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Played by Elise who has 3 posts.
I'd like Fianna to join PPT! :D

The late afternoon light was dim, filtering through first a layer of clouds and then the branches of the trees. Even in late autumn, with most of the leaves gone, the canopy overhead was like a ragged blanket. The ground was a soggy mat of mud and dead leaves, and the air was rich with the smell of autumn. Rotting foliage.

A rustling in the underbrush caught Fianna's attention, and her honey-gold eyes snapped toward the source. It was a squirrel rummaging about in the bushes, foraging in preparation for the quickly approaching winter. He was a well-fed little thing, plump and grey. Fianna's stomach growled audibly. She lifted a lip in irritation, but made no move toward the blasted rodent.

Being packless had not treated Fianna well. She had always been a skinny thing, but now her ribs were beginning to show. Hunting alone was much more tasking than in a pack, even as small as her's had been. On any other occasion, she would not have hesitated for even a moment about giving chase. Today, she could not. She was too close to the pack's borders, and wanted to make a good impression.

The young wolf lifted her maw and gave a short call. Short and sweet and to the point. Come find me!

(This post was last modified: Nov 07, 2013, 02:02 AM by Fianna.)
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
(yay for new wolves! @Fianna)

Silver had been walking borders lately. Marking them heavily so loners knew not to intrude. Though she decuded to take a break and wander. Yet with her luck Silver smelt a Loner very close to her. As the loner let out a call Silver was there in seconds. Tail curled over her back she cast a judging gaze at the woman "Im sure we both know why you are here, but if I am mistaken, why are you here?" holding herself in a very dominate position she awaited the woman's answer. Of course she knew what the reply would be. The simple one where this lone wolf asked for a spot in the ranks of The Trail. This did not bother her either, the pack was in need of members.

Her eyes looked over the woman, not harsh but more of a curios look. The woman in front of Silver was small, a mix of browns and creams, on top of that she had honey golden eyes. She looked young, not extremely young, but still had a long journey ahead of her. Smiling to make her appearance less harsh she opened her jaws to speak again, "My apologies for not introducing myself, I am Silver Shadow. Leader of Pitch Pine Trail. If I may ask, what is your name?" Silvers' own golden eyes lightened up. Her posture was still dominate but her eyes were soft towards the younger woman. For she had done nothing wrong.
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
Extremely sorry for the long wait! This is so overdue....Got caught up in school and haven't had much muse :3

The Pitch Pine Leader had been running the borders again, like he did every morning and every night, unless if there was something more important. Which most of the time, there wasn't, so he was often on the border. After months of continuous border patrols, day and night, it seemed that his scent had melded itself to the trail, which was hard-packed from the many paws that had pounded onto it. He could just close his eyes and follow it, from all the months he had run it. Ace knew the trail like the back of his paw.

It was only when a short call rang out, 'come and find me!' that he opened his silver eyes, and paused from his ground-eating lope. His large, creamy head turned to the side while his ears picked up, twitching. It seemed that there was a stranger on Pitch Pine Trail's borders, and a smile enveloped his face. Ace always loved to meet new wolves, and hopefully the wolf (It had sounded like a female, but he wasn't sure) would join them. They had only five adults and two pups, as everyone else had left for personal reasons. A saddened expression threatened to appear on his face, but with a slight shake of his head -as if he was chasing away a fly- it disappeared, to be replaced with a slightly excited look.

Running at a lope, the Pitch Pine Leader quickly came upon two wolves. One was obviously his mate, Silver, and he padded slowly to stand beside her, his creamy coat mingling with her dark coat. He looked at his Silver Angel, con amore in his silver eyes, before looking back at the stranger. The first thing that Ace noticed was that she was absolutely tiny! Compared to him, at least. He had always been the largest of wolves, but never before had he truly realized how large and scary he must seem to others. Why, she barely reached his upper chest.

Scanning his silver eyes over the tiny body of the female, he could see her chocolate brown and tawny pelt, with a cream throat and underbelly, and a pair of ever-smiling honey-golden eyes set into a kind and delicate face. His tail curled up ever so slightly, but it wagged from side to side. He was the more dominant wolf here, but he didn't want to scare her off either. Lifting up his head, he arched his neck to look downwards at the tiny mottled fae, a kind and welcoming look on his handsome face.

The fae looked younger than him, but not by much. She seemed to be around his age when he first came to Relic lore, but he wasn't the one to always make assumptions, he would know eventually. Smiling, the Pitch Pine Leader glanced at Silver for a moment, before looking back towards the tiny mottled female, before speaking. "I am sure that my mate has introduced herself already, and that you have responded with a name of your own." Ace paused for the briefest of moments, a kind smile on his face. "I am Ace Caravello, Leader of Pitch Pine Trail." He paused again, letting the words sink in. "What are your intentions here, miss?"

541 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever