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The Silence of Trees — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Nothing. There was nothing but suffocating silence and the rolling mists to accompany the lone female through the woods and though she would never admit it, it set her nerves on edge. Nothing should be this quiet and sombre. This rivaled nothing but what was felt after a death, when everyone was quietly respecting the one who had passed on and all their moods were somber for days on end.

It reminded her too much of the day her father died, when her sister had brought back the news on tired legs and recalled the tale with sad yet serious words. "He is gone. He will not be coming back." The sound of her mother's howls and wails haunted her still, echoing in her ears. Her brother, Rayne had been there, shedding a few tears alongside his mother as he gracefully giving his shoulder for her to cry on while Senka simply stood there, looking defeated but not remotely looking sad.

Neoma remembered she accused her sister of not caring, that it was her fault their father died. It was Senka's decision to hunt that day, though not her choice of prey but Neoma's mind still twisted the facts and convinced herself that it was Senka. She still thought that. Still thought her younger sister was the reason behind the death of her father and never would she forgive the russet furred female. never.

Pulling her lips back into a snarl, Neoma had to push the memory away before she lost it. Never had she cried since that day and she wasn't going to. She was strong and she would keep to her beliefs. No matter what it cost her. There was still no noise around her and should there be any, it would be easy to pick up.

(This post was last modified: Oct 06, 2013, 09:16 AM by Neoma.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
I’m scared of what she’s gonna do to him O.o

I do it because I can, I can because I want to,
Anouke Kasekhemre
I want to because you made me.

The silence that wrapped around the Young Hellion was deafening. It was like a hand that pressed down upon the woods; blocking out any sound from escaping, or entering. His first reaction was suspicion, but as time went on he became more relaxed. He was always aware of his surroundings, that skill was needed to be able to work his way through tricky situations. But from the silence he could tell that nothing would be able to sneak up on him. Any sound would immediately be heard from miles away, which would alert him to its presence, be it predator, prey, or wolf.

Bright, calculating amber eyes scanned the forest, searching for anything that may be unusual or suspicious-looking. Chatters from up above sounded almost distant, but they were audible. Chattering’s from chipmunks and other creatures, squawks from birds and many other sounds that his dark ears couldn’t quite decipher.

Under the canopy of leaves upon the branches it was cold, dark and damp. Slight amounts of light filtered through the leaves and beamed down upon the ground, where it would have to battle with the ghostly blue fog that swirled on the ground, carpeting it with a ghostly glow, to be seen. Large, white paws padded through the fog –which swirled around his legs and licked at the underside of his creamy brown belly- towards an unknown destination, he was a picaro after all. He wandered around, searching for new wolves to meet, to play his tricks on, and just to have fun. Plain and simple.

The Young Hellion paused for a few moments when he saw a dark shape; ears and nose twitching, eyes scanning and lips starting to curl upwards, almost showing his pearly white canines. Being wary of creatures in the Spectral Woods was a very good idea, as he had no idea if they were friendly or not. It wasn’t that he was scared, he could look death in the eyes and not feel a trace of fear, but knowing what he would be up against was better than not knowing. After all, wasn't the saying "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” said for a reason?

The shape –whatever it was- seemed to be heading into what seemed the center of the woods, where the mist was thickest, before it stopped. His interest peaked as his large, white paws padded forwards –not ambling into the unknown, but after the dark shape. In what seemed like just a few moments, the Young Hellion caught up with the small, dark creature. Now that he was up closer, Anouke could clearly see that the dark creature was a wolf, a female.

He saw her lips pull back into a snarl and his ears threaten to flatten against his skull at her actions. Was it because she had seen him? But no….She wasn’t even looking at him. Staring intently at the fae, he noticed the dark brown coat that was nearly the same as his, and a slight patch of white on her chest. Her eyes were a pale yellow, and she seemed to be holding her head high; proud and regal. Intrigued, the Young Hellion stalked forwards a few steps, before stopping, so that he was a few feet away from the dark fae.

