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Breathing — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
This is also for @Namara . Hopefully @Sloane or @Minka can join.

Their journey had not been much of a long one. Ash seemed to always know where he was going with his new plans, though the last one had not worked out as he had so carefully planned it. Hopefully this time would be different. He held onto the faith that she trusted him in what he was doing. The last time he had seen Sloane had been quite awhile ago and the two had been on shaky terms due to him attacking his sister and Sloane’s best friend at the time. Hopefully Nina and Sloane’s relationship were still close and Ash and Namara would be able to get accepted into a pack, one that would accept them and not treat them like yesterday’s news.

It was why he had faith that Whisper Caverns was the choice for them and he felt as if he was leading Namara in blindly…which…he was. Ash was happy that she trusted him though, which was obvious in the way that she trusted him. They moved as one, occasionally bumping against one another or having their fur brush. It was a pleasant and comforting feeling…until they came upon the borders of Whisper Caverns. Taking a deep breath and stealing a quick glance at Namara to make sure that she was ready; Ash tilted his head back and requested the presence of the alphas of Whisper Caverns. He would not be surprised if the king of the lands recognized his voice, as they had meet quite a few time…only not on the best of terms. Taking a deep breath, he sat down, patiently waiting out the possible long task ahead of them.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

Minka had been patrolling the far side of the borders when the call echoed through the territory, as soon as the sound reached her ears the woman had taken off at a run. The sound of a loner at the borders was slightly troubling, though oddly enough it also brought the woman hope. The pack was in a time of turmoil, what with the changing of ranks and the missing members, but a loner meant a possibility of a new member, which was promising. The numbers of Whisper Caverns had been dwindling before all of their eyes, wolves joining and then abandoning weeks later without a word, but winter was coming now. The loners of Relic would need to find a pack to survive as signs was the season would be a harsh one, and this pack in particular had always had open arms to those who promised their loyalty.

Tawny paws stirred the snow as she ran, causing the flurries from the ground to mingle for a few seconds with the flurries falling from the sky. As Minka neared the source of the call she slowed to a walk, taking care to take the scent of the air so she would not be surprised. There was definitely the scent of a lone male, but could their possibly be a female with him? The scent was faint so perhaps it just clung to his cloak, either way the leader prepared herself for the meeting. Stepping forward through the foliage and into the open meadow the golden eyes flashed across the clearing taking in her surroundings. A slight breeze caused a dusting of snow the whirl around before settling in new positions and there not too far away was a male. He seemed in good shape for a loner, not too thin or obviously injured, obviously capable of taking care of himself. Minka's tail flew proud like a banner above her back and the woman stood proud and tall, standing on the edge of the clearing she asked but one question, "What is your business here?"

Once the woman would have been more trusting, assuming that the male was all good with no dark side, but times had changed her. Asterion had left her, breaking her heart, Simaea had broken her trust, and Narimé had disappeared. The fae knew her responsibility was even greater in the pack now, as leader all of her decisions must reflect what is best for the others and that included making sure this loner had good intentions before inviting him into their home.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.

Look Out!

A fight broke out between two male mountain goats. Hunt Opportunity

Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Namara was silent throughout there journey, lost in thoughts of herself and Ash. She hated the way her thoughts towards him were soft, and the way she was melting around him, her walls crumbling down. Namara hated the feeling of vulnerability. It burned her to know that in a moment he could simply crush her or lift her higher than she had ever been. After all Namara Laylani was independent and she never asked for help, she never needed anyone else. So it was that mush harder for her to accept that through all the time she had spent with Ash she had grown to need him. More dearly than she ever could have imagined, did she need the stoic and hard male. All his loyalty and steadiness, even when he was unsure of himself.

It was this that caused her not to realize for a moment he had gone on ahead and called for a pack leader. It must be the new pack he spoke of. Hopefully she would fit here, and make a life for herself, if nothing else. Rather than being shunned for trying to help in a crisis. It still burned the she wolf that she had been willing so much to help the leader of the pack over the mountains but it would seem all he wanted was his own personal glory as the leader. Clearly it was no place for the two of them, a pack where it's leader would not lead by unity, but by force and pride. Namara growled low at the thought as she sped up to the border where as was with a she wolf.

