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the drift of seasons
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Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Kisla's creamy paws crunched against the snow covered ground. Her green eyes cast upon the scenery before her, miffed that already her home was cloaked with the white powder. It did not bode well, and an uneasiness had settled in her chest the moment it had began and did not stop -- still, flurries would shift to light snow, accumulating even more, before drifting back to a sprinkle of flurries.

Her paws trailed after another set, fresh enough that she knew Corinna was not far ahead, but old enough that Kisla knew it would be a bit before she caught up to the pack's matriarch. Her find had been a good one, and yet there was a nagging unease that weighed upon her as well -- she had scoured the lands of the Vale for weeks now, and it was becoming obvious that the herds were thinning. None of this boded well with her.

The afternoon settled over Oak Tree Bend in the silence that accompanied the falling snow. Finally, after a half hour of tracing her mother down, the silver she-wolf came to view. Ushering a bark to gain her attention, Kisla's pace quickened, her quick lope turning to a brisk run as she bounded toward her mother, specks of snow flying out from beneath her weight each time she landed.

A grin found its way to her features, despite her foreboding, and with a yip as she closed the distance, Kisla cast a playful nip to Corinna's side, purposely missing as her green eyes fell to her mother's cheek, alight with the news she hoped would relieve the leader.

sparking up my heart

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The Oak Tree Bend pack's leader had enjoyed the first snowfall, happily playing with Sceral and Serach, explaining to them what it was. Their eyes had grown wide with wonder, and they had laughed and rolled in the cold grass as flurries rained down upon them. But these were no flurries falling now, and it seemed as if overnight the grass had been vanquished by a light covering of the white stuff. It had not melted with the sun, and Corinna had stared out grimly at her land. It was too early for this.

So she had spent the day walking through the snow. It wasn't deep enough yet to be a hindrance, but it would get there. At one point, the she-wolf had stopped and lamented @Ice's continued absence - he had always been helpful in plowing down the snow so the rest of the pack could follow without getting stuck in the deep drifts. She'd lost count of the nights, but it had been far to many since she had seen Ice and Merlin off to look for Cali. With winter well on it's way, she needed them back, desperately.

A familiar bark caught the matriarch's attention, and she turned around and smiled, tongue rolling out of her mouth. Falling into a half bow, she batted the ground with her legs, lifting up as Kisla approached her, returning the nips to the air. Affectionately, Cori licked Kisla's muzzle. She hadn't been aware that her daughter had been following her, but it was a welcome surprise. "What's on your mind, love?" mother asked daughter, her voice betraying her curiosity.

(This post was last modified: Dec 05, 2013, 11:39 PM by Corinna.)
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Corinna’s display of affection caused a low croon to release from the she-wolf’s ivory tipped muzzle. Matching her pace to the silver matriarch’s, the tawny female considered the question for a fleeting moment, nervous that her findings had been wrong and she would alarm her mother for no reason. Yet the snow continued, and as a snowflake gently fell upon her muzzle, Kisla’s tongue swiped out to clean it off, feeling her ears skim back to her head in anxiety.

“The herds are moving and thinning.. there is a small caribou herd in Spectral Woods and I feel it best if we rally the pack for a large hunt.” The words rushed out of her muzzle with a certain hesitance as her eyes shifted to peek out toward her mother’s reaction. The crunch of snow as her paws sunk in to the accumulating depths seemed to be the only other noise aside from their voices that broke the silence, and as a crow croaked in a tree above, Kisla’s breath hitched slightly in her chest.

Kisla, despite her years of heartache, had always been given plenty of resources in the lands about them. Oak Tree Bend had not lacked until recently, and she noted even the rabbits and birds seemed fewer in population. Whether Corinna would sense her worry was unknown to the girl, though she fell to silence for now, awaiting the silver she-wolf’s response and decision. If anything, the wolves of Oak Tree Bend would do well with a hunt, and Serach and Sceral were at a prime age to begin to learn the tactics of their nature.

sparking up my heart

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Since I let this sit so long, Switch is calling a hunt with Triell that would be currently up to date. Do we want to have two concurrent pack hunts? We certainly can. @Kisla - Let me know what you want to do and I'll edit the rest of my post appropriately.

Gone Tomorrow

Once upon a time, Kisla had been no bigger than Corinna's paw. For more than two years, Corinna had watched her daughter grow and mature, and yet, it was hard to see her as an adult. But despite her own perceptions, Kisla was a full member of the pack. Her report was more than enough evidence of that. Nodding along mutely, the pack leader expressed her agreement, her gaze going over Kisla's head to look at the forest beyond her in the direction of the greater Spectral Woods. Her daughter had done the pack a large favor by tracking the herd down. "I agree," she said simply, brushing her side against Kisla's as they walked on. "The boys need to learn, and quickly. Without Ice, Merlin, and Cali, we'll need them to help us sooner rather than later. It's a good thing they have a smart sister to learn from," Cori turned her head to smile, her pink tongue catching snowflakes as they fell from the sky.

Will Edit

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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +7 Health