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The Silence of Trees — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
OOC: Scary Neo is scary O.O

Neoma knew her gender could be used against males in a dangerous way, she had known it for a long time. It was first noticed when, as a yearling, a male loner had graced their borders and upon spotting her rise from her spot where she had been guarding. The male was older than her, by two years at least. It had been easy to tell. Yet it wasn’t his age that had drawn her true attention. No, it was the moment he laid eyes on her. They lit up in a way she had only seen when it was spring and the glint could be seen in wolves and other animals who were old enough to pass on their bloodlines. That day had certainly been a fun one. Neoma watched a mix of desire and fear dance in Anouke’s eyes before he went still. So, he now understood how dangerous it could be to cross her.

"I would not lie to one as powerful and worthy as you, it would not further me in any way, but instead it will be a hindrance, which is not something I want." A small smirk was tugging at his lips.

<b style="color:#1c6e13;">”That’s good to hear that Anouke,” Neoma paused as she thought out her next words carefully. <b style="color:#1c6e13;">”Because I certainly would be as powerful an enemy as I am an ally. And to have you as an ally is beneficial for me, too, since you are so far the only wolf who had had the same thoughts and beliefs as I and to have lost that would be a terrible thing. Don’t you agree?” The last three words were spoken with a tone that was dark, and that promised any disagreements would be met with the teeth that were as sharp as her tongue, if not more so.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2014, 05:43 AM by Neoma.)
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

The dark fae before him was perfect. She had the worth and abilities to lead and hold the immense power which others should and would bow down to. There was the sense of pride, strength and self-confidence. The way she held herself showed clearly that she was not one to be told 'no', and that foes would crumble at the sight of her, if she chose. Her knowledge of others that belonged beneath them and how to deal with them was like his own; ruthless and unforgiving. There was only one chance to be allowed the grace to tend to their very needs, and just a slight mistake would be fatal.

The Young Hellion's ears twitched as Neoma spoke, and he focused his full attention on her, physically and mentally. A knowing smirk crossed his face at her first words of "That’s good to hear that Anouke,", but he said nothing, knowing that she would continue to speak, and he knew better than to interrupt her. His only reaction to her speech as it ended was a slight cant of his muzzle, before an almost thoughtful look came upon his devilishly handsome face.

Yes, he did agree with Neoma that she was a dangerous enemy and a useful ally, but then again, so was he. It would only hinder them to enemies, as both would have to continually watch their backs for the other, for wolves like them could not survive as adversaries. The way she spoke told of her great knowledge, power and abilities to deal with wolves that were clearly lower than them, and whom should bow down and show the respect for the dark wolves. Her sense of pride, strength and self-confidence, and the way she held herself; regally and as if she owned everything, which she certainly did. No doors should ever be closed to the dark wolves, and even if they were, there would be no stopping them from destroying the door. It wasn't in their nature to play by the rules others created unless if it benefited them. Which meant that when winter came upon them, they would have to join a pack to survive. It was either that or dying.

His eyebrows raised marginally at Neoma's last three words, which were spoken in a dark tone that clearly stated bad things would happen if he disagreed with her, which he didn't. A moment passed in which a devilish grin formed on Anouke's dark face, and it was directed straight at the dark fae before him. "I would be lying if I said otherwise." The Young Hellion put great emphasis on the lying part, and he canted his head slightly to the side, as if daring her to snap at him for his cheek.

He just couldn't help it. Being devil-like was in his nature.

472 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
OOC: You know, I think there’s a little imbalance in Neo’s mind somewhere...

The small string inside of her that had keeping her patience had finally snapped. oh yes, he was doing the things she always did to others, she knew it well enough. And she had kept repeating that to herself to keep calm. He was simply trying to irk her, to bring out the worst in her and get her to snap at him. It was going well, until....

"I would be lying if I said otherwise."

and oh, did he just so happen to get under her skin with his last words.

Now, Neoma knew she had something of a temper, it boiled under her skin like lava in a volcano about to erupt but she had always kept it in control. Had always squashed it in favour of tricks and smooth words to get to her chosen victim, to worm her way in through sound and the sweetness that was her voice. But when she was the victim-and oh, she knew because he was using his words and winding her up butshedidn’tcare-it was something she despised with a passion. First it had been his name and now this? He would have to learn some manners for his cheekiness. Not to mention that there was a reason she had warned him that she could be a powerful enemy. It wasn’t meant with just her words but her fighting skills.

It didn’t matter to her that he was much larger than she, that his muscles were much stronger and with one snap of his jaws, could break her neck if he wanted to. This fae might be little but it didn’t make her any less deadly than the man in front of her. Her teeth were as sharp as his and there was speed on her side.

Raising her tail at him, Neoma snarled at him, giving his a slight warning before with a quick leap, Neoma snapped her teeth in his face, not even waiting for his reaction to the snap before her teeth were heading to sink into his neck sharply and hopefully push the larger wolf to the ground, at least. <b style="color:#1c6e13;">Speech

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

At his mot the Young Hellion got the desired reaction from the dark fae before him as her tail raised up and curled slightly over her back, teeth bared and an intimidating snarl emitting from her throat directed fully towards him. It was clearly the only warning he was going to get, and he flattened his ears against his dark head as he curled his own tail over his back; lips curled ever so slightly to show both his almost two-inch upper canines and chin lowering to hide his neck.

A silent snarl was directed at Neoma, and just as he leaned backwards on his hocks to spring forwards in an attempt – baring his throat completely to the dark fae – she lunged at him with blinding speed. Before Anouke had even started moving forwards she was already in the air and aiming to clamp her jaws around his neck. Realization only dawned upon the Young Hellion as he felt her sharp teeth that lined the inside of her deadly jaws fasten their hold around his throat.

Leaning backwards away from the dark fae was almost impossible as he was already moving forwards, but somehow by twisting his body slightly sideways, he managed to stop his movement, partially. But Neoma’s force from her leap only pushed him back, overbalancing him as he stood on his hind legs, and he felt himself beginning to tip over backwards; slightly sideways.

With a feisty she-wolf that had his neck in her powerful jaws and was pushing him down to the earth, – in a way that she would use him as a cushion – Anouke could do nothing but fall over. As the Young Hellion’s large, furry body slammed onto the compact ground, a loud “Oomph!” emitted from his jaws and his whole side and back ached with a dull throb. Holding in a groan, he shook his head roughly and thrashed his body in a weak attempt to dislodge the dark fae that was lying on top of him and held him in a potentially death-grip.

It was better than just giving up, which was something he’d never do.

354 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
Neoma wasn't so surprised when her teeth did sink into his neck. She had the upper hand with speed and the fact that he been so caught off guard by it only made it easier. The boy had tried to move in order to attack her. but her speed outmatched his and she was holding on in a deadly grip as he reared back, allowing her the perfect opportunity to clamp her jaws around his throat as her paws hit his chest and he was falling backwards, instead of forwards like it looked like he had planned.

Poor fool She thought as she retained her grip on his throat as they landed heavily on the ground, Anouke groaning as his side and back struck the ground in a loud thump! He should never have pushed her like he did. He should have left it when he was warned she was a deadly enemy to have. Yet, she complemented for a moment, young wolves-males especially-weren't always the smartest when it came to taking hints, though she had to admit Anouke was smarter then most. He understood the way of the world like she did, and she hoped he wouldn't allow his pride get in the way of his life.

During it all, Neoma never let go of Anouke's throat. Her sharp teeth dug into his flesh deeply as she held on. The dark fae wasn't about to let go until the hooligan submitted to her, until his struggling either ended in his defeat in which she'd allow him to live and let him go...

Or in his cold body lying beneath her in death.

<b style="color:#1c6e13;">Speech

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

Anouke’s struggling did not help, but in fact, it hindered him greatly. Every arch, pull and stretching movement he made with his head, neck and shoulders resulted in a blinding pain from where Neoma clung to him like a leech with her sharp teeth, which penetrated deeply into his flesh. Clicking his own teeth together angrily after a few minutes of struggling – at times which it felt as if he’d break free of her death-grip – the Young Hellion lay down limply. His tail curled up slightly to rest against his underside – barely; it felt foolish and just wrong to do it – and he leaned his head as far back as her jaws allowed him to, ears back against his head and paws drawn into his chest. That was as far as he would go, nothing would make him whimper or whine for forgiveness or begging to be accepted into a pack. That was a line he would never cross.

Closing his eyes tightly, the Young Hellion let his tongue slide slowly over his lips, before staring up at the darkness above him, keeping his eyes well away from Neoma’s. Not out of submission, but because he was far too ashamed to admit he had been beaten. But the fact that it was a wolf like him, it wasn’t as bad as it could be. His mind wandered over to his encounter with Rayne, before a quick mental shake of the head cleared his thoughts, and brought him back to the present.

Huffing softly, Anouke licked his lips once more, and spoke in a low whisper that was barely audible. “I surrender.” It was almost painful to say the two words, but he did, and he knew that they – along with his submission – were enough to make the dark fae let go of him and allow him to stand up. Or, at least that’s what he hoped. She might just ask for more, though she would never get it, even if it meant she killed him. Wolves like them never truly gave up, they only did so when it furthered their own goals, and at that moment, being able to move freely was his objective.

364 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint
@Anouke OOC: I know I wanted her to a dark, somewhat evil character but *shivers* Neoma is even scaring me...

She knew that she would only get so far in forcing him to submit to her. It was what she would do, if she was in the same situation as Anouke, though she would be careful not to do so. The boy went limp, his legs being drawn to his chest, tail tucked in and eyes looking away. Not in submission, she knew but in embarrassment, shame. But she wasn't ready to let go yet, not until the words were spoken. Oh, she didn't want to break him; she knew how to break wolves. But she wanted him to know that she had the upper paw. That she could break him if she so wished.

