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Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
For @Ace and @Silver. let the games begin.. ;)

Light rain — Current Temperature: 41° F/5° C

The grey clouds rolled over head — a perfect reflection to his thoughts. Borlla was badly injured, though as each day passed he could see her strength slowly returning — she would not be moving far for awhile, but of course, he was simply grateful her fall had not killed her. While he was hesitant to leave her side, he also knew the cold upon the air meant winter was coming swiftly, and with each passing day, the leaves became more vibrant in their tale of what was to come. After a brief discussion with @Lucero and his mate, the Argyris male left his pack lands behind for a quick scout of the surrounding forests. He wanted to keep careful watch of the herds.

He had come across a smaller herd of caribou; their numbers thinning come the autumn. Of course, he skirted them, his nostrils flaring. It was a worthy hunt, and he would need to keep tabs on the herd in case they strayed farther toward one of the neighboring packs.. while he wished to remain somewhat amicable with the other packs of the area, he also knew come winter, he would not give up a resource such as this to them. Not without a fight.

Straying from the herd now to see what else the Copse offered, the male's gait was leisurely, the male stopping every so often to bend his muzzle down and sniff at a plant or rock. A myriad of scents could be found, but none of them truly recognizable or distinguishable. A sprinkle of rain suddenly erupted from the sky above, quick to drip from the leaves overhead and moisten the ground beneath him. His paws became slick with mud, while his fur became haphazard in appearance.

Glancing up to the heavens, a small smirk tugged at his lips just then. It was better than snow, at least.
(This post was last modified: Nov 11, 2013, 07:33 PM by Phineas.)

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
I got permission to PP @Silver c:

Silver eyes closed as rain began to fall from the grey, cloudy sky. Ace paused for a few moments, letting the cool drops land on his thick, grey and cream pelt, before running down his face and neck to land on the now moist dirt. When he opened his eyes again, they seemed to be filled with wonder and happiness. He loved it when the rain came cascading from the heavens above. It just reminded him of his birth home, and of his Silver Angel.

Turning his large, creamy head to the left, Ace spotted Silver stand close by him. Reaching out with his muzzle, the Pitch Pine Leader nuzzled her dark shoulder gently, a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. They had departed from Pitch Pine Trail’s territory to spend time with each other without anyone possibly overhearing, and to explore the new sights.

Shifting his silver gaze from Silver to the surrounding forest, Ace padded forwards again; the tip of his tail brushing against her side to signal that they should keep moving. The trees were sinister: tall, seemingly a forest of never-ending trees that cast an eerie shadow among them. Cast in a shrouding fog, the forest was very thick and almost impenetrable, making it hard to find a way through it, instead of going around.

The scent of caribou was carried over by the slight wind, and his tail wagged as he looked at his Silver Angel again. “I smell caribou. They don’t seem to be too far away from our borders.” Sometime in the near future they would have to hunt as a pack again, if the herd of caribou was close enough, or moved into the vicinity of Pitch Pine Trail’s territory then there was a reliable herd that they could pick from.

But caribou wasn’t all that he could scent upon the wind that the rain didn’t wash away. Ace could smell the faint trace of a wolf, but he didn’t raise his hackles or take on the dominant pose. They were out of their territory, so he had no rank above whichever wolf it was. Glancing at Silver, a quick point of his creamy muzzle was all the he did before setting off, following the scent to where it became stronger.

They quickly made their way through the thickly placed trees, and soon came upon another wolf. A large male stood staring up at the sky. His pelt was cloaked in a pristine, cream ivory that was tainted by small hairs of cinnamon and ebony; a prominent saddle of those hues were seen along his spine. His main coat was made up of short fur, but along his nape and curvatures it was longer, almost seeming to “blade” against his skin.

Keeping his stance neutral, the Pitch Pine Leader nudged his Silver Angel gently with his creamy muzzle before padding up to the ivory male, only to stop a few paces away. His tail swayed back and forth and his jaws were open in a slight, warm smile. “Hello there. My name is Ace Caravello and this is Silver Shadow. I am leader of Pitch Pine Trail, a pack that resides a few miles South-west of here. May I ask who you are?”

545 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Sorry for the delay

Silver was happy that Ace agreed to walk with her. It was their first time really away from the pack. Nothing was sitting heavy upon her shoulder with the decisions that kept her awake at night. The scent of something else tugged at her. The smell was so familiar, it brought distant memories of the woman Borlla back. It certainly wasn't her was it? As they approached it appeared to be a large male, not Borlla. Yet he carried the scent of her. A soft mumble came out as if she was astonished at the scent. "You're from Magnolia Glen..." her voice trailed of and her jaw seemed to hang open slightly.

Almost as if she was worried what the other large male would do she pressed herself into Aces' side. Silvers' jaws were shut tight and waited for either Ace or the pale male to speak. Whether it be word or actions someone needed to do something before she was completely paralyzed by the shock of a possible Magnolia Glen wolf. Her nails dug into the dirt as her side was buried into her loves' side. A soft whisper came out that was meant for Aces' ears only "My love, Magnolia Glen was the pack I told you about earlier. The one with the woman Borlla." Silver said this so that he would know why she was in such a stiff position. Hopefully only few words would be said and they could split.

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Company found him -- his muzzle lowered from his stare to the sky, his fiery eyes falling upon the couple that approached him. The rain slicked his pelt closer to his large frame, while droplets of water clung to his cheek fur. His eyes drifted between either wolf -- both unfamiliar, and neither one of them recognizable. The silver male stepped forward at first -- his stance neutral and amicable enough before introducing himself. Swinging his muzzle down in a quiet nod of greeting, the Argyris male was about to follow suit , stoically keeping an eye on the two, when the coal-hued she-wolf by the name of Silver stepped to the male's side, pressing against him tightly.

His jaws clipped shut at her words, his brows furrowing as her own eyes shut tightly, as if fearful of him. Taken aback, the male's muscles tensed, uncertain how to take what only seconds ago had been a friendly approach to a complete turnaround. His eyes drifted to the male, wondering of his reaction to the event unfolding, and his ears cupped forward, trying to hear what mumbled words the female spoke to the male she sought solace against. He could not hear them, and instead, stared slightly baffled at the two.

"Phineas Argyris of Magnolia Glen," he clarified, his figure tensing even more as his tail arched slightly higher. His eyes moved back to the cowering she-wolf, and understanding suddenly dawned on him -- Borlla had mentioned a wolf that had briefly entered their ranks.. a foolish girl, who had not understood the meaning of submission, or loyalty. Her name had been Silver.. A soft grunt escaped him then, the realization revealing itself upon his facade. "I know you," he responded dryly now.