Jaws slightly parted, lips twitching up into a smirk, head cocked to the left, Anouke stared at the dark fae for a few moments, just watching her, like a predator watching its prey. The tip of his brown tail twitched to the side as he lifted up his right leg –which was all white- and flexed it calmly. Whenever he met a new wolf, he always did that, but why, he didn’t know. “Scared of something you don’t see?” His voice was deep and soft, yet also full of volume, like a bass guitar. He would see what her reaction was, before trying to either tempt her to do something drastic, or seduce her. The latter seemed far more interesting to him, as she looked like a delicate and delicious creature to play with to his heart and mind’s content. And was that a shiver he felt running down his spine?

Oh, he would have so much fun with her.

708 Words

Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Though the silence set her nerves on the edge, it didn't scare her as she slowed to a halt with ears pricked. Footfalls could be heard coming towards her and suspicion grew as to what it was. Was it prey? But why would prey come towards its predator? Another wolf then? Her suspicions were confirmed when a large male, roughly the same size as her brother, strolled into view. She turned her eyes towards him, noting how his coat nearly mimicked her own. He wasn't bad looking, if not for the scars held on his face and flank and looked almost intrigued by her presence. It was clear he either had a temper or liked to pick fights and Neoma bet it was the latter. Oh no, she wouldn't pick a fight with this wolf. He was far bigger than her and obviously much stronger. Though she certainly wasn't delicate and held to her heritage as being sturdy, speed and cunning were what she excelled in instead of strength.

As he raised his white, right foot, twitching the toes, a sneer nearly crossed her face but she held it back as he spoke, his deep rumbling voice entering her ears. Laughter nearly spilled from her lips when he questioned if she was scared. The woods might hold some frightening aspects for others but for her, it had a calming effect. Who knows, if she were to start a pack and a suitable den site was found, this is where it would be founded. Yet something pondered in her mind. If she were to begin a pack, there would have to be more wolves to help found and to join it. It couldn't simply be her alone. Maybe....

"And what should I be scared of? The mist?" She replied smoothly, tilting her head to the side as her eyes swept over him, as if judging him. "It is nothing more than a spectare to fool unwitting and bumbling idiots who have no self regard for safety or sense of direction." There had to be some fun to be had with this picaro, this wayward male who smelt of no-one but himself and fainter smells that couldn't be identified. Still holding her head regally with her ears pricked forward and turning slightly to face him properly, she met his bright amber eyes with her own pale yellow which glowed with confidence. It didn't matter who this male was, she would face him head on. Yet if she were the complimenting sort, she could almost say his face was quite handsome. But she wasn't so the words never left her mouth. With a voice that had an edge of teasing on it, she questioned him back. " You're not scared of something are you? I'd be surprised if a big fellow like you was scared of anything in this mist." The words weren't meant to aggravate, just to simply tease the bulky wolf and nothing more. If he took it the wrong way, it was by no means her fault. Some males, she knew, took offense to the smallest things but there was hope that this wasn't one of them.

(This post was last modified: Oct 07, 2013, 11:48 AM by Neoma.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
Extremely sorry for the long wait! :c

I do it because I can, I can because I want to,
Anouke Kasekhemre
I want to because you made me.

When the dark fae spoke in a smooth tone, her head tilting to the side as her pale yellow eyes scanned him, the Young Hellion smirked. She was like no other wolf that he had met during the duration of his whole life –apart from his sister-. Her words spoke of great knowledge for dealing with wolves lower than them, and it was apparent that she knew how to get out of certain situations. Anouke took note of the dark fae’s posture; head held regally, ears pricked forward, sense of pride, it was all there. She would be perfect to have in his pack, once he had enough wolves to join, that is.

His own shoulders lifted up with practiced ease, and he stared down upon the dark fae with ears pricked forward and his tail slightly above average, but twitching back and forth in the slightest movement of the “wagging” motion. He didn’t want to appear cold and unfriendly, because that wasn’t what he was. He just didn’t like to interact with wolves that were clearly beneath him and didn’t possess the uncanny abilities to understand things that most wolves didn’t. But the dark fae before him seemed to be the perfect match for what he was searching for.

