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forever alone (how sad)
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Played by bangshinki who has 28 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Miro Trevelyan
The long lean male's eyes wandered the environment around him, his body enveloped in the still breath caught in his throat, the bright amber eyes the only indication that the quiet male was alive. Miro's thoughts rumbled in his mind, the locomotive inside of him warming up and sending a steady, consistent buzz throughout his body. Miro hadn't had found a home inside this strange, and yet familiar land, and he still yearned from somewhere different. Like this, yet not like this.

Miro missed the warmth of others, even if it was just the warmth that came in their voices and their actions. He missed the cold nights under the stars, everybody pressing together, their pelts rubbing and hushed voices mixing with each others in perfect melodies and harmonies. The sudden, scary thought that he might never experience that same warmth scared Miro.

"Would I be lonely forever and forever and die alone without anybody beside me?" He blurted out, breaking the silence around him. Miro swore he heard a bird sing back as if mocking him.

"You think so too?" His thick, dried lips curled up into a smile and the lean male got up, shaking the leaves off his pelt. A tongue ran over the smirk, the male's sharp, handsome features being highlighted by the sun's rays. Miro Trevelyan was a plain falderal through and through.
(This post was last modified: Oct 24, 2013, 03:41 AM by Miro.)

Played by Jess who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pennyroyal Baskerville
There were many wolves around here; this much she could tell by the abundance of scent trails they left behind. She was a swift traveler and covered a decent amount of ground in a day, and found herself crossing over countless scent trails or footpaths left behind by the residents of this area. She felt almost at home, though, in the presence of so many wolf packs; it reassured her. Her parents had spoken of a place like this once- a valley where the wolves there had lived in packs, which had, for the most part, lived in peace with one another. When evil reared its ugly head, the good banded together to vanquish it and keep peace within the valley.

Of course, when the resident mountain turned out to be a long-dormant volcano which had just finished the sleep, that had been the end of the valley and the peace which had lived there. The wolves had fled, the packs disbanded. But still the lore lived on, in stories told by the few elders who still remembered what life had been like in the Salvaje valley. They were stories which would eventually die out, as the elders did, but Penny still remembered them and was reminded of them now that she was in yet another corner of the world where many packs lived together. Perhaps this would be her home- maybe she'd find her own Salvaje Valley.

She had yet to establish a connection with any pack, but decided that now was a good time to start making friends. She knew fully well that perhaps she wasn't the greatest asset a pack could ask for, in means of hunting or guarding, but if they needed a medic, she'd be first in line to offer her resume. She decided, though, to meet others- lone wolves and pack wolves alike- before making any definite decisions. Thus, when she came across the lone trail of a male unaffiliated with any pack, she followed it until she found the lean fellow whose build was not too different from her own- he too had a thin body and spindly legs.

There was an angular shape to his features, giving him a somewhat hungry, coy look, but she found him attractive, as he had a keen look in his eyes. "Hiya!" She called across the distance between them, and allowed her tail to wave from side to side. She decided to stay at a distance until she found out whether he was friendly or not- and if it was the latter, she'd have a good head start should she need to run!

(This post was last modified: Oct 27, 2013, 07:06 PM by Penny.)
Snazzy-arse avatar and table by Arla!
Played by Vickie who has 46 posts.
IV. Yearling
Caniri Callahan
Caniri raised his nose to the cool air and took a deep breath. Going still, he perked his ears. He smelled wolves on the breeze, and could have sworn he heard a voice. He flicked his ears. There! He heard another. This one seemed higher pitched than the last, possibly a female or pup. Cautious, he crept to the side, avoiding the wolves and staying down wind. He wanted to check them out before he let them know he was there. He was not stupid enough to walk into a situation blind. He moved quietly besides his size, trotting through the brush. He managed to find a good spot and positioned himself behind a small outcropping where he could see the wolves.

