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I fear that I've married a ghost
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Played by Pinn who has 16 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter

Sorry this is so late x.x

The new Autumn's chill found it's way into her bones, sending a throbbing sensation to her foreleg. A wince of pain flashed across her dull eyes, before regaining the smooth facade she held on to so dearly. If she could just ignore the discomfort then surely it would go away. Unfortunately it hadn't worked yet, but maybe someday.

Falderal thinking aside, she had to continue forward. It was only a matter of time before the snow would set in, and she would be trapped on this side of the mountain. After searching far and wide for another human camp, her efforts proved fruitless, and now it was time to move on. Of course she didn't fancy the strange bald creatures, they were an easy source of food. Not only did they trap creatures for her, but they would leave scraps in bins that were easy to knock over. It was never much, as they would chase her off as soon as they saw her, but it would sustain her over the winter months when prey was harder to come by.

A light breeze rolled down from the mountains, and she was able to catch the scent of a pack. Immediately rerouting her course to avoid the boarders, she resolved to going around. It would be easier if she could avoid any and all conflict. Lowering her head, the pale fae allowed her eyes to pour over the horizon, watching for an approaching form, but thankfully finding none. Picking up her pace, she began her ascent onto the mountain.

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
@Veronika - I am really sorry this took so long, especially since she's in the midst of a joining thread. ><
As per usual, Chulyin scouted the mountain pack's borders. There was a certain bounce in his step as his black fur was buffeted by chilly autumn winds. The man wasn't typically one to smile or express much emotion other than grunts of displeasure or brow lifts of interest, but it was safe enough to say that the second of the Pass was in a rather good mood. It was not as though the dark and masculine sibling was typically grumpy, but his thoughts in the past few weeks had been a bit too diverse for him to deal with. Thankfully, today, he was relatively unaffected by the strange new tribulations that were present in his life, and so he could meet the day with less of a dragging-pawed attitude.

That was, of course, until he smelled a stranger.

The presence of a packless or even pack-, but non-affiliated,wolf did not necessarily mean danger, but with the Pass's position as it was, it was not every day that he caught a whiff of a stranger so close. With a final mark to a rock as he wandered past, Chulyin broke away from the borders and down a small slope, interested in finding one that was within such a close proximity to his home. It was entirely possible that the stranger had caught their own whiff, and decided to avoid the Pass altogether. Chulyin had no real intention of alerting the stranger of his presence, only making sure that they did not get any closer than they needed to be. His pace was steady over a thin rocky pathway overlooking another similar walk, and it was there he spotted the pale stranger, stark white against the otherwise dark gray backdrop. He slowed his pace then, not wanting to loosen a rock and send it flying her way. But with many loose pebbles here and there, Chulyin was finding it very hard, with paws as large as his, to be studious. <b style="color:#a51919">

(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2013, 12:46 AM by Chulyin.)
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +7 Health

Played by Pinn who has 16 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
It's ok! I think that meeting Chulyin will just be the reason she chose the mountain pack c:

Her ascent didn't seem to be going as planned. Veronika had hoped she could slide by under the radar, but that wasn't going to be the case. The heavy scent of a male hit her nose, followed but the crunching of stone underneath of his paws. Stilling herself she faced the sound, and let her injured leg rest against the Earth below her paws. One should never flaunt their weakness before there was no choice. If he planned on attacking, and she had to defend herself, then and only then would she try to escape. For the time being she would simply try to seem every bit the healthy wolf she once was.

Dull saffron orbs scoured the land before her, hoping to catch a glimpse of the male before he was upon her. She had to gauge whether he was smaller than her or not. If so, then he wouldn't be likely to launch an attack. Thanks to impeccable breeding she was graced with size, towering over most females she met. It wasn't always the same with males though, as they usually teetered toward the larger side of the scale.

