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rise and rise again — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Pack meeting.. all should attend, unless you want to face a cranky Phin. ;) Round 1 ends the 21st.
@Borlla, @Kyros, @Hypatia, @Elliot, @Inkheart, @Ataneq, @Albireo, @Lucero, @Zia.

The late afternoon sun hid cautiously behind the greying clouds above – the air did not feel damp, and so he did not suspect the rain would interrupt them, yet he knew tonight would bear a frost, and come morning, the breath of the Glen wolves would be seen rising in smoky tendrils toward the sky. Of course, the pack would need to prepare for the winter months, stock the caches, and tie up any loose ends around the lands, for he did not want his pack mates traveling too far, in case caught up in a storm. Last winter hadn’t been too terrible, though, and the Argyris felt confident that Magnolia Glen would flourish within the next year.

They had lost members since establishing themselves – he could only assume wanderlust had taken them, for no signs of conflict or illness had been apparent. Siku, Eponine, Erebos, Fiora.. they ahd drifted toward different paths, it seemed, and the ivory regal was curious to see how many of his current members were indeed loyal.

Perched within the small clearing before the main den, the Leader lifted his muzzle to the sky, releasing an echoing howl to beckon forth the members of the Glen. It would be Kyros and Hypatia’s first pack gathering.. and perhaps even Elliot’s. There was much to be discussed, and the Argyris wolf wished to put it off no further. Settling down to his haunches, Phineas awaited the arrival of the pack. Borlla was likely nearby with the kids – he had told her earlier he had planned to call together a meeting. Those that did not attend.. well, they would certainly be reprimanded for those chosen actions.

Played by Kydnt who has 49 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Albireo Cygni

Albireo really was on his best behavior. He had to be, knowing Phineas hadn't seemed terribly impressed with him. Al had done as he was told, left the meat in the caches alone despite what a terrible temptation it was. He'd been surviving on squirrels and rabbits all summer, a couple more weeks, just until he could hold off on scarfing down what he'd killed long enough to stuff it into the cache, wouldn't kill him. He hadn't even seen these kids that Phineas was so worried about, managing to stay out of their, or anyone else for that matter's, way. Having a secure place to sleep and prowl was just enough for now.

A long, drawn howl reached Al in his wandering, calling him and all others in for a pack meeting. In a former life, he had been used to these affairs that often included the noisy bustle of a pack, but he heard none of that as he made it closer to the pack den. An eerie but pleasant silence reigned here. Albireo breathed a sigh of relief he didn't realize he had been holding. He kept his head low as he slunk in, ignorant to the stale pink blossoms that he kicked over as he made it to the clearing. Brown eyes flicked to Phineas's, making brief contact before settling elsewhere. Albireo sat down off center of the clearing seemingly avoiding looking at the leader again. When it became apparent he would be in for a bit of a wait he irritably and dramatically flopped onto his side to lie down.

a tooth for an eye
[Image: CygniSwan.png]
Played by Mimi who has 28 posts.
Inactive VII. Yearling
Lazing in the sun, young Elliot had spent his day stalking mice and tromping through the petals that drifted down, an obvious sign of autumn’s inevitable arrival. Every so often, he had to shake his coat out to dislodge the little pink specs that seemed to find themselves everywhere. He was getting better at everything, growing into his proportions slowly but surely. The boy was finally growing up. Athena had disappeared again and a twisted part of the boy had expected that to happen—she had left once, what had stopped her from leaving again? A little part of him ached, told him that she had never loved her eldest child. What of Aphrodite though? Where had their once beloved mother left her? Or had she gone off to live with her pretty little princess instead of her handsome, strong prince?

He blinked back his thoughts at the sound of Phineas’ call, his tail beginning to wag as he shot off as fast as his gangly legs could carry him, focusing on placing one paw in front of the other. It seemed the white man was calling the whole pack and though Elliot had never had a pack meeting, he was sure it meant something important. Still, he hardly had time to think about what his saviour wanted as a grin found its way onto Elliot’s face, the first sign of happiness he had displayed in a long time; he was getting better at running and he loved it. He loved the adrenaline, loved the freedom of it all. Maybe someday, he would run for the rest of his life … boy, what a life he’d lead! He slowed as he drew closer to Phineas, watching with a curious gaze at the agouti stranger who splayed out on his side almost dramatically.

Pulling up in front of Phineas, the young boy touched his nose gently to the man’s chin before backing away, sitting not too far from the Magnolia Glen founder. Again, orange eyes found themselves peering at the man he had never seen before and a nervous pang twisted his gut. He was going to finally see the wolves he was now in a pack with.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
The threat of winter was on the air. It was a quiet whisper, but a threat nonetheless. Shortly, they would need to start preparing for the winter months, ensuring the survival of their pack. She looked forward to the hustle and bustle that winter would demand of them. It would be just another thing to pull them all together. After the success of their hunt, she couldn't help but look forward to their next get together. Phineas had informed her of an incoming meeting, and she knew it was time when he issued the call.

<b style="color:#32527a">"Come on, @Hypatia!" Borlla chuckled at her daugher, giving the growing girl a quick glance, before turning her gaze back upon her son, who had bounced ahead of them already. They were growing so well...She was proud, very proud. And now they'd be attending a pack meeting. The time for lallygagging was over. Her tail swaying happily over her back, Borlla joined the small group. She settled beside Phineas and eyed the new man that had joined them. She knew of him, but very little. She was already impressed by his punctuality, and offered him the slightest of nods before giving her son a little smile.

There was a mild concern within her that it was simply them and this stranger at the moment, but Borlla was certain that the others would congregate soon. They had not had a meeting in quite some time, so it was important that they showed their faces here, especially with a change in the season coming.<b style="color:#32527a">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Allie who has 103 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate

She was quick to heed the king's call, rising to her feet with a long stretch.

The girl could feel the impending cold in her bones, could smell it on the air. If there was one thing she really enjoyed, it was summer time; she didn't remember the snow, or the way it felt to stride through it when it blanketed the world. Her memories of winter past were hazy, like most of her memories were, but she still remembered what it felt like to be cold. Luckily for her, she'd found her way to Phineas early on in the spring and hadn't had to endure the end of the cold season alone for long. This winter, perhaps things would be different. The Glen wolves, despite having lost some of their original and more recent members, had fared well through the summer, and she had no doubt that they would meet the snows head on.

And she had Ataneq.

The thought of her dark counterpart and friend, and their recent reunion, made her chest swell with pride, hope, and love. If she could count on nothing else, she could count on him.

Emerging from the forest, laden in the afternoon shadow and just out of reach of the sun's fading warmth, Lucero's lively eyes came to fall upon her leaders, gathered with their children and a couple of new editions she'd yet to meet. Her approach was humble and proud all the same, and she greeted Borlla with a respectful and affectionate nip on her chin before nodding her acknowledgment to Phineas and shooting the children a reassuring wink. As she took her place, she gazed over the ebony furred child and the older male who lounged aloofly to the side. He certainly didn't seem friendly at all.

Waiting for Ataneq and the others to filter to the meeting, Luce quietly reclined on her haunches.

Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
*kicks self!* <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#144034;">
Ataneq had been lounging really after a long days work to stretch out his shoulder. It had healed for the most part and as if he wasn’t already drawn to storms, he had an inkling suspicion that whenever rain was coming his shoulder ached. It was a strange revelation but after the few rainstorms they had had within the past few weeks, his injury had raged though he would be sure to keep tabs on it if it kept miraculously happening. When the howl came from dear Phineas, Ataneq made no hesitations and got to his feet to stretch before taking a swift, yet timely due to slight loss in muscle strength, jog he made his way towards the meeting site.
His amber eyes did not find Phineas, nor the new pack mate, Borlla or the alpha’s young daughter but instead the golden-eyed angel that had taken her place amongst the meeting. His expression softened immediately as his mind wandered into the perfect bliss of their friendship and the compassion that he felt for her. Mentally shaking himself out of his myriad of fantasies he looked to his leaders and nodded as he curved through the small gathering of wolves to take a seat next to Lucero. With his fur brushing against her own he leaned over to nuzzle the side of her face affectionately. Deep down he believed that she was his healer—mentally, emotionally and physically. Without her he would have been long gone or likely even dead.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#FA2F00;">
Time had progressed, leaving Inkheart a mix of emotions. He enjoyed his time within the pack and outside. There was a few times where he would spend a quick moment with Athena or even Elliot, as if he was to be friends with his mother than a friendship needed to be made with the child, too. Luckily for Inkheart he had a huge heart when it came to children whether they were his or not so he immediately enjoyed the company of Elliot regardless of whether or not it was returned.
When the call from Phineas rose he made haste to the call and came upon the scene in due time, looking at each individual and quietly questioning the present of a new one. This must be the male that Phineas had spoken about, the one that was to be watched closely. As Inkheart made his way to find his seat he wondered what it was Phineas had seen in the man to deem him a caution-case… was it his placid demeanor? Being here at the meeting and without the guy saying anything Inkheart was unsure as to what his leader had seen but perhaps when the time came that he could talk to Phineas he could find out for sure what he was looking for.
Eyes continued to scope the crowd, finding no sign of Zia or Athena—worry became of him but did not surface. They would show up, he had to be sure of it otherwise he was stuck with only his duty to keep him happy once more.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
Zia had been as busy as ever in and around her home. The summer days were long gone, and with autumn in full swing, change was well on it's way. In a short few months, snow would cover the landscape, making life just slightly more difficult for the wolves and all other creatures they lived side by side with. It was her first season spent in Magnolia Glen, with many more to come.