He nodded to himself. It had been a female he heard. The other was a tall, lean male. Caniri tilted his head curiously. The male seemed sad, almost depressed, maybe even a slightly off his rocker, judging by the way he was talking to a bird nearby. He had to been responsible for the first voice, that had come roaring through the forest. Caniri wasn't surprised that the wolf had attracted attention other than himself. The female stood a safe distance away but seemed curious. She had her tail up, welcoming, but her muscles were tense, ready to bolt. Trying to get a closer look, Caniri left the shelter of the outcropping, stepping forward. He kept his head low and crept forward, almost as if he was stalking. While he wasn't in plain sight, they could easily see him if they looked in his direction.
Played by bangshinki who has 28 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Miro Trevelyan
Miro dug his paws into the ground, shaking a bit as he turned around, lowering his head to the stranger and offering a bow. His face broke out into a sheepish grin, yet it was still charming in his crazy own way. The wind tugged at his pelt, as did his sudden moodiness tugged at his heartstrings. He nodded at the female many paces away from him, her tone welcoming, yet her body language tense. Miro mentally chuckled, his grin plastered onto his face, and his quiet voice struggling to match the tone of hers.

"My lady, how do you do this day?" One, two, three...? No, not the third, but she was the second wolf he had met since arriving here. He lifted his head, taking in a deep breath and smelling the air around him. His nose easily picked up a distinct third wolf, and out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted a speckled male, in a stalking crouch. He decided to let him be. Who knows, the mate just might be shy.

"Fine day it is, isn't it? Oh, Miro's the name, my lady." He said gently, taking a small step forward, hoping to give the hint that he was not any sort of a hostile being. Not at all. The only time he's really been somewhat scary was when someone tried to hurt his mother ages ago and when his younger friend stole his food.

"Oh..uh, the bird." He murmured quietly, wondering if his cheeks had the oh-so convenient ability to turn red. He felt like he was suddenly shrinking, the embarrassment crippling his body slowly in it's torturous wave. Miro's legs shook slightly as he took another step forward. Miro was no stranger to embarrassment; how could he not be? Yet, embarrassment had this annoying little ability to able to shrivel up his insides each and every time.

"If you were wondering what were chatting about, he didn't gossip about you, I swear."

Played by Jess who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pennyroyal Baskerville
The rustling of footsteps on leaves announced quickly to Penny that the two were not alone, and before the disquieted male could speak, she turned her head to see another approaching, stalking forward somewhat like a hunter. One of her black and silver ears turned back, but she didn't get unnerved by this. There wasn't anything sinister about his facial features- perhaps a bit of confusion, but nothing too mean spirited. She was distracted from him by the first male she'd seen, whose features broke out into a somewhat embarrassed grin. He moved forward with a much more smoothe demeanour, though she'd assumed by his smile that he'd be more awkward.

Instead, the way he spoke was almost old fashioned, chivalric, something which came in stark contrast to the sheepish grin. She was a bit thrown off, both by the contrast between his features and his words, and simply by the fact that he called her a lady. She laughed, a half-strangled sound which ended with something of a snort. She shook her head apologetically, still grinning a crooked grin, and shrugged one of her thin shoulders. "Sorry," She said, meaning to apologize by her incredulous laugh. "I don't get called a lady much." There was a bit of a twang to her voice, something that might have suggested a lack of good breeding- if that hadn't already been suggested by her muffled snort. "I'm Penny." She said, "Nice to meetcha....Miro?" She asked, not sure if she'd remembered his name right.

He continued to shrivel and shrink a bit as the other male approached, and asked a question Penny didn't understand. The bird? Gossiping? "You c'n talk to birds?"She blurted suddenly, ears perked forward. By the sounds of it, he could, which she found fascinating. But she was the simple sort, prone to gullibility, and possibly added to the male's embarrassment by assuming he meant he could actually talk to birds.

