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The Silence is Deafening
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Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

Hati raced through the forest like the shadow of an eagle in flight, weaving in between the giant cedars with fluid grace. The familiar joy that accompanied him while running at such high speeds tingled his marrow and for a moment he forgot why he was even there. Remembering his hesitant companion, he reluctantly slowed down to a brisk trot to give the dark female a moment to catch up. He wouldn't wait for long; adrenaline still rushed through his bloodstream, but it was only fair to give the girl a chance as he had invited her to the chase in the first place. It wasn't long before he spotted her black figure speeding over the white ground, and a grin found its way onto his face.

Just as Hati prepared to leap back into action a new scent bid him stop in mid stride. For a moment he remained like a statue, his quivering nose the only movement in his body. Rabbits. They were close. A quick glance around confirmed that, for several fresh rabbit tracks were set in the snow. They could not have been made more than minutes ago, likely scared away by the commotion that Hati and his pack-mate had caused. Perhaps she would like to accompany him on a hunt? Hopeful, Hati turned around to face Lalani just as she reached him, and then motioned towards the rabbit tacks with his head and a flicker of his eye. Such an opportunity as this did not arise often, and it would be wise to take advantage of it.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2014, 06:05 PM by Hati.)
Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
Lalani reveled in the feeling of freedom as she watched the ground blur beneath her. She wind rushing through her fur and the sound of her footsteps pounding across the snow brought some joy to her lonely spirt. Through all this, Lani realized that she was starting to gain on the black figure ahead of her. *He must have slowed down.* Perhaps the male did wish to be caught. He seemed rather anxious though. As if he couldn't wait to get going again. So Lani was probably wrong. She hoped that he wouldn't chase her off when she had only just accepted his invitation. She neared him at a lope. Now it seemed that he had stopped completely. He was frozen, nose to the breeze. She approached curiously, with her own nose in the air. He had smelled something. Finally she caught what he had. Rabbits. Not far either. They had probably been spooked by the two dark wolves puppyish antics.

She saw him watching the trail and after scanning the ground she spotted the tracks of the prey indented in the snow. He turned to her motioning to the tracks, no doubt asking her is she wanted to join him in a hunt. Her stomach grumbled at the thought of food. She would have to be an idiot to pass up an opportunity like this. The winter had not been kind, so when there was a chance at food, you took it. She wagged her tail, happy that he wanted to hunt with her and filled with an excitement over the prospect of food in her belly. With a quick smile, she brushed up against him, copying his earlier movement, and mingled their scents further. Lani found that she didn't mind carrying his scent, she actually kinda liked it. As for his invitation, she responded with a simple, "Okay. I'm Lalani by the way." Her rich tones carrying before vanishing into the frigid air. Then said nothing more. They had managed alright without talking, and she didn't feel the need to disturb the peaceful silence. If he wished for her to talk, Lani was sure he would find a way to tell her so. She didn't expect a name in return, he wouldn't be able to tell her if he wanted to. She would just have to find something to call him.

All her previous insecurities had dissipated, leaving behind her more confident self. This time, without most of the harsh judgemental sarcasm. Lani trotted in the direction of the tracks, before turning and looking over her shoulder. She sent him a sly grin, daring him to follow her. She wanted to see what this guy could do. No doubt that he was a good hunter. He wouldn't have made it this far if he wasn't. Besides, he knew this territory better than she did, if anyone was likely to catch anything, it was him.
(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2014, 06:31 AM by Lalani.)
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

As the dark female drew up alongside him her tail wagged happily and her flank rubbed against his, both in stark contrast to what her actions had been just moments ago. Hati was glad that she had snapped out of the funk he had found her in, though still curious as to what had been the problem. He let the matter go however and, in response to her obvious agreement to tracking down those foolish bunnies he began to nose through the snow. It came as a surprise when she opened her mouth to introduce herself—he had become comfortable in the silence they shared. However, he was glad to know her name, and flashed her a smile in response.

It was also a surprise when she bounced away through the snow, her nose low to the ground to take in the scent of the rabbit tracks. As she threw back a taunting grin Hati replied with a matching one and a wag of his tail. Then he rushed past Lalani, easily following the trail that the rabbits had left behind. Their scent got stronger each second, and soon it was obvious that the two hunters were very near their prey. Sending a hesitant glance towards his companion to request her silence, Hati crept through the powdery snow. No sound betrayed his presence, he was a ghost hunter under a bright midday sun, and the creatures that he stalked would not see the moon again.

