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Peculiar Misfortunes
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Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan
Backdated to 9/25/13

He had followed the winding flow from the southernmost part of Relic Lore in the Verdant Mosses and now traveled along the banks of Cold Water Creek a few miles before entering Red Fern Forest. He had encountered only a few loners in these parts, aside from which the land was silent and lonely, yielding forests of shrouded, sickly trees and little game. Larger prey such as deer or elk were simply beyond his reaches leaving only the rabbits and rodents to satisfy him. He was growing tired of replacing meals with snacks and had pondered turning back, abandoning this new country but had rejected the idea; there wasn't much to turn back to, and who knew what lay ahead? For this reason he had kept on ignoring the hunger that perpetually rumbled in his stomach and pressed on stubbornly.

The ebony lone wolf slowed from a lope to an easy trot before halting completely, nose raised to the treetops sniffing intently. The wind had changed, and with it had brought new scents, one of which Hati now detected as a doe's relatively fresh carcass. A smile threatened to curve his lips as he followed the creek at a much quicker pace eagerly imagining the delicious meat. No other creature's scent—aside from the faint remnant of coyotes who likely had already taken their share of the fallen doe—mingled with it, so Hati was fairly certain enough muscle could still be found to account for a full meal.

Ah, and there it was. The black male zealously sprinted the last yards to the half eaten body and fell to, not risking a moment of leisure lest a bear or other fearsome creature of greater dominance also discover the free fare. As he ate he noticed a wild blueberry bush next to the carcass and picked at the fallen berries in between bites of meat, as well as the mushrooms which grew in that area rather than eating around them.

What a great meal.

(This post was last modified: Oct 09, 2013, 12:14 AM by Hati.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

I do it because I can, I can because I want to,
Anouke Kasekhemre
I want to because you made me.

One small sip of the water from the creek was all he wanted. But then he had just had to trip over a hiding tree root. The result of this was him ending up flat on his side, eyes closed in frustration. He hadn’t been hurt, but the humiliation of someone seeing him falling to the ground was horrifying. Then there was the fact that he was still on his side, laying in the dirt and who-knows that else, seething in anger for his own mistake. If a wolf had seen him, he would make sure they never lived to see another sunrise, sundown or anything else but one last look at him before they died. Anouke hated showing weakness or anything that could shame him.

The Young Hellion quickly clambered to his large, white paws and gave a rough shake of his dark coat. Bright amber eyes gave a quick scan over his pelt to make sure there was nothing caught in his fur. He always strived for perfection, physically as well as mentally. Once Anouke was sure that his coat was clean and good-looking, he ambled over to the edge of the creek and lowered his dark head to take a long drink of his well-earned water.

Once he had drunk his fill, Anouke stretched his neck and legs before trotting into the trees that surrounded the banks if the creek. If it was one thing that he loved –apart from his sister- it was exploring and wandering the lands that he called home. He was a loner by heart, and never liked to stay in one place too long, unless it couldn’t be helped. The only time he did was when he and his sister joined a pack; disrupting pack life and turning members against one another. Just because they could, and for revenge.

As the winds shifted slightly, it brought with it many different scents of prey, but the two most scents that stood out from the rest that he could detect was a deer carcass –presumably fresh from the rich smell- and a wolf. If the wolf nearby, then he could have some fun manipulating said wolfs mind, possibly getting an interesting reaction. But he would be wary of getting into a fight, unless if there was no way that he could lose. The last fight –or rather scuffle- didn’t end well for him, as he knocked himself unconscious by slipping on the wet grass and banging his head onto a hiding rock. Waking up the next morning had been painful, and the headache hadn’t left him for a few days. But that was over and done, next time, he’d be more careful. But that Rayne wolf, he’d have what was coming for him.

Breaking out of his dark thoughts, Anouke started forward in a brisk trot, padding towards the source of the two scents. It seemed like one a few minutes until he came upon a dark brown wolf eating the deer –it was a doe- carcass, as well as some of the surrounding vegetation. His nose twitched at the sight and scent of the deer. He hadn’t eaten anything but rabbits for the past week, and hungered for something more. If it came to it, he would fight the male for the carcass. And this time, he would win.

Bright, calculating amber eyes scanned over the dark male, and he saw that the male’s coat was made up of a mixture of black and brown with hints of tan along his flanks. But from the way the dark male was standing, the Young Hellion couldn’t see his face, neck or chest, only along his sides and flanks.

Stopping multiple feet away from the dark male, the Young Hellion stared at him, his jaws slightly parted and the corners of his lips twitching up in a smirk as his head cocked to the left. The tip of his brown tail twitched to the side as he lifted up his right leg –which was all white- and flexed it calmly. Whenever he met a new wolf, he always did that, but why, he didn’t know. “Having a snack, are we?” His voice was deep and soft, yet also full of volume, like a bass guitar. He would attempt to extract valuable information from the dark male, maybe even use it against him. But he wouldn’t jump straight into a fight. No, he’d see if the dark male had any past experience for fighting. Only then would he try to fight him.

