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Played by Pandora who has 8 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Domina Antonia Eukene


Domina didn't much care for the white wolf, or her problems. She puffed up a bit at the name-calling though, seeing as she was a runty little nobody - and her body proved it. Spoiled? Pfft. Half of the statement was utterly false, while the other half, Domina was proud to claim. She was about to retort when the white wolf continued; her words overwhelming the scene as she, in no uncertain terms, told the strangers of her rape. Maybe Domina was too young to understand, or maybe she chose ignorance in this instance, but either way - the conversation ended quite abruptly, with Domina unable to respond.

It seemed as if neither wolf really knew what to do; they stood in tense silence while the woman stalked off. And then, while Domina's attention was still focused on the spot in the forest where Ashanti had vanished, she heard a sigh. Her attention drifted to the man now, and Domina was back to her usual snippy self. "Well that was dramatic." She spouted with an unintended amount of glee; in truth she was shaken by the encounter. Mina was pretty good at hiding things though - at least, she thought she was.

The mention of food made everything better.

"Carcass?" Her head turned and as her nimble little body bounded through the snow, the girl searched for the potential meal. It was like the encounter with the ghost woman had never happened.

"I'll race ya for it, gramps!" She hollered, while lunging through the snow in the wrong direction.