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Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
She brought forth the subject of children again, and the man withheld a sigh, answering her with the straightest tone he could muster. <b style="color:#a51919">"My duty is to my pack." It was as simple as that. To have children of his own would require challenging his sister, his Queen. Such a thing went against everything that he'd sworn. But once that was out of the way, then came the second question. The question he could not evade, or so he thought for a silent moment. Another oath. The man shifted his shoulder shuffling carefully, before he got to his paws to circle around her again, striding up behind her, only to lie down again, at her back. Her evasive words still hung in the air, but perhaps he could silence them with her initial desire.

Though it was not his own, he had taken great care to please the man that held his sister's heart. Though he was not sure of the consequences of divulging such information, he thought it wise not to find out. His side was pressed against the line of her spine now, and he slid his head up along her neck. It was odd, to say the least, certainly not anything he truly enjoyed doing, although he could not lie in noting that she was, in fact, much warmer than the air around them. His fur was still damp, he hardly noticed it now against her own warmth. <b style="color:#a51919">"This was a wise idea." He muttered, teeth close to her ear. Although he felt no shame, instead, he felt guilt. Certainly this woman would not be so easily swayed, so he repeated, <b style="color:#a51919">"I am a guardian of these lands." <b style="color:#a51919">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#6B3815;">
Although the man never quite explained his answers, Narcissa was always very perceptive to someone’s subtle words. To her, she knew that most packs did not allow children unless they possessed the rank of leader. To his words she understood that he could not have any of his own and that he was without such power as Elettra had. However, Narcissa always had a way of sneaking around the flags. “What if you could have children without your pack ever knowing?” she asked subtly, looking to him as he had begun to circle around her until lying down again at her backside.
At first, it felt strange as though he was forcing it to happen but as soon as he slid his muzzle alongside her neck she felt the brush of comfort. A tender slip of chaos writhing within her mind as she began to focus on the strong musk of his fur and the inexplicably faint scent of where he had come from. Unknown to him, she could be easily swayed. She cared not for his location—simply had wanted to see for herself as to whether or not it had been his intention to skip over her question in the first place—so it only seemed fair that by his second repetition of I am a guardian of these lands did she understand that she was not supposed to know. It was a secret, something that he was not to divulge.
So instead, she simply relished in the close touch of the stranger as she yearned for such closeness once more. “I’m glad you’ve warmed up to the idea,” she smirked while feeling as though it had been months since she had held any physical bond with another, whether it be as light as this or heavy it was always a welcome feeling.

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!
Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
<b style="color:#a51919">"That would be wrong," The man said, very matter-of-factly. Of course, there were ways around it. In the heat of the moment, one could lose their senses. Chulyin was certain that he was above that. His loyalty to his family, to his pack, would be his shield. This was all an act, his closeness to this woman. She could believe what she wanted about it, but Chulyin would probably never see her again after this. The man was immune to the charms of woman, or so he thought. If she was from the Ridge, then it truly was unlikely that their paths would cross again. He lowered his muzzle from her ear, brushing his nose against her cheek in a brief movement, before letting it settle against her neck.

To her clever words, he grunted, perhaps a laugh, perhaps not. She no longer went after his origins, and now the sudden lack of space between them was unnecessary. Temptation told him to draw away, yet something in his mind kept him stuck to the spot. But why? This woman was not family, nor pack, nor distance friend, and yet here they were, glued to each other. Nothing about it felt wrong, yet nothing felt entirely right either. The man, the distant cold man, who found discomfort in an excess of speech, was pressed quite intimately against a stranger from a pack that was not his own. There was no affection, at least in his mind as it currently processed, and yet he felt the mildest inklings of desire. Even the coldest winters had to end... <b style="color:#a51919">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#6B3815;">
Perhaps it was wrong but how could one ever get what they wanted out of life if they never fought for what they wished for. Narcissa was all for grabbing what she wanted whenever she wanted, given that others didn’t stop her. All she wanted was for everything to be hers and if the subordinates to other packs were entirely set in obeying their leaders by not pushing the boundaries to have their own children—then they were losing a lot in life. There was no point in living life if you never pushed your limits when you wanted something. No fun at all was achieved from this.
Even as he laid there beside her and she felt the heat begin to rise in both of their forms, she did feel as though something was missing. It might have been what she wanted a second ago but even as he lay there, she could feel how unwanted it was. That this wasn’t what he wanted and thus, it altered her perception of what she desired. Perhaps here she was simply unlucky where the guys did not fall under her spell as easily or were charmed by her wit, but whatever it was she didn’t feel it right now. “Are you warm now, Chulyin?” she asked in kind, hoping that she had at least warmed him up to the point that returning to wherever it was that he had come from wouldn’t be so tedious or cold.
The one thing that she did know, was that this wasn’t over.

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!
Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
Some searched for fun, others for honor. Chulyin was the later. His life was methodical, calculated, serious. He longed to please, to serve, to obey. That was his life, that was what he lived for. And to each their own. His judgements were kept to himself, were held within. Not once had he showed discomfort, unless she'd somehow been able to decipher an errant ear flap. Whatever her desires were in life, be it desire or perhaps hers were not unlike his own despite the way she acted and spoke, he would not be the one to truly judge her.

His head withdrew, no longer in contact with her neck or any part of her anatomy, eyes shifting slightly as though he'd lost track of the time. The chilly air drifted over him, though it was lacking the earlier bite it had had earlier when he'd still been so wet. The sun was a bit higher than it had been before his plunge, and he knew he had to go. <b style="color:#a51919">"Yes. Thank you, Narcissa." He said evenly, slowly getting his legs beneath him, and rising, taking a delicate step away from her resting form. Not in a such a way that could be mistaken as disgust, but he merely didn't want to draw attention to himself or imply that she had to get up.

<b style="color:#a51919">"Thank you," He repeated, bowing his head, unsure of what else to say. Their conversation had come so easy before he'd moved, but now he felt as though his mind weighed a million pounds. He wasn't a stupid man, but the way he lived was so strict that certain thoughts never even crossed his mind. And yet there they were now, pirouetting around in his brain. If it were possible for him to be blowzy he would have...Rising up from his small bow, he strode past her, suddenly intent on putting much distance between them and a stream or four.<b style="color:#a51919">

/exit Chulyin
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#6B3815;">
Narcissa had once been an honorable young girl, always looking for what her father wanted for her. To please him and make sure that she was everything that he had wanted but unfortunately, everyone changed eventually. Her father not long after her mother had died had already taken up another mate and was planning on children… something that had not quite settled well for the apple-eyed princess. It had hurt, to feel as though her father was replacing mother. Then there was her two brothers—Gabriel and Jesse. The latter she had protected endlessly until he had become spiteful over everything and eventually didn’t want her company. Then there was Jesse… a relationship that she could never regret, but it was a story that she did not wish to share with strangers.
“Anytime,” she purred dangerously as she watched him get up from behind her meanwhile leaving her cold and slightly damp. At least he was safe and warm, she mused. That had been the original goal and while he had not truly given her much information besides his name, she was content. Mystery was desirable and she would not back down very easy, she would find him again even if it took some effort. With his goodbye she simply watched him vanish into the distance and for a moment she felt the distance between them strained before she shook her head to ignore the fleeting feeling of being left alone. Being alone was always what she wanted and desired, but when met with something she also wanted—she didn’t know which one she wished for more.
After a while she lifted herself to stretch and analyze her location before beginning her trip back to the Ridge. It would be a long one but at least she had come out here and had something to bring back.

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!