It was only then that the light scent of a fresh kill touched the air around them. Immediately her body reacted, moving back away from the approaching male. A wince passed across her face for only a second as her foreleg landed against the ground a little too hard, but she continued moving backwards in a pointless attempt to distance herself from him. With Winter coming early, and an already apparent lack of prey, the tension of this encounter could be heightened tremendously. His pack was likely full of hungry mouths, and now the only thing standing in the way of him and an easy meal was her.

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
Eyes still upon her, he paused as she sat, letting his paws settle upon the rocks in one final crunching sound. Chulyin's nose twitched as he looked down at her, finding no real identifying factors in her scent. He thought for a moment that she seemed to be sitting oddly, but perhaps it was just the angle at which he was sitting, and let the thought drift away. At least until she rose again and a limp was clearly visible as she began to move back the way she'd come. Glancing away, he sniffed the air again, realizing the cause for her departure. Prey. She was not on Pass lands, but that deer would benefit his pack...But would he really steal food from a lone wolf who clearly was injured? Hackles rose at this indecision, and he rose a moment after, following her trail to the source.

A single bark broke through the freezing air, shattering the silence that had mostly consumed them. He would warn her of his presence, though there was no aggression in his sound, merely a warning call. His pace slowed as the carcass came into view. Nostrils flared as he came around the corner, and he let out a single word, <b style="color:#a51919">"Hello?" There was no greater threat, perhaps, than a threatened wolf, and he had no intent to harm her unless she did the same to him. But certainly he had strength and size on his side, so there would be no problems. Ears twitching, he did not get any closer to the carcass until he heard an answer. <b style="color:#a51919">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Pinn who has 16 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
His voice carried across the space between them, startling her, but something made her stop. He wasn't coming after her, just warning her. Curiosity piqued in the pit of her golden eyes, and she allowed her head to cock lightly to the side. "Hello sir?" Her tone was polite, but respect had never been an issue for the light wolf. The pack she hailed from believed heavily in honoring those around you until they gave you a reason for disrespect. It was guideline that had been drilled into her brain from the time she was born, until the incident, and one that hadn't been lifted with time. Unfortunately it didn't help her establish his intentions. Why was he calling out to her? Veronika had planned on leaving until he spoke, but something about this interaction was strange, unpredictable, and she had to admit she wanted to see where it was going.

The carcass' aroma poured over them, but she willed her stomach not to growl. Hunger was an everyday occurrence now, and so it didn't bother her nearly as much as it used to. In an effort prove she wasn't a threat, she side stepped a couple of tail lengths in the direction opposite the kill. This time she took great care in putting only a small amount of weight on her faulty leg, allowing him access to the deer without herself being an obstacle. It was close to his pack lands, and y default it would be his, correct? Or was her logic a little off? Either way she didn't plan on taking food from the hungry pups that were likely waiting back at home.

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
Though the air had been cooler than he was used to at this time of year, he didn't find it too odd. Fall had been upon them, and the weather was not a beast that anyone could control. If only he knew what was to come, perhaps he would not have so eagerly alerted the woman to his presence, to the presence of a carcass that could have been a meal for his pack, an infinitesimal bit of a strength before the hell that they would face in time. But with no ability to see the future and the polite tone of the woman, what choice did he have but to allow the limping female to benefit from this food as well? His ears twitched as he moved that much closer to the carcass, the pale woman coming into view. He eyed her quietly, now on her level. After a quiet moment, his eyes fell to the carcass, his head giving a faint toss towards it, indicating that he would not fully claim this kill.

It was a mess anyway, freshly killed and already somewhat consumed. Moving past the woman he hopped over the carcass, placing a paw upon a front shoulder to brace himself before he gripped a leg between his teeth and pulled his head back. The sound was less-than-pleasant as flesh and muscle and bone cracked, dislocated, tore. The stone about the carcass was a mess now as he lifted the newly-torn leg from the ground and tossed it carefully towards the woman. His eyes passed over the kill, and though his stomach grumbled, he could not eat, bound by instinct and law. <b style="color:#a51919">"Your leg." He grumbled, a half-question about her limp, rather than the bloody limb that he'd just given her. His eyes settled on her injury, to clarify his question. <b style="color:#a51919">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention