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To the Moon and Stars — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Senka always loved the night. The air smelt fresh and cool as the wind plucked gently at the long grass. The clouds were scattered above in the sky, the white fluffs slowly chasing after each other and allowing the moon to cast its glow haphazardly to the ground below. It looked like a lovely place to be when you were in the mood to relax. Yet as Senka’s paws padded over the unevenness that was covered by the tall grass, on the lookout for something to hunt, she debated whether or not it was truly likeable. It was too open for her liking, the tall grass just reaching her shoulders and the ground was a disaster waiting to happen if one didn’t know where they were putting their paws as they walked. Or in Senka’s case, on the hunt. And she was sure there were other tricks that the field held that were hidden from the eye.
However, her nose couldn’t deny the amount of smells of prey that crisscrossed this large expanse as Senka quietly trotted along. No doubt it was a popular hunting grounds for many predators. Small prey could easily hide within this grass with their burrows hidden underground or simply hide in the grass itself. A paw was placed down just as a mouse skittered past it, caught unawares and swiftly, it was caught. Her habit of not eating small creatures had slowly died overtime the longer she stayed in Relic Lore. Perhaps if it was felt her skill was being used, which it currently isn't, guilt would have risen in her heart as she gulped down the mouse. But nothing was felt. Sometime, she felt as if a curse had been placed upon her. Why did she have this ability to speak with those that were meant to be prey? Her mind was cast back to happier days with her brother, who cherished her regardless and her parents who were proud of her. What had changed?
The glint of the moon caught her eye and unwillingly, she was reminded of the one thing she wished to forget. Luna, her oldest sister. Spiteful and mean even at a young age, it took everything in Senka not to snarl and rage and tear at the grasses within her reach at that moment. She knew Luna had been jealous and angry at her, holding their father's death against her. like it was her fault. Hunts go bad all the time and her father had been particularly stubborn that day. No matter what she or anyone said, he wanted to go after that buck. And it cost him his life.
Sighing softly, the russet woman settled in a spot of the grass that wasn’t overly bumpy. The thought of hunting left her as her muzzle rose to the moon and she howled. Why?
She hoped to convince whatever moon goddess that Elettra and her mother believed in, the one who was thought to have given her blessing upon the young wolf, that she had decided wrongly. That it wasn’t a blessing but a burden that she wanted to wish away. Her emotions were spilled into the howl yet as it ended, it wasn’t enough. They pounded in her head and chest, overtaking her and making her want to scream in pain and frustration. Fur was puffed out and she huffed irritably, lifting her lips in a snarl though she rather felt like crying. Her heart pounded for relief but the wolf it belonged to wasn’t sure how to. She had been calm and collected in her old pack, to the point of indifference as it was the only way she could survive knowing she already was on thin ice before the incident with the alphas. One wrong move and it wouldn’t have mattered how well she hunted. Another anguished howl escaped her muzzle as her head tilted back. The howls would easily alert anyone nearby, friend or foe but it never crossed her mind.

@Melorama , appears my muse caught on and decided that Kieth would be a good emotional counselor for Senka. .-.)
(This post was last modified: Sep 26, 2013, 03:41 AM by Senka.)
Played by Melorama who has 49 posts.
Inactive II. Teacher
Kieth Tatum
Haha, first Simaea and now Senka xD
And scary Kieth post is scary….

The cool night was calming as the wind plucked at long strands of his grey fur. Pale grey eyes shone in the darkness as he prowled through the long grass; searching for prey to catch and hoard in Whisper Caverns prey cache. Since the three pups had been born, every day it seemed to just disappear into thin air, so he had taken it upon himself to hunt every night, attempting to catch at least a rabbit or two. He didn’t want his pack to starve, after all.

His long legs stalked forward silently while grey ears pricked and rotated all the way around. If there was any prey awake and moving around (which there should be) he would find it, and bring it back to his pack. He would serve his leaders with his undying loyalty, till the end of time and beyond.

The silence surrounding him was broken by a single, grief-filled yet angry howl that made his hackles raise an inch. The sudden sound had caught him off guard, and it sounded as if the wolf was in a tough situation. Taking immediate action, the Caverns Teacher set off in a lope towards the source of the howl, just as another rang out with the same anguish and resentment, if not more.

He arrived upon a disheveled looking fae with dark reddish-brown fur and striking orange-gold eyes. His heart leaped in his chest for a moment before he recomposed himself. What business did he have with her anyway? Apart from the fact that she was clearly in distress about something.

Pricking his ears and lifting up his head and tail so they were slightly above his shoulders –his tail curling slightly over his back- Kieth walked slowly up to the female until he stood a couple of feet away from her. Smiling, he attempted to look as if he was merely coming to say hi yet also that they were very close to his borders. She smelled like a pack wolf, the neighbouring pack.