It was only when she heard the words whispered softly-I surrender did Neoma peel back her lips and teeth from his neck. Blood dripped off the canines as they withdrew and she licked it off carefully, taking her time to get off Anouke. And only after a snarled warning that shouldn't be taken lightly. <b style="color:#1c6e13;">"If you ever think to use your words against me again, be sure to know your body will feed the hungry crows." She spoke lowly as her paws rested on his chest and her muzzle was by his ears. <b style="color:#1c6e13;">"I am not to be trifled with."With those last words, Neoma slowly got off Anouke, casting one last shameful look at him.

To look at him made her sick to the stomach. Allies they might be now, to see him in such a position was degrading. On his back, with his neck bared and bloody with his tail tucked inwards and eyes averted not in submission but shame...

<b style="color:#1c6e13;">"You remind me of my pathetic excuse of a brother, Rayne." She spat hatefully at him, not knowing that the name would be bitterly familiar to him at all. <b style="color:#1c6e13;">"So get up, show me the man I know you can be! Prove me wrong! Show me the strength I know that is within you!" <b style="color:#1c6e13;">Speech

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

(This post was last modified: Jan 11, 2014, 03:28 PM by Neoma.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

Water is beginning to freeze and some fish are trapped. Hunt Opportunity

Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
I am so sorry about the wait! She was too scary >.<
And Happy Birthday Silvia! :D

A few moments after his whispered words, the dark female slowly peeled back her lips and teeth from his neck, blood dripping from her canines which she licked off. His neck stung slightly from her grip, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle, and he was all too pleased when she slowly eased herself further from his body but not completely off – albeit with warning snarl that he could easily tell shouldn’t be taken lightly. No, he would no longer doubt her prowess ever again, but he would respect it, like any wolf should. Those that didn’t were foolish, and though he was a cheek and sometime took things too far, he was not a fool. Most times he knew when to stop, but he had taken just that step over the line, and had paid for it.

Her threatening words were spoken in a dangerous and low tone, and his ears twitched backwards, as if they were going to pull back. He knew she meant every word, why would she lie about it? But he also knew she wouldn’t do it quickly and cleanly, those that deserved the punishment received it in the worst way possible, so that they would learn to never do it again, or in his case, be in so much pain he’d rather die. Her dark paws rested on his chest and her muzzle was near his ear as she spoke again, and he wholly agreed, nodding his head to show that he understood. Slowly, the dark female got off of him, casting a shameful look at him that made him feel even worse. It was disgraceful her seeing him like that, but she had proved her point, and he was thankful it hadn’t been anything more.

Slowly rolling over onto his side, – wincing as he turned his head too sharply – Anouke began to return to his feet when the dark female mentioned the one name he never wanted to hear again, and he swung his dark head around to look at her, half crouched on the ground and bright amber eyes boring into pale yellow eyes. Her brother was Rayne? That sorry excuse for a wolf who had beaten him because of the Young Hellion’s own folly, who was the complete opposite of the two dark wolves. How could someone like that be the brother of Neoma, and not have the skills. Letting out a soft growl of anger at the memory of the fight, he stood up just as she spoke again.

Letting the full force of his power show – the part the still remained from his recent shame – he stared down at the dark female, baring his teeth, showing each and every one of his teeth; incisors, canines and carnassials. He was all riled up from being forced to submit and admit it, and from the mention of Rayne, whom he would get revenge on when they met up again, if they did. Then he would show just how powerful he was, and that he couldn’t be beaten by wolves lower than him. Letting a soft growl emit from deep within his throat, he arched his neck and stared forcefully down at Neoma, speaking in a dangerous tone. Rayne has no part in this conversation.”

543 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Silvia who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neoma Flint

“Oh?” Neoma quirked an eyebrow at him, now curious. Her brother’s name was spat with such bitterness that it made her wonder how or why the dark hellion knew him. And what happened between the two. “And you just so happen to know who my brother is?” Neoma was genuinely curious as to why this black hellion knew her brother but she didn't show it. Did they simply cross paths and Rayne somehow got the better of him? The thought was quickly shaken from her head. There’s no way Rayne could be prompted into a fight, let alone win against Anouke.

“You know, he was always the simpering little fool when we were younger. Always scared of his shadow and would go running to our sister, Senka or our parents.” She regeled idly, almost calmly. “Would have nightmares if he was told a scary story.” The feeling that Rayne had bested him still clung in her mind. Rayne was roughly the same size as Anouke and it was entirely possible for him to use his brute strength Neoma knew he possessed in his favour. But at the same time, Neoma knew it would have been impossible to engage him in a fight. Rayne was just as she described him. A simpering fool who got scared far too easily.

“I just hope he didn’t get the better of you too.” She added, her eyes meeting with his directly and not backing down an inch as she stared. The somber fae wasn’t afraid of this male, especially not after putting him in his place, even if they still stood as equals.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: vivstock @ DA, BrokenWing3dStock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2014, 09:04 AM by Neoma.)