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Baptized in smoke and misery
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Played by Sixx who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasska Artok III
Because this is technically dated after his thread with Mangolia Glen I'm going to be extremely vague because I don't want to assume anything. :-)

vexx — a loaded gun and a bastard's history
Evening was settling in the afternoon’s wake, the darkening sky - deep and abyssal blues chasing away the myriad of colors: sunset’s oranges, pinks, reds, purples all blending in a velveteen harmony above him - remained as clear as it had been when the Artok had been roused awake by the rising sun, hours before. This was a nice change of pace from the ominous, monotone sky of grey that had lingered, coveting the sun for days while the snows had fallen from the heavens. Winter was coming…of that there was certainly no room to doubt. Vexx could feel it in the stinging chill of each breath he took, could feel it in the marrow of his bones and the heat of his blood. Vexx. The earthen hued Artok had become rather taken with his father’s name upon splintering from his dearest uncle, Varken’s side, without little reasoning or warning. In reality, there was no true compelling urge of a reason to continue the insistence of being addressed as such, yet “Vexx” felt the need to insist, nevertheless (this holds true in the narrative writing portion of it too, it would seem, lol). It was not as if, in all rational possibilities, anyone could confuse him for the original Vex Artok - on the off chance that he would stumble upon a wolf from Phantom’s Path so far away as Vexx was - for the simple fact that father and son looked nothing alike. The ‘original’ Vex Artok had boasted a proud coat of the finest silver. In fact, it was often and vocally speculated that Vexx was actually Varken’s true blood son, for it was his uncle with whom he could have been confused with upon a quick glimpse. While Vexx did not share his father’s silver coat he was built like the lost prince of Phantom’s Path, and had been given the tribute of his fierce, golden eyes in compensation. Given this, some wolves -- those that had been bold enough to speak of such treasonous things (that his mother had conceived with his uncle shortly after conceiving with Vex before the gallant silver knight had went off to war where he would die a hero’s death defending Phantom’s Path) to Vexx’s - and occasionally Varken’s - face would speak that he was the son of both brothers, as opposed to one or the other. Vexx had taken to ignoring the menaces, figuring that it was impossible, that they were mistaken (that firstly his mother would never and secondly that his uncle had more honor than to usurp his father’s power by claiming his mate) that genetics were quirky and that was that.

No, Vexx thought with a swift shake of his head, as he attempted to dispel the poison that had leeched into his mind, hissing such wretched and horrendous lies. It does not matter.

For now, the truth of the matter was simply, he liked the name ‘Vexx’, and thought that it rather suited him - for he was known for being insufferable and incorrigibly stubborn, demanding and commanding, cynical and wittingly sarcastic. Devilish combinations that could very well describe him as vexing to most.

For the time being, Vexx had made a temporarily claim on a den large enough to shelter him but cramped and small even with his minimal effort expanding of it, in Umbra Copse. There was something that he found almost comforting in the foreboding, tall seemingly endless stretch of trees, the near constant fog that lingered like a cobra, slithering between the trees, never quite seeming to touch the bracken and thickets that covered the frozen earth. The snow that layered the forests’ floor did not help the dispel the fog any, but Vexx could not claim that he minded. He did not fear the Copse - there was not much that the arrogant Artok did fear, as it was - instead embracing it’s shadows and lurking enigma’s. Easily, Vexx allowed the fog to swallow him within it’s grasping, greedy reaches as he proceeded into the territory with a slowed, perhaps even cautious pace, alert as he picked his way back towards his temporary den, following the scratches he had left in the bark of trees to help guide his path should he find himself disoriented, which was easy enough to become, admittedly.

(This post was last modified: Dec 13, 2013, 02:38 AM by Vexx.)
Avatars and Table by: Arla <3

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