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Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
A young dark furred wolf pup strode confidently forward through the tall golden grasses. The black child never tripped over the huge paws he carried while whisking through the meadow. His blue eyes had seen the change that was occurring within himself and his siblings @Yuka and @Malia. How their legs became gangling long things connected to over sized paws and small bodies. How their ears grew too large for their regal crowns, and also how his brother and sisters eyes had long since changed from blue to their fathers deep amber color.

The change was also evident in the way the pups acted now. The dark Thorben had seen his brothers personality change the most. From Yuka never leaving the den to becoming as adventurous as he already was. Titan had seen how Yuka's development had increased. No longer was the weak gray pup smaller than his sister. Now that gray pup was replaced with a strong self reliant Yuka growing larger every day. For this Titan was happy. Happy that his brother was finally excited about the rest of the world beyond the den. Though Titan would always help out Yuka if he ever asked for it.

Now the shadow childs blue purple eyes were focused on the landscape around him. For about a month now Titan had been learning about the territory his parents held. He now knew the whole length of the border from start to finish, plus a few paths inside the Cavern wolves territory. In short he knew most of the land he could call his own. It was now beyond his parents territory that began catching Titan's eyes since he first made the trip out to the border. Though the young lad knew that he shouldn't pass over the border without a good reason. He wasn't old enough to try and learn how to hunt without supervision yet. This alone annoyed the child because nobody really took him out and taught him anything spare for his mother and sometimes his father when Sloane wasn't busy.

Titan pondered over whether he should cross the border or not just to take a look as he padded slowly through the grass. It wasn't until a hidden rabbit fled from right under his paw that Titan took off after it straight over the border. That "chase anything running" instinct held firm in the boy as he ran after the moving target. Unfortunately he began tiring out quickly. Plus the rabbit was much faster than the child with disproportionate legs. So Titan was left in the dust while slowing to a stop and catching his breath in short quick gasps.

"Darn it..." His head swung to look behind him where he had come from. Titan just realized what he'd done. I crossed the borders again...hmm. I should head back before mom finds out. The child knew enough to follow his own scent back to get back to Whisper Caverns territory again. So he started padding back not knowing who might have been around watching him.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Bonding time:P

Unknown to the dark pup, the young fae had been keeping a keen eye on him. She wouldnt have even noticed him if she hadn't been marking the borders at the time. Using the coverage of the meadow, she stayed far enough away that he wouldn't scent her, but close enough that she could still see him.

Smothering a giggle, she watched as the lanky lad sped after the rabbit. She knew he probably wouldnt catch it, but if he did, it wouldve been very impressive. Like she had known, he tired quickly and gave up on the chase. She saw him muttering to himself and then head back to the safe haven of the borders.

Inali didnt know why she did what she did next, but she did. Maybe because she wanted to know what it felt like to be a real kid. To know someone cared enough about her to play some stupid little game with her, just to bring a smile to her face. Maybe it was because she wanted Titan to know that reassurance. That reassurance that he was loved and cared about. Whatever the case, she probably looked like an idiot.

Her sharp, blue eyes spotted a mouse and she took chase. Weaving through the tall grasses of the meadow, her eyes never left the small, furry creature. With a graceful pounce, Inali's jaws clamped around the small thing. Immediately it grew limp, dead. Gingerly grabbing it by the tail, her paws moved silently to catch up with the dark pup. Stopping, the she wolf twisted her head, and in a swift motion, roughly flung the dead mouse into the air.

"Titan! Catch!," she yelled, her eyes watching the airborne mouse with twinkling eyes full of excitement. She had loved it when her mother played this game with her.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Sorry for the late post!!
Titan is startled by a noise to his left causing the dark child to trip over his large paws. The next minute his ears catch a familiar voice of one of his parents subordinates. The child perked his ears in interest while stumbling forward righting himself. Inali's voice makes the child look every which way with confused blue eyes trying to discern what she wanted him to catch. It wasn't until a "THUD" sounded from behind the four month old that he turned to investigate the thing his pack mate had thrown to him.

