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beckoning. — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
This meeting is required by all pack members. Those on absence will be taken into account and will be 'assumed' to having joined and are in the back ground somewhere. Others who do not have time, feel free to PM your reasons, though your character will be 'assumed here' as well, of course, as I want this information known by all pack members.
@Angier, @Guiness, @Hotei, @Skana, @Narcissa, @Senka, @Muerda, @Semananti, @Calla, @Skoll, @Asriel, & @Morganna.
@Tempest will likely not emerge from the Infirmary within the pack den, though she will easily be able to hear where she is so she is not left out. :3 @Alisa, once things are more 'settled' in her joining thread, may arrive as well.

Elettra had over the past fews weeks been sucessful in (and with much of Narcissa's help) bringing four members (two returned) into the pack, making the ranks swell with power and promise. Though there was many a mouth to feed, each member was willing to pull their weight over the Winter. There would be plenty of bodies to guard, to protect and to hunt for the coming winter. They would not be overrun and having anything stolen for them, and they would not starve. Tempest had Elettra's paws filled, however, with her injury and Elettra when she was not seeking out the remaining herbs within the lands and the lands around them before they were fully gone, she was helping to train Calla to heal with Tempest as her training subject. A pack hunt had just completed, helping to fill the caches and not to mention, she had yet still three youths roaming the lands to keep track of. Elettra Archer was, without a doubt, a very busy woman in her preparation to keep the pack strong, safe, and secure over the Winter months. But not today...
A new day brought about a new set of tasks to complete, much as those the day prior and the day before that. Yet this day would be a day of rest, taking both Angier up on his advice and his gifts. She had long since rummaged through her collection of herbs, these ones specifically hidden in a new area for safe keeping all their own. The Solomon Seal had done it's work, for after waking up in the early morning before devouring it, she had slept well into the afternoon, as though an elder late to the tasks at hand within the pack. She heard no calls of loners at her borders. No beckoning of her puppies. None of the members attention of guidance. Sleep came easy for her then and when she finally awoke, she lazily worked her way through her gifts once more, taking a bit of the Devil's Bite into her teeth and chewing away at, with a certainty that now that she was awake, she would stay calm and collected for whatever life thew at her.
Arising into the afternoon, she stretches out and walks out of the opening of the pack's den, greeting the mid-afternoon. She sees no one right before her at the moment, likely due to the fact that they had all woken up many an hour before hand. Her silvered gaze squints, awaking herself fully with a yawn and a sit right before the opening mouth of the den. It was just the start for her though she knew it had to be done. News, order, and role was to be handed and with these thoughts in mind the woman lifts her muzzle to the skies and sings out her eerie tone to the members of Willow Ridge, beckoning them all to her will.
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben

Ever since the return of his sister, Guiness had been an everlasting constant along the way. The brother had not left Tempest’s side and had only left every once and awhile to attend to his hygiene and get fetch the two of them something to eat. He would never leave unless there was another within the den and would return as soon as he could, not liking that he had to stay away from his injured sister any longer. Still he wanted vengeance on whoever had hurt his beloved sister. He made no moves to investigate who pulled such harsh moves on his little sister, but it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered to him was that Tem was alive.

Elettra had been doing a terrific job of taking care of his sister and he greatly appreciated her efforts. He also took into account how she was allowing his duties to be passed on for the moment until his sister was fit enough to do…well something again. To say he was shocked when his leader’s voice carried across their lands so near him, was an understatement. He almost flinched at the proximity, her call still echoing in his ears. Staying close to Tempest, Guiness maneuvered his way outside of the herbal den, his golden amber eyes trained on the dark, tall form of his Lady. He would not come closer, as he wished to attend to his sister, but in his respects he bowed down before El before rising back up to see what they were being summoned for.

