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Is This Make believe or Reality? — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Silver's trip over Riddle Height had been smooth sailing. The weather cleared up by the time she left. Believing it had been day three or four she entered a meadow. Taking in the scents she could smell other wolves and borders. Hopefully it would be of the right pack though. Smells of other animals came up to. Rabbits and birds were the main smell. But then a hint of feline came up. It must have been in the tall grass for she couldn't see it. Interested she went to look for it.

Prying around the tall grass she came upon what must have been a bobcat. It was eating a small bird and didn't notice Silver. Thinking she could have some fun with it she let out a big growl. In a blink of a eye the bobcat turned around and scratched Silver's muzzle. Trying to bite the cat Silver got a few more scratches, one more on the muzzle (making two) then another on her paw. A little angry now Silver backed up. Letting the cat finish in peace she realized she got lucky. But the down fall was she had a sore paw and a scratched up muzzle.

Looking at her paw she decided she would try to make it to the borders of the pack before it got worse. So she started to move along a little faster. Feeling the blood running off her muzzle and into her mouth she decided to stop. Only being about half way into the field. Silver started to talk to herself quietly "You should have never messed with that bobcat. For all you know it could have been carrying germs. Billions of them to!" slowly she let herself fall silent.

The smell of pack borders was stronger than it had been ten minutes ago. Was a pack wolf around making it seem that she was closer? Crouching down a bit she crawled through the grass. Blood coming off of her muzzle and paw. Silver rubbed her muzzle against the grass, only making it hurt worse.

table by Whisper

(This post was last modified: Aug 20, 2013, 05:45 PM by Silver.)
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Now she had one more mouth to feed. A mouth that couldn't help the pack much at all with guarding or hunting. Though Narimé watched the young white Poison Path pup Aphrodite get along well enough with her own children. She couldn't just throw the girl out while they (the pack) still had the ability to care for all four pups. Besides, the child was kind, gentle, and still trusting of Nari and her pack mates despite the dramatic events she had gone through. Even though Aphie was not her own, Nari found her mothering instincts forcing her closer to the child who needed her care. Malia's not going to like having a new sister though. Nari held half a smile on her face as she loped through the meadow.

The silver wolf was on her way out to hunt since Minka, the packs lead hunter had disappeared from the pack. Kino had also been missing for some time however the gray man had appeared only a few days before telling Nari of the trouble that had occurred. With a talented hunter out of work from an injury Narimé found herself needing to go out to hunt in order to feed the ever growing brood of pups back home.

She hadn't even made it half way through the meadow when the scent of blood and wolf hit her nose. Nari didn't recognize the wolfs pack scent that clung to the air so she pointed her nose in the direction of the smell and lithely darted forward to find the injured wolf. Her muscles were tense waiting for an attack if it came. Nari stopped herself short angling her ears forward as noise came to her through the long grass. What she had finally come upon was the dark wolf muttering about a bobcat as it padded towards her through the grass.

"Yeah bobcat's can be nasty sometimes.." Narimé called out hoping the wolf would notice her and stop. The silver woman kept her tail stiff behind her lowered into a neutral position. Her head rose confidently, ears twitched the side perched atop her silver crown as she glanced once over the females injuries. They didn't look fatal at least. "Excuse me but are you looking for something? Or someone?" Nari thought that a pack wolf would only be out and about if it were looking for prey or if it was a scout. She wasn't sure which this wolf was, and for a moment Nari did not recognize that one of the scents mixed upon the womans dark coat was her friend Shade's smell.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Noticing the other wolf she wagged her tail softly at a low position and replied to her questions "Well It was silly of me to go mess with one. Yes I'm looking for Narime and Sloane Of Whisper Caverns. I'm Silver the scout of Pitch Pine Trail." Silver dipped her head at the other female in respect. It was rude to not show others respect. Or at least to her it was.

This wolf seemed nice though so Silver didn't mind hauling her with questions. She simply just stood there waiting for the other to talk back so she could continue her trip and find Narime and Sloane. The blood from her muzzle was making her a bit frustrated "Do you know where I can wash my paw and muzzle off?" it wasn't thought her paw bothered her, it was more her muzzle. Silver knew that the bobcat got her good on the left side by her nose and lip. But on the paw it was more like just 3 or 4 claw marks. Nothing to big.

