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Somewhere I Belong — Spectral Woods 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

After a displeasingly short stay at Pitch Pine Trail, the ebony lad was now one the move once more. Sadly, Silver's pack had shown to be brittle throughout, and despite hard effort from the leaders and a steady flow of fresh blood, it had been unable to hold out; which left Drestig in a deeply disagreeable position, on his own again, and with winter not only closing in, but on him with all its wrath!

Moving as quickly as he could through the dense snow, weaving in and out between the trunks, trying to keep warm in the freezing cold, the boy held his head high, searching the wind for a scent of wolves. He had to find a pack, if nothing more permanent, then at least for the winter, and it had to be fast. He couldn't stand being in this position, ready to approach any border his nose discovered, unable to beg and chose; Well actually, unable to chose, far from unable to beg! A low growl sounded from the black wolf as he rounded yet another tree, stopping for a moment to orientate himself, nose raised high. The air was crisp and cold, carrying only a few scents on its lazy gusts; This is RIDICULOUS! I'm gonna bloody die out here..! And then he smelled it, blowing in ever so faintly, but unmistakable; YES!

With newfound energy the man speeded towards his goal, soon finding the day-old prints of other canines in the snow to ease his steps. The markings left by other wolves grew stronger and stronger as he neared his destination, the clearly marked border of a, by the smell of it, healthy and strong pack.

When he reached the border, he kept his distance, making sure that no one could accuse him of trespassing. With a light groan of reluctance he lowered his tail and shoulders, taking a position of submission to ready himself for meeting the Alphas; THIS is definitely not the way I wanted this to go... He grumbled for a moment, before raising his snout to the sky, letting out a bellowing howl to call for a pack member to meet him; he'd prefer a leader, but there was no demand in his call, just a slightly tired request. Now I just hope whoever reigns here will show to be livable!

Word count: 390

My mind is my own <b style="color:#ff6600">”I'll say whatever I want to!”

(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2013, 10:36 PM by Drestig.)

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
But I'm too young to worry
Not considering their encounter with the blundering loners life had been rather quiet in the Bend. Triell was viligant wanting to keep it that way. Herds seemed to be moving, and the weather colder by each night he believed there would be more changes. He only wish he knew how drastic they may be. Since he did not he was trying his best to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.

Today, despite all the list of all the things that needed to be done he was checking the borders. Long legs following the trail, Fenru, Corinna, and himself had made since the snowfall. He was sure the others used too. It made him smile, this lop sided thing. Sceral and Serach were so big now, he didn't quite feel him and Fenru were outnumbered. He did pause to sniff, making sure they were not out of bounds again. It was too damn cold right now. Least in his mind for them to be wandering. A flick of his tail, he continued marking trees that he had not and testing the wind for anything of interest. Often these pauses he had to tell himself he could not scent Ice, but it did not stop him from missing the pale wolf. Wishing he was the one checking on these things, and Triell was merely filling in the gaps. Sighing, it wouldn't do to get wrapped in sadness, and anger.

Suddenly a stranger's howl called out, and easily broke him from such thoughts. The leader paused, a cock to his skull, listening to the voice. A male wolf hoping for someone to answer, but it was not necessarily desperate. Hmm. He had Triell's attention, and curious the dark man made his way to the sound.

Eventually fiery eyes managed to find the wolf outside the pack borders waiting patiently, and the Tainn wondered if he could be a possible recruit. With every intention to find out, his raised tail bristled, and there was a higher tilt to his cranium. The rest of his dark fur remained flat, but his stride was obvious in its stiff gait, this is my home, and I lead. Staring coolly he looked him over from head to paw, thinking he was rather lean, only a little shorter than himself. Maybe, just maybe he had a shot.