Pillar of Strength
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Semananti had been fairly early to arrive, all that really mattered to her was she beat the other one who called herself a scout. Narcissa was her name, at least that was from Semananti's memory. She saw already there, Guiness, and she knew Tempest to be in the infirmary from what Elettra had told her. She let her tail tuck beneath her body, just as she always had when around Elettra, a sign of respect. <b style="color:#2897ed;">"Lady Elettra, Guiness." She had been getting use to brief greetings, which was a good thing she supposed. As soon as Elettra's howl had broken the sound barriers and reached her ears near the borders, she had run off at full speed. After all, it was her leader beckoning her.

Her eyes had begun to wander around the pack den, a comfort to be there, in her home. Her ears were perked up in curiosity for what her leader had to say. She hoped that the others would soon arrive so they might get started with the meeting, and the scarred woman had found a place near Elettra, not too close, probably 4 wolf lengths from her. It was a decent range from her, but Sema was never sure. She had also not seen Guiness since her leave, at least not until she had arrived at the meeting. But he was as himself as ever, at least from what Sema could tell of him. The others had not arrived and she wondered what had happened in her time of absence that she had not heard of already.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: ALP-stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

[Image: WR3.png]
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall

Stalking through the dying willows, Angier had been stopped in the middle of his task of trying to find out where Sköll and his siblings had gone off to. They might have been five months old and starting to become increasingly independent but he had promised to Elettra that he would keep an eye on them. Unable to continue for long while his significant other was waiting, he started to make his way back to the pack den, silently pep-talking himself in preparation for the meeting waiting to unfold. In his head Borden's voice began to bark at him. Straighten up. No Lyall ever bowed down to inferior members. Things are different now and you are at the top of the hierarchy. Isn't this what you wanted? C'mon... Be proud. Head up. Tail up. Perk those ears up, Angier. Grow a backbone!

The sound of someone rushing past brought him back to the present and his brother's imagined growl faded from his ears. It prompted Angier to rethink his posture, to roll his shoulders or, at least, stretch out his forelimbs and take a deep breath while he remembered who he was, where he was, and who he was going to meet...

All thoughts aside, especially those concerning the Archer children (they would turn up eventually, he was sure), he strode forward quietly, a brooding expression set on his masked facial features as was customary. The group assembled before Elettra was not what he had expected. He had been somewhat punctual for once. Surprise, surprise... and what was this? The familiar woman seated not far from Elettra had truly returned. He had seen her at the pack hunt, but he had been too preoccupied in helping out to really dwell over whether or not he had remembered seeing her somewhere before. Though he did not have her name, she was definitely a returning Willow Ridge member.

To the gray-saddled woman he gave a terse nod, nothing unusual or attention-grabbing as to keep the acknowledgement brief. To Guiness, he had given a rather knowing gaze, a brief glance that wordlessly expressed his appreciation for the guard as he walked past him. To the Lady Elettra, he drew close to her before anything else, every part of his tall and hefty frame showing her that he, too, could flaunt the air of authority required of him. As was conventional he lowered his head enough to touch his lips to her chin in a rather showy manner as his tail swayed from one side to the other high in the air. For once he was comfortable with it all, actually wanting to flaunt his privileges and the ability to sit beside the Willow Ridge matriarch.

Angier gave the Archer woman a small coquettish smile before stepping away from the mouth of the den and settling on the ground at her side. Obediently, he sat, eager to hear about what she had to share.

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire

Muerda had been walking inside the borders when the call of Elettra her Alpha had called the pack. With hearing the call she took off at a fast trot. The scent of others was strong and as much as didn't want to interact she had to. This was probably a pack meeting. As she emerged from the trees Muerda nodded her head to the others acknowledging that they were there. The only one she had known by name was Elettra. She had known the woman next to her Alpha from a rank fight. Though she did not know the womans' name. With that being told to herself she spoke in a soft tone to her Lady Alpha "Lady Elettra, it's an honor to be here." So maybe she had been kissing up to the darker woman but that was only because she was higher rank then the rest.

Slowly Muerda found herself a place to sit in the back but yet still close enough to hear anything anyone had to say. Waiting for others to appear she hoped that maybe others would gather quickly. She desperately wanted this meeting to be over with. Though it never occurred to herself why she wished to not interact with others. It was a needed part of pack life to interact with your pack mates. Possibly it was she was worried to see all the stronger pack members show her down, or the chance that someone might try to come after her spot once again.

Table by PuppyThief

Played by Jess who has 86 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Asriel Archer
The tall, lissome pup had been meandering along the borders with his usual, ghostlike grace when he heard his mother's voice rise up form the silence. His ears perked and he stopped, one forepaw dangling elegantly in the air for a moment as he interpreted her message- a pack meeting was being called, and he felt the duty to attend. He was, after all, growing up and intended to contribute to his pack. So his border patrol was abandoned and the growing pup picked up a deerlike run, bounding over obstacles with effortless grace as he made his way away from the borders and toward the communal den where he knew his mother waited, along with whichever pack members had managed to beat him there.

He was pleased, to say the least, to see that he was the first of her children to arrive. With a step laced with a certain amount of pride the boy strode forth toward his mother with eyes only for her; the other pack members were ignored for the time being, as he had business to attend to. His princely step changed only when he came closer to his mother and it was then that he revealed his utmost respect, tail lowering between his legs and ears slicking back against his fine head, the tips of them nearly touching the golden fur around the nape of his neck. He lifted his muzzle to nuzzle and lick her jawline before he turned and too his place beside her, sinking into a sphynx-like position on the ground.

It was then that his flame-shot eyes looked around; Angier was present and the boy bowed his head to him. As the alpha male of the pack, he deserved respect, but the boy's true love and alliance rested in his mother's palms. Guiness was also mildly acknowledged, as he'd proved to be a useful member of the pack. But the others were strangers to him and thus not terribly worthy of his notice. He waited there, hoping to see the look of disappointment on his brother's face when he found out that his older brother had come to the meeting first, and had taken his spot next to his mother.

Avatars by Allie <3
Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">
The sentry’s mission across the mountain had been a tedious one and a trip that had likely taken her more time than she had originally thought. After coming across multiple strangers, various sights and a few nasty encounters with other animals she had finally begun her way home and when she was just barely within range of her pack she heard Elettra’s call. Unfortunately, she wasn’t so close as to simply take a few steps and be there upon her Queen’s feet. Howling vehemently to Elettra, she allowed the woman to know that regardless of distance she would be there soon.
Hurriedly she picked up the pace and began a swift run towards the Ridge and in due time she did arrive, though was met with being the last to arrive. It felt like a disappointment weighed against her shoulders but this was her purpose; she was supposed to scout the Lore for changes and pick up recruits if she could so surely she would not be to blame. Upon reaching them she lowered her head, once to Elettra and another to Angier—respecting their position and place among the gathering.
Quietly she began to observe her fellow pack mates taking note that Skana, the woman ranked before her, was not present. This selfishly pleased the tawny subordinate as it meant that she had another favor in Elettra’s hand. The woman was an elderly and while Narcissa was planning on the right moment to fight for the rank of second, this would only ensure her clarity. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">“Evening friends,” she answered with a half-smile as she settled herself within the ground not too far away from everyone but not close either. She had not made many friends in the pack aside from Elettra which had never bothered her in the least. As a wanderer, her best bet for a friend was herself and rarely another.

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Senka Flint
allow me this moment of bliss so I may begin to miss the torment
Senka was checking the caches when the call was heard. Heeding the call, the hunter begun loping towards where the howl originated from and soon she emerged from the trees. There were already wolves gathered around, most of them she knew either from the pack hunt or else where. Bowing her head in acknowledge to the rest of the pack, she only spoke to their leader. "Lady Elettra." It was then that Guiness was spotted in the entrance of the herbal den as she settled by another female, one she remembered from the pack hunt, the female showed the Gaurdian a small smile. He looked certainly looked better compared from the last time she had seen him and for that, she was glad. She hadn't forgotten the look in his eyes, hoping that whatever made him so tormented would soon resolve itself when they parted and it appeared that it had.