Almost instantly she felt a protective flash of heat wash over her and had to force her own head down in submission to the female alpha of the Caverns. She was silent, she knew no one in the pack and so had no chips to bargain with save for Ash's word. So there her head remained low and her tail tucked.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

Namara remained silent beside him and he did not wish to break the comfortable silence that had come over them. Hopefully, soon an alpha would answer their calls and they would not be left behind. Luckily, his call did not go unanswered and another woman sauntered in, a low growl made for only Ash’s ears slipping past the lips of Namara. Dipping his head respectfully to the other woman and bowing before glancing up slightly, he replied in a calm and cautious voice, "We seek entrance into your pack. Sloane is a friend of my sister…Nina Reinier? We need a place to stay for the winter and I assure you that we become loyal easily." He was being honest with her. Even though they were only there for the winter, Ash was one that got attached to loyalty like a thorn would in someone’s paw.

It was what would have made him such a reliable asset to Darkwater Rapid’s new pack had Maksim not decided to make such a fool of himself. The man had not been trustworthy under stress and that was something that Ash had not been able to accept. When the Hervok had been leading over at Poison Path he had been stressed but had also kept his personal life mostly under wraps within the pack. No one could view anything as a weakness towards him because he had been the one everyone had looked to in dire situations, and it was why now the man found himself on Whisper Caverns borders. At the thought though, he thought he heard his sister mentions something about another female…but he couldn’t quite remember her name. Biting his tongue he spoke again, "Pardon my terrible manner, ma’am. I am Ash Hervok and this is my friend, Namara Laylani."

(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2013, 03:09 AM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Namara didn't speak yet, for the moment she would let Ash handle formalities before she would add two scents. She stood low and respectful, keeping her eyes away from Minka's. For she did not wish to offend the she wolf. After all if this did not work then they would surely be dead by spring. Namara could feel the cold biting at her already worry and hunger thin coat. She knew that she had to make this look good and so hearing his words she allowed herself to speak. "We only wish for a true home." She spoke politely and hoped that Minka could here the pleading note in her voice. Namara still felt as though she had caused all of this and would have to work hard to right this particular wrong.

She began to wonder what sort of pack this would be. Once upon a time, Namara would have only wished for the strongest and coldest of wolves, yet now she wanted compassion and true strength in a family. A place where she could be proud of everything down to her faults, hopefully Whisper Caverns could be that home for her and Ash. Her entire world and reason for carrying on for as long as she had, her one rock holding her to this world. Her very heart. Hopefully this would be a place of healing for both of them, and they could truly be the wolves they wished to be. With her head slung low no one saw the smile cross her features at this thought. Namara kept it that way.

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

Minka watched as the male submitted graciously and without hesitation, before being joined by a female who followed his suit. Golden eyes watched their movements carefully, taking in every detail of their appearances, both seemed hungry and tired though healthy enough for loners. With the mention of Sloane the she wolf's eyes went cold, a flash of bitterness running through her, he had left them just like everyone else had. Taking a deep breath the fae calmed herself, just because they were friends of Sloane's didn't mean they would abandon them after all the male promised their loyalty and he was Nina's brother. Minka had never personally met Nina, but she had heard of the woman's grace and knew of their alliance to the pack. Bitterness crept slowly back into her voice as she responded, "Sloane has abandoned us, but I trust in his judgement of you, and I respect Nina and her pack as well. I trust that you shall offer full loyalty to the pack." Her mind was racing as she observed the male, could he possibly be fit to lead the pack? She knew nothing of him other than his name and that Sloane trusted him...perhaps this meant that he would be the right successor?