(This post was last modified: Oct 27, 2013, 05:11 PM by Penny.)
Snazzy-arse avatar and table by Arla!
Played by Vickie who has 46 posts.
IV. Yearling
Caniri Callahan
Caniri studdied the strange pair as continued closer. They were both gangly, and slightly awkward. The male was friendly, but spoke in an old fashion. He was also very insecure. He needs more confidence, Caniri thought to himself. At the moment the male was curled in on himself in embarressment. The female was kind, if a little...rough. All in all they seemed kind enough and not much of a threat. He noticed when they spotted him, each looking in his direction out of the corner of their eyes. There wasn't anyturing back now, besides he could use some much needed company. Caniri stood to his full height and trotted towards the others, tail held high and ears perked forwards.

He stopped a few paces from them, sending the female a charming smile before he turned to the male. "You shouldn't be shouting into the forest like that, your lucky we're the only ones that came to investigate. You could get yourself killed." He said reproachfully. Caniri then wagged his tail to show that he wasn't trying to be mean, only pointing it out. Then he wispered in his direction, "And if you want to get her attention, you should stand up straight, then give her a smile." He grinned then he turned back to the female. He sat back on his haunches, but considering how tall he was, he was still eye to eye with the others. "And what might your name be darlin'?"
Played by bangshinki who has 28 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Miro Trevelyan
(Ooc: He's actually not insecure, but um...let us just say weird. Hope you don't mind my boy getting a bit annoyed, they'll end up buddies anyway hopefully. )

He couldn't help but smile even wider when the female spoke. She had a charming way of talking, something with a western twang, that he had heard distinctly. It was foreign and new. Miro was surprised at that odd noise, but he laughed it off, his body naturally moving towards the stranger. She was still cute, in a weird, quirky way.

And just as Miro predicted, the other male had crawled out of the bushes, straightening his body and revealing his true size, white, tall and particularly handsome.

He suppressed a laugh that rumbled in his throat, when the stranger opened his mouth to speak. Shouting? Killed? Get her attention? He could tell by the slight wag of the other male's tail he meant no harm, but still...that slightly offended Miro. And he barely was older than him.

"Actually, my lad, I wasn't shouting but obviously-" Miro shook his head as he recalled that this was a first meeting and he shouldn't be like this. He had also left the other lady's question unanswered. Miro offered a quick apologetic bow of his head to both, teeth slightly gritted towards the newcomer but still a smile plastered on his face. Miro straightened up, not because the larger male had said to, but instead because his shoulder was aching from the traveling. He was never slouching because he was shy, but instead because he was getting muscle pains from running intensely.

"I wasn't even trying to get her attention, I was just be friendly, that's all." Miro murmured under his breath, shaking his head. The trees swayed behind him, the leaves fighting to get his attention, the ground damp and cold, his paws sinking into it. He loved the feeling of the wind pressing against his pelt, warmth emitting from the lady, named Penny, and the stranger's bright eyes fixated on him. It wasn't the greatest first start, but as Miro like to think, things only could get better.
(This post was last modified: Oct 27, 2013, 04:29 AM by Miro.)

Played by Jess who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pennyroyal Baskerville
Well this was just too much- there seemed to be a bit of tension between the males which, given the way they were speaking to her, seemed to indicate to Penny that they were trying to better each other for a chance to charm her. Having grown up in a pack which was mainly just her family and extended family, Penny had dreamed of flirting and of being flirted with, but given the facts that she was related to all the males in the pack and not the most charming or best-spoken creature in the world, she'd never had the experience. Now, having two males speak to her in such a pleasant way was beginning to make up for this deprivation- though she didn't have the slightest clue how to properly flirt back. So she took inspiration from her father who- despite being gangly, awkward and even denser than she- really knew how to make her mother smile.

