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Ghost of the North — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
He was finally back, he was home. That was if the pack was even still here or even if the ones he had grown to know where there as well. Although his nose soon erased traces of doubt as scent markers wafted through the air. There was definitely a pack here. Knowing it was best not to pass the line without permission from the Alpha, who ever that may be, he sat down on his haunches and gave a long howl to the air hoping to draw them out to his position. Now it would only be a waiting game, one that he intended to stay till the end of.

Not sure what to do while he waited his mind slowly drifted about flitting from one thought to another like an anxious bird. He went from thinking about his birth pack and the probability of if they were even still around. Then it would change to Copper Rock Creak and the flood that had terrorized them all. His stomach growled bringing him back to reality for the moment. "Can't go and hunt yet... need to wait for them to show up first..." Standing up for a moment he shook the snow from his coat hoping to dispel some of the chill that was settling over him from the cold winds and snow. Settling back down into a sitting position he kept his ears up and alert listening for any possible sound that might be the paw steps of wolves through the snow.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Border runs, Hollow made border runs at least once a week just to break the monotony of doing everything else in the pack. It made him feel like he was just a guardian again. Usually they went unchecked and no wolf every bothered him while he was out and enjoying himself. But today an unfamiliar howl pierced the crisp winter air and Hollow stopped short. He stood straight, ears and head almost straining towards the fading echo of Kashikoi's call. I know that wolf... I swear I know that wolf. Hollow set off towards the call's origin puzzled. Curious and wonder who could just show up and stir memories from the pack's earliest days. Puzzled Hollow eventually found the older wolf. Scarred and battered standing by the border, waiting for the Woodlands leaders.

"Hello. I am Hollow Nite... what is your business, and your name?" Hollow's stance was tall, proud, and obvious that he was alpha, his voice held just a hint of curiosity, his face was much the same, because this wolf was just so damn familiar. But the leader of the Woodlands couldn't place it, even while he stood above the older male, for some reason Hollow thought he had once been below him, there was almost a tug for the male to lower his stance. But the laws of the wild dictated it stay high. Which Hollow was so used to he never tried to change it, but merely stood there waiting for Nina, or Kashikoi's answer so that he knew whom he was addressing, and why he seemed so familiar.

(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2013, 07:01 PM by Hollow.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Things were slowly starting to come into working order around Secret Woodlands. Together they were all working past their losses and trying harder to work to find food for the winter, as this one seemed to not wish to be kind to them. However, things seemed to be brightening up for one of her most valued members, Ashanti, but not so much for Hollow, her partner. Koda had returned to them but Nina had been in slight emotional turmoil to fully comprehend what was going to happen. Did she honestly want Hollow to back down from his position? She knew she didn’t want him to, but she didn’t know what she would do with Koda around now. How was she supposed to act towards him now? Just like another subordinate? She knew that eventually the emotional toll would be taken on her; she was already starting to lose sleep because she was too busy thinking.

Things were not going to be quiet at the borders today, but when she heard the call, she knew who it was immediately and her day immediately had brightened. It had been about a year ago that she had sent Kashikoi to develop himself better and she was sure he had gone outside of Relic Lore to do so, but she held onto the dear hope that he had resolved whatever was going on through his tortured mind and learned much about live since he had gone. Her tail began to wag immediately but she had to remind herself that others that she was not so close to, might have been at the borders as well. Her body moved quickly through the thickets, her paws thundering heavily against the ground. Shortly before she arrived she straightened herself and lifted herself high as she approached the borders, her single eye sweeping over the body of her close friend. She slithered into Hollow’s right side stealthy out of habit and looked at the russet boy in front of her, <b style="color:#008080">”Kashikoi…it has been…quite some time, yes?” Her words were light and playful, a small smile shining upon her scarred face.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
A familiar scent soon met Kashi's snout one that he had left behind. As Hollow came into sight he held back from wagging a bit at the site of an old friend. His head did tilt however as he noticed what looked to be confusion in the wolf as he took a moment to settle into a dominant posture. He wasn't sure if Hollow would remember him or not but that thought was soon answered by the wolf's question. "I know your name is Hollow, I know this because I used to rank over you..." He settled his posture to one that showed submission but not too much since he was unsure of Hollow's current ranking. He was about to give his name in case the other male didn't get the hint before another familiar scent arose.

When Nina broke through the brush his tail quickly rose into a wag before he quickly lowered it remembering that he was still a lone wolf. "Apparently long enough for Hollow to forget his former Second, Nina" Sitting down he scratched at his torn ear with a hind leg before looking them both over "Then again I take it I look a fair bit different than I used to... I well I wish to be part of the pack again, to be part of a family again. This winter has been harsh on me and I need food to get through it. So I'm not sure who is the ranking wolf currently but can someone bring the pack's alpha?"
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow listened as Kashikoi spoke, he knew him. Hollow was still perplexed for a few moments, untill Nina strode up placing herself to where he was on her blind side. Then the explanations came, Hollow remembered and the light hit his eyes at the moment of realization. A founding member had returned to them, a good thing at that, they needed good paws now more than ever. Hollow felt a small grin tug at the corners of his mouth but his face remained neutral. It had been so long Kashikoi had no idea of the things that had transpired within secret woodlands. The Woodlands leader took a breath and prepared to explain, but not before briefly wondering what the former second would think of the new role reversal, that would leave him as third ranking wolf should he join.