It was then the wait began for what Elettra wished to announce. It occurred to her that maybe, just maybe, this is where she would be given her role as a hunter. But it was quickly dismissed. It had only been one hunt, successful as it was. But the idea had gotten the better of her as she waited with a small amount of excitement. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#fefefe;">

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Oct 29, 2013, 06:28 AM by Senka.)
Played by Kydnt who has 95 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Skana Coho
The elderly female hobbled as fast as her long, bony legs could manage to take her, aware that time was steadily being whittled away like waves against a seacliff. Elettra had called for a meeting, and it wouldn't be long until it started, let alone ended, if Skana couldn't reach the densite in time. Skana let out a low, crooning howl from her greyed muzzle, letting the pack know she was on her way. It was frustrating that simply crossing the territory in a timely fashion was becoming increasingly difficult, and in spite of her swollen ankles she pushed off with as much speed as she could muster, a sort of bobbing amble.

Closer now, her gnarled paws sought out the well worn paths that honed in towards the Ridge. Muscle memory guided her to the rocky den, instinctually straightening her posture, head high, and doing as well as she could to mask the pronounced limp of her foreleg as she came closer, the scents of her packmates gathering in her dry nose. Despite pulling herself together as her usual dignified self, she couldn't help the panting of her tongue as if she had sprinted across the whole of Relic Lore. Breaking through the outer ring of draping willow foliage and into the packed-earth of the pack's parade ground, Skana swept her blurry gaze over all assembled. So many women, new, and none who she knew so well. She couldn't help but think someone would be of want for her prized second ranking, but for now it was still firmly hers.

Brown tail a rigid horizontal flag, Skana strode first towards Elettra, at a slow pace in attempt to hide her lame foreleg. Skana's tail dipped down and swayed a few beats of a reserved wag, her head tilting to present Elettra a pale grey flash of her throat. Angier earned from her only a glance, and a sort of curious huff before Skana moved over to a place just offside, close but facing in towards her leader.

Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
To be quite frank, Sköll Archer had a mind to see just how tolerant his sister @Morganna was with his taunting. Of course he loved his sister, perhaps even moreso than their brother @Asriel, but in the spirit of wanting to test her own brand of audacity, Sköll had spent roughly two hours spying on her... regardless of whether or not she was aware of his prying gray eyes. Upon hearing their mother's beckoning howl, however, the trickster of a prince dashed forward from behind a veil of willow branches, pushed a muddy forepaw into his sister's pelt and raced off after sounding out a daring bark - the sort that could have been loosely translated as "Can't beat me!"

Along a well-marked path, the second-born Arched fled with his tail high in the air and his tongue lolling out from its place along his lower jaw. If he was lucky, he would have an outraged, haughty sister on his trail. On the other hand, he had the pride to at least show up to this meeting seconds before Morganna could catch up. His gangly limbs brought him galloping through the trees, only slowing when he was close enough to the pack den. Strolling along, he shook out his coat with his tail swaying about in a rather pleased fashion. It was only until he noticed Asriel and Angier seated on either side of Elettra did he stop to assess the group of wolves who had assembled.

Apart from Skana, the boy found that he did not recognize any of the four women who presumably fell into the hierarchy beneath his mother's Advisor. Just like he did at the pack hunt, he dipped his head once to acknowledge them all then, in turning to pay his regards to Elettra, touched his lips to his mother's chin. Once though with his display, he turned his head to eye Asriel's smug, gold-touched face, an ugly frown marring his dark face and skewing his off-white lips. To his brother, he offered a mere hint of a growl with a wave of his lofty tail. Scoffing once, he allowed his older sibling room to gloat by fully turning away and snuffing out any possibility of a puppy showdown, choosing to sit down at Angier's side instead. At least the Lyall wouldn't do or say anything. At least, not right before his mother's announcements... Sitting up straight, he idly measured himself up to the Lyall, silently taking pride in the fact that their shoulders nearly lined up with one another. Perhaps in time he would be just as large, but for now, Sköll could only be happy that he wasn't as small as he initially thought he was.


i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away