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Yesterday's Hunger
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Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
This will be dated after she gets accepted.

Slowly with little will power left the hungry women trekked around the boarders. Though she wasn't in the best health, she was too restless to relax. Hopefully no one dangerous would come across the starving beige wolf. Frost lifted her head and came to a stop; sea green eyes that had lost most of their lively glow looked out at the snowy land. "Cursed Winter," She mumbled while lowering to sit down. She could take a breather for the time being. This wasn't her job, she was just helping out. Or at least she thought it was okay to be taking her frequent breaks.

*Gotta pull my weight like Nina told me too.* She reminded herself this after a good ten minutes. She rose up on stiff limbs carefully. Then at turtle pace she kept going on and marked. Normally she would of hated this boring job, but right now her mind was too clouded by hunger to care. Her ears stood alert on her head as she began to focus more and more on scavenging. She kept herself inside of SW territory for now knowing it'd be risky to step out.

After awhile Frost was mentally yearning to move at a faster rate. Letting out a long slow sigh she picked up her injured leg's paw. Next she began to move some what faster but struggled. A laugh forced itself out, she felt silly hoping around like this...and it was a lot of fun.

*What is that?* Suddenly she was distracted by the mysterious object in the distance. Her curiosity pulled and tugged till it got the best of her. Setting out she headed towards it, all paws on the ground now.
Thanks TABs for the table and it's photo I've used for her featured photo.
Thanks PuppyThief for the winter skin and avatars!

[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Allie who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mirren Tainn

Patrol at the borders was becoming increasingly less eventful. With winter supplying a seemingly endless flow of snow, it was like Secret Woodlands had been walled off from the world.

There was less activity within the realm and along the borders, and with his snout to the air, his breath curling on his nose the only warmth to be had, the boy wondered if his time would be better spent elsewhere. Playing with the pups, perhaps. If there was anything worse than being snowed in, it was being snowed in without a soul to interact with─not here, at work, anyway. Not...anywhere. Even the tree tops, barren and dead against the swirling grey of clouds that blocked the sun, were utterly empty. A quick glance around revealed no prints in the snow, no freshly dislodged vegetation, not even a sign that the wolves lived here.

It was a ghost town.

His brows furrowed together, Mirren trudged forward in his own attempt to shake off the shiver that threatened to tremble between the bones of his ribs. A couple of miles further and, if the rest of this stretch of his guard was as lifeless as most of it had been, he'd be able to head back to the den. The rich liquid amber of his gaze─the perfect trademark of his heritage─was bright against the darker mask of his face as his eyes searched for- ...someone laughing? The boy perked up in attention. It wasn't a sinister laugh, or a masculine voice, or one of a number of voices. It was just...a girl?

Stepping lightly, he made to follow the voice that echoed through the hollow wood here and there, and after a few minutes a flash of creamy fur just in the distance. Curiosity might have been getting the better of him after a long day of boredom as he lurked watchfully just out of sight.
Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
Frost began to move on three legs again, leaping forward clumsily in the chest high powder. She was well alert of her surrounds but managed to miss the other wolf. The beige women trekked on towards the object till her balance was lost, causing her to stumbled forward. Her body rolled down a slope before stopping shortly after. She burst out laughing at herself and felt pleased with the fun it proved to be. Lifting up her body she shook herself harshly, puffing up her coat some as white crystal flew off. Still parts were weighed down in frozen tufts of fur. Grinning she glanced around her surrounding, sea green eyes finally falling on her company. "Hello!" She shouted with a wagging tail.

Temporarily loosing interest in the whatever it was, she moved slowly to join him. "I'm Frost, a new member." Her voice was upbeat and cheery at the sight of another wolf. Panting a little she came to a stop and allowed a huge distance between them. *I wonder if he can even hear me from all the way over there?* She thought and cocked her head. "How are you?" She spoke much louder now. *He probably ranks above you*, Acknowledging the possibility her head lowered as a sign of respect.

She waited for him to do something; speak, close the gap, dismiss himself, or well just something. Her impatience was hidden inside of her as she did her best to come off friendly. Frost tried to think of a conversation starter that seemed fitting.
Thanks TABs for the table and it's photo I've used for her featured photo.
Thanks PuppyThief for the winter skin and avatars!

[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by a bear nearby. +10 Health

Played by Allie who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mirren Tainn

It wasn't so interesting, watching the creamy girl frolic in the snow, but that wasn't to say that he wasn't intrigued. Seeing her having a good time, by herself, in the midst of a deadening winter brought the slightest grin to a single corner of his dark lips. It was hard enough to play or even to want to when circumstances were so dire, and harder still to do it alone. But...the girl looked like she didn't have a care in the world. A smile here, a laugh there as she tumbled and shook the snow from her fur. Her fun-loving energy must have been contagious, because suddenly he felt the cold and the seriousness of his day so far melt away. Straightening up, lifting his chin and flexing his rounded ears forward, the young Tainn prepared for his entrance on the scene, his own concerns slipping away with the chilling breeze that rustled past his pewter-stroked face. He just couldn't do it quickly enough.

