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The Fall
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Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint
OOC Note: This will be after Mountain of Dire with Eek but it's not finished yet so details will be vague. @Muerda )

Clouds filled the sky again light rain trickled from the sky. The russet wolf didn't mind as he dipped his muzzle into the cool pool at the bottom of the falls, with guilt still racking him for what had happened during his time at the mountain. Rayne wondered what would happen with Eek. He hadn't meant to let the goat escape, though it still eluded him as to why the tailless female had been so hell bent on turning the kid into a child of hers. After that, they had separated and Rayne had made his way down the mountain, certain that there was no longer any need for him to be on the mountain. He had found no leads as to where his sister was and the mountain was huge. There was no way he could cover it properly even with a pack in tow. His determination to find her hadn't diminished at all as he strode down further south.

Huffing slightly, Rayne thought to find shelter but why bother? It wasn't heavy enough to be annoying and his fur was already a little wet. A bit more water wouldn't hurt would it? Deciding to give into his temptation a little, the large wolf lay at the edge of the water and rested his front paws in it. Small fish darted away but as the minutes went by, they slowly returned knowing that the wolf wasn't about to eat them. The rumble of the waterfall had attracted him to this spot and he had to admit, it was a lovely spot. If it hadn't been light raining cooling him, there was a good chance he would have gone for a swim. Never before had he seen such a big waterfall.

Tiredness caught up with him as he rested, eyelids dropping despite the rumbles of the waterfall right next to him. Senka had always teased that other then storms, he could sleep through almost anything...."Speech"

(This post was last modified: Oct 08, 2013, 11:42 AM by Rayne.)
Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire
(OOC: Set after the "Fight" with Tamia but before going to Willow Ridge.)

Oh how her head just ached from the damage that woman had done. The skin behind her right ear was torn and sore. She had barely gotten the small wound clean and she already knew it would still need some treatment and healing. Muerda's emerald green eyes scanned the area looking for somewhere to clean off all the dirt on her fur. Then it hit her. The sound of water was close. As she did a bit of a Tittup to where the sound of water was coming from it dawned on her the smell of another loner was in the air. Slowing down she made sure not to approach whoever it was.

It was then that the sight of a handsome male came into sight. His large build and the beautiful red and brown fur with white underneath him made her eyes lock onto him. "Now that is beauty." Something about him made her heart stop. Holding herself in a regal way she lead herself daintily to the water and washed off. Once all the dirt had washed off Muerda held her shiny, glimmering, queen like look. Standing tall she leaned down to get a drink of the fresh water. Everything she was doing was done with the most elegant and finest movement she could do. Her goal had been to Impress this fine man she laid eyes on.

Bright emerald green eyes glanced over to the male next to her. It was as if her motions were made to bring his attention to her. Draw him in. Muerda had known from when she saw the large male that she wanted him. Only him. Though if he didn't move to her, it was either 1.) He didn't like her appearance or presence. Or 2.) He was trying to bring her to him. Either was fine with Muerda. As she already new from experience you can't get everything you want. But then again, she always had quiet the luck at getting what she craved.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

As he drifted off, he wasn't paying any close attention to his surrounding or who was entering the area. So it wasn't until the female had bought herself to the edge of the water next to him and began to wash any dirt off her fur, that he was aware he was no longer alone. Blinking away the sleep, his orange meet with the green eyes of the female as his tail thumped in welcome and as a sign of friendliness. Wary as he was of other wolves now, he would still give them the benefit of the doubt and let them prove themselves before judging.

She was smaller then him and as she cleaned herself, he noticed she was doing it as regally as possible and once the cleaning had been done, it was like laying eyes on a queen. Her motions looked as if she wanted his attention and wanted him to look at her. And the attention shewanted was given to her. Rayne had never really looked at females before-he was interested in them of course but there had never been one that caught his attention like this regal looking dame. Rising to his feet, Rayne smile slightly at her. Yet his ability to speak with females returned as he went to introduced himself.

"H-hello, I'm R-Ranye." He tried not to show his disappointment at his stuttering, chastising himself as he lowered his head and shuffled his paws, like he alway did whenever he felt too nervous and not very confidant as he waited for her reaction.

(This post was last modified: Oct 10, 2013, 04:44 AM by Rayne.)
Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire
Muerda couldn't help but have an almost shy smile when the male spoke to her. Although he had stuttered a bit she still found him interesting and attractive like she had when she laid eyes on him. "Hello, my name is Muerda Lospire. Would you care to go for a swim before the water is to cold?" it was a simple response to his greeting and a simple question for him to answer. A soft wag of her tail seemed to appear before she could even stop it. Her heart seemed to skip a beat when she looked into his Orange eyes. Was this what a crush was? It had been so long sense she experienced anything like this. It was a great feeling but also a bit weird.

Leading him out into the deeper parts of the water she turned to face the large male again "So where are you heading? I'm hoping to find a pack to far from here, maybe you would like to join me?" it was a simple offer sense it looked like they both would need a home soon. She could tell there had to be some packs around here from faint scents she detected and only because it would be natural for a pack to be close to water and food sources. Muerda's tail swayed softly in the water and she kept a small warm smile on her face. The water was already getting cold but maybe they could stay in for a bit longer. As she would hate to leave the handsome male so soon.

"Sorry if I was asking so many questions, I'm just a bit nervous around a male so handsome as yourself." she smiled before taking one last sip of the water.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

Rayne couldn't stop the blush from happening as Muerda mentioned he was handsome and was thankful that his thick coat covered it, though his eyes shone with his shyness and embarrassment. The russet male thought himself to be quite ordinary and plain looking and no where near being handsome. Only his mother and sister ever told him that he was anything but plain. He never quite believed them though. "I-I'm heading f-further s-south." Still with a small stutter, he replied as he waded into the water after Muerda, shivering slightly at its coolness but not overly bothered by it. "I w-wouldn't mind joining y-you at all M-Muerda, if you t-truly don't m-mind." Rayne had never really experienced a crush before, apart for the time he liked one of the wolves Neoma called a friend as yearling. He had been even more awkward and gangly back then, not having filled out to his current robust size yet.

The water swirled around them as it crashed down from the waterfall nearby. The light rain had stopped falling from above, and instead the sky had become partly cloudy to allow some sun to shine down on their backs. "And it's f-fine to a-ask questions. I don't mind..." Rayne hated how almost always, he become so nervous around girls that he could barely speak properly. It was something he waned to change, next to boosting his confidence in some way. Maybe traveling with Muerda would allow that to happen. Rayne dipped his head to drink a little water, though he just wanted to dive under the water and hide instead.

Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire
"Well I suppose we should get to know each other more. I hail from a land far from her. I was once the Alpha but those days are long gone. Just a memory in the wind..." Muerda's voice trailed off as she thought about those lost days. The child Narime and her wretched father. Her own children running off. Along with her previous mate being killed while on a hunt. As much as she like to stay strong it hurt to think about such things. She really did miss the little brat Narime, and she did miss her sweet mate Saquanchan. But the children that were her own she could live with out. It's not that she didn't love them, she really did, but they were already grown to be gone and out of the nest.

Escaping from the dark thoughts that lingered in her head she focused her green eyes on the male who was named Rayne "What about you? I'm sure a guy like yourself comes from great lands. The ruler of everything too?" Muerda was almost sure that a handsome fella like himself had a great life. All the ladies must love him. All the guys must be jealous of his looks too. Rayne was strong and bold. Yet the boldness he held was hidden around her. He seemed nervous and shy. Had she said something wrong? Maybe there was something on her fur! Washing off her fur again she looked back to the large male. Or maybe he was just generally shy around woman.
(This post was last modified: Oct 11, 2013, 07:43 PM by Muerda.)
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

It was nothing she had done really. Rayne was shy around all girls when he first meet one. "I'm from a place called the Valley, in the north. " Rayne answered simply, his nervousness finally dying down enough that his words no longer stumbled over his tounge. When it was asked if he was the ruler of his pack, Rayne surprised her by shaking his head. "No. I wasn't the alpha of my pack nor were my parents. They were the best in their jobs so when they appealed to the alphas about having pups, they were allowed to have a litter. It's...hard to explain to someone who didn't grow up with the tradition." It might sound odd to the fae who was leader of her own pack but to Rayne, it was normal.