"Triell, of Oak Tree Bend. What has brought you to my borders today?"
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
OOC: This took way too long, I'm sorry! -.-;

A number of light tremors ran over the ebony lad body, as he waited for an answer to his call; An impatient grimace morphing his face as he periodically shifted his wait from paw to paw in an effort to fight the cold. The wind was slow, but icy none the less, sneaking its way into ears and through nostrils, leaving a mocking burn behind when retracting its freezing fingers. Drestig shivered again, shaking his shoulders to fluff up the fur, simultaneously clearing off the build up from the light snow fall; he didn't like snow, all cold and bright and exposing. It was all great fun for a few days, but after that it just tented to complicate things making hunting more challenging, and bringing with it a mood-dampening, fat-sucking chill.

Jeez this is cheerry ha?! The boy shook his head, he was at an absolute low, tired and hungry and grumpy, constantly flushed with uncomfortable memories of the last time he had felt this hopeless; free me from all this seriousness! Repressing a growl, he once more shook himself, waving his tail back and forth a few times before returning it to its nauseating, submissive position. Yes! To make all his other miseries that much harder, he found himself forced to show a completely unknown wolf compliance, humility; BRILLIANT!

As if willed by his thought, a stranger appeared in the distance, travelling towards the waiting wolf along the scent-line. Making a last minute adjustment to his attitude, Drestig further lowered his tail and shoulders, turning his ears down, yet raising his head - This would be done in such a way as to not completely destroy his pride. A last defiant twinkle fading in bright orange eyes, the dark man watched, turning his gaze faintly upwards, as the pack-wolf approached, steps falling into a heavy confident rhythm, his every hair radiating dominance, security, control; Here's the king!

Forcing himself to be happy that a wolf of true authority had come to greet him, assuring at least that this would drag out no longer than necessary, Drestig studied the sovereign, cocking a brow faintly at their cursory resemblance. The pack-wolf was big, more bulky than Drest himself, especially now after the cold had had its go at his precious scarce fat, and his eyes a few nuances lighter; And then of course, he's the Alpha here. Probably boring and business-minded..! In answer to that thought, the larger wolf made his address; formal, powerful and straight to the point. And, despite his grumpy attitude, it was Drestig wanted, to get the groveling over with as swiftly as possible.

It also was quite a welcome little speech, giving the vagabond a load of useful information; "Oak Tree Bend", so that's the name of this place... And, in the interest of efficiency, and of course compliance, he was quick in answering Triell, even offering a light bow of his head to the king; <b style="color:#ff6600">"I am here requesting admittance among your ranks, Triell. My name is Drestig Avalon, and if welcomed I will vow to serve you honorably!" This was a promise he would keep himself too for as long as he stayed among these wolves, should the man show to not be worth his respect, he would leave as soon as possible - but if he was allowed into this flock, to seek shelter from the winter, the least he could do was to repay the leaders with his full deference.

And who knows? He thought, eyeing the opposer inquisitively while awaiting his reply; This might just show to be a wolf I could follow!

Word count: 603

My mind is my own <b style="color:#ff6600">”I'll say whatever I want to!”

EDIT: @Triell (Just making sure you've seen this - NO RUSH ^^)
(This post was last modified: Dec 26, 2013, 01:40 PM by Drestig.)

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by a bear nearby. +10 Health

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Drestig No worries. You can always tag me. :) I was thinking when they start to walk back Drestig could smell the moose? We can take them over to it, and you can feel free to take points for him.
But I'm too young to worry
There was little change in the other man's body language to place Triell in worry. The loner had to be hoping someone would pass by. This winter was a terrible one, and it seemed sending all sorts to a last resort. Pity wasn't a good enough reason to let anyone in. Would they stay pass winter? Would they feel any loyalty to those who took them in such a miserable, hopeless time with little to gain in turn? They could make through winter without more wolves necessarily. Who wouldn't like to see Oak Tree Bend grow again? Strengthen itself?