A mouse? Titan scented the place where the dead creature lay. Then he picked up his head and looked questioningly towards Inali. He knew that she was trying to play with him by her stance and friendly tail wag,but why was she playing around with food?

"Why are we playing with a mouse?" Titan asked quickly then lowered his head and picked up the brown furry thing showing it to the woman so she could see it clearly. Then he dropped it staring at the thing that he felt like munching on. "This is food not a toy." Perhaps the child spoke too seriously about it. However his mother had taught him that food was to be eaten not played with. So Titan was only parroting what his silver mother had told him. Plus the unending hunger in his growing body made the shadowy lad quite ready to snap up the mouse and eat it for himself. He held himself back from doing so though. First he would have to find another better toy to play with so that Inali wouldn't be mad at him for eating her toy.

"Why don't you play with this instead?" the young Thorben picked up a stick, curved at on end almost like a boomerang, and flicked his own head back letting go in order to throw the stick towards Inali. Then Titan stood protectively over the mouse claiming it as his next meal.

(This post was last modified: Oct 02, 2013, 08:11 PM by Titan.)
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Alanna who has 30 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Malia Thorben

Malia was fresh on the scent of some prey that she had been tracking for a while. She was not the best spy in the world, considering how frequently she was distracted by a particularly funny looking bug or scary looking shadow, but eventually he was in sight. Titan. The girl crouched low in the grasses, watching him with a proud grin on her face. He did not even know she was there! How silly he was, chasing after some animal without knowing he was being hunted too! The Thorben pup took her time, watching as Inali joined the scene. Brown eyes narrowed at the sight of the slim female who always seemed to have an eye on the three of them, particularly Yuka who seemed to be obsessed with her. Staying away from her was vital in explorations these days, but ever since that meadow incident she had always been caught. Even so Malia was not about to give up her catch just to avoid her now. Maybe she could teach the female a lesson or two while she was at it!

Making her decision, the growing girl bent down and locked eyes on Titan's dark form as he bent down to catch a stick. With a burst of speed she shot forwards, leaping over rocks and fallen branches as the distance between her brother and herself shortened quickly. The 5-month-old leaped through the air, gliding towards her bigger brother straight for the soft fur that covered his body. If she had timed it right he would not even know what hit him! "Speech"

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Amused blue eyes watched as the dark pup searched for her toy, turning every which way. Her face turned bemused as Titan glanced at her questionably. Did he not want to play with her? The thought brought a small frown to her face. She thought she had been doing good with the pups, nicely discerning the line between discipline and fun. Had she scolded them them too hard once?

Her musings were cut short as the boy began to speak. Her small frown tilted upwards to form a smile of relief. It wasn't that he didn't want to spend time with her, why, he was actually reprimanding her! The thought alone brought a chuckle to her lips. "You're right love. I shouldn't play with food," she spoke.

Inali watched as the pup stood over the mouse, hunger in his eyes. He grabbed a stick and offered it to her so that she could play with it instead of the mouse. "As long as you play with me, you can eat the mouse," she countered with a twinkle in her eye.

The sound of a body weaving through the grass brought her immediately to attention. Her body raised to its full height, and her head was lifted high, her muzzle picking through the scents in the air. Her eyes roamed against the clearing. Instinctively her body lowered and crouched....until she saw a familiar light form. Her posture raised from its protective crouch and relaxed. Malia. The mischievous princess of Whisper Caverns. She wondered if @Yuka was with her?

The rust-hued female had seen the pup, but most importantly, had Titan? The woman laid on the ground, reaching forward to bite on the stick that Titan had given her. Knowing Malia, she was bound to do something to her brother. She'd let Malia have her way this time. If push came to shove, she'd just seperate the two pups. If Titan had been watching her, there was a possibility that he had seen her reaction. But had he seen Malia in the process? Time would tell.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]