His masked face was hidden slightly in the darkness of the eerie, yet intriguing Spectral Woods as he looked at the dark fae, with an almost amused expression on his face. She thought the same way as he did, it was almost as if it was fate that had brought them together for a certain reason. “It seems that both you and I share the same ideas and beliefs about the world and others. It’s pity that most of them don’t.” His play with words would not be unfamiliar to the dark fae, he hoped.

A soft chuckle escaped from his black muzzle as the dark fae queried him in a tone that had a slightly teasing edge to it. By no means was he aggravated, but if it had been any other wolf he may have reacted differently. “Oh, you must have me mistaken for someone else. I am not afraid of anything, but I am wary of most things.”

But little did she know that he was afraid of one thing: his sister.

385 Words

(This post was last modified: Oct 15, 2013, 06:23 AM by Anouke.)
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Neoma decided she liked this male. He was smart, like her. He understood the belief that some wolves were below them, insignificant and worthless. They were nothing like the two dark wolves, who were both regal and cunning as foxes. It didn't matter part of his face was hidden in the shadows. Her own fur melded here and there into the darkness and mist, only her yellow eyes really standing out against the dark. They flickered as he chuckled and told her she mistook him for another who was scared.

"So it seems. Perhaps it's fate that brought us together, for one reason or another." she didn't lower her head when he stared down at her, his tail wagging slightly. She meet his amber eyes, her own tail held neutrally and not wanting to allow this male to show his dominance over her. Until there was a pack she joined, then she was her own wolf and no one held rank over her. Not even this large male who could physically show his dominance over her and force her to submit if he wanted to. "So are you here alone or are you travelling with someone?" the question asked for no lies, only the truth to be spoken. It was a test, to see if the first reaction was to lie or the truth. If he lied and she later found out, then hell would pay. No one lied to her and got away with it. But if he spoke the truth, then an alliance could be formed.

She'd rather not hate this man. They held the same beliefs and ideals, which she had yet to come across in another wolf. The way he held himself too. He took nothing off anyone but something told her that there was another in his life, someone he cared for as they spoke.

Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
@Neoma <3

Now that they had both realized the other was not the usual wolf, but one who had the worth and abilities to lead and hold power which others should bow down to, he held himself as he usually would; ears turned slightly forward, neck and shoulders raised while he arched his neck ever so slightly, and his tail just an inch above average height. The Young Hellion wasn’t showing his dominance, he was merely standing relaxed as he would in the company of wolves who understood the laws that governed wolves. Most wolves would take it the wrong way, thinking that he was trying to gain authority over them. But those that believed, knew and had the power would have no need to stand neutral near others like themselves and pretend to be friends. Friends were trouble, allies were the true form of alliances, and this was another test for the dark fae. If she passed, then he could consider her an ally. But if she failed, then she was as worthless as the others.

The corners of his lips twitched up in the beginnings of a smirk at her knowledgeable words, seeming to have been stolen from his very mind. So far, she had passed everything with flying colours, and seemed the perfect wolf to lead beside him. But for that, they would need a minimum of two others, wolves that were not like the rest of the inept idiots around the Lore, who would be happy to serve the two dark wolves and not question their ways. It was a far-fetched dream that would very likely end up as a puff of smoke drifting off into the darkness, never to be seen again.

A twitch of an ear was the only reaction to the dark fae’s next words as the Young Hellion contemplated the meaning of them. It was surely a test, to see if he was worthy to lead beside her, but there could be a hidden implication in them. After a few silent moments, Anouke shifted his gaze from the imperceptible darkness to rest upon the dark fae’s own pale yellow orbs, a calm façade on his face. “I travel from one place to another without the company of a wolf, but I am not completely alone.” His riddle of words should be met with an indifferent reaction from the dark fae, and the meaning swiftly recognized.

