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Played by Becca who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neith Khasekhemre
(For @Nina and @Hollow)

Nieth had left behind her brother Anouke for him to follow her if he so pleased. The only reason she went ahead was to scout out the area. Of course with her luck there was nothing important. Walking along she kept her nose close to the ground for any scents. Her cream and black fur almost seemed out of place with the shadowy trees around her. And her Orange eyes seemed even more out of place on her. Their bright color searched for some life in the woods. If no one was around this would be a perfect place to make a den and rest.

Though just when she thought about resting the scent of borders mixed its' way into her nose. Walking closer to the borders she realized that this could be a good start in this new area. Only a foot away from the borders she let out a long howl calling for the Alphas'. Sitting down once her song was over she waited for the sight of someone to show. Someone to greet her and or run her off. Either one was fine with her though. Neith just needed somewhere to thrive and a place to live. This seemed like the perfect place too. Trees to hide her, shadows for her to walk through. She could also fight her way through the ranks if she planed on staying for long and if the Alphas' took her in. Though she had never heard of a pack turning down help with Winter just around the corner.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Even though she was still mourning the loss of her first born son she wore a stolid mask on the outside, not letting her emotions beat her. She had appreciated the comfort that her pack mates could offer her and she had readily accepted it, but now she knew she would have to start to push on with her life. She did not know how her other pups were fairing with the loss of their brother, but she knew that she had to be strong for them and that she had to be strong for her pack. She had been going along the borders, pleased to see that nothing seemed to be amiss today, but was cut short with such thoughts when a call for the alphas with the pack was made. That would mean that they would be calling for her and from all that the golden brown angel could tell, she did not know the other woman, but voices could be deceiving. She had once been a shy, quiet wolf, and now she dominated over everyone within the pack and had to let her voice be heard quite often.

Knowing that it was her responsibility to answer the call, she took a few cleansing breaths before pushing herself forward, the shady clouds overhead making her territory even darken than it would be on a sunny day. Eventually, she took scent of the new wolf and her body posture rose, along with her tail which stood high and tall above her back. When the sight of the larger woman came into view, she let her single piercing green eye take in the other woman. Letting her tone be brisk and clipped, she continued on in a business-like tone, kind of hoping that @Hollow would soon join her at the borders, or that he would at least be in the shadows watching. "Who are you and what is your business here?" Her stance and tone simply meant one thing and it was demanding the other wolf to submit to her and lie on the ground before her, letting her know that she was the one that was owed respect.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Becca who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neith Khasekhemre
Neith had been quiet Joggled at the womans one eye but without staring our questioning she instinctively sunk down onto the ground before answering her questions "I am Neith, but you may call me Net for short. My business here is to try and seek acceptance within your ranks." she offered a smile before turning her expression to a more serious look. The fur on her stomach and chest brushed against the ground. She waited for the Alphas' reply to her own response. Neith quickly tucked her tail making sure she was doing everything right. "On the ground, check. Tail tucked, check. Being Nice, check. Seems like everything is going well." at least it seemed well to her. Mentioning she knew nothing of the other woman it was hard to tell what her reaction would be to the slightest movement might be so she stayed still. Not making any sounds or eye contact.

Of course, Neith had lots of training in how to run the ropes of being a member of a pack and how to act to Alphas'. It was good and bad that she knew everything so well. Sometimes she wanted to just settle down with a 'family' but that wouldn't make her brother happy and her brother was her last blood family left. But if he didn't find her then maybe she could stay her for a while. You know, just to learn the lands the wolves and anything else important. Neith had to learn something about this land before running around like a blind pup.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
The shadows began to shimmer as the light played tricks on the fur of the black wolf that moved within them. The owner of the fur had been scarce upon the border recently. For Hollow had been sick, not sick in the stomach or the head, but in his heart. Every time he had taken a step he insides clenched and his heart throbbed within his dark chest. Tacoma had not been his own, but he felt the loss hard for his friend. Nina did not deserve that and neither did Tacoma. But still he moved today, he had to. The howl was just an unexpected surprise. Calling for the alphas of Secret Woodlands, which now meant him. A shudder passed through him with that thought as well, what the male wouldn't give to have the leader home. If not for anyone then for Nina.

