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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Push forward to 12/10/13

I Guess Forever is Only in Fairy tales

Death. It was what was on the menu for her. Heartache and wanderlust. Starving and cold. The trip to get the far was absolute hell. No one was by her side to walk with. Not even @Ace. It seemed as if he disappeared weeks ago. This meant that their promise about forever was lie. Now that she had no love or anything holding her back she could disappear with no one coming for her. Laying down in the cold frosty grass Silver closed her eyes. Maybe the weather would take her. Or maybe it would refuse to let her go like this.

While her eyes were closed visions of Ace and @Karpos danced through her mind. Silver had failed to keep Karpos safe. She was sure Capella or Aeolus was with him. Keeping him safe somewhere in the cold. A small smile appeared on her face, it was as if these thoughts were slowly making her loose her sanity. This had to be it. Forever more she would be closed. Her wall would be built ten miles high. She couldn't trust or love. Those things are what had made her this way. Look where she was now. Hungry, cold and halfway to crazy. If that's not good enough Silver was almost pleading for the winter to take her. But no, the winter wouldn't take her or else she'd already be gone. The winter was sparing her it seemed.

The cold dew of the grass soaked into her fur. Shivering from the sudden wetness Silver stood up opening her eyes. She hadn't even took time to see where she was at. All she had known was that the land was foreign to her. Sniffing around the grounds was useless to her. She couldn't smell a damn thing that she could hunt by herself. With nothing to do she decided to waste time by wandering. Hopefully someone could come and help her. Not necessarily rescue her like Ace had, but just help her get into the right mind set again. Bring her back to her feet. Even if that meant changing her whole life. She had changed once before so she was sure she could do it again. Yet there was always that doubt that no one would take her in because of her state of health.

Words: 404 || Tags: @Hati ||
(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2013, 03:42 AM by Silver.)
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

He was like a shadow as he glided through the snow with perfect ease. He had been running like this for a while, always in a straight line like a speeding bullet away from Cut Rock River territory. As a loner he had done this thousands of times as a way to escape from reality, anger and hate and despair pounding in his heart as he went. Now his spirit was soaring high above with the circling hawks and falcons, exploring distant, unknown places with majestic eagles. Happiness lit his eye like the vibrant sun itself, and his tail was lifted high like a banner of joy streaming out behind him. His was a new life.

Since the dawn the black male had found himself to be utterly alone while he traveled these more distant territories. But no longer was he lonesome, for he knew that at any time he could turn around and return home to be greeted by the pack. So he kept on racing, snow spraying from his thundering black paws in all directions, coating his belly and sides with its icy grip. Hati didn't mind. Today everything was perfect, and even as new flakes began to drift down from the gray heavens his spirit could not be dampened. Rather he pranced, licking the snow from the sky and blinking it from his lash with a funny smirk. It became a dance; he no longer ran but instead spun about under the bare cherry trees like a playful child.

And then something made him stop, a strange prickling that ran down his spine. He wasn't alone. Hati stood with tensed muscles, low to the ground, slowly turning his head in a full circle before he spotted what he was looking for. It was a stunning black female who watched him, looking lost in the snow, lost in herself. He cocked his head slightly. What had this girl been through that could bring her to this point? Health was the furthest thing away from the description of her physical appearance. Hati wondered how long it had been since she had eaten, or been warm. Or happy. Even from here he could see the death in her eyes, the void. His heart went out to her and slowly he straightened, quietly waiting for her to make a move.

Would she just pass on? Leave him be? Somehow that sounded like the worst thing in the world to him. He had to find out about her. He desperately needed to.

(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2013, 04:46 AM by Hati.)
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
I Guess Forever is Only in Fairy Tales

She knew him. It was the male she had met before who couldn't speak. Walking forwards towards him her voice came out quiet but loud enough for only him to hear "It's me...Silver. My home is gone and my mate left me. I have nothing left but myself." It was all she could manage to say to him. Just to make he really could remember her, she set her nose against his cheek nudging him then slowly pulling away. Maybe he would help her. Perhaps he didn't even remember her and walk off thinking she was crazy (which in a way she sort of is) leaving her to die.

Silver looked down to the grounds. No glimmer of joy was in her eyes like they once had been full of. Instead they looked dark and spoke of death. Returning her gaze to the dark male she looked for a help in his remaining eye. A whine threaten to escape her throat but she gulped it down and bit her tongue. The broken female needed to stay strong, even in her time of desperate need she would not show weakness. Showing weakness meant she lost. No way would she give in just yet. Silver had just found a new hope and was determined to hang onto it. Even if it meant trying to trust someone again. Yes, her heart wound was fresh but possibly the male she called a friend could fix her. Make her somewhat more whole/

|| Tags: @Hati || Notes: ;_;
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

It's me, Silver.

What? Why are you here? What has happened?

My home is gone and my mate left me.

Who has DONE this to you!? Your mate I shall rip apart! Seething.

I have nothing left but myself.

You have me.

Hati stared, jaw gaping, at the dark female. He had been so far away from here when they met, and now they were here, together again. But they had swapped positions; now he was filled with life and she was broken and hurt inside. He hated that he couldn't talk, couldn't lift her up, couldn't soothe her pain, couldn't tell her everything was going to be okay. He could do nothing but return her gentle nudge as she pressed against his cheek. As Silver pulled away he looked into her eyes, searching for an sign of life but they were dull and lifeless. His own filled with sorrow for the death she must have passed through.

He watched her struggle to keep a strong face on, and when he could not bear it any longer, reached forward and licked her face as if he could wipe off the ghost which had replaced her. She was so out of control, so lost. So gone. This was not the same wolf he had known at Clandestine Brook. She was just a reflection.

A reflection that he still cared for even after these months. She wasn't alone anymore. Hati pulled away to look at her again, putting on a small smile. Everything will work out, it said. It promised.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
I guess forever is only in fairy tales

As much as she wanted to smile at the lick to her face she couldn't. But instead she moved closer to him. Hiding her face into his fur she breathed in his scent deeply. Whispering with her face in his fur softly "I'm proud of you. You've find a home and I know you'll do them well." Silver always told others she was proud of them but this time she really meant it. Despite his differences he had found a home with a group of wolves. This made her proud of his accomplishment. Though she couldn't come to terms with smiling. Something inside her was holding her back from showing him any joy that had been left.

Sitting down in front of the charming male Silver nodded her head to herself. Looking into his golden eye she forced a smile "I've truly missed you and I'm happy you were the one that found me. I don't know what would have happened if no one found me out here." Her voice trailed off leaving her words to sound like a whisper. She just couldn't speak loud and proud like she had once. There was nothing left to be proud of, which meant no need to be loud. So all her words would seemingly be spoken quiet and shameful. Something inside of her needed to brake free, but she couldn't break it free. It was chained down to her broken soul.

|| Tags: @Hati || Notes: OOC
(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2013, 05:44 AM by Silver.)
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

He was Silver's wall now. She had nothing else to lean against, no one to support her, and nothing to live for. As she pressed her face into his ebony fur and spoke in low, sad tones Hati couldn't help but smile again under her praise. He gently stroked the base of her ear with his quivering nose until she pulled away and put on a smile that couldn't hide her sorrow. So carefully he watched her, wishing he could help her in some way.

I've missed you too, Silver, more than you know. The intensity of his eye tried to convey this to her, but as always she would never know.

After she had finished whispering Hati found himself frowning. He knew what would have happened had no one found her in this state; she would have died of cold or hunger. He had to get her food and shelter as fast as possible.

With an inviting flick of his tail the Cut Rock River wolf bounded away through the snow, nose low to the earth hoping to scent some crazy bunny. The storm was picking up slightly, making it hard to see through the swiftly falling flakes, but that would never stop him. Perhaps it would be better to simply bring Silver back to to the territory and use food that had been cached?

