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Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
He rose from his position. A small overhang above his head. It was barely large enough for him to squeeze into and out of, but it kept the wind and rain out. He was still an outcast but that must change soon. With his head low he began to trek to the borders. Crowe would be sure that even as the lowest he would prove his worth to @Naira and @Mapplethorpe . Without a spared though the Shane began his trek, moving swiftly for a wolf of his size. Even still he was much slower than many of the pass due to his immense frame. His head was carried with pride and his tail slung low in a relaxed manner. The white giant began to think.

Where have I gone wrong in life, I must know, I must know to end this foolish waltz that I have been dancing. Crowe had finally become self aware of his own shortcomings. It had become clear that anger and rage would not give him his life back. But maybe the cold would. The ice that had frozen his very soul over, Crowe enjoyed this, in control of his thoughts and actions. Yet he could now revel in his now stately appearance. Crowe once more looked like royalty even if he wasn't. His head tossed back and a short howl left his maw, it was a brief message. The borders have been marked. An old custom from his homeland.

Crowe turned at the end of his run and found a twig to strip of it's bark and lay next to his final marker. Once more a custom from his homeland. It was the first time he had practiced any of these things away from home. Before he merely pissed on everything and walked away. After he was finished Crowe found a large rock to scale and settle upon. His head stayed raised in a regal position and his body lowered. Yellow eyes scoured the landscape searching for any movement and the great wolf's head was silent. It was peace and duty, though still part of him anted something to die, only this time he wished it to be prey."Speech."

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
-Wanted a thread with you! :D *Flings in mother and son*

Mercy was old enough now, at least fro the perspective of a Scout, to begin training as a scout and//or guardian of the pack. She was well aware that Mercy was more interested in being a hunter, but she told the child that in order to be a hunter he would have to be swift and fit, and such things could be accomplished when he accompanied her on trips around the borders and to and from the pack. She was quite sure she was instilling a sense of wanderlust in the child, as he followed her quite happily beyond the borders into lands which might otherwise frighten a child- but he had good faith in his mother and seemed to show no reluctance to go exploring. It made her proud.

With her child in tow she ventured back toward the packlands and paused as she heard the voice of another wolf declaring that the borders had been marked. It was the voice she knew to be from Crow, having known that he was a part of the pack but having never spent any great deal of time around him personally. Mercy answered the howl with one of his own, which was much higher and quieter, but Sagacity smiled. "We should go meet him," She said, and her son was eager to do so and picked up an eager trot.

They returned to the packlands side by side, Mercy leaping over small tufts of grass which would be stepped over by his mother. She got Mercy to use his nose, as soon as they reached the borders, and track the male up his current place- atop a large rock. The child exclaimed his victory proudly, and was given a smile and a nod from his mother. "Teaching him to track," She said to Crowe, giving him a nod. "He wants to be a hunter. How've you been?" She asked, looking up at the large white male; he had a robust handsomeness about him, a feral sort of charm which made him somewhat mysterious when coupled with the fact that she knew very little about him, save for that his name was Crowe.

Avatars by Arla!

Played by Jess who has 161 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling

It wasn't his favourite activity- he'd just as soon have his head down and snuffle along the ground in pursuit of prey of some sort- but his mother assured him that he needed to scout as well, and that it would help him become a better hunter. He was fairly sure that this was all something she'd made up in order to get some company while she went out, but he went along without any complaint because the child liked spending time with his mother- and he liked the fact that she praised him and told him he'd be a good hunter even when they weren't hunting.

When they were on their way back to the pack, his mother stopped suddenly at the sound of a howl. He did too, and tilted his head back to answer enthusiastically. He looked at his mother expectantly, and when the suggestion came to track him down, Mercy bounded forward at a trot, lowering his head as he did so. They'd have to catch his scent, of course, and this was his area of expertise! It certainly helped that the scent was fresh and he'd been marking the borders not long ago, so Mercy had little trouble following the scent trail Crowe had left behind, and picked up the pace as the scent got stronger and stronger.

"Found 'im!" He cried as soon as he spotted the kingly white male laying atop a large boulder. He approached beside his mother, tail waving to and fro behind him and puffed out his chest a bit when his mother told Crowe he was going to be a hunter."A good one!" He interjected, and sat down patiently when his mom began to speak to Crowe. Mercy liked the look of him- he was huge, and very tough looking- he'd probably be able to bring down a deer with no problem!

Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
Crowe observed the two specs on the horizon debating on whether or not to go and "greet" them. But he decided against it. Judging by their sizes it was Sagacity and Mercy, two wolves he had not yet met only knew their names. Of course this was due to the fact that another pup was not normal and word had been passed to him relatively fast. But his mind digressed, and he waited, silently. Merely looking as the royalty he once was, proud and with an air of near arrogance and not lowering his head at Sagacity's approach for she was standing. In his mind his crown shall only be lowered to Naira and Mapplethorpe, yet this was a pack, and Crowe had to do as he was told.

Soon enough Crowe thought, he would make rank, if not, then he was prepared to challenge for rank until he held the position of second. "Hello Sagacity, Mercy." At the mother and son's word he gave an odd smile, not strained as it once was, nor wicked now, it looked merely fake. Crowe was not the smiling type. But this pup needn't know the horrors of life yet, soon enough he would learn for the world was an evil place. Everyone did. "Oh yes? and have you made your first kill yet? It is a wonderful feeling to take a life simply to supply your own, and your pack." Still his words were over articulated pronounced almost too perfectly but he continued to Sagacity. " I am sure you with all of your various... skills... will teach him how to keep us all fat." In truth Crowe had no idea what it was Sagacity did, other than leave and come back with a child which pricked at Crowe. Merely because it was so far out of the norm.

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
He certainly didn't seem terribly enthusiastic- but perhaps it was simply a guard he put up when meeting other wolves who'd been an acquaintance for so long. They couldn't be too familiar with one another, as that would be assuming that they knew too much about each other. She knew fully well that Crowe was ranked at the bottom of the pack and perhaps it was his somewhat lackluster smile and attitude that had placed him there. It was one thing to be of a low rank, but another completely to have been put in the omega placement below any new wolves joining the pack, until he'd gained the favour of the alphas. Still, Sage did not deem it necessary to treat him as though he was the dirt between her toes; he was a packmate and Mercy seemed to have taken a shining to him.

She let her son speak about hunting and kept an eye on Crowe while he commented about taking another animal's life.He didn't go too far with the topic, and Sagacity might've butted in had he continued about it- but Mercy didn't seem rattled and she knew that it was a fact of life- her son would have to kill in order to provide for the pack. It was her job, as well, to teach him the difference between killing for food and killing to survive. And she hoped that he would never have to kill another wolf. Sagacity blinked and a small curve at her lips showed silent amusement when he spoke about her skills. She nodded."I'd hoped he might become a scout like me. But he's set on being a hunter and that's just as well; he'll serve the pack as much as he can, won't you?"

She looked to Crowe then, and knowing that his size and the fact that he was already inclined toward marking the borders, she asked "Will you take on the guardian role, then?" She asked. And something about her voice made it seem as though it was a hopeful suggestion. He'd certainly make an excellent sentry-- plus it might help him win over the alphas.

(This post was last modified: Aug 29, 2013, 07:34 PM by Sagacity.)
Avatars by Arla!

Played by Jess who has 161 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Perhaps it was because he didn't know any better, but Mercy couldn't keep himself from staring at Crowe. He was so impressive, even though he wasn't really trying to look tough. He was big enough that Mercy figured he could've swallowed a rabbit whole, and strong enough to shove some pretty good sized boulders down the mountainside, should he feel so inclined. The smile that was given was well received by the pup who perceived it as he would any other smile, since he couldn't yet tell the difference. He was even more impressed when Crowe talked to him, rather than talking about boring adult stuff with his mother.

"Uhuh!" He said gleefully as Crowe asked him about his hunting record. The comment about taking another creature's life didn't disturb him in the least- likely because he already knew and accepted that he needed to eat and because his grasp of death was fairly weak. Prey needed to die, and wolves weren't prey so he didn't connect the death of a prey animal to the death of someone who would matter to him. "Cool!" Came his enthusiastic response. When he then spoke to Sagacity, Mercy was quick to nod and pipe up. "I'm gonna feed the whole pack someday! I killed a fawn ma caught for me," He said. "So I'm gettin' better arready!"

Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
Sagacity's question almost split his facade in two. Role? HA Naira wouldn't trust me to be in charge of a rabbit right now, much less an actual role. Sometimes you wolves can be such fools. Crowe's thoughts were inflaming, but he kept his cool. Instead he raised his head majestically and stood. Tall and straight, not in a display of dominance for his tail remained low. But in a display of sheer size, he crouched slightly and flexed his once again strong muscles. "What else is this body good for Miss Sagacity?" Crowe spoke in what almost seemed good humor. Still it didn't sound quite genuine, it almost sounded as if he were convincing a crowd he wasn't a liar. "Surely I could not be a scout such as yourself, nor aspire to be a hunter as young Mercy is!"

Mercy's words slid perfectly into the space after he had finished speaking to take a breath. The excitable pup was certainly proud to be a hunter, and yet. Crowe wondered darkly with an almost sidelong glance at Sagacity, what would become of the boy once he realized what it meant to be a bastard. Once again he did not vocalize these thoughts but instead responded in a light voice. "Good work Mercy! You shall have to continue to be such a good hunter for I am much too slow to catch my own food unless it is sick of old. I appreciate something younger now and then." His eyes sparkled as he thought of Frost. Still he wished to have her, merely to wreck her mind further, but she was long gone. Now he had to wait around for a new victim. Or with his new outlook would Crowe be a victim?

Played by Jess who has 161 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
As Crowe stood, the boy's eyes widened. While he'd seemed impressive laying upon the rock like a calm lion watching over the pridelands, he seemed all the more immense now that he stood, showing off his height and bulk, shaggy white fur hanging off his body but not concealing the muscle beneath. Mercy's little tail waved from side to side, a clear indication that he was quite pleased to see how big a wolf could get- and secretly hoped that he, too, would one day be so big. He took a moment to look down at his paws- he'd been told before that large paws meant he'd grow to be big, and while they made him a bit clumsy, he didn't rue them now- if anything, they made him believe even more that he could be big and strong like Crowe one day too.

"Teach me!" He blurted excitedly when Crowe asked his mother what his body would be good for. "I wanna be big too! Can you teach me? Please?" He said, leaning into the plead so as to be polite and perhaps persuade the large male to teach him how to look so impressive. Of course, he was wrong in thinking that he could be taught how to be big, but the way Crowe crouched, showing off the impressive strength beneath his pelt made Mercy desperate to learn at least how to make himself look strong. He too crouched, but his body was lean and slight still, having grown out of his puppy fat and into pre-adolescent gangliness.

Crowe addressed him with a compliment and the boy all but fainted from flattery. As impressionable as he was, he shivered lightly and smiled, his entire hind end wagging from side to side with the force of his whipping tail. "I'll catch food for you! Mama's teachin' me how!" He proclaimed, eager to do whatever he could to earn the man's respect and tutelage.

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
Unlike her son, Sagacity was not so easily impressed by the male's size- there was something about the way he talked that signalled to her that there was a reason he'd been placed at the lowest rank within the pack. Still, she was more inclined to give him a chance and to disregard any possible attitude problems if he was willing to prove himself useful. He stood and crouched, showing off muscles which did attract Sagacity's eye- she was, after all, a creature driven by instinct and instinct told her to seek out the strongest possible companion and thus she felt drawn in, even if against her better judgement, by his impressive stance. Mercy took to him right away- but she knew the naive young boy would be blind to any flaws in Crowe's personality simply because he was a handsome man, and spoke well to him.

Her son's excited plea made Sagacity raise one eyebrow. What was he good for? She chuckled slightly and touched her muzzle to Mercy's brow to tame his wild spirit. The boy settled back down onto his haunches beneath her touch, though his tail still swept from side to side. She looked up at Crowe, sizing him up with her eyes and cracked a wry grin.

"Puppysitting, apparently." She said. The boy already looked up to him and Sagacity, as a lone parent, didn't mind having the chance to leave her boy in the hands of another while she went out on a hunt or a scouting mission. "Surely you wouldn't be too slow to keep up with this one," She said wryly, indicating that she intended to test his skills with puppysitting- something the entire pack had to practice- at that very moment. "If you wouldn't mind watching him for an hour or so, I'd like to take care of some business...?" She said, her tone indicating that he had the opportunity to refuse- but she'd really rather he didn't.

Avatars by Arla!

Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
A spark flew behind Crowe's mask and sharpened his gaze for one moment. He was thoroughly enjoying this little sparring match, it seemed that Sagacity was at matched wits with himself. He smirked at her sharp tongue and found her company quite appealing. Be it in a different way than that of Frost. Frost whom he would now possibly murder if he saw her for the botched mission he had taken for Naira. Sagacity was not a she wolf he just wanted to take and ruin. Not one he wanted to create an abomination with, no, he would like to speak with her again someday, as it was rather fun to match wits with one whom could actually match his sharpness of mind. "You could have just asked, I'm sure I could handle... a ... child." It was not malicious speech, more questioning, for Crowe had never cared for a pup, he had no idea what to do other than make sure the scrap didn't get itself killed.

"Yes Sagacity. I can watch him for you on one condition. You must grace me with your presence again soon, as I do not leave the borders and you seem to be one of the few wolves I have met willing to match wit with me." Another trait in his personality may have arisen to others here, though he was sure the she wolf would see it for just what it was. Nothing more than a trait. As he spoke even he realized he sounded as if he were implying more than he was. When in reality he only wanted some company to speak of, that was older than a pup and not some feather brained female. While Sagacity was a she wolf, she was in no way feather brained.