dimly see the stone walls; his puppy eyes still having trouble with the low light. Then he spied it. What looked like a large crack in the wall big enough for his mother and father to fit through. Warily approaching the pitch black entrance to the tunnel Titan realized that he could smell his families scent on the opening. "They went through here?" His voice cracked somewhat scared of the area darker than the main room he was standing within. For a short while Titan was unsure of looking any farther into that mysterious crack.

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2013, 06:56 PM by Titan.)
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
He smiled at the elder wolf. Keith was one of the kindest wolves that he'd ever met and he felt blessed to have such a loyal soul as a pack mate and in charge of caring for his children. Luck had definitely been on his side when he'd happened by the lone male so long ago and his pack was all the better for it. He gave a nod of understanding at Kieth's words. They really were growing so fast and his firstborn was indeed a curious soul. "Yes, he does seem to be the adventurous type," he said in a low voice, not wanting to detract from his son's sense of adventure. It wouldn't be nearly as much fun if he realized that two watchfull adults were mere yards away!

All his good intentions nearly went out the door and a good humored chuckle almost broke free as Titan made his third lap around the stone pillar that he had marked with his young scent. He had such a look of pride as he'd marked it too! Something so simple was such an adventure for a young and curious pup.

A bit of concern returned and his shoulders tensed when the boy located the large crack that lay hidden in the darkness. He seemed unsure of whether to investigate or not and Sloane waited to see what he would do. He didn't realize that he'd been holding his breath until his lungs began to burn a bit. Curiosity was good, but there were parts of the cave that were downright dangerous and he didn't want the children exploring back there. He hoped that a smidge of self-preservation would keep Titan on this side of the black crevice since he didn't want to ruin the boy's fun by revealing his and Keith's presence and telling the lad 'No.' But he would.

Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan stared into the darkness. The scents of his family on the crevice rocks surface made him more sure of himself that it was safe to travel forward. Tentatively the dark pup stepped forward and mingled with the shadows being cast within the crevice. He walked very slow observing everything he could see (which wasn't much) and letting his hackles lift in fear. The scent of his family dulled, though one of his pack mates smells grew stronger as he padded onward.

Another scent caught his attention. A rich bitter cloying scent filled the air growing stronger as he traveled along through the tunnel. At the end of this particular tunnel was an area with many smaller holes and dips in the floor and little inserts in the walls. An area of soft dirt was in the middle of the mid sized room along with the smell of one of Titan's pack mates. The pup sniffed the soft ground smelling a womans scent but one he had not encountered yet. What the young child didn't know was that he had found Simaea's stash of herbs as well as her hiding/sleeping spot away from the pack.

Titan then scented around the sides of the walls noting the smells of many different berries, nuts, and medicinal plants hidden in their own neatly sorted spaces. Of course the dark child had no idea why a wolf would have so many plants in one area. It wasn't like they were good things to eat. Titan wrinkled up his nose in disgust at all of the overpowering smells of plants and began to double back the way he had come. It was on his way back that Titan realized he could smell more of his family. The scent flowed through the crevice opening.

"Mother? Father?" He called out wondering if it really was his family that was close. Right now the child couldn't see much of anything in front of him so he didn't know that Kieth and Sloane were watching very closely what the young Thorben was doing.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane watched as Titan explored, wanting to give him the freedom to perhaps learn something on his own without the obvious presence of an adult around. Never would they be left alone entirely, but some self-exploration was a good thing. He listened as his son made his was through the crevice and into the darkness. He spent several minutes exploring and Sloane listened to the sounds of his paws and his snuffling around. The scent of the herbs that Simeae kept in her little nook came to him and he grinned as he imagined young Titan's reactions to the potent smelling plants and herbs. It wasn't long after that when her heard his firstborn making his way back towards the opening.

The alpha made sure that he was nowhere near the opening as the black pup approached it and smiled knowingly at @Kieth when the pup called out, [/I]"Mother? Father?"[/I] He waited the slightest moment before answering his son. "Yes, Titan. Where are you, son?" He waited to see if his little explorer would make his way back out on his own or if he would need a bit of assistance. He would certain go in to retrieve he little wanderer, but he didn't fit in the crevice nearly as easily as the rest of his pack mates!
Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
has muse to reply <3

Black ears shot forward as the shadowy boys father answered his query. Titan smiled letting his tail wag happily just as he began to pad forward towards the deep voice. Within moments his blue eyes fell upon his fathers russet form. "I'm coming dad!"

His even steps brought the leggy lad out into the open room where light from the caverns entrance allowed the child to see once again. Titan let out a few happy barks before running towards Sloane tail wagging happy in the still air. The boys laughter echoed in the cave when he spotted Kieth not too far away looking in his direction.

"Hi!" Titan woofed to Kieth while padding up to his father and butting his black head against the cream and rust legs of the Cavern alpha.

After greeting his father Titan looked up and around the cave den, A part from exploring there were a few others things that he could do. Things like wandering around meeting the rest of the pack, sniffing around the caches, and or waking up his siblings to bug them into a play fight. Instead the ebony child stared up at his father with a questioning look upon his maw.

"Wanna play hide'n seek with me?" the pup asked cutely cocking his dark crown sideways. The young Thorben knew the perfect place to hide if his father just agreed to play with him. Maybe Yuka and Malia would wanna play too. Titan thought quietly turning his gaze to the floor and then back to his fathers face.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...