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rise and rise again — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Allie who has 103 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate

The others filed in one by one, and she was pleased when Ataneq took to her side. She offered him a friendly bump of acknowledgment before continuing to look quietly about. Something about the Glen's pack meetings always struck her as being somewhat formal, and she tried her best to as mannerly as possible. Not to mention she was Borlla's right hand now, and as second, she wanted to set the best example she could. Glancing around, she was glad to see Inkheart and Zia─as many of their founding members and newer recruits had left, it was good to know that some of them did remain. In a way, it even made her more proud of them all than she already was.

As the meeting officially commenced and Phineas took the stage, her ears flexed forward in attention as she leaned mindlessly closer to the warmth of Ataneq's shoulder. The news of he and Inkheart's short-lived endeavor was news to her, and so was the concerned voiced about the cougar sighting. During patrol's she'd picked up on various and mostly faded feline scents, and had─irresponsibly, it seemed─brushed them off. With the children at such a tender age, the thought of something happening to one of them sent a shiver down her spine. Not to mention the ivory leader's point about not sharing their food stores was valid.

When Phineas asked if anyone had anything they'd like to share, she glanced around tentatively before gulping down a tinge of stage fright and speaking up. "I-I do," she said with a courteous smile. "I'd like to say that I've encountered the cougar's scent, as well, and will personally be rounding the borders more often." It was the least she could do, and with Phineas and Inkheart leaving the area to investigate, she wanted her leaders to know that she would be diligent in her duties. "I'd also like to point out that, with winter coming and the various run-in's we've had with injuries lately, we don't have a healer. I'm familiar with several of the local herbs, but have had no formal training...I'd like to take on the role myself, to be the pack's medic." Whether or not Phineas and Borlla would allow this, she wasn't sure, especially if she would need to leave the Glen to receive training.

Her anticipation of the pack's reaction weighed on her, but she straightened up and held her head high, hopeful that they could see her fit for the position.

Played by Sarah who has 14 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kyros Argyris-Tainn
OOPS my bad. x_x

He had been swift to the meeting, ambling with his queer gait ahead of his mother and sister, who for whatever reason had been oddly sluggish; it was unusual for her to not race him and win. Borlla had kept them moving at a fair clip, and Kyros, in a fair mood today, had been more than happy to oblige; there was a gentle wind that made him feel swifter than he really was, and for a moment, leading his family to his father's side, he felt like he was whole.

This was short-lived, as Kyros was immediately faced with all the true wolves of the pack, those whose capabilities were evident in the even number of their legs. He was self-conscious of the one he lacked, but today it didn't bother him... Until his father's affectionate exchange with a boy, about his age, very much an ideal playmate that he had yet to meet, with four legs instead of three. Kyros' lips pulled tight as his first experience with jealousy brushed over him like a dread curtain and snuffed his good mood out.

From that point onward he had been silent, almost stonily so, doing his best not to look at the other boy and instead focusing on familiar wolves: Inkheart, his mother as she smiled warmly at him, and of course, his beloved father. In fact, his vision focused so sharply on Magnolia Glen's dominant male that he was blind to the other pack wolves, and his attention was therefore absolute when Phineas announced the recent danger. His heart leapt in his chest, for while he had never seen a cougar, he had certainly smelled the cat, and accounts were enough to tell him that he was a weak link in the pack that a hungry cougar might take advantage of, given an opportunity.

His eyes flickered to Lucero as she began to speak, and his tail began to wave behind him when she volunteered herself as pack healer. Forgetting all about his jealousy from before, the boy beamed at her his support, knowing that the more wolves there were to help the pack, the better off they would be. He wondered if he could someday be a healer, too; maybe he could be that kind of hero, like Lucero wanted!

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
She watched intently as her packmates strolled in one by one, slowly crowding the space. Borlla loved meetings. Just seeing everyone together in one place...It was comforting. Her insides twisted slightly at the sight of the child, Elliot, however. She knew very little of him, save for what Phineas had told her. It didn't sit well with her at the moment, having another child about. The pup wasn't theirs. But he seemed sweet enough, perhaps he would make a good playmate for Kyros and Hypatia. Putting certain macabre thoughts aside, she tuned in as Phineas began to speak.

