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Played by Fox who has 7 posts.
For Hollow.

Constance flicked his tail this way and that, contemplating his decision. After meeting that guy just yesterday, he felt like it was probably worth a shot to try and join up with these assholes. Not that he actually thought they were assholes. It was an expression, dammit! He huffed at the non-existent contrarian who had been taken aback when he had called the wolves of this pack assholes. Ah, those little inner monologues were often what kept him going these days. Since he'd been on his own for the past month (or was it two months?) his imaginary conversations had gotten more and more colorful. It was probably a good thing, in all likelihood, because he would have gone mad without somebody to talk to.

The yearling sniffed idly at the ground (like he often tended to do), and wondered how long it would be before somebody marched over and told him to get off their lawn. It couldn't be too much longer, as he'd been lingering for at least fifteen minutes now. Every pack he'd ever encountered in the past was quick to let him know that he was being a dick by fiddle-farting around so close to their precious land. Then they'd go through the normal process of him submitting while they lorded their pack status over his head. It was all part of the process, although the last few times he'd attempted this whole "joining" thing, he'd been rejected. "We don't have enough food, scram!" "Not another male; too much competition!" "Your face is ugly, get away!" It was always something or another.
(This post was last modified: Sep 26, 2013, 01:03 AM by Constance.)
Images by Allie
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
A chill wind stirred at Hollow's coat. A shudder passed through him, he knew the chill should not reach him through his fur, but it was thinner than normal for all his worry. It seemed that no amount of support could save his mind from being troubled, the dark wolf, leader of Secret Woodlands was too young for this he knew. But it must be done, and his shoulders were the only ones that would support the pack while Koda was away. Still he carried on and did his very best to hold things together, the death of Tacoma had worn Nina down more than she showed, and he knew it. She would disappear for short stretches of time where if questioned he would merely respond with, "She's away hunting." Or at least something to that effect.

Silently he moved through the thick brush that he called home. Thick was almost a relative term, the grey skies were visible through the trees now, and the brush had only just began to die out. Autumn would soon turn the world red and gold. The chill would grow and graduate into a bitter cold. Hopefully things could settle then and he could rest easy. Hopefully Koda would return and leave Hollow with time for himself and Azariah. But these thoughts were fleeting and disappeared at the moment a scent crossed his path, it drifted down from the border he assumed, and so he turned towards it for it was a wolf. Male, young. Probably only a yearling, and would be a little rebellious at the least as Hollow had been. At least until Djinn had put him in his place.

When he arrived the sight was not a shock, a wolf milled around the borders to his home, which Hollow assumed he was doing on purpose. Either from nerves or something else. But still as leader it was his duty to inquire as to why this male was here. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Hollow Nite, leader of Secret Woodlands. Do you have any business to tend with us?" Head and tail held high, Hollow made it clear that this was his territory and that if this yearling had any reason to fight his authority there would be consequences. Hopefully he would be respectful, and calm as Hollow did not wish to fight at all, he was not in the fighting mood today.

(This post was last modified: Sep 27, 2013, 03:49 AM by Hollow.)
Played by Fox who has 7 posts.
Constance did as he always did in these situations. He lowered his whole body, his ears flattened to the top of his skull, his golden eyes didn't look any higher than the feet of his greeter, and he whined softly to show that he was no threat to the wolf who currently stood in front of him. Although he had a bit of a... strange personality, Constance was rarely the confrontational type. He liked to lay back and watch the world go by, never wishing to cause a ruckus or an uproar. It was why, when the time had come to depart from his home, he had done so without so much as a whimper. He had known that he could not stay there forever since the moment he could comprehend such a thing.

"I seek a place among your ranks," Constance replied after he was certain the guy wasn't going to bite his ear off. Of course, the answer could still be "no," but at least the guy seemed somewhat open to the idea of it, because he wasn't chasing him off just yet. Usually, when packs were dead set on not allowing anybody else in, they'd be sure to keep their borders free of any lolly-gagging that might happen around their precious land. It was all part of their instinct, built up over the generations to keep their world moving smoothly. Without those instincts, it was chaos. Constance had only seen such a thing once before, and the offender had been killed as soon as it was obvious he was lacking that aspect of instinct. Without it, a wolf was as good as dead.
Images by Allie
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Sorry for the wait! @Constance

Hollow stood above Constance and observed the male's submission. Which still caused a small twitch of Hollow's ears as it made him a little uncomfortable, mostly because he was not yet used to it. A place among our ranks? Well we could always use more paws. Hollow smiled to himself as he thought of Neith, recently accepted, and now here was another, oh Secret Woodlands ranks were swelling! It was a relief to have so many new faces, and be at the command of them all, of course with Nina as well. Though with the death of Tacoma, Hollow had essentially been running the pack entirely on his own. He would do so till his last day if he must and never would he complain. The mother had lost her child Hollow would never hold that against her.

"What can you bring to our pack? By that I mean do you have a particular role you plan to work for." Most of the time Hollow would simply ask what ones strong point was, however this was nothing more than a yearling. It would mean his role wouldn't be established until next year, and there was time for him. Before Constance could respond to Hollow's first question he added, "Before you answer that I must ask your name. I couldn't very well consider you a member for my pack if I don't know what you are called." Hollow kept his tone light, his stance dominant, and face stoic while he spoke. Not yet would he let Constance see any emotion.

(This post was last modified: Oct 14, 2013, 08:24 AM by Hollow.)
Played by Fox who has 7 posts.
"Constance," he replied first, deciding on a whim to answer the last question first. "Constance Underwood." It seemed only proper to disclose is full name, not just his first. He wanted this guy to trust him, after all! And there was another reason he had paused in answering the first question. Quite frankly, he wasn't sure how to answer it. Con hadn't thought too much about what he should specialize in. He had always liked being a sort of jack-of-all-trades, but somehow he wasn't sure that was going to fly here. But then again, he did not really want to say something and then change his mind a week later. That would just seem flaky... and he certainly did not want himself to be aligned with that kind of word.

"Not sure I've exactly decided on what my role might be," he replied after a pause, "Is there somethin' you might be lookin' for?" Perhaps if he could fill a void in their ranks, that would be better than just picking something at random. Actually, he was pretty damn sure that would be better. Maybe they needed one thing more than all the others, and he'd be more than happy to figure out what that was and take on whatever role they needed him to. And if there was nothing in particular that they needed, he could just go with his original plan of hoping for some time to think it over. Whatever the case, he hoped he had not just ruined his chances of getting in.
Images by Allie
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
The leader listened to the the male, Constance Underwood, it was much easier to know who he was talking to. The young male did not yet know what he would like to do, which did not bother Hollow in the very least, as he was still young and would have time. After all it was not like they required you to have only one skill, more or less it would be a main area to specialize in. Something they just happened to be better at than everything else. This would be told in due time as Hollow gazed upon Constance in deep thought. After all it was approaching winter and they would need extra paws even if it meant another mouth to feed. As long as Constance pulled his own weight Hollow could take him in.

"You would not be required to undertake one specific role if I accept you. But eventually you will be given one, some wolves fall in to their own role and some choose their path. I chose mine as guardian of Secret Woodlands before I was named leader. So may you do the same by choosing what you wish to become." Hollow let his words sink in before he pressed on, "This pack his a family, we look out for one another, for all manner of threats from outside these borders as well as from within as a guardian. We hunt to feed the pack as well as ourselves as hunters, and we help care for one another as healers if we can. Your path is ultimately up to you. But in our own way we are everything to each other, do you understand that?"

Hollow spoke gently still, as this was a youth whom seemed a little more afraid than not. While he liked the young male he still had to be wary, for darkness of heart could come from a young age should one choose to let it. A laugh almost escaped his jaws at his words and thoughts, he had been hanging around Nina too much and felt he began to sound just as cryptic as his friend.