His bright amber eyes held the look of unfathomable knowledge and the unknown to which only some could understand. The dark fae before him was very intriguing, and he wished to know more about her, but one should never ask direct questions unless given the permission, and even then, said wolf should watch their words, or they might just find a surprise in the answer. Rolling his shoulders to ease any tension, the Young Hellion let his full attention rest on the dark fae. Everything around him was less significant, but he still kept his senses alert for any dangers that could harm both the dark wolves.

“Perhaps if I knew who I was conversing with, I might speak more openly.” Anouke tilted his head ever so slightly to the right, the corners of his mouth twitching as he gazed openly at the dark fae. “A name for a name?”

The final test.

554 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint

Neoma couldn’t help but allow a small smile to cross her lips. Only a small one and it was gone as quickly as smoke on the wind. The hellion’s words were understood clearly and for that, she didn’t question any further and gave a simple nod. It was none of her business after all and if she continued to press him, it was felt his tolerance for her would wane and disappear completely. She wanted this male as an ally, thought of him as even a worthy mate to help rule beside her as an equal and not as an underling to simply take orders from her.

But it was clear that they alone could not form a pack. Two was merely a pair, and needed others to follow commands unwaveringly, with loyalty and no questions asked. To help with hunts and defend their place in this vast land. And should trouble ever arise, whether it be for food or of another pack, they would surely be unprepared for it. Yet, where would they ever find such wolves? Any others the dark fae had come across had not been up to her standards, even though deep down she knew how high they were.

Despite those expectation, as Neoma’s ears swiveled forward as the dark male asked for a name, her keen senses, besides her eyes, having been on the alert for any dangers. she already knew there was one wolf who had come close to the bar, at least so far. <b style="color:#1c6e13;">”A name for a name? I suppose that is an easy request to fulfill.” Neoma paused briefly before answering, noting that his gaze was unwavering on her. It mattered little to her. If he wished to stare, then he could stare. She had nothing to hide, even standing a little taller with pride and strength in her eyes and posture.<b style="color:#1c6e13;">”My name is Neoma Flint. And you...?” The question was polite enough, allowing him to answer in whatever way was his fancy.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
So sorry @Neoma! Muse vanished for a few days....

The hint of a smile was caught unawares on the dark fae's lips, but it was gone the second it appeared, as if it had never been there. The Young Hellion found that the longer her was in her presence, the more comfortable and relaxed he became. He felt that he could trust her fully as an ally, and knew that when the time came for them to start their pack, they would lead together, side by side, as mates. But not in the lovey-dovey kind of way; for power. Power was the real source to leading successfully, love could come later, if it ever did.

Anouke watched the dark fae's ears swivel to face him as she responded to his query. His bright amber eyes could detect a sense of pride, strength and self-confidence as she gave her name to him, and he dipped his head barely an inch to show that he heard and understood. But the smirk that appeared on his face was of some entirely different reason.

He did not specify that the name had to be his own, and yet....Neoma willingly gave hers up without so much as a thought of hesitation. It wasn't that he doubted his trust in her, or her own trust in him, but it was always wise to know why they questioned for a name. One couldn't be too comfortable around others, they just might not react the way said wolf wanted them to. Oh, just to have a bit of fun, he would show her what some wolves could have done, if they weren't like the rest of the wolves that were clearly beneath them, and only lived to serve them.

Cocking his head ever so slightly to the right, the Young Hellion gazed at Neoma for just a moment. "Neoma," his voice caressed her name, as if he had know it his whole life, and devoted all his being towards her. "My own name....Was not part of the agreement." He continued in the same tone, and with a slight hint of teasing. He also wanted her to know that he had not been manipulated into divulging more than he wanted, but he hadn't forgotten the terms of the arrangement. It had been, after all, a name for a name, and the terms only called for two identities. They did not necessarily have to be their own.

But the time was up for his silly little game, and sadly, it had to end, one way or another. He'd rather it be on his own terms, than hers. Now standing up straight, proud and regal, Anouke looked downwards at Neoma with a glimmer of what could be a smile on his face. "But I believe I can trust you, as an ally, perhaps, and so I willingly give you my birth name." Anouke blinked once, then twice, and the calm façade stayed on his face. "Anouke Kasekhemre," he finally said, slowly and softly. His last line of defense was now handed to his newfound....Ally, and only because he deemed her worthy enough to know it.