Oh, this would be an interesting interaction.

763 Words

Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

He was not one to be careless. Though only one eye graced his rather ugly face it had strength beyond most and coupled with his fine hearing and sense of smell, it was rare that something or someone could sneak up on the male. This was no exception; he heard the picaro moving through the forest at a brisk trot, bee-lining for the carcass the same as he had, and then stop behind where Hati was chewing on the doe's neck only a few feet away. The latter's muscles were bunched and ready to turn and fight, though as of yet he had not formulated any opinion of the stranger.

But as Anouke spoke the smaller male's hackles rose and he turned, a snarl curling his lips, revealing shiny teeth and a quivering tongue, but no sound could be heard from him. The brute's tone was like honey, and Hati detested smooth talkers. This he showed plainly in his dominant display, tail stiffly vertical, ears thrust forward, chest out and legs spread. If this man—who didn't seem much more than a yearling—wanted to walk in on his meal asking for a fight, he was willing to comply...from the looks of it the arrogant brute before him wasn't too experienced in the ways of battle, only deception and stupidity. Hati wasn't easily lulled, and he was bright (though at times it has been suggested otherwise).

Besides showing himself to be dominant, the black loner did not respond. This wolf who had walked in on him seemed too reliant on his wit. Hati cared little for wit. He lived by instinct, and right now his instinct told him that whatever happened would be regrettable...on the youngster's side. And then...

The snarl died and was replaced by an amused grin as Hati realized that the wolf before him was only as large as a pup. With a shake of his head—his brain must have been playing tricks on him—he turned back to the carcass and continued to chew on the tender meat.

(This post was last modified: Oct 09, 2013, 12:14 AM by Hati.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
Extremely sorry for the long wait! :c

I do it because I can, I can because I want to,
Anouke Kasekhemre
I want to because you made me.

At his words the smaller brown male turned around, and the Young Hellion could see that his hackles were raised and his lips were curling back to reveal pointy canines, but the male uttered not a single sound. There was no hint of a growl, but it sure seemed as if he wanted to. From his stance, the brown male seemed to be offended by him: tail stiffly vertical, ears thrust forward, chest puffed out and legs spread….A very dominant display.

In reaction, Anouke lifted up his shoulders with practiced ease and raised his dark head regally, staring down at the brown male with cold, calculating amber eyes as his hackles raised and he pricked his dark ears forward. His lips curled back to show sharp canines and a low, warning growl emitted from his dark muzzle.

He felt the need to show the wolf who was the dominant wolf, but held himself back. With no idea of the brown male’s skills, it would be stupid to get into a fight about nothing, but it wasn’t just nothing. He was starving, and at that moment, he wanted to chase away the wolf so that he could feed upon the carcass.

When an amused grin replaced the silent snarl on the brown male’s face and he turned back to the carcass and continued to eat it, another rumbling growl erupted from his chest. He did not take kindly to other wolves ridiculing him, but instead of leaping straight at the wolf, he strode over to the wolf as if he was going to chase him away and spoke in a low and dangerous tone, with an evil glint in his eyes. “Is that how you lost your other eye? By turning your back upon your opponent?”

295 Words

Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

It was strange, for this pup did not act like a pup, nor did he sound like a pup, but instead carried himself and spoke as an adult, a sneaky, conniving adult no respectable brute would ever bother to fight with. However, Hati had never really viewed himself as very respectable, what with a missing eye and all. As the stranger, dark furred like himself, drew up alongside, Hati saw out of the corner of his eye that the brute looked once again like a full grown adult, capable of a battle, of dealing a fine wound. He wasn't too interested in the latter but found the idea of putting his arrogance to rest very tempting; welcoming, even.

At the man's devilish words Hati turned slightly, again taking on a fully dominant posture, and glared at him, daggers shooting from his golden eyes. Disgust and hatred burned within them as a silent growl built in his throat and he longed to speak, to put this stupid, self centered brute to rights, to make him understand how foolish he sounded and appeared. He mustered his own twisted grin and leaned forward, the hot breath of his nostrils curling over the wolf's muzzle. Then, with a flash, he reached forward and shut his teeth with a snap, hoping they would close upon flesh, preferably an eye. Then the brute wouldn't feel so savvy, maybe.

Hati danced away, shoulders squared and head low, prepared to follow up his attack with another depending on how the man reacted. Though anger bubbled within his chest he was never one to let it take control, but instead remained cool and levelheaded. It was an advantage he had always been thankful for, and many times had his coolness and silence drove an opponent to crazed rushes that were easily dodged and welcomed simple retaliation that always ended the fight in his own victory.

This would be a pleasure.