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king with a crown of thorns
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Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos
ALL WELCOME RANDOM EVENT There is a shooting star tonight.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#6B3815;">
In two days’ time she would be welcomed back into Willow Ridge without a second thought. So far, she had to say that she was proud of herself for staying true to a single place without being completely selfish. Just a good few months ago she would have argued solipsism was real to anyone. She had always been the only thing that mattered aside from her daughter who had followed her courageously in acceptance of her mother’s natural need for chaos. However, as the wood nymph continued to walk towards the Ridge she could not shake the feeling that she was becoming tame.
The thought itself irked her, caused her to shiver violently as she could only imagine how horrible it must be to be chained. Though, she wasn’t really. Elettra, the beautiful Queen that Narcissa wished to please in whatever way possible, had allowed her excessive freedom to do whatever she pleased and to go wherever she desired. To wander the territories of the Lore was fantastic but at the same time she did continually return to the same location. Had Narcissa Thanos grown weak? No! she shouted mentally to herself as she looked off to the side of the Mountain in distaste. She would not go on to think like that, but perhaps a talk with the monochromatic woman would need to commence. A talk of what Narcissa was allowed to do and what not to do because the green-eyed woman had grown bored.
With nightfall looming just around the corner she looked to the sky and pondered her journey. The two days’ time would certainly be a long one so resting seemed the obvious choice so that she could gather her energy for the trip. However, night-time happened to be her favorite and very little sleep would be gained. With eyes focused on the horizon of the setting sun, she waited for the darkness to creep over her.
(This post was last modified: Oct 16, 2013, 01:58 AM by Narcissa.)

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
Following the deluge which had made her feel as though if it rained one more day, she'd start to get mouldy, Sagacity kept herself on the move to shake the stiffness from her joints. The rain worked as an asset, and had once again swept her pelt clean of her pack's scent. Her life as a scout kept her very conscious of her scent, knowing that the wolves of Nomad's Pass would rather keep their pack's location a secret. Thus, whenever she ventured away from the packlands, she went through the process of cleansing herself in the water, or adopting another scent by visiting a particularly fragrant patch of flowers or moist moss. This time she didn't need to waste any time before leaving the pack- she'd already been showered clean.

Mercy's attitude seemed to have improved slightly- the more time he spent with Crowe, the better he seemed to behave. And she was fine this- though secretly she'd hoped that the boy would take more of a liking to Faol, so that if a relationship began between them, it'd be easier for the boy to accept. She had the idea that something might come to grow between them, as she felt easier in his presence than she did in the company of anyone else...However, the large, burly Crowe had expressed an interest in getting to know her better as well...

In the chill of the evening she fluffed up her pelt to shut out the cold as she meandered along the mountain. This was free terrain, and therefore she had no need to question anyone she met here. In the distance, she saw another wolf- she could make out, in the dimming light, the faint hue of auburn in her pelt, though she wasn't sure if it was just the fading sunlight or if the woman was actually that colour. She approached, given that the lady looked fairly serene and calm, and Sagacity was not opposed to having some company...This female smelled of a pack as well, something Sagacity would want to learn about, so she could return to Naira with information. As she approached, she offered the female a soft chuff, and would judge whether or not to continue her approach based on the ruddy female's reaction.

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