"Well, Kashikoi, you would be speaking to us. Nina and I lead the pack." Hollow nudged Nina as if to say This is kinda fun, greeting an old pack mate like this. It was probably the lightest Hollow had felt in quite some time. It was nice to see a familiar face on the border, one they knew well and one he was sure Nina would allow a home once more. Plus it looked as though there was wisdom in the male now from his travels, Or at least some kind of world experience that Hollow no longer possessed from his time in the pack. Leading, it seemed had a way of making you forget how to act as a lone wolf, Kashi would be able to bring this experience back to all of them.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The strong woman was slightly surprised by how much Kashi had changed in the passing year. Her heart almost ached to be able to hold him like the son she had once viewed him as, but she knew he was no longer the child she had met when she had first came into the Lore. She had been leading when she had first created Secret Woodlands and was slightly shocked that the man would think that Nina would give up her position. She had once been a subordinate wolf, but in a way, when their former alphas had left them, Nina had risen, though she supposed she still had Ash to thank for that too. Too shocked to answer, she was happy that Hollow took care of it and spoke to the male for her, not losing a beat in her hesitation to answer his question. None the less, the Reinier was quite thrilled that her long time friend had returned and took in pleasure of closing the distance between them to rub her muzzle along his forehead; she had missed him dearly and was glad that he had returned home.

Pulling away from a moment, she studied his much smaller body, noting the toll that his loner life was taking on him. Clearing her throat, she spoke softly, but curiosity was easy to hear in her voice, <b style="color:#008080">”Did you…finish your studies in your absence?” Nina had only been able to have a few training sessions with the male to ensure his knowledge and hoped dearly that he had held onto her lessons in his time away. He had been so confident about becoming a healer back in Copper Rock Creek, but Nina could understand if he had wanted to move on and try something new. She would not blame her, but the curiosity was biting at the back of her mind and she knew that she just had to know.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

A young pronghorn has fallen behind its herd and starved in the snow. +5 Health

Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
The young timber wolf bows his head respectively as the one that he once knew so well pads up next to Hollow. It made him feel strange inside but he wasn't able to quiet place as to why or what caused the feeling, all he knew was that he felt something. "Since you two are both Alpha's of the pack and the pack still stands my request is still in the air. I wish to join your pack, there are few things worse than starvation that you can die from." Kashikoi was never sure if he was going to ever return to the pack in the first place but once winter started arriving with dwindling food supplies he knew that it was his time to return back home, even if he didn't consider it home as much as the copper rock creek.

The sudden advance of Nina surprised him at first, was she angry? Upset? Perhaps she just wanted to make sure it was him. It seemed to be none of the above however. As the female's muzzle rubbed along his forehead he couldn't hold back the urge to flinch a little at having her so close to his new scars. It didn't last long however as Nina pulled away and shot him the question. "I have learned new things yes, but studying comes hard at times as a loner, it was experimentation more than anything." Tilting his nose to the wind he waited for their response as the scent of somewhat fresh carcass met his nose. He knew it probably wasn't warm anymore but it still made his stomach rumble.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Once more Hollow remained silent as he had already passed judgement on Kashikoi and decided, yes he could return home. Of course because he had left with notice, Kashi had not betrayed nor disappeared. He was allowed home, of course the only other exception was Koda and that was only because even though the male was at the very bottom of Hollow's list of wolves he liked right now, Koda was still Nina's mate, and Hollow always respected matters of the heart. Even if he would rather beat Koda into submission for what he had done to the pack and his very own children, he was not that cold. So here was wolf, Hollow was thankfully glad he could look upon and simply be pleased that he had returned.

The leader of the woodlands fell into an old habit whilst listening to an exchange of old friends and began to scan the area around them, there was nothing, no threat no food, nothing. It pained the male almost to accept members into this land of desolation, shrouded in snow, scarce food, little warmth to be had even when huddled together in the den. Winter was here, and it was harsh, it felt as if the very land itself was rising up to meet them and smother them all in white crystalline tomb. Hollow sighed almost inaudibly, only noticeable by the fog that rolled from his muzzle. It had been a rough winter so far, but now they had more paws, and even though that meant more mouths, Hollow knew deep down that Secret woodlands would be fine

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

At first it seemed as though her touch was unwelcome, something that gave a shock to her. None the less she kept her mouth shut and waited for the answer to her question, single eye gleaming patiently with happiness for her friend’s return. When he opened his jaws to speak, Nina let her ears flick forward and was thrilled with the answer he had provided her. Experimenting was a great way to gain experience, no matter how bad it may have been. She let the silence wash over them then, the mother shifting uncomfortably in front of her former pupil and partner. She was saved once the swarming scent of prey came to her. Giving a comforting grin towards Kashikoi, she mentioned in the direction that the scent was coming from, ”Come, you must gather more of your strength. This winter is not going to be a pleasant one, my dear.”

Flicking her tail to admit entrance into her pack, she turned on her heel and started towards where the scent had come from, her emerald eye watching her steps to make sure she did not step on anything sharp. Hopefully, Kashikoi would remember so as well because Nina was low on her stocked herbs and she would not waste any more of them on broken paw pads unless there was reason to absolutely assume that there would be an infection. She did not waste anymore time trying to find the carcass and when she came upon the dead thing, she deemed it safe enough to eat and mentioned the boy forward so that he could get his first portions.

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2014, 04:14 AM by Nina.)