Continuing to gaze upon the other, his dark triangle ears trained on the loner he waited for what he might say, and even more so what he would not. Firstly, dipped his head in a respectful gesture. It wasn't such a bad idea. It could mean he knew how the world of wolves worked. How you didn't simply walk to pack borders like a cocky asshole and demand to join. Next were his actually words, and the dark man took in the tone, his very manner of speaking them. There were no hints of lies nor mockery,but Triell knew only time would tell if they had any real weight.

Giving a half flick of his tail, there was a momentarily narrowed twitch to his fiery eyes. They were more swiftly sparked with something else. Quickly he decided to take a step closer to Drestig, and another until he was in the space the Avalon called his own. It was a test of toleration, and perhaps to reveal any ill intent. If this bothered the lone wolf he had no place here.

"Such a kept promise would be welcomed in our home. Too many have said the same, too many have gone instead. I'm more of a hopeful man, and I will not judge you because of other's poor mistakes. Drestig count yourself as one of Oak Tree Bend." The Tainn moved further, forcefully brushed his skull against the man's neck and shoulder to give him the pack's scent. A muzzle grab didn't quite seem necessary, and so he gave the new pack member his space. It was with a hardened look he added,"Know this, when trust is broken it can not be easily fixed." There were only rare cases, and even than nothing was forgotten.

A pause to let it all come to the stranger, Tri finally had a faint smile. "Come, I'll show you around, perhaps you can meet the others."
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
@Triell SUPER! Just wanted to be clear ^^
And that sounds good - I took the liberty of assuming they started walking, just let me know if you want me to change it :)

It was with stiff limbs that the dark man awaited Triell's response. Still, when it came, in the form of action rather than words, he was taken by surprise, instinctively moving half a pace back as the other came two closer. His natural reaction to this intrusion was the slight baring of teeth, which quickly changed from an aggressive grimace into a vague smile; Whata you know, daddy's got bite! And good eyes too, clearly this small move was counter to his own hints of reluctance, and a clever one at that, a small, yet powerful move; and Drestig appreciated it.

Lowering his ears slightly, he relaxed, looking up at the other with growing respect in his flame colored eyes, this was a wolf who knew how to lead it seemed; Which is good, if I am to follow him. And so he was, Triell announced, with a reminder that a break of his promise would be costly. Then he welcomed Drestig into Oak Tree Bend with an ungentle rub of his neck, knocking the smaller wolf slightly off balance before he stretched his legs, steadying himself against the gesture. Drestigs smile didn't falter, but rather grew as he leaned his, starved but yet substantial, weight into the alpha, pressing his snout briefly against the man's jaw in a show of respectful coherence.

Then they parted, and Triell moved back to give the thinner boy the space he was now entitled, as a member of the pack. When he spoke again, Drestig looked up, for the first time fully meeting the other's eyes; and his smile remained as he twitched his ears at the words, answering evenly, in a tone less formal than before: <b style="color:#ff6600">"A principal I support fully, m'lord. I thank you for accepting my allegiance." And then, in reply to his new king's first order, a full grin illuminated the lads face as he proclaimed: <b style="color:#ff6600">"Splendid! I have gone for far too many, and too cold, days without company!" Then he set in motion, falling in steps with Triell, head at his shoulder, muscles protesting faintly, having gone stiff in the cold, yet quickly smoothening out, appreciating the heat of moving again; So let's see exactly what kind of place I have ended up in..!

Barely had he finished the thought, before a new, and very welcome, scent made him turn his head; Blood, FOOD! Some form of deer, barely a day old - leftovers from a pack hunt perhaps. Whatever the case may be, the scent made Drestigs stomach twist and rumble. Turning his head back to Triell, his smile turned faintly sheepish as he inquired, the humor in his tone lazed by urgency, a witness of the severity of his hunger; <b style="color:#ff6600">"Perhaps... We could start over by the food?" It pained the man slightly to plead like this, he was a prideful wolf, and begging for the leftovers of another's meal was a low he had hoped to never see himself sink to; yet, Oak Tree Bend was his home now, and so part of its kills were his as well. Yet it was with some shame that he saw himself forced to ask for part of an animal he had not, himself, helped to take down; But it won't be long before I can repay this favor! ...After I regain my strength.