Rayne never dreamt of becoming an alpha, his lack of confidance wag his big draw back. He doubted that he could give orders with the sureness that Senka did. Oh, he knew he did his job as a guardian well, he could be bold when it was needed but it was typically his size that scared others away from the borders unless they wished to join the pack, not his personality. Others in the pack liked him for his quietness and the fact that he wasn't as scary as his sisters. Girls liked him due to him not being overpowering like the others and gently teased him for his shyness around them. They felt safe around him because unlike other males, who would steer clear of him due to his bulk, he would not hit on them because he was so quiet and shy.

When she cleaned her fur again, it puzzled him. What was she doing? Did she just want to make sure it was clean? Looking over her fur, he noticed that it was very clean. "Well Muerda, I think your fur looks nice and clean." something he had learnt from his father was that girls liked to be complimented.

Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire

Muerda couldn't help but offer Rayne a smile. "That's a very nice thing of you to say." Leading them out of the water she found a tree to rest under. Her Green eyes shone as the reflection of the water cause sparkles to dance through her eyes like the constellation of the stars that would soon be above them. Moving over a bit she gave Rayne some room to squeeze in if he so wished. Curling up Muerda was trying to stay warm so she wouldn't get sick from the cold water. Yet it also been a test to see if Rayne was a gentlemen and offer to share his warmth with her.

Opening her mouth to speak she seemed to be at a loss of words. What else could she say to see if there really was a spark between them? Then it struck her "Perhaps you would like to lay with me, just to keep warm so we don't get sick.' Muerda almost wanted to laugh at herself, though she held it back. "Real nice Muerda. Yeah for warmth haha! If only he knew my ways." on the inside she was almost dieing with the idea that this man might actually fall for her. Yet she didn't know where they would go or what they would do. But she was only getting ahead of herself. Certainly this man had no real intrest in her. Or if he did he was just to shy to come out and say it.

Table by PuppyThief

Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

"Uh, I...No problem..." Rayne followed her form the water, shaking his fur of most of the liquid. Rayne peered over at Muerda and the tree she had chosen to take rest under. It would be a tight fit if he chose to curl up next to her in the roots yet he couldn't deny the truth when she mentioned it'd be best if they shared warmth. The soft breeze that was blowing wasn't going to help them dry at all, not with the sun slowly going down over the horizon. In fact, the day was getting cooler as the night begun taking over and Rayne shivered slightly.

Stepping towards her, Rayne hesitated. He liked Muerda, he liked the way her eyes gleamed and how she treated him kindly. Yet something tugged at his heart. How was Aideen going? Had she manged to find his sister? Or had she forgotten and wasn't looking? The thought saddened him but he was pulled from them when a stronger wind tugged at his still wet fur and with a small smile towards Muerda, he curled up next to her. His larger frame made their sides touch and left little room to maneuver so when Rayne turned slightly to speak with her, their noses barely touching, embarrassment came forth.

Deciding to speak to take it away, Rayne would nearly die of embarrassment with the next words he blurted out. "You know Mueda, I think I like you." What? no no, he didn't mean to say that! What he meant to say was he liked her company! But as he snapped his eyes closed to avoid seeing the reaction Muerda had-surely she didn't feel the same way and would reject him, it felt right to say it. Aideen had been more of a friend, someone who he could have fun with but there was something to Muerda that made it different....

(This post was last modified: Oct 26, 2013, 10:34 AM by Rayne.)