He watched the dark reddish-brown furred fae curiously for a few seconds before he realized that he must be very odd just staring at her like that. Averting his eyes for a moment, Kieth shuffled his paws before looking up at the fae and speaking. “Hello miss. I am Kieth Tatum, second under Sloane Thorben and Teacher of Whisper Caverns pups. May I ask who you are?”

404 Words

You can run, but
you can't hide...
[Image: wcpride3_by_terra_anne-d60id3y.png]
You can run, but you can't hide

Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Lowering her head with her last howl dying in her throat, Senka didn't hear the other wolf slowly arrive until he spoke up, stating his name and rank as he stared at her. Leaping to her feet, Senka backed away from the male with her fur on her neck puffed in every direction. Not in any way threatening or as a sign of domination but because she had been startled by him. It was true she had expected no one else to be in the field tonight yet as her eyes roved over this other wolf, taking note of his broad shoulders and thick coat of many hues mixed together before her eyes landed back on his pale grey ones, she gave a shudder. It wasn't from the cold; it was because he had heard her cry out and saw her in a moment of weakness. He heard her anguish and her rage for things he didn’t know of and would more then likely never know of. Never before had she shown so much weakness to someone who wasn’t related to her. Even then, she held back for the sake of her family, who she didn’t want to share the same ache that was being carried in her heart.

Old habits that had slowly formed into instincts over the years cried that she simply bark at him to go away and leave her alone, that what she was doing and who she was nothing to concern himself with. Despite this, as she opened her mouth to do exactly that, it occurred to her that if he considered her a threat or strange in anyway, his posture would be entirely different. It wasn’t overly dominating or threatening, just enough to show the rank he held in his pack and to show his dominance over her. The land they were meeting on she knew for a fact that this meadow was close to pack borders but not within the borders, at least were she was far enough out that she smelt no markers.

Finally deciding to answer this wolf, Kieth her mind supplied the name that was given earlier and she felt her name flutter at the name. Why, she had no clue. The male was someone she had not previously met and clearly of a different pack, not only stating it but the smell overpowered her nose. Pushing her feelings aside though not completely gone, Senka cleared her throat and uttered her name, her voice coming weaker and softer then was wanted. “I am Senka Flint. I am a hunter for Willow Ridge.” It was then remembered Skana spoke an allied wolf pack further west of them. She hadn’t gotten the name of the pack but Kieth must have been from that pack. “Your pack…It wouldn’t be the one allied with Willow Ridge would it?” She wanted to take away his attention from what had originally brought him here, wanted to simply run away from him but something kept her rooted to the ground and wanting to speak with this Kieth as her heart gave another flutter, like it was a butterfly. Why did it keep doing that?
Played by Melorama who has 49 posts.
Inactive II. Teacher
Kieth Tatum

When the dark reddish-brown furred fae leaped to her feet and backed away from him; neck fur bristling, the Caverns Teacher immediately held a look of concern upon his face. He now realized that he should have showed his presence earlier instead of waiting. He saw her orange-gold eyes scan over his body, and watched her silently, making no movement until her eyes reached him and a shudder ran through her body. Subconsciously, Kieth’s right leg moved forward a few inches on the grass, as if wanting to move towards the fae and comfort her somehow.

The fatherly instinct that he had towards all wolves –apart from those older than him- was not the reason why he attempted to reach out to the dark reddish-brown furred fae, it was an emotion that was much different, much deeper than that. The feeling confused the Caverns Teacher, as it was something that he had never felt before during his five years of life. It was a strange feeling.

When the dark reddish-brown furred fae spoke in a slightly weak and soft voice, his ears twitched slightly as he stared at her, the slightly concerned expression still on his face. But as she spoke, his tail twitched behind him in an almost wagging motion, though not quite. The fae’s name was Senka Flint and she was a hunter for Willow Ridge. Which happened to be the pack that Whisper Caverns was allied with.


A soft chuckle escaped from the Caverns Teacher’s muzzle as Senka spoke again, echoing his thoughts. Willow Ridge and Whisper Caverns were indeed allied with each other, as they had been for a while. It would stay that way, unless if something bad happened. Which he hoped it didn’t. As meeting a wolf from the other pack (like he was now) would be extremely awkward. “Yes. Our packs are allied with each other.”

After a few moments, he stared curiously at Senka. Whenever his eyes met hers, his heart leaped in his chest, so he attempted to avoid doing that. But the temptation was hard to resist, and so he couldn’t conquer it. “If I may ask miss….How long have you been in the ranks of Willow Ridge?” As the words left his lips, Kieth averted his pale grey eyes to his paws, which twitched slightly. Why was he so nervous around Senka?