Word count: 557

My mind is my own <b style="color:#ff6600">”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Drestig Just what I was thinking. ^^
But I'm too young to worry
Naturally, he wasn't surprised the loner moved back at first, but the key was he stopped, and he fought against any reaction to do more than hold still.Especially when a younger man was doing the pushing. It was what spoke volumes, and this was why Triell felt right in his choice of letting him remain. It was a step towards trust, because in turn to receive Drestig's, the Tainn knew he would have to be willing to give a little too. Why he was sure Drestig wouldn't quite receive a warm welcome, in time if he really lived to his word he would see change, full acceptance. He might come to understand the ways of their close family.

The newly enlisted wolf smiled, and without hesitation despite being tested gave Triell a stronger sign of respect, one more significant to a pack member and leader. Easily the dark man accepted it, thinking at least this was a good start as any.

The way in which he answered the leader's serious speech seemed to say he knew he would have to continually prove himself to remain not only to Triell, but everyone else. If to be certain he was assuming right, he nodded, and more light tone spoke. "Good, because my sister Corinna will not be easily won over, and likely neither the rest." With that sentence he wanted to make it clear his relationship to the other Leader of Oak Tree Bend. A grin sparked his lips in jest, and perhaps joy to see how he was looking forward to being part of Oak Tree Bend.

Walking on a path he had not taken recently, he was debating how to announce this news. Ruiko and Aeylen were the most recent of members, but they were family not a pill to be swallowed. Suddenly, on the breeze came a hint of moose and they both seemed to halt taking it in. It was Drestig's empty stomach that made his ears twist, head turn. The man chuckled, why wouldn't they? "Of coarse. I had no idea it was around so I wonder where it came from." Following his nose he began the search for the carcass, thinking he might have gotten a hint of bear. Furrowed brows, he offered a cautious glance to his companion, thinking he would smell the same and be on the look out. It could have been before the bear's hibernation, he did not want to be surprised.

Pushing through the snow he could see bits of the brown hide, and than a partial rib cage. They closed in on it there were only signs birds had been recently feeding. Good. They didn't need any damn, grumpy bears here. It looked like there was some left to take back. Was it frozen to the ground? "Help me see if we can move it, than you better quiet that stomach of yours." Triell was in good sorts with an even grin, as if maybe he had found a friend, and valuable asset once more. Grabbing at the remains of a shoulder he waited for Drestig before heaving against the weight. If it was stuck they would simply eat what they needed, and try to take what they could instead.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Drestig was happy to sense the formality leaving as Triell answered his earlier comments, speaking of more diplomacy to come, but simultaneously falling into a relaxed pattern of movement, partnered with a welcoming facial expression. The dark man took his new leader's last comment to heart, but leaving them to be worried about later; other matters were more pressing at the moment.

Matters that made themselves loudly known, as his stomach growled again, seemingly angry that he wasn't already feasting on the flesh his nose had identified; Patience... Not my greatest virtue! So he was pleased when Triell didn't make him wait, but rather gave a slightly surprising answer. Drestig raised his brows, copying the black lad's chuckle as they both turned to follow the scent. Keeping his position by the other's shoulder, the newly enlisted male didn't even have time to wonder where the dead animal had come from before the first hinds of bear tainted it's scent. Drestigs smile stiffened, he had been confronted with a bear once before, and he counted that as more than enough, so when Triell looked back, the smaller man med his gaze with seriousness eyes, giving a small nod to signify his understanding; This must be handled with care.

