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I can't do this on my own
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Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae

Making her way across the rocky ledges Capella couldn't help but think of how close she was to home. Even the air smelled like home. Her heart raced as sunny eyes fell upon the trees making up her home. Quickening her pace, she didn't even take care to watch her footing. It wasn't long before the pale girl felt her forepaws sliding off at an awkward angle, while her back legs attempted to hold her still. Unfortunately she had been descending the mountain, causing most of her weight to rest on her front. Gravity didn't help as she felt herself slip onto her back, and begin tumbling down the side of the mountain. Her body twisted itself into strange shapes as her back slammed against various rocks. Pain was a constant as her desperate howls found themselves falling on deaf ears. There was no one around to save her now, why had she been so careless?

When she finally felt herself come to a halt, she couldn't help but lay there in shock. She was too afraid of what she might find if she were to move. If she'd broken anything then it was over, and she wouldn't be able to make it home. Pain gnawed endlessly at her body, even shooting a sharp ache into her chest when she'd breath. This wasn't supposed to happen, not when she had been so close. Would her journey end now? Shaking the thoughts from her head she put her mind to work. Very slowly she attempted moving her head. Capella lifted it just enough to see that she was out on a ledge, before dropping it right back down. The female wasn't even sure if she could move the rest of her body yet, and already she was in another terrifying situation. Her sore body began trembling in fear as she laid there wondering what she would do next.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Render who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Coal Bielski

The cream and copper male that speedily made his way deeper into Riddle Heights wasn't just ambling along. He was on a mission. The despairing yelps of a she-wolf he had heard moments ago couldn't source much further from where he rushed up the rocky ledges and scrambled to keep his footing over loose stones and dirt. His heart pounded as he tried to ignore the thought that the victim of the fall was already dead or on her way to death, that he was too late to save her. It was likely perhaps, but the huge Bielski wasn't one to cave in to probability; he would fight until the last breath was exhaled, even without hope. His brown eyes burned with determined intensity, revealing a spirit within that would never leave a wolf behind—even a stranger.

Climbing nearly straight upwards Coal spotted the creamy wolf laying limp on a ledge to his right, inaccessible from any angle except directly above, the way she had come. He didn't pause but pushed toward even faster until he reached the top and could look down on her trembling body. Fur was torn from a beautiful pelt, streaks of blood dirtied it. It was impossible to know if any bones were broken, for she did not move an inch, and her eyes were closed...but he knew she was alive, for he could detect slight motion from her exposed side as breath hesitantly entered her lungs.

"Hello?" he called softly so as not to scare the young female.

(This post was last modified: Oct 11, 2013, 02:52 AM by Coal.)
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
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The fear in her heart was soon replaced by acceptance, and the trembling began to ease. No one knew where she was, and to the world she didn't exist anymore. Flying low, off the radar. The faces of her small family played behind her lids, and she realized how sad that made her. She couldn't die out here all alone. Then a voice filled her ears, and she couldn't help but think that it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. At least if she were to die now, someone would know about it. Maybe word would travel back home, and they would be able to rest their minds. After all, it was better to know than wonder.

A pale head lulled backwards, seeking the source of the voice. Dandelion eyes opened heavily before landing on the male's form. Capella managed a pained smile as she spoke. "I.. I don't mean to b.. be trouble.." Inhaling sharply as another round of pain scraped along her form, she continued. "But, co.. could I ask for your h.. help? Unless you ha.. have somewhere to be." The voice that left her mouth was almost alien to her. It was rough, and cracked from screaming. Even the rhythm was off from the trembling that had started up once more, giving her the appearance of having a stutter.

Watching with hopeful eyes she awaited his answer, whatever it might be. She couldn't help but pray that he would help her find a way off of this ledge, of course if he chose to walk away then that would be alright too. Capella had always been too nice for her own good, and there were more important things in life than some stranger stuck on a ledge.

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[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Render who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Coal Bielski

She was a beauty, he had to admit. By the looks of her graceful, youthful frame she was only a yearling, two years at most. He couldn't help but be attracted to the poor girl even now as she lay helpless and hurting on the ledge below. For a moment Coal only stared, taking in everything about her—the creamy white pelt, sun filled eyes dancing with held back tears and new found hope, dainty black nose—before jerking back into reality and shaking his head bashfully. He knew he was acting like a child. He sure felt like one. The girl was only half his age and besides, he wasn't looking for a romance.