Silver sniffed the air and smelt a pack on this wolf. A good but also weary sign, as she didn't wanna start anything about her Alpha Shade and his old pack. That had been one of the reasons why nothing was said about who her Alphas were. Her ears shifted around trying to hear for another animal or wolf. Nothing came to here ears that drew attention. Silver shifted all the attention back to the other wolf.

table by Whisper

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

She watched quietly listening to the womans voice as a small smile lit her features. Tilting her head in a curious manner Nari let herself relax further and let her tail droop behind her. So she is a scout. For Pitch Pine Trail pack? I wonder who leads it that they would want to talk with me for. Nari thought back on who she knew who were alpha's. El obviously, Koda, Nina (but she already knew of their packs), Jaysyek whom Nari was wondering what had happened to the white woman and her pack Grizzly Hollow, and lastly both Phineas and Shade who had both mentioned starting packs across the mountains. The silver wolf was not sure just who it was that led Pitch Pine Trail.

"Well you are in luck. I am a Whisper Caverns wolf and I know the alphas. " She grinned not letting on at first that Nari was actually the alpha herself.

"Firstly we should get you cleaned up before you meet them. I know where there's a puddle or two from the last rain storm. Come with me." Narimé wagged her tail and turned to her right then started padding towards the last puddle she had remembered passing on the way there. Keeping an ear angled behind her to make sure Nari could hear Silver following, the silver hunter led her scout acquaintance to the kinda small muddy puddle. Unfortunately there wasn't much else for the Pitch Pine wolf to clean up in. In fact the puddle itself might make her a little more muddy and dirty than anything.

Once she stopped at the puddle and pointed to it Nari sat down allowing her tail to wag ever so slightly. Though out of habit she had her head raised a bit higher than perhaps a normal loner or subordinate should. "So ah.. Who's the leader of your pack? I'm kinda curious who wants to talk with Nari and Sloane." the silver wolf smiled warmly wondering if the scout would give such information out to a simple subordinate of a pack.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Silver offered a smile and followed. Trotting a bit she had a little limp to her paw. Nothing to big though, it wouldn't stop her from getting home to her beloved Ace. Trying to clean off her muzzle it stung a bit. But it cleaned it off. Sitting down in front of the wolf she made sure her voice came out serious but not in a harsh way."I'm sorry if I sound a bit stern but I only wish to share names with the Alphas at the moment. Once I get some things sorted out with the Alphas I can make sure, if you like, know the names of them."

It was something Silver saw smart on her part. Make sure the wolves who they said they are before giving out information out. Make sure to keep the Pitch Pine as safe place until they build allies was very important. Mentioning that the pack seemed to be growing with more scents but some never show their faces. A very unsettling thought to think about. But maybe things would be straightened out once she returned home.

Silver noticed that the other she-wolf held her head a bit high."You must be under the Alpha? I noticed you seem to hold your head proud and high." she tilted her head a bit in confusion. Was this a trick or something Shade set up to test her? It didn't bother her, she just had a curious side to her.

Flicking her tail a bit she waited for a reply from the High Pride wolf. Nothing was wrong with it, it's just if she wasn't an Alpha she must be a second like Ace. It made her wonder about Ace, how was he doing? "Ace I shall be home soon I promise." it was just a thought to herself. Kept her looking forward to returning home.

table by Whisper

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Nari watched and listened as the dark she wolf cleaned herself off then sat down in front of her. Tilting her head ever so slightly as curiosity got the best of the young inexperienced alpha. Her gray ears twitched as Silver respectfully declined the information of her alpha's from Narimé.

She tilted her head in the other direction now copying Silver's own position with a playful smile. Then the gray woman pricked her ears forward as the shadowy scout spoke again.

"You must be under the Alpha? I noticed you seem to hold your head proud and high." The Pitch Pine wolf inquired quickly noting Nari's habitual lifted head and chin. Though the silverhunter had not noticed it herself until now. A split second her face showed confusion then Narimé righted herself. I guess I look a little more the part after leading the pack for a while. When did I start keeping my head up high? she shook off her thoughts then closed her eyes and sighed.

"Well that's because I am the alpha of Whisper Caverns. I apologize for not telling you my name before, but I'm Narimé Lagina Thorben." she opened her violet hued blue eyes and gave Silver a warm smile. "Sorry but I was just trying to figure out who you are. Though I'm still curious of your pack. It sounds... new. By any chance is Shade Slayer or Phineas Argyris leading your pack?" She asked knowing that both males had spoken of starting packs over the mountains. It would be nice to get some information about her old friends Nari hadn't seen in a while.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Silver listened carefully before answering the womans' questions "Yes, My Alpha is Shade Slayer. If what you say is true about you being Alpha I shall tell you why I came. As you see, we are a new pack and need some Allies, I was told to come set up a meeting with you and your mate Sloane with our Alphas Shade and Anastasia. Shade wish for you all to meet in Fireweed Rise if possible." she stated her business clear as day.