The idea was immediately tossed aside. Unless she wanted to join Cut Rock River it would be foolish to bring a stranger onto the territory without permission from an alpha. So they were stuck on their own if they wanted food. And nothing was turning up.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.

Look Out!

A fight broke out between two male mountain goats. Hunt Opportunity

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
I guess forever is only in Fairy Tales

It wasn't long until her old friend bounded off into the snow. Following the best she could behind him Silver watched as he sniffed for something. She guessed food but to be honest she had no real idea. Sniffing the ground for herself it seemed as if her nose was out of order. She couldn't smell a damn thing in the snow even if there was something to smell. Everything inside of her was screaming to give up, but she couldn't. Hope was standing on her doorstep but it seemed she couldn't open the door to let it in. One day she would, but now was not the day.

Looking up to the mute male she trotted up to his side. "Can you smell anything? I can't." Silver's tail hung low and but her ears leaned forward trying to hear anything that was near them. She just had to trust him now, he was her wall, the only one that hadn't left her. The broken wolf wished he never would. Even after all these months she felt a bond to him. Something strong and pulling her towards him. No, she wasn't ready to be hurt again, she had to ingnore it no matter how strong the force was. They only way she would be able to heal fully would to be to start fresh without someone in the way. She needed time to herself.

Sighing to herself Silver stopped moving hoping to get the charming man to stop too. "Maybe I just need to start fresh. Find a new home for the time being. I'd still like to see you though. Perhaps I or we can scout the area for a new home for myself? You don't have to come with me if you don't want to though. As you have a home to go to." Her tail flicked softly before looking at his face again. Underneath all of those scars was a man ready for a chance at something new.

|| Tags: @Hati || Notes: <3
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

Well plan number one had failed miserably. Hopefully Silver wouldn't mind starving. He grumbled to himself as he nosed about in the cold, wet snow and continued to find nothing. Not even a faint remnant or reminder that something alive had been here once upon a time. With an annoyed huff he finally gave up and turned to face the pretty black female who, at just that moment, stopped too. He perked his ears to let her know that he was listening, intently as always. What she said made his heart drop.

Not that she needed to know that.

It was apparent that Silver wanted to be alone, without him. She needed a pack, and made it obvious that she did not want to return home with Hati. It stung some, but he understood. Or at least tried to. With a small, encouraging smile he quietly agreed. But this was not an adventure for him to take part in. He indeed had a pack to go to, and it was a self-made responsibility to protect its borders, not romp about following his own wishes. Sadly he backed away, hoping she would understand. This was where they parted. He had done nothing, yet Silver seemed to have gained some heart, at least.

With a cocked head he waited for her to make a final decision, whether that be to change her mind and join him or turn around and search elsewhere for a place to reside for the winter. With the snow getting thicker and life harder it was unlikely they would see each other again until spring, or later, depending on circumstances. He only hoped that they would meet again.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
(@Hati sorry for the jumble mess. I'm a bit tired still XD)

A piece of her heart was slowly being fixed after seeing the male. Walking to him Silver gave him a lick on the chin. "Thank you. I'll miss you but I promise that I will find you later. If not during Winter I'll be back in the spring." hopefully by then her heart would be healed. Slowly she turned away and walked through the snow. Perhaps she would get lucky and find a place not to far from here. Though she wouldn't know until she smelt or found borders.

Silver couldn't help but keep glancing behind we shoulder. She wanted to take in his presence as much as she could. Though when the snow fall became heavier it started becoming harder to see him. Stopping just for a moment the heart broken female tipped her head back and howled a goodbye. Someday she would see him again, someday. She already missed him, yet she had to keep moving. The weather would not be kind to her for much longer. Which meant she couldn't linger. As much as it hurt Silver moved as fast as she could away.

This was her new beginning. It had to be. No one knew her in this area. Which meant Silver could start fresh. Nothing could chain her down now. For the chains that held her down long ago were gone. Somehow this brought a smile to her face. It was great to know she could be rebirthed. Just like a Phoenix she would rise from her ashes.