He came to a place where the trees thinned and shorter, younger trees grew haphazardly forming a perfect stronghold for the rabbits. Hati glanced at Lalani, his flickering eye telling her to go around the area and chase their prey towards him. More than one rabbit was hidden in this place, and if luck was with the wolves then they would end this hunt with three or perhaps even four limp rabbits dangling from their jaws.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2014, 06:05 PM by Hati.)
Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
When Lalani looked back, she could tell the he was surprised by her sudden confidence. She was rather glad that she wasn't as depressed anymore. She didn't want him to think that that was how she always was. Lani wasn't able to be herself around many people. If she counted, the names would all fit on one paw. So, ya. She was glad she had another friend in the pack. Or at least someone who didn't think that she was there to follow eveyones whim. Someone who didn't think she was merely a trouble maker. The handsome wolf also seemed surprised when she spoke. After all the silence she would have been too. After she told him her name he flashed her a brilliant smile.

In response to her dare, he matched her grin before darting ahead, with his nose to the ground. She followed him closely as they tracked the rabbits. The scents got stronger with each passing moment. The scent of the rabbits danced through Lani's nose, enticing her. As they neared, he sent her a look that must have meant to quiet her, though it was unneeded. Lani stepped carefully across the precarious surface of the snow. Her large paws easily holding her above the snow. She was mesmerized by him. He moved so quietly that there was almost no way of knowing her was there. Sinse they were down wind from the rabbits, they had the element of surprise.

As they came to the rabbits hiding place, her companion threw her a glance and motioned along the side of the hideout. Giving a slight nod, she turned, and padded away, making a wide loop around their prey. There was no doubt that there was more than one animal hiding in this place, the scents told them that much. She hoped that they would catch a few. She was hungry and hadn't eaten a real meal in awhile. Once she was directly across from him, she started towards the prey. Her scent would be blowing in their direction now. She moved in a back and forth motion, hoping to herd them towards the dark figure across from her, instead of them bolting out the side. Once she heard the prey start, and begin to flee, she chased after them. Lani zeroed in on a fluffy white tail. She hoped that the male was ready, because by the sound of it, there were quite a few coming his way. Let the chase begin.
(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2014, 09:34 PM by Lalani.)
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

The dark omega performed well. Hati could barely spot her shadowy figure weaving in between the trees of Cedarwood Forest, circling around to the opposite side of the rabbits' lair. Saliva pooled in his mouth as anticipation sped his heart rate and hunger got the best of him. Let's hurry it up, he willed his pack-mate silently, barely managing to keep still. Such a find as this was great luck and Hati couldn't wait to make the most of it. Cut Rock River's caches were at an all time low, and every little bit helped.

After several minutes of silence Hati pushed his thoughts of doubt away. Lalani certainly wasn't one to simply walk away from something like this, was she? It seemed impossible; the black female probably wouldn't disobey a ranking wolf for any reason. She was too timid, to frightened for her own life. Hati wondered what it was that made her act so fearful, but before he could get any further in his musings, the sound of rabbits running for their lives reached his ears. The heavier footfalls of a wolf were also easily discernible, as was the hungry snapping of Lalani's jaws.

Two rabbits broke out of the undergrowth at once, completely unaware of the dark beast that awaited them, hidden only feet away. As the gray creatures rushed past he pounced, snapping one's back in a split second, too quickly for it to even scream. Then, before the second rabbit could react he had taken its life as well. As he turned back, three more rabbits had appeared as well as Lalani, whose teeth were snapping only inches behind one's fluffy white tail.

Hati quickly took one unsuspecting rabbit out, watched as the other disappeared into the forest, and waited for Lalani to finish off the fourth.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
Lalani herded the rabbits in the direction she wanted them to go. They were panicked. Their breath rasped out, forming small clouds in the frozen air. She could hear their hearts pounding, easily going twice as fast as their feet were. Their fear is what drove them. Had they been able to think, to react, they might have noticed they were being lead into an ambush. Lani snapped at the rear of the rabbit in front of her, forcing it and the others to break from cover and right towards her waiting companion. It was a massacre. He wasted no time, taking out the first within seconds. The second joined its brother within moments. Lani was focused on the quick creature she tailed, but managed to see that yes, he had in fact, killed yet another. Frustrated, Lani lunged forward, managing to wrap her jaws over the back of the animal. Using the animals momentum, she swung her head. Hearing a loud crack, she dropped it for the dark male to collect, before tearing off after the one that got away. The animal was fast and it had gotten a head start. Somehow Lani was able to trail it, and found that she wasn't all that far behind. Her longer legs allowed her to gain on the animal but its agility made it damn near impossible to out maneuver.

Tucking her head in close and bringing her body closer to the ground, she tore at the ground, hoping to get a little closer. By now it was only a couple feet ahead of her. Throwing her weight forward, she found that she was, in fact closing in on her prey. That is, until she hit the ice. Her paws scrabbled uselessly at the slick surface. Her momentum was working against her, though she wasn't the only one struggling. The rabbit was also fighting the ice. Lani's weight caused her to travel farther and as she met the rabbit, she grabbed a hold of its hind leg. Not her first choice, but the only one she had at the moment. She kept her eyes shut tight as they carreened out of control. When she had finally slowed, the rabbit yanked against her binding jaws, fighting and kicking to get free. It never had the chance.