395 Words

You can run, but
you can't hide...
[Image: wcpride3_by_terra_anne-d60id3y.png]
You can run, but you can't hide

Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Though her eyes were directed at his face, Senka couldn't keep her eyes locked with his for long. They darted from his eyes to his shoulder to his feet then to hers and the cycle would repeat with the same effect. Nervousness and something else filled her, which eventually caused her to drop them to the ground and shuffle her paws in the cool grass, the fae missing when Kieth looked as if he was going to move further towards her. The unknown emotion that was plaguing her was something she never experienced in her entire life. Despite that, it felt similar to how she felt towards her siblings and parents yet...different. The wolf before her wasn't her brother or her father.

So why was there a small blossom of this familiar love, that at the same time wasn't, in her heart when her gaze lay upon Kieth? What made him different from all the other wolves out there? A small chuckle tore away her thoughts and lifted her eyes to look at him, the slight motion of his tail caught her attention and almost automatically, Senka's own russet tail copied the movement.

Yet her heart sank slightly when he spoke the words that confirmed that his pack, Whispers Caverns, was indeed the one allied with her own. Why? Perhaps because she knew it meant trouble could potentially brew between the two packs and it was the last thing she wanted to happen.

But since the packs were so close to each other, the two wolves could meet in the field which they currently stood with no trouble. Something whispered inside of her, pushing the feeling to become deeper and more rooted within her. It could be done. Senka tried to ignore the little voice that was floating inside her head, instead focusing on Kieth as he asked how long she had been apart of Willow Ridge.

"I've only been apart of Willow Ridge for a nearly month." Senka replied with a small smile on her lips when he averted his eyes down to the ground after asking his question. "I...do quite like it. I have yet to meet the entire pack but that will more than likely happen when the next pack meeting is called."
(This post was last modified: Oct 02, 2013, 09:35 AM by Senka.)
Played by Melorama who has 49 posts.
Inactive II. Teacher
Kieth Tatum
Ehh, short and crappy post is short and crappy :c

The movement of Senka’s russet coloured tail swaying back and forth slightly caught his attention, and the Caverns Teacher raised his pale grey eyes upwards, staring into her face once again. His heart fluttered in his chest and his lips twitched up into a hesitant smile. If she felt the same way towards him, then there could be something going on between them. But if she didn’t, then he could wallow in self-despair. But he hoped there was, for she seemed like a nice woman.

When Senka replied that she had been a part of Willow Ridge for a month, his tail really did shake to the side. He felt relieved to know that she had been in her pack for a while, which meant that she would likely stay instead of moving onwards, away from him. He didn’t know what he would feel if that happened. Maybe sad, angry, depressed, who knew?

Kieth smiled when she spoke again. It was the same for him, too. There was still a few members that he had to meet, but they seemed to never be where he was. Soon enough though, they’d run into each other, hopefully. Looking at Senka, the Caverns Teacher nervously shifted his paws from side to side as her averted his gaze again. “So uh….Do you like pack life?” He felt his face redden at his own words, and turned his head to the side as if looking at the scenery, just so he wouldn’t have to look at her as she answered.

255 Words

You can run, but
you can't hide...
[Image: wcpride3_by_terra_anne-d60id3y.png]
You can run, but you can't hide

Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
(Ooc: It's fine. XD But seriously, I think if this keeps up, I'm going to die from the d'awness of this thread :c)

Senka Flint
allow me this moment of bliss so I may begin to miss the torment
The answer to his question didn’t come straight away, as a fleeting look of sadness came and went over the fae’s face. He wouldn’t notice it as he looked away as if inspecting the scenery. "I suppose I do. At least, Willow Ridge isn’t anything like my old pack, which I had wanted to get away from." Her voice was clipped and stern, the underlying tone telling him to not broach the subject further, though the emotions weren’t directed at Kieth. She had simply grown to dislike speaking or even thinking of her old pack since joining Willow Ridge. If it was possible, she hoped even the memories to disappear if they weren’t dwelt on. Feeling a little guilty at being so clipped with the male, Senka lowered her ears in apology. ”Please, I apologize. I didn’t mean to sound so…short with you but my old pack doesn’t hold the dearest memories to me and I’d rather like to leave them behind me.” Thinking it best to change the subject, Senka opened her mouth to continue but fell short in what to change the topic to. Should she ask about his pack? It would be a good, safe subject….

Instead, as she was about to ask, something crept into her mind that desperately wanted to be known. Thinking it was better to ask this sooner rather then later, the words were allowed to spill from her maw. "Kieth, might I ask...Have you ever been in love?" She knew she was bold in saying this but something had pushed her to say it. Tentative feelings wanted to be formed into words, to be spoken out loud and tested on her tongue but she wanted to be sure the feelings were returned first. Not to mention there was no will to scare the teacher off if she spoke too soon of them, reciprocated or not. And she dared to hope they were. The feelings she felt were truly there and even if this male didn’t take to her, she would be happy to simply see him every so often as a friend. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#fefefe;">

table by mimi