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A system breaking down beyond repairs — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae

Once again the pale fae found herself in the eerie woods, but it was the first time she'd traveled this way since the passing of Shade. The trees here reminded her of a better time, and yet she wasn't there to reminisce. If she allowed the memories of this place to surface then it would cause her to mourn, and mourning would distract her from her own personal mission. Capella needed to find food, or at least a decently sized herd, it was the only way she could ensure that the rest of the Pitch Pine members could gain a little extra weight before Winter's cold fingers gripped them entirely.

Snowflakes poured down on her from the heavens, touching her coat lightly. It was strange how something so beautiful could be so dangerous. A single snowflake? No, it was certainly the farthest thing from danger. It was the effect snow had on the Earth that was the problem. It forced plentiful herds to drop in numbers, and food to become almost barren. It made hunting much harder as there was no place to hide. Regardless of how pale Capella was, her coat wasn't a pure white. Against the ashen snow her coat stuck out like a sore thumb. It even made it near impossible to sneak up on any creature, for every step was met with a sickening slosh or crunch. The lithe fae had to stop and wonder how a lone wolf could survive the winter. There would be no warmth other than your own, and no one to fill up a cache aside from yourself. How they didn't all just freeze to death under a blanket of snow and ice was beyond her, but it had almost been a reality she'd had to face. Almost.

(This post was last modified: Nov 22, 2013, 12:55 AM by Capella.)
[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Kydnt who has 49 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Albireo Cygni

The frigid air stung on its way up his nostrils, warmed itself upon the capillaries of the male's lungs, and burst back out of his mouth in a cloud of steam. Albireo's back was frosted nearly white by the spattering of flakes from the sky, his thick fur insulated well enough to keep his heat in and leave the snowy layer cold and unmelted. Occasionally a bumpy step would dislodge the icy coating with a soft puff of sound as the clumps of snow fell to the slushy ground.

The crunch of snow in the distance, resonant like the squeal of torn styrofoam, caught Albireo's ears. Some creature crashing about through the woods, and he hoped for a young doe or sick elk lost from its herd in these tangling woods. He moved faster, ignoring the burning sensation in his cold, wet toes and sinking his ebony claws in with each step for traction. He honed in on the sound, realizing too late that it was another wolf. He stopped and stared at her, panting hard from running. Soft greys and cremes gilded over the female's fur, reminding Albireo of his own mother. She was very similar in appearance, but too young, younger than himself, even, and missing the tired, gaunt look his mother had always carried.

Cautiously, head lowered and steps tentative he started to slink towards the female. He looked as if he were trying to sneak up on her, but she would have to be blind or deaf to otherwise not notice his approach. He was directly in front of her, no foliage in the way and well close enough to be heard.

a tooth for an eye
[Image: CygniSwan.png]
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
Another set of crunching came from behind, and she spun to meet the approaching male head on. He was of a decent size, standing just a bit taller than her. His fur was blanketed in various colors from the deepest obsidian, to the palest whites, and his posture suggested that of one who was looking for trouble. He seemed to be trying to sneak up on her, but the fae did not fear him. He must have known that she would hear him sloshing through the snow, or if nothing else catch his scent on the wind. If all of that was true, as she was sure it was, then what were his intentions? Her infinite curiosity once again grabbed hold of her, but she did not act on it. Whereas in the past she might have taken a step forward, this time she held her ground, letting her body fall into a neutral stance. This was not his land, nor was it hers. On this plane, they were equals.

"Hello?" Her light voice called out to him, breaking the silence, and raising at the end to form a question. What did this male want, and why was he here? She could only assume he had the same intentions as her. With the scarce amounts of prey, many were taking to the open lands, hoping to find a stable enough herd to last them the winter. That is, if there even was one out here, since she had yet to find one.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Kydnt who has 49 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Albireo Cygni

Creepoid warning! I apologize for Al's awkwardness :x

Her voice, soft and light as birdsong called curiously towards him. Albireo's ears twitched and pitched forwards, his head shook as if to shake his thoughts straight. The slinking slope of his black-tipped shoulders straightened as he stood to his full height, slightly taller than her. His molasses brown eyes locked on hers, expressionless and cold. An itch crawled up Al's spine, and his shoulders shifted and hunched, appearing as if he might start slinking towards the female again.

"Just..." Al breathed, still staring right into her eyes, clearly aware she could see him. Al took a single, halting step forth.

"Let me..." Another step, then another, staring all the while. Perhaps it was the muffling of the normal forest sounds by the layer of snow, the close, cramped setting of the forest that dampened most sounds, but Albireo's breath was heavy, rasping and loud.

"Just..." He repeated, as if the female would know at all what he meant. His legs started to shake and shiver, his ears folding back and tail curving towards his ankles, while his eyes maintained their dull, emotionless stare. He didn't move any further, though he leaned forward as if he wanted to. Without warning, he quickly looked around, suddenly afraid someone might find him, and her.

"Please." He stated, a flat, dull request that matched his eyes but in no way matched the intense edge of his posture.

a tooth for an eye
[Image: CygniSwan.png]
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
Dull but still relatively bright dandelion eyes met his cold, dark gaze. There was something in his stare that shot red flags through her head, and forced her blood to run cold. Pale ears pricked forward, and she considered taking a step back, but her body wouldn't move. This wasn't right. His brown orbs stood out immensely against the sparkling snow around them. It was as if his very soul had gone from the vessel it once traveled in, leaving behind an empty husk that was still able to function.

After standing to his full height, she thought that everything was going to be alright. She had just alarmed him, which could explain the strange behavior. Then he resumed the pose she had first found him in, and she knew that something was very wrong, but unfortunately her body stood still in it's place, unable to fling backwards in a retreat.

As he began inching forward, he found his voice. Each step brought with it a single word that seemed almost difficult for him to say. Was there something wrong with him? Capella had heard of wolves who had severe speech problems, but would they act like this? Interest piqued she tilted her head, meeting his gaze without missing a beat. "Yes?" Her voice called out into the thick air between them, followed by a cloudy exhale. This winter sure was proving to be an interesting one. Throwing caution to the wind, she also took a step forward, tempting fate.

(This post was last modified: Dec 17, 2013, 05:40 AM by Capella.)
[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3