Hollow steadied himself and set a course for the direction of the call, treading silently and true. It wasn't long before he caught Nina's scent, and when he did his ears pinned back and he moved with more haste. Nina did not need to be dealing with matters on the border so soon. After all he managed before without help, she could have sat this out. Still the shadow of a wolf moved through the trees towards the scent that marked his co-leader. However the dark wolf was sure to slow himself before he was heard or scented, slowly he crept to the scene. Appearing as if he materialized from shadow the leader stood at his full height and came to Nina's side to see a she wolf in full submission. He had no idea what was going on so he merely stood beside his friend and looked stoic.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She watched in satisfaction as the large woman before her sunk down to her knees and submitted to her, letting her know that she was the supreme ruler and that she was who every single wolf within her lands would bow down to. Just as if he had heard her mental call for him to come to her he materialized next to her, looking over the woman in front of them with attentive eyes and keeping his silence next to her. They were now equals and as weird as it was having a partner much younger than herself, she accepted such a thing. The pack needed a male alpha and he was the only male left within the pack that could actually fill such a position. She appreciated that he understood and he was doing a marvelous job of leading, much to Nina’s pleasure. She did not let herself get too caught up in her thoughts though, because she knew that she had a job to do and so she did what she had to, letting her voice take on a business like tone…only with a little bit more cold and steel in it.

"What could you possibly offer to my pack to what would be useful?" Her words made no sense but she spoke them none the less. Ever since her son had passed, Nina’s words had been even more unusual than normal and she hoped that no one noticed too much. She was determined not to let her ears flatten on her head and let her mask remain in place as she waited for the other woman’s answer. In the meantime, she took comfort in the fact that Hollow was standing beside her and giving her the silent support that she needed.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Becca who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neith Khasekhemre
Taking in a glance at the dark wolf she nodded then returned her attention to the woman "I can provide your pack with safety as a guardian." it truly was the only thing she was good at. Mention her big size and great skills in attack Neith was good at scaring off other wolves. At least the bad ones who weren't worth the Alphas' time. Which might be anyone who in her standers was to close to the borders or trying to hurt the pack. Normal things that would make someone want to attack another. Or just run them off. Anything to please the high rulers until her brother showed up. Who knew when he would show up. Or she would stay with them through the Winter.

Glancing at the paws of the Alphas' Neith smiled softly. They both seemed rather nice, but the darker one seemed to be about her age. Wasn't he a little to young to lead a pack? But then again Neith could lead a pack if she wanted to, she just had no one to start with. No one could really hold her down and tame her. Keep her locked up and not wondering was a hard task. She was born a fighter and a wander. A trouble maker and a charmer. Some wolves just couldn't keep up with her life style. Neith just needed someone who could keep up with her to be happy. There was her brother but she couldn't start a family with him, it would be weird.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
A small frown appeared on Hollow's features as Nina spoke, though the she wolf before them may not have the slightest clue what was going on. Hollow noticed the way that Nina's language had become blunt, as if her once delicate and well chosen words had been cast aside instead exchanged for stones. Stones arranged in the same delicate manner but they dropped into the air so coarsely that Hollow could swear he heard each one hit the ground. A sigh and Hollow stepped forward and brought his muzzle to Nina's ear,"Nina let me, you still need time to recover." He spoke quietly enough so that Neith would not hear his words.Hollow did not wish for any weakness to be visible, hopefully Nina would understand.

It was for the best interest of the pack. He only wanted for them to be safe, he had failed once, no more would that happen. Now this wolf claimed to offer the same, to which Hollow nearly wanted to laugh and tell her she could never protect them like he could. But that was merely because Hollow had been so long guarding the borders alone he had almost forgotten that help even existed. Still he took in her words, and turned them in his head, carefully thinking over her presence, presentation, submission. Everything, Hollow was judging the she wolf more carefully than he had Liam. "Just how far will you go to carry out this protection? We have no room in our ranks for deserters. We have no patience for them either."

Played by Becca who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neith Khasekhemre
(@Nina and @Hollow please forgive this crap of a post I made)
Neith watched the male whisper in the womans' ear but couldn't hear a word. Once the dark furred man spoke she turned her attention to him. "Sir, I will do whatever it takes to keep this area safe. I'm sure there are young ones here and so I shall do anything to keep them and the rest of the wolves here safe. And if I did leave I'm sure I would need a damn good reason to have left your lands." her body sunk as she spoke. Neiths' stomach was pretty much on the ground. Her own nose seemed to be buried in the dirt by the time she was done speaking. Her tail had been tightly pulled between her legs. Mentally cursing at herself for seeming like a coward she realized that it had to be done if she wanted a spot.

Holding her breath tight trying not to move. Neith waited for an answer from one, if not both, of the Alphas. The suspense was killing her. Especially with all the weight she was having on her paws from her large body. It made her wonder when her brother would catch up to her. She had to bite on her tongue to make sure she didn't say something out of place or stupid. As it seemed she would have a hard time if she did make a mistake. These two Alphas seemed rather to the point and about business.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Lightning is scarce due to not feeling well, and I have her permission to skip for Join threads. So slight PP on Nina

Hollow relaxed as Nina took a half step back, just enough to show him she accepted his offer. Hollow knew too well how hard it was to lose something so dear to your heart. Sadly he wished he could have given his own life to save Tacoma's but that could never be. Of course there was no time to dwell, here was a living breathing wolf submitted to him at the utmost to try and prove her worth to Nina and himself. Hollow now felt almost as though he should lower himself for now, even though the she wolf was larger than himself he towered above her merely because of how flat she had made herself. Calmly Hollow released a breath. He geared himself for his next piece of speech.

"You need not submit that much to me. I am still 'wolf' just as you are. You are not in any danger here. But you must know that Secret Woodlands is a family, we care for one another from the smallest pup, to the oldest of the pack. We help those in need of it and respect others." Any infraction on this and Hollow knew even if he would rather not speak of it he would inflict wrath if he must. It was probably given due to his stance anyways, and even though he was not violent, the desertion and death had worn on him, as had the ever persisting problem of keeping Bane a good pup, and avoiding the trail his father had left. Which the leader knew would be tempting for the boy.

(This post was last modified: Sep 27, 2013, 04:03 AM by Hollow.)
Played by Becca who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neith Khasekhemre
Neith still didn't move even when the Alpha Male told her she didn't need to be this low. "Yes Sir, I understand that respect is the least you expect from me. If you wish for me to give this home you call Secret Woodlands my all in protection and loyalty then I shall do so." it felt weird to address him sir but it also felt like the right thing to do. So far everything seemed to be going well, she just hoped it would stay this way.

Wherever Anouke was had been unknown to her. All she knew was he was probably out messing with others and teasing young girls hearts like always. Sometimes it annoyed her what they did to others like them, yet she knew it was revenge on what happened to their family. And the world was just unfair to those who didn't know the way to play the game called Life. But Neith had so much experience she was a professional to the game.

Lifting her nose out of the dirt seemed to be the only action she took. Her body still stayed low so that her huge body wouldn't possibly tower over one of the Alphas. Neiths' breath had been staying quiet just like the short pauses between her and the Male talking. Time seemed to drag on as she waited for any sign of full acceptance or full rejection. But maybe this was all just to see if she could really keep her word. Keep her word to showing respect and treating them like family. Of course, it was the least she could do for now.