"Hello!"Mirren wasn't one to be sheepish or shy, and today would be no exception as he found the girl's green eyes with his own golden ones. She introduced herself as Frost before announcing that she was a new member. "Hey there," he responded, stepping out from the thicket's veil that, as sparse as it was, could have hidden him if he'd been less curious and more cautious. "How are you?" A flicker of interest graced his features; "How are you" were words he hadn't heard in a very, very long time. "I'm Mirren..." And I'm about as cold and lonely on the inside as I am on the outside. "I'm good...thanks for asking. How are you?" He looked around briefly, hoping to catch a sight of whatever it was she'd been looking for in the first place. "I, um...couldn't help but notice that it seemed like you had your eye on somethin' out here?"
Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
When he stepped out Frost took no shame in carefully looking him over. He was a large wolf, owned a mostly tawny coat, had handsome amber eyes, and looked younger then herself. Sizing him up she guessed that he was almost two years but not just there yet. *Younger fella, but nice looking...* She thought to herself before meeting his piercing eyes. *Mirren? Different, though I'm not the one who should be thinking this...* As he spoke on she listened while shifting her weight and occasionally moving her paws to try and keep warm. "Nice to hear, weeeeelllllll other then having frozen toes and feeling under the weather. I'm happy." She offered him a grin and a amused tone.

The beige head of the she-wolf turned to look towards the thing in the distance, "Look there, strain your eyes and you can see something sticking out of the snow. It's not a stick I think...unless it owns a very oddly shaped one. I think it could be something worth while, wanna come with me?" While Frost wasn't a skittish or fearful women, she would still like company out of the boarders. If she was in better health she might have still invited him to come along, but he would have probably had to ask or just fallow her.

Turning her body around she slowly moved back to where she slipped, and extra careful this time, walked past the spot. She cast a glance back at him and awaited to see if his curiosity or something would bring him forward. Or if he'd choose to mosey on about his task, be to chicken, maybe even just not want to go just cause he simply didn't. Her tail swayed behind her in a slow stiff with cold motion. Either way she was going to check out what was some what covered.
Thanks TABs for the table and it's photo I've used for her featured photo.
Thanks PuppyThief for the winter skin and avatars!

[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Allie who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mirren Tainn

At her words he perked up immediately, a lopsided grin gracing his lips. She was happy. Well, he could have discerned that much by the way she was romping around, but to hear her say it, her voice as sunny as she seemed to be from a distance, was uplifting. The Secret Woodlands he'd known to this point had been dark, disconnected, and honestly sort of gloomy. Nina's mate had been long gone by the time he'd come around, leaving the children behind; Tacoma had...passed; Nina was grief-stricken and Hollow pushed to the edge by recent events and responsibilities. In addition, Mirren was sad to say he hadn't made a single friend out of the whole bunch. To that end, little miss sunshine here looking like a promising addition.

She pointed out what it was she'd been looking at, and like she said it looked somewhat like a tree branch, but...it was definitely worth looking into. Maybe if she was lucky it would be something to eat. And─ he was invited! Glancing over his shoulder briefly at the border patrol he would be neglecting (for just a short time, of course), he looked to her, replying with enthusiasm. "I'd love to. Lead the way." But before he'd gotten the words out, she was already on it, taking off to backtrack the slippery way she'd came. He didn't mind escorting her, and this way perhaps they could get to be more acquainted with one another. It would be nice to have a friend in the thicket, and someone to share in some adventure.

(This post was last modified: Jan 13, 2014, 03:40 AM by Mirren.)
Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
The woman moved across the thicket covered land not so swiftly. Her leg ached horribly as the hunger ate away at her insides. The pain gave her a sickening nauseousness. She felt as if her limbs were growing heaver each day. Also like the slight shaking would never end. Maybe soon she would be departing from this world. Gulping silently she told herself, *Nope, not happening.*

Frost had cared less to listen to him-but was secretly pleased he accepted her invite- as she walked through the thickly laid down snow. The task wasn't easy, and at times she was awkwardly jumping instead of walking. She would give a laugh at herself here and there. After a long wordless walk she came to a stop. The wind howled in her ears and shoved her coat apart. She starred at the object before fastening her teeth around the antlers. She pulled weakly at it and this sadly did her no dag on good, so she stopped to ask him. "I think it might be a moose, can you get it out of all this stupid snow?" Her tone was hopeful.

Sea green eyes watched him from a coat of beige. Her belly grumbled causing her to grimace and mutter, "Oh shut it." Tensely she waited for Mirren to yank away. *He best be strong, cause I can't do this.* The thought of team work never seemed to cross her mind. Oh how she felt so annoyingly dependent on the male right now.
(This post was last modified: Jan 17, 2014, 04:50 AM by Frost.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Allie who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mirren Tainn
You can have the points ♥

When they finally managed to make it to the mysterious thing that was sticking haphazardly out of the snow, the yearling was pleased to see that it was something more edible than a stick─a moose carcass. His eyes cast toward the newcomer, taking in the the sight of her as she looked it over. It was evident that hunger clutched at her insides by the way she shook and the abrupt change in her mood; a meal and some old fashioned rest could have very well been exactly what she needed. Whenever they finished here he would try and encourage her to return to the den where she could recover some.

"Could you get it out of all this stupid snow?" Mirren looked it over briefly before stepping closer. Using his large paws like a rake, the scooped and scraped layers of snow away from the preserved meal, muzzling enough of it to be able to take hold of an exposed leg. He was able to yank it free─for the most part─with a slow and steady heave. "Here you go," he replied with a courteous smile. "It's all yours, Frost." She needed it, and he'd already had his own meager meal from the dwindling caches earlier in the morning. Settling to his belly a length or so from her and the carcass, he was content just to keep her company with a watchful eye.

(This post was last modified: Jan 17, 2014, 05:54 AM by Mirren.)