Nodding her own head in respect to the pair she answered, "I am Minka Leigh, currently the only alpha of the pack....Should you choose to Ash you will be entitled to lead at my side." She left it at that, plain and simple, he could chose to join and lead beside her or not accept the responsibility that it entails. It was when the female, Namara spoke that the once familiar warmth filled the woman's golden eyes. When she had joined she had been promised a family, that the pack was close knit and relied on each other. Many things had changed since then, but being a family was not one of them, those who stayed, those who were loyal would never be turned away. They were family, "If it truly is family that you seek than you have found the right pack, Whisper Caverns prides ourselves on our loyalty to one another for we truly are a family." There was only one thing left to do now, wait for Ash to decide their fate, would he accept and lead by their side? Or would he prove himself unworthy.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He listened attentively for anything that would be said and was quite surprised by the answer that she received. From the stories that he had heard from Nina, Sloane seemed to be quite the loyal wolf, something must have happened to force him to leave…or something was keeping him away. But then Ash had to remind himself about how Athena had left him and Namara to fend for themselves. She had seemed like the most loyal of them all, according to Ash, and the fact that she had betray them had stung, hard. The next words that came out of the alpha, Minka’s, mouth was something that also caught the former alpha slightly off guard. Now that was something he had not planned on when coming to Whisper Caverns. If he did take this opportunity then he would have a better chance of keeping Namara safe, and both of them had already confessed their love for one another, so he clung onto the hope that she understood what he was doing…after all, she did know him better than anything else.

Just as he was about to answer, Namara spoke up, his mossy green eyes turning to meet hers for a moment. All they did want was a family. They wouldn’t have had that back with the former Darkriver wolves, both Poisoned wolves would have been miserable and it’s hard to enjoy life when all you are is miserable. Keeping his decision in mind, he turned back to the woman in front of him. He didn’t know her, but obviously with the decision he was about to make, he would be getting to know her much better over the winter. Clearing his throat, he spoke clearly and steadily, much like he had when he had once led Poison Path but still being completely respectful to the woman in front of him, "That would be fine with me…I have leading experience….so it wouldn’t be too new for me… Our relationship would be completely friendly but professional…correct?" This was a question that he desperately needed answered and that he was sure that his lovely woman beside him also wanted answered. If she wasn’t comfortable with this, then maybe they could make something else work out, but they needed a home for the winter and if he was leading then both of them would have a better chance of surviving and being happy in this pack, so it seemed.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Holy crap post is crap

A smile spread across the woman's face as Ash spoke of leading experience, even better in her eyes, chuckling she nodded, "Completely professional." Yet it was the way he asked and how his eyes lingered slightly on Namara that made Minka wonder at their relationship. Declaring mates was completely acceptable within the pack, but mating that resulted in pups was reserved only for the leaders. However this was a topic that didn't need to be approached right now, they needed to focus on getting through the winter without harm. Clearing her throat the woman stepped slightly to the side, gesturing with her tail that the pair could cross the borders and enter the territory, they were part of the pack now after all.

Moving that they should follow her the alpha started walking back towards the den giving a quick overview of the pack as she went. "Whisper Caverns pride ourselves on being a family, everything we do is for one another and respect is mandatory," Minka smiled warmly at the two. It was odd since lately strangers had set her slightly on edge, but she was already fond of these two, "I'm sure the two of you will do just fine here, the communal den is within the cavern but you're free to reside wherever you wish." The had reached the entrance to the cavern now and with one final smile the woman disappeared within it. Swiftly she moved throughout the stone passages until reaching a small brook where she stated her thirst before settling down to hopefully gain a few moments of shut eye.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet

Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Namara kept her silence, but the question did prick at her mind. If he accepted Minka's proposal would she lose him so soon after getting him? Namara knew she would never be able to bear the pain it would bring, surely she would climb the very highest peak of the mountain and then stay until she froze to death, or simply leap off. Namara knew she would never be okay if he accepted and she took him as a mate, in fact she would simply turn away and go into the snows. Sadly, he accepted, and Namara's crooked paw rose from the ground as she begun to leave, but when he spoke she was unable to contain a little whine. Hopeful that this would go her way.

She was silent and kept her gaze averted so that the fear would be masked from all for she could not hide the fear of losing him even though she had just gotten him. But today it would seem was not her day of destruction, She kept her face a mask and spoke up to Minka now, "We won't let you down Minka. We're as Loyal as they come, and we will help the pack to the best of our ability." Namara fell silent and chuckled inwardly, she had gotten quite good at hiding most of her emotions, maybe now she could go back to guarding borders, It would no doubt give her somewhere to use her new found skill. As they walked into Whisper Caverns however, she could not help but slip to Ash's side and whisper low in his ear. "Do you think we've come home my love?"