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ol' time killing
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Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Such a terrible post. ><

The shriekfs of the rabbit echoed across the forest – a flock of birds startled from their perch and Phineas regarded them as they started off once more to the sky. Migrations had started it seemed, as nature prepared for the oncoming of winter. Dropping the now dead creature to the ground between his paws, the male’s tongue smoothed out across his blood stained lips, reveling in the hot warmth from the meal he had just created. The cache’s at the Glen were well stocked for now, and with that in mind, the ivory beast sprawled his figure out across the forest floor, one paw draped protectively over the rabbit as his eyes took in the sight before him. Borlla and he had almost settled in this area – the brilliant hues of the ferns before them had elicited wonder in the pair before, yet they had been unwilling to settle before they took in more of the land before them.. and only days later, they had discovered Magnolia Glen.

Allowing the quiet of the earth to settle over him, the Argyris male turned his attention to the rabbit he had lucked in to finding. He had made its death quick, and without further hesitation, the male began to work at his meal, tearing the flesh with his vice-like jaws, allowing the rumble of his stomach smooth away as it gained its fill. A meal in such silence was extremely rare for the Leader – usually, Kyros and Hypatia were with him, eagerly awaiting for regurgitated meat. Naturally, he held no doubt the moment he returned, both cubs would pry their nose to the corner of his mouth in demand of a meal of their own, and a small smile graced the man’s lips as he feasted. It was a tiny rabbit, but it would be enough to tide him over and feed his little ones. Time, as it was, was drifting by too fast, and he knew that all too soon his cubs would be joining the pack for the hunt. They would need to be prepared.

Played by Outcast who has 14 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maverick Noah Ryder

After the scarred wolf made his way through the dense Umbra Copse and the haunted Spectral Woods, it felt nice to finally be in a forest that did not have thick eerie fog the messed with him so. In fact, autumn was ever present in this neck of the woods as colorful trees towered over him as he weaved in and out of the shadows. Creatures of all different sizes flourished with life, all seemed to be at peace as the large creature took long elegant strides across the earth floor. It almost felt as if he was back home, expect for the crazy father who was determined to make Maverick the next King and the constant nag that he needed to have a mate before becoming the King. The spars between males to show who was really the top wolf, no one ever challenging him after his last fight with a loner male who thought he could just take the thrown right under his nose. Fool…

A cool fall breeze brushed past the lupus, his bi colored nostrils flared intensely in the air as he took in the wilderness natural delicate scent with his muzzle raised up. It whirled in his nose as he felt as easy, almost one with the forest. It was not until another gust of wind that sent the leaves in a dancing frenzy and ruffled the fur on his pack when a familiar scent crossed him. The male slowed to a light trot as his deep gaze searched for the one who was sure owned his scent, the scent that Maverick could swear he could recognized as the one and only Phineas. The husky build male’s dark brows scrunched as he looked about, unsure if maybe he was mistaken his for another being that they were only acquaintance after all.

“Phineas?” Maverick called out gently as he strolled through the forest and followed the scent that he thought for sure was him, “Phineas? It’s me… Maverick. Are you here?” The black and golden canine trotted thought he forest, each step was smooth and graceful as the male tried to find the male. Maybe this was another trick of his mind. Maybe become the male has been without a pack for a while now that he was starting to imagine things. Could Maverick really have found Phineas here of all places?

SETTING ♔ august
OOC ♔ sorry this is not the best and sorry it took me so long to reply.

(This post was last modified: Oct 04, 2013, 09:40 AM by Maverick.)

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The crunch of bones and the scent of blood was what filled his senses for now -- the pure ivory of his pelt becoming stained with crimson as he thoroughly enjoyed his meal. A soft, guttural growl escaped him as he swallowed, and just as he leader's paw shifted his meal closer to him, the voice of another drifted across the silence of the forest, causing him to pause and shift to an alerted position. Stiffening, Phineas' pink tongue smoothed across his lips, cleaning some of the remnants of his first few bites, his orange eyes blank with a stoical mask.

Again the voice interrupted the silence, and shifting now, Phineas pushed himself to his paws, his eyes gazing harshly around the auburn forest. His name was being called, and while the voice was slightly familiar, he could not truly place it. Yet soon a name followed his own, and instantly the Argyris male recalled the acquaintance he had made prior to his settlement in the lands of Relic Lore. Without waiting longer, the Glen leader bent his muzzle down, grabbing his ward before prowling in the direction of the other. He inhaled sharply, still trying to decipher the scent of his old friend, and yet the blood of the rabbit clung thickly to him, and he could not identify the male through scent.

Calling to him had worked, it seemed, and Phineas finally caught gaze of the bright gold and dark ebony of the familiar wolf's pelt. Dropping the rabbit to the ground then, a rugged smirk pressed to his lips as his eyes regarded the male before him. "Rick," he greeted, his tail giving a quick flick through the air in contentment. "I guess we meet again. How have you been?"