For the most part, this news wasn't news to her. The cougar, Phineas and Inkheart's intent. She would certainly show that feline who was boss if it dared show its face around here. Of course, a badger was nothing to compare to cougar, but Borlla wasn't bothered. She'd made a promise to her children, and would keep that promise without hesitation. But Lucero's news certainly was not something she'd expected, and smiled when the woman offered to be the pack's new healer. They were certainly in need of one with Eponine's disappearance and winter on the way. Not to mention Ataneq's injury from the pack hunt. She turned her gaze upon her mate, the smile still upon her muzzle answer enough. But with no real training under her belt, perhaps she'd have to seek some out. Perhaps it was better she go now, rather than later when they would really be in need of her. <b style="color:#32527a">

(oh wow, let's just pretend that i didn't confuse kyros and elliot omfg that's what i get for not posting for like...100 years i did not intend to powerplay kyros. xD it was literally me being dumb.)
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
Tossing the new guy in!
Thanos Argyris

Thanos had been out checking borders and watching out for anything that would be un-welcomed. Only having been here a couple of days he made sure to show his loyalty to the pack and work hard. But when the call of his brother broke into his thoughts it made him realize that he was far out by the borders. Rushing to get to the sight he moved through the bushes and trees his bulky body sometimes bumping him into these things. Though once he arrived it was obvious he was just a little to late. Taking a seat in the back he nodded his head as a silent hello to Phineas.

It seemed he got lucky though because he was able to catch a few brief things, something about a cougar. Which cause him a bit of anger. Then another thing about some journey his brother and this Inkheart wolf making a trip to a neighboring pack. And last Phineas asked anyone if they would have some news they would like to share. Thanos looked around waiting for someone to speak up, then a voice of a younger female spoke out asking about being a healer. "Hmm a Healer? Well I guess it's always good to have one around just in case something happens."

As it fell silent again Thanos gathered up the courage to speak out loud, "I wish to gain the role of Guardian, if you allow me to do so. With the news of a cougar being around I will do all I can to keep the pack safe." he paused waiting for stares from the silent wolves or for something to be said. When nothing was annouced he continued to speak "Excuse me for not saying my name, I am Thanos Argyris." his voice came out a bit shaky almost nervous to speak in front of all these strangers. The only one he knew was his brother Phineas.

[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#FA2F00;">
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#FA2F00;">“I, too, wish for the role of guardian.” The inky male stated, finding the presence of new wolves interesting. He knew of them, yes, but had he seen them around yet? No. It would have been blasphemy for him to simply shrug off the idea that he had been here much longer than this other. Phineas had never spoken of how many positions were held for each duty, Inkheart would not and could not be given any other job. He wished to protect everyone—particularly his leaders, their children, Athena and her child. They meant everything to him and he was not about to disregard his goals so that a stranger could barge in.
Surely Phineas and Borlla would leave room enough for two guardians so that their children could be safe but one can never be too sure. Eyes roamed over to Zia, thankful for her friendship here. The friendly touch to his ear led him to a smile, finding warmth and comfort in the presence of a true friend. They had many things to do together and one thing they shared was their apt for exercise, experience and wisdom beyond the borders. They protected the borders together, went on hikes and basically tested themselves to be better for the Glen.
With Lucero stepping up and voicing her opinion of a healer, he was glad that she had the courage to perform such a task. It was not the easiest of choices considering all of the medical instruction that came with each plant that would need to be memorized and put to the test—but he had faith in her.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Mimi who has 28 posts.
Inactive VII. Yearling
He had no reason to be afraid; no one had attacked him upon pack lands so far. Would Phineas even allow such a dreadful thing to occur under his guard? Starvation would have been a cruel way to go but to give a child hope and then rip the life of out of them was even crueller. Inhaling deeply, the Moon boy tried to compose himself. He needed to stop being silly. He needed to be, well, more like a growing boy than a scared pup. One by one, the Magnolia Glen wolves trickled into the meeting site. As Borlla and the other pups, the true children of Magnolia Glen, entered the scene, Elliot caught the stony stare of Kyros as he had taken his seat. Ah … his ear flicked a little. Phineas had shown him affection in the form of a soft bite to the ear and, clearly, his son hadn’t liked it. Maybe now he didn’t like Elliot. The other one, a girl called Hypatia, gave one brief glance and then looked to her pale toes. The Moon children swallowed thickly. Had he done something wrong?

A white woman, one who was not Borlla, clearly, appeared from the trees. Whoever she was, she seemed nice. A pang of jealousy hit the black furred child as he winked affectionately to the other pups. Perhaps he was still a nuisance. He tried to shake the uneasy feeling and instead focused on the tree line. Another entered, a black wolf with orange eyes, and Elliot almost mistook him for Inkheart at first. His eyes lit up at the prospect of the man being here—where he had originally wanted the second to leave him alone, the persistence in spending time with him had swayed the young boy’s feelings—though his mood dropped when it turned out that, no, this wasn’t Inkheart. Thankfully, the older wolf wasn’t far behind whoever this was. Where Athena (he almost didn’t want to refer to her as mother) had been scarce in his life, he had been there. He sat next to Elliot and the boy felt a quiet sigh of relief escape him.

The others came, a woman of white, grey and black fur with bright eyes who nudged Inkheart’s ear, another woman who donned a white coat and offered greetings and love to the other pups. As Phineas spoke, a man arrived. Elliot frowned a little internally. Whoever they were, they were late. Then they spoke. Thanos Argyris. This was Phineas’ brother?! The Moon child scolded himself for being so disrespectful. Inkheart spoke too, but the ebony child was far too embarrassed by his dismissive thoughts on Thanos to even listen to what the adults were discussing.

Played by Kydnt who has 49 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Albireo Cygni

One by one the pack trickled in, Albireo's lazy eyes watching them from the propped up position of his head on his forearms. They were all hugs and kisses and Al could hardly stand it, his eyes rolling and breath irritably sighing at each effusive yip or wag of the tail from his packmates. For the most part Al lied motionless, aside from the bristling of his hair at the mere thought of one of the grimy bunch trying any of that touchy feely crap on him. Thankfully, no one seemed to pay him much heed, and in turn Al gave them each the minimal amount of recognition; just a glance and little else.

Except for the kid with the missing limb. It was odd, stuck out like a sore thumb and Al couldn't help but stare at the strange white nub. Questions burned through his mind; had it always been missing? Or had someone taken the limb off? Whatever the reason, Al found himself both intensely repulsed yet intrigued. Distantly he heard Phineas rambling on, something about cougars, but it really wasn't as interesting as the pup with the stub leg. With the intensity of a dog who has spotted the mailman through the window, Al stared at the white pup, though he didn't moved an inch out of his sprawl.

a tooth for an eye
[Image: CygniSwan.png]
Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
Not long after all the wolves had arrived, did the meeting commence. Phineas started off by stating that there had been a threat to the pack in a form of a mountain lion. Zia's eyes narrowed at this, but not in anger, but in thoughtfulness instead. Perhaps she was lucky that she hadn't been the one to come across it's scent. Mentally, she shook her head. No! No matter the risk or the threat, as a devoted member of the pack, it was her sole responsibility to nip it in the bud. It didn't matter who came across it first...a threat was a threat, and thus, had to be dealt with. Any wolf who just turned tail and ignored it simply was not pack material. There was also news that Phineas and Inkheart had plans to investigate some other packs in the area, but had been cut short due to the discovery of the cougar.

Reclining on her haunches, Zia's ears pricked forwards once several wolves including Lucero, Inkheart, and a male she didn't recognize spoke up, requesting which tasks they would prefer. Zia had been in Magnolia Glen long enough, so surely it couldn't hurt to request a task of her own. She allowed each wolf to speak, noticing there was a particular interest in the role of guardian. What surprised her was that the new male who had recently spoken, was requesting the role so soon. Sure, his scent may have matched Phineas's own, but as his brother, was he entitled to a task? Although tempted to voice her opinion, the silver female was content to sit back and let her commander decide.

When no one else spoke, Zia took her turn. Rising to her feet so as to draw attention to herself, she faced the Alpha pair. "I too, would like the role of guardian. I have previous experience serving as one before my days here in the Lore." Her words flowed forth, her voice even. "However, I will settle for the role of a hunter, should you feel guardians are in over demand." Two guardians was plenty and she was to feel guilty taking up an extra slot, whereas her skills could be put to use elsewhere. Zia had proven herself to be an efficient hunter in the hunt just a few weeks ago and wouldn't mind taking it up as her new hobby. It was a close second to her preferred chore of patrolling. But each gave her the thrill and exercise she so craved.
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Round 3 ends Oct. 8.

They listened to his warning about the cougar -- and he let the topic drift away to other things after he felt satisfied they understood the potential danger that such a creature could give them. With that, conversation shifted to the direction of pack roles, and the ivory male cast a surprised glance to Lucero as she offered to become the pack healer. One ear flickered in the direction of Borlla, he could see her smile from the corner of his eye, and while pleased, he was uncertain of her experience on the matter. "I know a she-wolf who is extremely talented in the art of healing. She is the leader of Willow Ridge, @Elettra Archer.. I could suggest you go across the mountain and seek her out.. perhaps take an offering ad see if she could offer some tips on the matter. I am not sure if she would have time though.." Blinking, he finally cast his eyes to his pale mate, wondering if she was willing to part with Lucero for such a time.

Thanos was next to speak, offering himself to duty after only spending a few nights within the terrain. A soft smile pressed to Phineas' lips, but at such a short time within the ranks of Magnolia Glen, he could not give him a role just yet.. not when the others have already proven their worth through task rather than blood. "In time, brother, if you can show me you're up to the tasks of such a role, it will be given." There was a small pause, his ears flickering forward as both Inkheart and Zia announced they too desired the role of guardian. Given they had both proven such worth, he gave a nod. "You shall both be Glen guardians," he offered, a small smile following these words.

The others remained silent. Unaware of Kyros' jealousy, or Elliot's discomfort, Phineas instead turned his attention to Albireo. Only then did his smile begin to fade as his eyes followed the pale male's gaze.. directly upon his son. His lip curled back slightly, his eyes fast upon the newcomer as he awaited eye contact. As he continued to stare, he cleared his throat. "We should also begin to prepare for the oncoming winter by maintaining the caches and keeping careful watch of the herds migration. Unless anyone else has anything to say, I believe our meeting can come to a close." It was short, but he was pleased with the turn out. It was long past time the pack had come together like this.

Played by Allie who has 103 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate

As the meeting moved along some of the others spoke up to voice their wishes regarding pack roles. The role of guardian seemed to be the most popular, and when it was brought up first by an unfamiliar face she looked over the tawny male with curiosity. Lucero didn't have any knowledge of the man's relation to Phineas and couldn't draw the parallel between the two, but was impressed nonetheless that he was biting at the bit to gain a role already. When Inkheart spoke up to say that he also aspired to become a guardian, she wasn't so surprised and knew that he'd fit the role well. As second to Phineas, the inky male was loyal and capable, not to mention he'd been a founding member and must have known the area and its dangers well by now. The last to lay a claim to guardianship was Zia, and a subtle smile crossed her lips. The silver-furred woman was bold and brave, and Luce admired her for seeking what she considered a dangerous role.

Through it all, she did well to bite back the nervous buzz of anticipation she felt as she waited for Phineas' verdicts. When she was finally addressed, she was both pleased that Phineas offered a recommendation for training─across the mountain─and a bit overwhelmed by the thought of having to go so far away to receive it. She'd never heard of Willow Ridge or Elettra Archer, but Luce wanted the best training, to be able to best serve her pack, and if that meant braving the elements and overcoming the anxiety of travelling far to seek instruction from a pack alpha, she would do it without a second thought. It would be disappointing to the girl if the Archer woman was busy (which seemed likely, as Phineas had taken the time to mention this), and she considered that finding an instructor at all would be difficult or time consuming, or both. She nodded her silent thanks to her leaders for their consideration.

The others' roles were given, aside from the pale leader's brother for whom he'd deemed it too soon to bestow the honor. As the meeting was concluded, she mulled over the similarities between them, leaning into Ataneq mindfully; she would spend the rest of the day tracking prey and hunting, as was Phineas' directive─perhaps he would go with her.