So they made their approach as stealthily as possible, studying the tracks in the snow, tainted with clotted blood and hairs from the pray. The scent seemed as old as the blood though, and when the main body came into view; Oh sweet Fenrir! A decent amount of meat still stuck to the broken bones, the freshest marks around it made by smaller scavengers. Drestig breathed an audible sigh of relief, while he would have stood his ground with Triell against a possible foe, he was more than happy to skip that step and go straight to enjoying the spoils. <b style="color:#ff6600">"No bear." He murmured with a small smile, mostly to himself, and straightened from his stalking position, legs trembling faintly; <b style="color:#ff6600">"Moose... Not bad."

Then he flicked his ears, looking to the other as he spoke, then nodded and grabbed at an opposite rib. After taking a deep breath, he turned his eyes to Triell's to time their effort, and on a silent count: One... Two... THREE! He put his full strength into the pull, grunting lowly. After a few moments of resistance, the carcass started moving, bumping along the frozen ground. The mere taste still left on the cleaned bone was enough to make Drestigs mouth water, and he had to stop once to correct his grip before they successfully pulled the moose safely into the territory. The black lad stopped his pull by some snow covered bushes, licking his lips as he once more released their price. He looked at Triell with a lopsided grin, tail having lightly and proclaimed: <b style="color:#ff6600">"If you don't mind, I'll get to quieting that stomach now." Then he winked and, without waiting for a reply, dove into the meat still left around the spine of their pray.

He gulped down a few chunks before returning his eyes to the other wolf, for the first time studying him properly. They were truly very similar in appearance, the other a good ways bigger, and a lot healthier looking than Drest himself, sporting the clean thick fur and winter hull coming from life in a pack. His fur was the same ebony base as Drestigs, though with a clear, white triangle on his chest; his eyes were a few shades lighter as well. And he was clearly younger, significantly younger than the 4 yeared boy, barely grown; And yet holding position as an Alpha? Weather this spoke of the boy or his pack was impossible to know, and Drestig would let time tell as much. For now he looked with appreciation at Triell, liking the prospect of a leader who could stray from the formalities and take things with a crooked grin. He wanted a leader who he could respect, but he certainly didn't mind getting a comrade as well; Only time will show if you are that, Triell of Oak Tree Bend!

For now he was content, stomach grumbling in satisfaction as it filled; but as his hunger dulled, his curiosity grew - perhaps time had come to learn some more of his new home. Lifting his head from the moose carcass, smugly licking blood from his jowls, the black wolf inquired: <b style="color:#ff6600">"You mentioned your sister, I assume she leads here with you?" It was a good place to start, and he would much like to learn more about this Corinna, and the pack dynamic, before he was to meet the czarina.

Word count: 773

My mind is my own <b style="color:#ff6600">”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
But I'm too young to worry
Drestig so far didn't seem thick skulled, and if he really wanted to stay Tri was sure he would have no problem earning the right to be part of this pack. The leader was curious how he and Fenru would get along. Then again since Ruiko had joined he wondered if his elder brother might test their nephew. Rather in formal challenge, or in a mock spar he made a mental note to ask his stoic brother. Also see how he and his mate were settling.

The way the lengthy male swiftly read his silent signal, he was more swayed Drestig would benefit the pack. If there had been a bear, Triell didn't doubt for a moment between the two of them they would have handled it. Yes, another mature male at this point was all right in his book.

The Tainn chuckled his agreement. He hadn't been keen on the thought either. This time of year he imagined the bear would have been rather ornery. In fact he thought it odd a bear to be around their pack lands, and he again made a little mental note to let everyone know in case it should happen again. He wasn't sure Sceral and Serach knew what a bear was. Then again he didn't see why Corinna and Ice wouldn't have warmed them of them when they were young.

Focusing on the carcass trying to hold it tightly they broke it from the snow, and managed to drag it deeper into Oak Tree Bend. Feeling Drestig loosening his grip, he did the same, panting heavily. He hated to do more than he had to in this cold weather, but this moose was worth the effort. Drestig was full they could hide it, and let the others know what awaited them.

