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Live my lie
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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Letsssss spreeeee
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">He wasn't feeling too good and he refused to lie to himself about it. Chuylin had offered to help him look for his sister a few days back but he just couldn't, he had to find her himself... by himself. He secretly felt a strong hate or dislike for @Silver and Ace for leaving him, even his Uncle Aeo was on his bad side. After all, it had just been his Auntie Pella who had found him and taken him where he needed to go. They hadn't said goodbye, when he got back from his journey... they were just... gone. It was a thing that broke his heart, he couldn't stand the thought of them being that cruel to him. They knew that he was just an orphan with no place left to go [or he had before his trip; which they were gone by the time he returned], yet that didn't seem to stop them.

They lived my lie. They told me, like so many others, they would never leave me and they lied. Everyone lied, Aponi and her family are my family now. I am a wolf of Hollowheart Keep and I will do what I must to make sure that fact remains for a long time. He told himself in a determined tone before collapsing near the shore of the ice. He was exhausted, he hadn't slept for a day, he couldn't. He had to find his sister. He had managed to hide in a cave near the shore to a spring. His sleep seemed peaceful enough and he slept for a good hour or two before stirring and looking around. He shouldn't have fallen asleep, now she might be even farther away from him. He left the cave and raised his muzzle to the sky and the shadow prince howled with all his might, not caring who heard it. Adsi? Are you near here? Please say you are here! I need you now more than ever, please. Please come back to me. He cut off his howl and held in sobs.

He would find her eventually.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver Shadow


Silver had been roaming like any lone wolf. Looking for places to stay, food to eat and ways to stay safe. But her search had been disturbed by a voice she knew all to well. Karpos. Running to the call she found him. She couldn't even manage words. Though she knew her prince, wait, he was no longer hers' he had left her. A sore spot in her heart she didn't need. Trying not to break down she eyed over him. "You're quiet the boy Karpos. Growing up all to fast. Taking care of yourself, probably have a home by now don't you?' As harsh as her words may have sounded she didn't intend for them to sound harsh. Though she could tell he had a home. The scent of others that she didn't know traced into his pelt.

Hiding her watery eyes from his view she stared at the frozen water. Not to far away from them. "You know, I wouldn't blame you for thinking we all left you, that I left you but we really didn't. I already thought you had ran off to that Aponi girl. My heart was shattered. Not only by you but by @Ace too." She let the words sink into his brain before continuing. "Ace left me too. Leaving me cold and alone only with one thing in mind. You." This time her words were no longer seemingly harsh. But full of a feeling they both knew. Depression. Something she hated but it kept coming back to her. Not only her though, it also kept clinging onto Karpos. The broken Prince.

Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">Karpos was shaken up when he heard the voice, her voice. Hearing only her first words, he turned with a hiss, an evil and venomous glare in his eyes. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"No thanks to you, what the hell? How dare you leave me to find nothing left of my home. you made a promise... A promise @Silver." He closed his eyes and tried to take a deep breathe. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"You were gone, my sister was gone. You were all gone, I found my Auntie Pella and she took me to the mountains, the only place left to go for me." He cut off his words when she started speaking again and he was quite shocked by her answer. Ace was gone, and he had been gone too.

<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"Ace knew I was going somewhere, I told him I had been. He must not have told you, I'd never run off knowing that Pitch Pine Trail was still alive. But when it fell.... I sought out Nomad's Pass, we escaped the mountain, and I am a member of Hollowheart Keep. I took care of myself when no one else would... just like my father." He stated with a calm voice, letting her know what he had done since they last met. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"Do you know where Adsi is? I should have found her first." He whispered, the quilt etching into her voice. The shadow prince had calmed himself down for sure and he awaited the answer of his former family member. Then he realized, he was no shadow prince. A fallen shadow prince, maybe. He was no longer a prince. He was an orphan.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver Shadow

@Karpos, all the emotions ;_;

Out of anger and confusion her lip pulled back. "I kept the promise Karpos! I came to this side of the mountain with YOU in mind! I could've stayed and searched for my mate but I was concerned for you. You Karpos, no one else. My life wasn't important to me, your life was important to me." She was confused, angered, a huge mumble of emotions. How could he think she broke her promise? If she really didn't care she could have left him long ago. But no! Silver stayed and watched over him. Made sure he was fed and kept warm. Though something went wrong, something she couldn't fix even if she wanted to.

Calming herself down a bit she nodded her head to herself. "I'm sorry..." Mentioning of Adsila she smiled softly. "Before I left I had scented her and Aces' scents together. Meaning she is with him. Safe." She stared intensely at the ice. Upset with herself for showing such anger towards the boy. He was still young and shouldn't be treated harshly like a stranger. Walking towards the ice she placed her paw on it. The coldness nipping at her paw making her slightly draw away. "I'll never forgive myself Karpos." It was all she could manage to whisper. A lump in her throat kept her from talking any more. Looking at herself in the frozen water, it was easy to see the sadness and pain in her eyes. But Karpos didn't know, he wouldn't know.

Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Karp listened to her burst with raged and he pulled back slightly, backing up a few steps and listening to it, emotionless was all he could manage. He calmed himself down mentally so he could appear not to car physically, but @Silver had never snapped at him before. He listened to her calm down and comment on how she sought him out, not her mate who had left her, not his sister, but him. He gave a small smile and spoke the only thing he definitely owed her, an apology. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"I'm sorry for snapping at you Silver.... I just... I've been going through a lot, it seems like every wolf I grow close to ends up leaving me behind... I just had to hide everything in my anger." He said with a frown.

<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"I talked to one of my packmates, Aponi's uncle about what had happened. I told him I could never forgive myself because I should have looked for you all, but he told me something in exchange. He said... I think the fact you feel guilt is good. It means you care." He tried to help out his auntie, his mind calm because his sister was safe with Ace. The only thing that troubled him was that they were all scattered across the lore and beyond. They weren't a real family of aunts and uncles with two little children to look after. It was an aunt in once place, then an uncle in another. They weren't together, it was the one thing he had promised he would keep together. I'm sorry dad. I'm so sorry.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver Shadow


She wanted to comfort him. Pull him in close. But she knew it would cause them both heartache. Standing a but alone in the cold she nodded. "No Karpos, don't be sorry. I think we both needed to vent. You shouldn't be sorry for your own emotions. I've been sorry to many times to know what it can do to you." Her head down she kept staring at the reflection in the ice. Silver was proud of the boy. It seemed as if he was more of a man though. Able to take care of himself, with help of a pack. It almost made her want to break down to crumbles knowing she couldn't be there for him anymore.

"He must be a smart man." Her voice was heavy with sadness. She could no longer hide it. It was all going to come flowing like a river soon. Golden sad eyes drifted to the shadowy boy. The tears starting to build in her eyes. "I wanted to stop things Karpos. I wanted to make things right at Pitch Pine Trail but I couldn't. The world came crashing down to fast for me to stop it. Being as shocked as a deer in the face of death I was stupid. Made the choice to run from my problems. Forgot that for once in my life I had more then myself to take care of. I had you, Ace, Uncle Aeo, Naia, your sister. All to take care of. But instead I failed. Let you all down." There it was. The confession to all of her sins.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity

Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Silver was right, they both needed to vent and they had. They could then have a thoughtful conversation about what had happened leading up to their encounters and they could talk about it peacefully. Silver explained how she had been foolish, like a deer staring in the face of death, ironically he scented deer right as she said that. But he waited for her to finish before daring to interrupt her with the tantalizing thought of food. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"Aunt Silver, I smell some deer. How about we finish this conversation over a hunt? I believe I am old enough to help you take down a deer now?" He said it with a smile, just like old times. Well, not really, they were both in a strange land hunting.

They were together and that was all that mattered. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"I can chase it, I've grown faster, we can both chase it for that matter, and then we can take it down, whichever deer we choose. The winter, its dark and full of terrors." He explained further, trying to make a strategic plan as to how he was going to do it. He took into account their size and their weight, both of them, as well as their speed and history in hunts. His was near non-existent and he didn't know much about Silver when it came to hunting. He narrowed his eyes and he stalked it closer, but keeping a fair distance until they were ready to make their presence known. He did hope his Aunt didn't mind a bit of a hunt.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
"Sure Karpos." The smell and thought of deer was taunting to her mind. He was a boy with a smart head on him. His plan seemed smart and she instantly crouched down next to him. Glancing over to him she whispered, "Do you see the elder? She is surly not going to survive this winter. How about we finish her now?" A smile slightly sat on her dark face. She carefully moved forward. Silent making sure not to scare the others just yet. Silver had to keep in mind that she was hunting with the young. Taking it in that his attack skills might not be perfect, but as long as he tried.

Even with the two of them they had some sort of shot with an elder. Glancing over to @Karpos her eyes made the motion telling him to move first. Her plan was to have him start the chase then her trail close next to him. They might even trade taking hits to the Elder. But they had to be safe. The deer could kick one of them, she would prefer them out of the two of them. Only because she had less to live for. Ace had left her, she had lost Adsila too. So much lost she didn't have anything left. But Karpos did he had a new family to go home to. People who could tend to his needs unlike her. She had been a horrible motherly figure to him. Silver knew it too. Even if she didn't want to admit it.
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

Karpos gave a smile as his aunt Silver agreed to the hunt, after all he was left to wonder, who didn't like free food? Karpos was given a nod from his Aunt Silver to start the hunt when he was ready, so he gave an even larger smile. He narrowed his chocolate brown eyes as he waited for the right moment to start the chase to the elder. Karpos waited and waited for the right time before he leapt out at the elder who had strayed farther out from the rest of the herd. His mouth was watering at the thought of digging into it and getting some good food, hopefully to take back to Hollowheart Keep. Hollowheart Keep was his home, and it would be for the rest of his days, no one, not even his Aunt Silver could change that.

Focus Karpos, you got to focus on the hunt. Focus, focus, focus boy. He told himself as he caught up to where the elder was, the rest of the herd was running, but they were farther ahead of the elder who he was chasing. He gave a quick glance to the side to see if his Aunt Silver was with him and sure enough she surely would be. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"Yum, yum, yum." He told himself, noting when the elder deer started slowing down in speed. His eyes lit up with excitement, his first hunt with the former Pitch Pine Trail alpha and his aunt. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"I think we can take it down." He called out to his aunt, assuming that she was beside him.