Standing up she shifted her weight. This Narime woman seemed to be nice and bubbly not a bad thing but not always the best thing either. Of course Silver seemed to take being serious and calm during times like this, well very serious. First impressions were important, especially to someone who could outrank you. Golden eyes looked at grey fur. Making sure not to look at the purple and blue eyes that belonged to it. She didn't want a challenge and she didn't want to start anything. Nothing that would make her seem like a rude and obnoxious wolf.

Her tail hanged at a low position with a soft wag to it. A smile tugged at her lips. It was nice to be out of the pack and be meeting another pack wolf. One that was nice and maybe not a rough tough brute. It made her a bit sickened how some wolves could be so cruel. Of course, she had a cruel side too. She just didn't use it a lot. Everyone had a cruel side to them, it just took the right wolf to bring it out of you.

table by Whisper

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Okay 8/19/2013 was Shades date for coming to Drooping willows/gets attacked ect...
So this threads date would have to be a few if not five or six days before? (So that Silver can get back over the mountain, tell Shade, Then Shade come over) I think six days is enough? Is that okay Becca?

So this thread must be dated 8/13/2013 (Will edit if you wish)

Narimé nodded as the wolf answered her. "Yes I really am her. " She listened on as Silver spoke of her own packs alpha's, to which Nari gave a smile. She was happy for her friend and Shade to have also gotten his own pack and family to take care of. The question of allying with the dark brownish black wolf's pack also seemed only natural for her as Shade had been like an older brother to the young woman while within Willow Ridge. She hoped to keep in contact with the Pitch Pine Trail alpha too now that his own pack was firmly established.

However the name Anastasia did not ring a bell with her. Who is that? This Anastasia who's alpha female... What happened to Rosealia? she did not voice her questions knowing that it was most liekly something to go over with Shade next time she saw him. Only then would she satisfy her own growing curiosity.

"Shade is a dear friend of mine. Though Sloane does not know him too well. I know how good Shade is and I would be happy to set up an alliance with his, and your pack. " Narimé tilted her head back to its normal position with a slightly more serious look on her face. The look only being there because of the woman going through what she knew about Shade's life so far. That he'd left with Rose to start a pack over the mountains. However the silver wolf knew that there was a heck of a lot to catch up on.

"Fireweed Rise is a good place. However the time...Would meeting six days from now be alright? Or perhaps seven to give you extra time over the mountains? " Narimé glanced back in Silvers direction inquisitively awaiting the answer. She would have remember well to be waiting at the Rise on that day for her friend.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
(That's fine to me, just might wanna make sure @Shade can squeeze it in.)

Silver smiled at the other softly "That sounds great to me. I will hurry as soon as possible so Six days should be good." she licked a bit at the scratches on her lip and nose as much as she could. It stung but it might have been cleaning it better than the somewhat dirty puddle of water. Certainly when she got back to the pack she would check to see if anyone there knew of any way to kill the pain and make it heal. Of course there had to be someone in her home who knew of such herbs and plants. Spectre might know, as she seemed such a bright and helpful wolf. But then again she lost her memory, so she might have known at one time but then forgot.

Looking at her knew friend she tilted her head a bit and looked at Narime "I believe I might visit again, just to make sure everything is safe with you and your pack. You seem like a good wolf so you shall be under my protection. If anything is ever needed you have someone come and get me if I don't find out first." she smiled and did a what some would call a submissive crouch. Holding it for a few seconds to show respect she brought herself back up. Narime seemed very nice and smart. Just like Shade and Anastasia. It seemed all the Alphas knew what they were doing. All very smart. Not foolish and reckless, a very good thing.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narimé righted herself and brought her body to a standing position before the respectful scout. Her silver fur fluffed up against the breeze as it passed over the pair of she wolves. The gray wolf curiously watched Silver lick her nose and lip while mulling over the idea of getting help from a healer. Nari stifled a yawn while the shorter wolf collected her thoughts.

Narimé spotted the tilted head of the woman and glanced towards Silver ready to hear what else she had to say.

"I believe I might visit again, just to make sure everything is safe with you and your pack. You seem like a good wolf so you shall be under my protection. If anything is ever needed you have someone come and get me if I don't find out first." Silver spoke with Nari's full attention. The silver alpha's gray head nodded with a smile upon her maw.

"You are welcome to visit anytime." She answered only partially wondering what might happen to her family that she might need help from wolves across the mountains. If anything did happen she would speak with allies who were closer to her. Still Nari was glad that she had made another connection that might help her pack and keep her pups safe.

When Silver crouched Narimé dipped her head recognizing her new friends submissive pose. "It's the same on this end too though. If you, Shade, or Rosealia need our help just send someone over. I'm happy to help my old friend Shade and his pack mates." She let her gaze float off of Silver's orbs and onto the surrounding landscape. There wasn't much else to be said and done now that a meeting time was set up. Unless the wolves wanted to start up a little small talk.