"That's ridiculous," he murmured, eyes darting along the surface of the nearly vertical cliff searching for a sure route of rescue. "You think I would leave you here alone just so I would not be late for another occasion? I'll getcha outta this mess, no worries my lady."

Perhaps he had been rather formal. Just in case he flashed her a confident wink before assuming the task of saving her. His first instinct was to slide down and join her, check her over to make sure no injuries were serious, but common sense restrained him. Even if she was badly wounded he would be no closer to helping the creamy white woman to safety. A sigh escaped the Bielski's lips in face of near hopelessness and he cursed silently with a glance in the pretty female's direction, wishing he could take it back. It wouldn't do to let her know he wasn't perfectly capable of getting her back to the top.

"Okay, so...I'mma just gonna see if I can...gah!," The huge copper hued wolf lost his footing and slid, scrabbling for a hold and failing miserably until he came to a stop beside the one whom he had come to save. He refused eye contact, instead looking back up the way he had come as if this had all been part of a master plan.

"I think...I think we got this. Yeah." The brave Bielski brute stared at Capella, thoroughly clueless and extremely embarrassed.

Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
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Something about this situation felt familiar to her, but she couldn't exactly remember the time nor the place. Her head was still fuzzy from the fall, making it difficult to focus, and keeping her thought's almost airy. Then a beautiful sound poured into her ears, breaking the barrier, and giving her hope beyond what she had let herself have. He didn't plan on leaving, not yet at least, and maybe she would be able to make it home. Sharp eyes brightened just a little as she watched him contemplate the situation. There was a determination in his eyes as they darted around the ledge, looking for an escape route. How could she have given up, when a complete stranger found more value in fighting for her life than she had?

Then he stumbled down the rocks, coming to a halt beside her. Had he meant to do that? She hadn't been paying enough attention to know. The first thing she realized now that they seemed to be on the same playing field, was his lack of eye contact. He never looked at her, instead choosing to turn his attention toward the rocks above them. Of course he would though, as that was their more pressing issue. Not to mention she didn't even know how she looked. Her body could have been broken, and she was positive that there was blood. It might have been a horrific sight, why had it even bothered her?

When his deep brown eyes finally did turn their attention towards her, she knew that she wouldn't let him do this on his own. Her will persevered, and she made her first attempt to stand. Her front legs pushed off of the ground, and pain shot through them. A small whine left her lips, but was quickly silenced. This strange male couldn't bare the burden alone. Testing her back legs she found that although they might have been bruised, they weren't broken. Another wave of hope passed through her, as she pulled herself into a sit. Unfortunately, the trembling was worse than before, caused by the pain of just standing, but she wouldn't give up again. "I.. Th.. ink.. I think we.. do." Flashing him another pained smile she allowed her eyes to move across the mountain side, wishing for some kind of trail.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(This post was last modified: Oct 11, 2013, 08:25 PM by Capella.)
[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Render who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Coal Bielski

It made the copper wolf quite a bit more comfortable than he might have been that the pretty girl gave little response to his stupid blunder, but instead laid there, little hope in her dandelion eyes, blood streaking her creamy coat. The Bielski was worried that she would not make it even if they did reach the top, and an awful feeling of despair settled in the bottom of his stomach. Her will to survive seemed weak just like her body, and unless she decided to care, her breath wouldn't last long.

Coal took a deep breath and looked over the above ground until it was memorized, and then began devising a plan. The levelest portion of the cliff, still steep by any account, was the route they had both taken to be dumped on this ledge, and it seemed as though such would be the safest way to go. There were parts of rock jutting out as well as tough plants for them to grab onto with their teeth if need be. The whole deal would be much simpler without the injured she wolf, but then, she was the reason he was here in the first place. The huge male glanced sideways at her, and was startled to find her struggling to rise, wincing in pain as weight shifted to her hind legs. They seemed to be the only real problem; most of the blood decorating her pelt was from shallow scratches. The Bielski instinctively reached over to steady her and then comfortingly licked the blood off her ears before returning his gaze to their current problem. He shot a grin over to the girl in order to hide his doubt of successfully scaling this cliff.

"We had better go up the same way we came down, it is less steep than the other paths. Are you strong enough to climb at all? If so I can follow behind and steady you and catch you if you fall." His lopsided grin widened. "Plus I'll be good padding if we slip all the way back to this ledge. Ready?"

The determination that had never left his dark eyes intensified as he squared his shoulders and stared up towards the top of the cliff.

Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
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Capella couldn't help but appreciate the copper male's help. Of course she wasn't the 'damsel in distress' type, and she never would be, but there was nothing wrong with needing a little help every once in a while. She was grateful as he steadied her, and even more so when he fussed over her ears. The pale fae knew that she must have looked horrific. She could smell the sulfur of her own blood that was undoubtedly matting her fur against her light frame. Not to mention the dirt that had caked as she slammed against the ground before finding herself on the ledge. No, the damsel in distress would surely look flawless while in trouble.

Sunny eyes made their way to the male's face as he spoke. He found a way to make light of their situation, forcing a small chuckle from her throat. She found that it didn't hurt as much as she thought it would. Her own voice followed his, surprising even herself. "I think so, but I'm not sure you're going to provide much padding, unless of course that build of yours is simply fluff." A playful twinkle fell into her eyes as she sported a grin. Thinking logically, he wouldn't be very good padding. Underneath his fur was undoubtedly a mess of muscle and bone, but it would still soften the blow.

Taking one last glance at the determination set on his face she stood. Her legs were wobbly, and pain poured through every limb, but she wouldn't give up now. Not when he seemed so unwavering. Getting her bearings she leaned into him. It hurt to stand, but she couldn't allow that to stop her. He seemed so sure, never letting his doubt cloud his vision. Which meant that she had to believe in him. If he thought that they were going to make it off of the ledge, than she would too.

One small step forward brought her closer to the cliffs, and then another, until there was no place else to go but up. Looking back, she tried to hold on to the courage he seemed to have. She searched his face for approval, and to let him know that she was going to try. Taking a deep breath she turned toward the rocky surface in front of her. One pale paw lifted, finding a small foothold, and the others followed suit. It wasn't long before she was completely off of the ledge floor, seeking another purchase, and holding herself to the cliff like a pinion to another gear. Too afraid to look back and make sure he was following, she kept her bright eyes facing front. That is, until she reached out and lost her grip, shifting her weight and causing her to slide back down about two tail lengths. The strain on her muscles was not evident, as they begged her to let go. Her voice called out to the male. Hoping he was close, "I.. I don't know if I can do this.. I.." but she cut it off. Fear ran rampant through her body, as she waited to hear from him. What was she going to say anyways? I think we should climb back down? I think you should go on without me? No, she couldn't give up. Even if she had wanted to.

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[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Render who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Coal Bielski

She had cast aside the despair that had initially settled upon her after falling onto this ledge, and though her fur looked truly dreadful with streaks of dark blood and dirt, she still had a beautiful appearance to the big Bielski, and the glint in her eye only made her more so. He found himself grinning mindlessly at the sandy colored female, only too glad that he could help her get out of this mess. She was brave, he could see in her actions and in her shaky words, never complaining about the pain that undoubtedly shot through her body. He could see the difficulty with which she moved and his heart ached for her, longing to take away the hurt and make everything better. Fanciful thinking was all it was.

He chuckled gently and winked in response to her light-hearted joke and answered, "What else would it be?" But the jovial mood was abruptly ended as the russet female rose the rest of the way on shaky legs, the determination in her eyes matching his own. He couldn't help but admire the young girl; he wasn't sure he himself would have been so brave in her place. Each small step brought her closer to the cliff itself and Coal watched apprehensively, muscles tense, hoping that this mission of his wouldn't fail. The last thing he would do, and by last he meant last, was leave her here in this barren place to die of her wounds and of starvation.

The beautiful wolf glanced back at him and he could see the fear but also the strength in her fierce expression and he smiled lightly and half wagged his copper tail, urging her on. She turned back towards the steep wall and began to ascend, each step twisting a grimace on Coal's face for her sake. Once her back paws had abandoned the ledge altogether he stepped up also, braced to catch her lest her legs give way. It was not surprising when the did, but they held enough so that he was not needed to stop her from sliding all the way to the bottom. The Bielski reached forward and touched her flank softly hoping to comfort the injured girl. Wild fear soaked her voice of hesitation and he tried to cut her off before she could complete the thought.

"Yes you can. Yes you can, don't worry. If you fall, I'll catch you. I'll carry you on my back if I have to." That last thought was improbable, but the big brute knew that if it came to that he would try with everything he had. "Now, do you see that branch slightly to your right? Grab onto it with your teeth, hard, while you try to get a foothold." His eyes flickered with worry and he pressed up against her for support, taking some of the pressure off of her own less than sturdy limbs.

There were many things he had not been able to accomplish, but this was not a mission he was willing to fail.