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Played by Truck who has 2 posts.
Nero Massacre
Roofed in his temporary den, Massacre waited out the worst of today's storm before moseying out into the foggy aftermath of the rainfall. There was a large break in the dark clouds, giving him maybe an hour or two at most to find something to eat before another downpour rattled up. He lifted his black nose to scent the wet air but nothing jumped out at him right away.

As he walked, he trudged over an annulate log, landing loudly in a puddle on the other side but otherwise ignoring his newly dripping legs as he continued. His fur stuck out more oddly than usual, glistening with sparkling drops of dew that clung to his guard hairs.

If there was anything around to hunt, they were effectively frightened away by all his splashing—and Mass watched many rabbits and squirrels skitter back to their drenched hiding places yards before he even arrived. Normally he'd be irritated, but this was proactive hunting. He wasn't actually hungry or presently under the threat of starving; but under the impression that he may be spending a few days trapped in his slanted cave by the rain, he would have appreciated something to snack on in the meantime.
(This post was last modified: Oct 11, 2013, 04:54 AM by Massacre.)
Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos
i sat down last night, started writing it, then glee came on with Remembering Finn so I kinda got distracted by tears >_>
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">
The scouting subordinate had grown accustomed to simply being in the pack for a maximum of a week before heading out again to look elsewhere. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the Ridge—you kidding? She loved it!—it was more the fact that old habits die hard. Upon coming to Lore and meeting Elettra she had been a wandering spirit, a seductive gypsy wandering the metaphorical roads of nature. That same nature could not be broken even now as Elettra had promised her that she was allowed to roam wherever she pleased so long as loyalty to the Ridge became of her and she provided for the Ridge as she had been doing.
The exploration she pursued usually involved watching weather for signs of an oncoming storm, notifying Elettra have any pack formations, as well as keeping an eye out for potential loners that she found roaming around. After all, there were quite a few that weren’t going to know to go straight to the Willows to find the Ridge. So, that was Narcissa’s job. To point loners in the right direction given they have the traits to succeed.
Naturally her walking led her far east, since she had recently been west, towards Riddle Heights where the scenery was quite new. Perhaps it was when she heard a splash that her eyes narrowed in question as to what it was that she turned her head and walked a few steps to the right only to see a male standing in the middle of a puddle. Being the sarcastic little demon that she could be, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">“you know it’s usually one hundred times easier to catch food when you’re being quiet.” Smiling, obviously showing the man that she was simply making a joke, she began to walk towards him.

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!
Played by Truck who has 2 posts.
Nero Massacre
OOC: Oh believe me, I completely understand lol

When Massacre's head turned in continual search of a meal, he was less than thrilled to instead spot a wolfish figure—not a meal, by the way—trotting his way. He looked away sharply, and would have pressed on had her voice not specifically trilled out to him, and had it not been a joke.

Massacre didn't like jokes when he wasn't saying them. And especially when he was the butt of them.

This time was no different, even in the face of a smiling, green-eyed, wood-nymph. Rather, he viewed her as more of a snollygoster than anything, and he refused to be fooled. Her smile meant nothing, and he bristled visibly as if he were threatened, but otherwise made no move to close the distance as she was.

"Shut up, then," he spat back at her sourly, "and maybe I'll catch something."
Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos
btw, there is a 250 word minimum for posts, and threads won't count for life points if they're not 10+ replies with posts being over 250 words. dunno if you knew or not <3
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">
When the dashing boy turned his head in her direction it seemed quite obvious that he wasn’t a wolf of kind. Instead the look upon his face seemed dull in comparison to those back in the Ridge and the ones she was used to coming across here, but her expression did not falter. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">“By all means,” she answered with a smirk finding that his attitude was no deterrent for her at all, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">“catch something.” At least she would be here to watch him succeed or fail regardless of where he wanted her here or not. It was a free place and she could do whatever she wanted—unfortunately for him she wanted to watch him try to find something to eat.
It had done nothing but rain lately so she was sure it would be very scarce or none at all. She could likely help him find a meal but it would come with a price. Given his attitude towards her, she wasn’t so sure he would end up deserving anything at all except for a lonely life and a painful death. That she was almost sure would find him should he not patch up his personality quick and make mindful work of being a more personable soul. Otherwise, he was lost in his own reveries likely annoyed only being able to talk to himself in the nigh hours of the night when everyone else was warm and cozy, with their hungry satiated. After all, he was but a stranger and she had all the comfort she could ask for and more—all he had was nothing.

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!