While the subordinate ate Triell reclined to his haunches, watching the sky in quiet thought. He was trying not to worry they would disapprove of his new recruit. It had been awhile since they had let a stranger join, as come to find out Fenru knew Arlette. This find surely would help, and he gave a mild shake of his head if to laugh at himself. He needed to trust his own choices as different as they may be from others.

First Triell hadn't noticed how quiet it had gotten until he heard the older male speak. Politely he cast his head in Drestig's direction, happy to answer. "Yes, she's been our leader for a long time." It was proudly spoken, Corinna had long proved she was worthy to follow, and Triell never regretted staying with her all this time. She was a good role model, what a leader, a parent should be. The situation probably sounded odd, so he went on to explain. "Her mate we're hopeful will return with one of our pack members. Until he comes back to show me up, I'm filling in." There was a definite smirk to his muzzle as when that day arrived oh their would be a fight. Fenru had tested him for his return, he would Ice. What the outcome would be, Triell didn't know himself. Why he couldn't see himself keeping leadership and standing between Ice and Corinna, if he had a mate it would be an entirely different story.

"So, what about you? Where are you from? What made you choose here?" He queried back, curious himself to know more. Had he been part of another pack? From the other side of the mountain? His own tales of loss, love, family?
(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2014, 05:26 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Noticing the evident pride on the young alpha, Drestig blinked once in acknowledgment; OUR leader... Another thing to note, clearly this Corinna was the queen here - which wasn't that strange considering Triell's youth. That also meant that his position here was yet to be secured, he would have to prove himself fully to gain the acceptance of the matriarch, he was sure, and so he would.

When the other continued to explain about the pack, the older man quickly finished his cleaning and sat back; eyes and ears attentively locked on his opposer. He was eager to learn all he could about Oak Tree Bend, and happy to have it so readily given, despite the clear bond of family that seemed to be what connected the residents. Grinning back at the young man, when he finished, Drestig cocked a brow slightly; Filling in... He pondered. From the look on Triell's face, it didn't appear that he would peacefully step down, should this mate return as hoped - or maybe it was something else that had the young man chuckling in his whiskers. Regardless, it was some weighty information he had delivered, and Drestig nodded in a show of respect and thankfulness, truly honored by the trust his new leader had chosen to place in him so early on. Triell grew in the dark man's esteem.

The missing alpha was also a reflection on Oak Tree Bend as a whole - on one paw, it might be considered a weakness, the position of power left on someone young and inexperienced while the true king went... Searching for someone..? But Drestig saw the strength beneath the whole affair: how smoothly this all seemed to have gone over, how readily both Triell himself, and the rest of the pack, had seemingly taken the shift; that was a sign of true strength within a pack. He chuckled slightly, looking forwards to the challenge of finding his own place within such a tight knit group.

Then of course, Triell asked the inevitable question; the one that Drestig had foolishly hoped would never come up. His smile froze for a second, shrinking at the edges, but with the skill of a master, he quickly slit his features into a sheepish grimace, lowering his head and ears and looking up at the other apologetically; <b style="color:#ff6600">"Well... To be honest this was not as much a choice as it was the only option." He said it without real excuse in his voice, and ended with a short, airy laugh. There, start with that... No problem! And maybe they wouldn't get to... The other stuff. A foolish hope, but he did none the less. Continuing in a matter-of-fact manner, he offered explanation: <b style="color:#ff6600">"I had joined a pack farther south, Pitch Pine Trail?" He gave the name in case Triell knew of the place, intent on fully disclosing his conducts since meeting Silver in the mountains; <b style="color:#ff6600">"However they had hardly even welcomed me before they disbanded... Apparently the leadership wasn't as... Capable as I had been led to believe." He shrugged with a light chuckle, lifting himself up to once more level his flame colored eyes with Triell's tangelos.

And then he waited, ears slightly askew, not bothering to speculate on what the other might think of his story, he would learn soon enough.

Word count: 554

My mind is my own <b style="color:#ff6600">”I'll say whatever I want to!”