To the first male, Miro, she grinned and wriggled her shoulders a bit, to show that she'd been flattered. Even though he said he hadn't been trying to get her attention- she still thought he liked her. "Well 'not tryin' to get my attention' worked," She said, with a shameless wink. He'd called her a lady, after all, and that was enough to draw Penny's attention. Of course, she would not ignore the other male-- her other suitor-- who'd called her 'darling,' and who seemed to know more about courting women, given that he'd taken the opportunity to instruct Miro. He was bigger than Miro, and had more confidence about him- thus, Penny was yet again charmed.

"Pennyroyal Baskerville," She said, trying to make her name sound as elegant as possible- though the twang in her voice was somewhat unbecoming. "But I go by Penny. What's youuuur name, fella?" She asked, doing her best to wriggle her eyebrows seductively.

(This post was last modified: Oct 27, 2013, 05:07 PM by Penny.)
Snazzy-arse avatar and table by Arla!
Played by Vickie who has 46 posts.
IV. Yearling
Caniri Callahan
Caniri shrugs off the other male's comment. He might not have been 'shouting' but had still been really loud. Caniri had only been looking out for him after all. As for when it came to the female, Caniri didn't see why he wouldn't want to get her attention, she had her own brand of charm. Caniri could feel a little tenson coming from the male but he ignored it, keeping his muscles relaxed and a smile on his face. Hopefully he'd be able to put the stranger at ease.

Turning back to the female, he watched as her face spread into a grin. She seemed unsure of how to react to the attention, but forged ahead anyway. She seemed to think that they were competing. "Well 'not tryin' to get my attention' worked," she said with a heavy twang. <She must be from the south. I wonder how far her pack was from mine.> Caniri was actually from the south west and had a slight drawl himself, though hers was thicker. Hmm and her name was Penny, Pennyroyal. She asked his name and waggled her eyebrows. "Well, it sure is nice to meet ya, Penny Princess." Caniri said before he started laughing. She was adorable in her own weird way. "It's all fun and games, miss." He said playfully, but with a serious gaze. He didn't mind flirting and having a little fun with the ladies, but he didn't want her to get her feelings hurt when he didn't think any more of it.

When he looked back at the male, he could tell that he was slightly irritated. And older, if only by a little. "And what's yer name sir?" He kept his gaze level, not showing submission, but still differed to him as the elder. Caniri had always been respectful to his elder's. Well, except one time.
Played by bangshinki who has 28 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Miro Trevelyan
(sorry so much homework nowadays. hmm, this is crap.)

Well, well, well. The large white male laughed loudly, his body language confident and the female quite charmed just by his few minutes after appearing. Wasn't he quite the charmer? The corner of Miro's dry lips curled up, his head naturally nodding along with the conversation. His irritation had completely disappeared by now, his tail swaying back and forth with the faint forest song. The wind whistled in his ear and for a moment, he forgot there were others talking.

"Nice day..." he murmured quietly, his mouth like those of a puppeteer's. A voice snapped him into back the sane world and for a moment he was confused by the buzzing in his ear. Miro shook his head to get rid of the painful noise escalating. Miro squinted his eyes, and his body was very still. The background was barely audible, and Miro shuddered at the thought that it might go one like this for minutes, days, hours...

But as it always happened, he knew it never could last that long. The longest was only ever an hour. Time like that felt like an eternity when he endured that buzzing and pain.

As if the end to a curse, laughter brought him back, the same laughter of the other two who seemed to look like quite the pair.

Dan what's yer mane sir?

The white latter's seemed to avoid his amber stare, like Miro would when he was younger to his elders. He smiled gently, his ears perking up as he realized he didn't understand what he said. "Eh?" Dan what's yer mane? Miro's head tilted, mentally putting a puzzle together in his head. Miro's hearing never was the sharpest, but oddly today it was worse. He just hoped he didn't look mindless. "Oh..name."

He bowed his head in apology, feeling a shiver rush through his body. "Sorry lad, Miro is the name."
(This post was last modified: Oct 30, 2013, 10:20 PM by Miro.)