515 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2014, 02:17 PM by Anouke.)
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
(OOC: Why can I imagine Neoma making a collar of teeth out of those lied to and/or pissed her off?)

As she was awaiting the arrival of his name, Neoma stared at him as he begun to talk. It was obvious he wasn’t one to be manipulated and she didn’t mind at all. In fact, it made him look strong in her eyes.

"Neoma," The use of her name in the kind of tone he used...Neoma fought back a shiver of slight disgust. It was if he knew her yet he didn’t and she hated it when wolves tried to do that. "My own name....Was not part of the agreement." An eyebrow was quirked and Neoma allowed her lips to curl back ever so slightly to show sharp teeth. She was losing her cool a little, yes but she knew what he was doing-she did it herself. He had toyed with her and he was going to-her thought processes was halted as she reigned in her emotions. Looking back at him now, she noticed that he was looking proud and regal, as he stood up straight.

"But I believe I can trust you, as an ally, perhaps, and so I willingly give you my birth name." the wolf was finally giving his name. "Anouke Kasekhemre."

Neoma drank in the name, making sure to never forget it. <b style="color:#1c6e13;">“Thank you for giving me your trust, and your true name Anouke. And must I say, what a lovely name you have." Neoma purred softly as she stepped up to him, her nose nearly touching his as she stared at him through half lidded eyes, yet there was a glint of something in her yellow ones. <b style="color:#1c6e13;">“I've never heard such a name before and I must say, I like it. I'm hoping you didn't lie to me about it though, because if I ever found out you have lied to me....” She chuckled darkly, stepping back slightly before snapping her jaws together slightly. <b style="color:#1c6e13;">"Let’s just say I’m not overly fond of liars.”<b style="color:#1c6e13;">Speech

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2014, 12:39 PM by Neoma.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
Now that image will pop into my head whenever Anouke and @Neoma thread together XD

An eyebrow was raised and lips curled back slightly at his cheek, which only made the smirk grow bigger. It meant that he was getting under her skin, making her agitated, revealing what lay underneath the mask which sat upon her face, shielding her emotions from those that did not deserve to see them. But just before they made an appearance, it seemed that Neoma checked herself and reset the mask that he had dislodged, much to his dismay. Even if he did not admit it, he was almost....excited to see what lay beneath, but he would not push it any further, lest he go too far and destroy the alliance between them. Even a hell raising wolf knew when to draw the line, and right then was a good place to do it.

But before he could even blink Neoma stood up and stepped closer to him so her nose was barely centimeters away from his own, and he fought the urge to go cross-eyes to see her better. She purred softly as she spoke, and he gazed deeply into her half-lidded pale yellow eyes; wonderstruck. She truly was a delicious creature, and having her barely inches from him, her words soft, sweet but dangerous was agonizing. Even though his eyes never left hers, his mind was still functioning, and they scanned her words, searching for any hidden meanings. Which there certainly was.

When the dark fae stepped back, chuckling ominously and snapping her jaws together, a slight shiver ran through the Young Hellion. Desire and fear mixed into one. She was definitely not a wolf he wanted to get on the bad side of. It didn't matter that she was a female, as they tended to fight roughly, using tricks that a male would never think of. Blinking twice and mentally shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Anouke gazed at the dark fae, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. That was a side of her he needed to watch out for, it would bring out the weak side in most males, which he despised. But it wasn't his fault, that was just the way they were made in the cruel world.

Letting the corners of his lips twitch up in the beginnings of a smirk, he took a few moments to sort out his words. "I would not lie to one as powerful and worthy as you, it would not further me in any way, but instead it will be a hindrance, which is not something I want." Anouke kept perfectly still as he spoke, keeping his gaze on the dark fae. He would need to watch himself around her, or she might make him divulge something that he shouldn't or didn't want to. It was tricky business, dealing with wolves like themselves. One must always have their guard up, or face the consequences. It was definitely not a life for the weak or faint hearted.

489 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.