With the weather turning, Zia followed by upping her daily rituals. A close eye was kept on the caches, which she filled regularly with half eaten meals or freshly caught hares and mice. Lone wolves were likely looking for a pack to call home before winter took a grip upon the land. Even though she could understand their desperation, her noose around the borders was only tightened. The pack could only feed so many mouths, and with the pups growing by the day, she wasn't about to let an intruder slip past the borders uninvited.

Crumpled, frail pink blossoms littered the valley floor, their splendor lost. Trees stood regally, boasting their leaves in a fantastic array of golds, reds and oranges. But soon, those too would fall and wilt. It had been here, within the innermost depths of the territory, that she had been checking the contents of one of the many caches, when Phinea's howl rang clearly through the air. A pack meeting was long overdue, and it came with perfect timing. Rounding about, Zia took off at a swift trot, heading directly towards main den site. The silver and charcoal female emerged into view, her sapphire eyes first landing on a mysterious male she had never seen before. A new recruit. Lucero, Ataneq and Inkheart were also there, but it was the leaders whom she approached first. As was the standard protocol, she dipped her head down low, ears flat. Extending her muzzle forth, she flicked her tongue towards each of their chins in an appeasing manner. She respected each of them as her leaders, and as such was more than happy to pay them tribute. Slipping out of reach, she took a seat by Inkheart's side, nosing one dark ear gently while waiting for the remainder of the pack to arrive.
Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
Hypatia Argyris-Tainn
I am my brother's keeper

Hypatia was trying to avoid this meeting, but she knew she no longer could drag her feet. Kyros had a head start of her after all. Now, Borlla's eyes were searching for her face, and Hyp made a point to find the ground. "I'm coming", she assured her, trying ot put some umph in the answering tone. Instead the energy shifted into her paws, and with a long draw of breath she followed Borlla trying not to worry.

Many faces greeted her, one of a silver tinted man, and the other of a dark pup. Elliot, she had been told. The Magnolia child had not introduced herself to him. That was probably because she actually spent a great deal of time alone, in the den or not far from it. Since that day her "Uncle" had come she was still uncertain. There fore did not dare do very much. Eyes locked on her toes, she knew her mother would sit, and like a shadow followed. Situating herself on her mother's side, beside Kyros. Then the girl continued to hold her head low because she was a child, beneath the other members, and the fact she didn't feel excited as she should be.

(This post was last modified: Sep 24, 2013, 02:19 AM by Hypatia.)
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
I let this stretch out to give more people a chance to reply. Round 2 ends October 1.

His call rung across the land – silence was what greeted him at first, and the male settled back, waiting for the arrival of the Glen wolves. First to come much to Phineas’ surprise was Albireo – the paler male skulking in, avoiding looking to the regal male of the lands, and wisely so. Stoically he regarded the wolf, watching the male flop over to his side as he awaited, and without a word, the ivory Leader allowed the silence to stretch between the two. Next to come was Elliot – the dark fur of the boy almost mistaken for Ataneq or Inkheart, until his size became apparent through the brush.

As Elliot romped up before him, the male’s eyes glinted with amusement as he bent his muzzle down to cast an affectionate nip to the swarthy cub’s ear. No words were spoken still, and soon the Moon child was sitting not far off from him. That was when their wait stretched out longer..

Yet as the rest arrived, they did so efficiently one after the other. Borlla was quick with both of their children – each to which Phineas gave a small nudge of greeting to, though Hypatia was quick to duck beside her mother. He would need to seek alone time with her and offer her an explanation – he simply did not know what to say yet. Lucero came in – greeting Borlla with affection that warmed him before Ataneq was quickly by the pale female’s side. Inkheart as well rumbled in, seating himself beside Elliot, and then Zia, who received a bump of Phineas’ nose to her cheek in return to her greeting.

Once settled, the ivory wolf lifted his shoulders higher, his gaze shifting out to each before offering a half smirk. “I’m glad you could make it,” he offered, his shoulder brushing gently against his mate’s. “Magnolia Glen is overdue for a meeting, but I hope that does not mean you are all still strangers to one another.” With another small pause, his gaze fell to Albireo, tempted to introduce the man.. and yet, not desiring to single the pale male out he simply went forward with what he had called the pack together for.

“First, I’d like to discuss a potential threat to the pack. As you know, Inkheart and I had intended to travel to the neighboring packs to see what their demeanor was – and to perhaps see gage what friends or potential competition we have. Our trip was cut short when we came across the scent of a cougar that was too close to the borders for our comfort.” There was a small pause, and the male shrugged now. “It seems the cougar has moved on for now, but I ask that everyone keep an eye out for it and notify the pack immediately if it returns. Winter is fast approaching and I will not share the food a pack this size requires.”

Finally, allowing a small smile to break through his inked lips once more, he gave a nod toward the inky Second male. “Inkheart and I will be attempting our journey once more very soon, preferably before the winter months come. With that said, is there any news anyone wishes to bring up?”

Falling silent, his gaze fell upon each member, allowing them a chance to speak should they desire.