Lani had no chance to react. She had been just about to break the damn things leg when there was a sharp cracking. No, she hadn't made good on her threat, so what the hell was that? Her eyes widened and she was able to take a breath before the ice caved out from underneath her. The water was absolutely frigid. So cold that she felt sharp needles being driven straight into her bones. As her head broke the surface, she drug a fresh breath in through her noze. Her jaws remained locked around the still struggling rabbit. She had gone through the damn trouble to catch it, she wasn't about to give it up now. Because of how she was holdingg it, the angle of its leg forced its head under water. The cold was seeping away its energy while the water stole its breath.

Carefully lifting her paws onto the ice, Lani scratched at the surface, fighting for traction. Her weight caused the ice to break further. Stepping on the chunks floating in the water, she hoped to gain some leverage. She tried several times to pull herself out but each time, she only succeeded in widening the whole. I swear to god, I am not dying because of some damn rabbit. Pissed off and about ready to attack the damn ice, she lifts her paws again. She scrabbles and manages to get her forarms and part of her chest above the surface. Bracing one hind leg on a chunck of ice, the other ones nails dig into the slick surface around the edge. Slowly, inch by inch, she slides herself up. Exhausted, she rises on shaky legs. But she's proud. She did it. Walking back the way she came with the drowned rabbit dangling from her jaws, she watches as the water forms a thin frost across her fur.

Finally reaching he dark companion, she trots forward and drops it at his feet. "I-I uh...g-got it-t." She's not sure whether she should feel proud of her accomplishment or embarrassed over the fact that's she's wet and chattering. She gazed at his warm, dry pelt, wishing that hers was the same. She found herself wondering what it would be like to find herself surrounded by that fur, warmed by his body next to hers. Hell, she felt warmed by his gaze alone. Turning her eyes away, she found she was glad for something. Thank god wolves can't blush. She looked down at their prizes. At least the pack would be able to eat tonight, even if it was only a little.
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

Hati was slightly surprised that Lalani possessed determination enough to go after the speedy rabbit that already had a head start. The act reminded him of himself the day that he and Maksim had hunted down the lynx. Though the alpha was stronger, Hati was the one who had to take down the second cat, driven by both vengeance and loyalty, and aided by his speed. Neither of them knew it, but the creature had had no chance. It appeared as though the rabbit currently being hunted down by Lalani faced the same problem. For some reason the she-wolf had looked frustrated as she disappeared into the forest. Had he missed something?

Not bothering to think any more on the topic, Hati tasked himself with gathering the four rabbits they had killed. They were easy finds, both because of memory and the strong scent of the blood splattered around them. In no time they were all piled together, and Hati sat beside them to await his pack-mate's return. The soft blanket of snow on the ground had silenced their movements, so he had little idea as to where they were. Until the sickeningly close crack of breaking ice shattered the silence and sent waves of fear shooting through his body; fear for the young female's life. He was so scared it hurt.

He shot like a rocket towards what he already picture as a scene of horrible death, drowning, freezing from the incredible temperatures of the water beneath. His paws barely touched the ground before lifting off again. He stumbled often due to his short breath, but arrived on the edge of the ice in record time. The sight that greeted him brought both relief and a fresh bout of fear. Lalani struggled to stay above the surface. Her legs thrashed all over the place. She looked terrified, but no less determined to escape the hungry clutches of the river.

If only he could help in some way, even vocalize encouragements, promises that she would be okay. Hati couldn't breathe, could hardly think. And then, just like that, Lalani managed to drag herself onto ice that would not break beneath her weight. A breath of relief escaped Hati's lips, but the fear did not let go of his heart. The girl was dripping wet, and shaking like a leaf in a storm.

Lachesis! He thought the name like a curse. Where was a healer when one was needed? If they waited for the white yearling, Lalani would undoubtedly be beyond saving by then. Something had to be done immediately. As she neared him, Hati ignored her words. There was no time for chat. He darted forward and began to lick the water from her body like her life depended on it.

Oh, wait. It did.

A type of whine came from his throat as his tongue ran over her drenched black fur. She had to survive this. He would not allow the cold to enter her heart. He would save Lalani, or he would never forgive himself. The pack would never forgive him. He would rather die.

Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
Lani's body was wracked with shivers and it seemed almost as if her muscles were rebelling against her. They continued to seize and spasm, making her feel completely out of control. Her nerves screamed in pain as the frigid water seemed to burn them, though she was glad for this. She knew that it was when you felt numb that you were a goner. She was surprised by her companions reaction. He seemed absolutely frightened as he approached her. You should probably be terrified too. The severity of the situation didn't sink in until he lurched towards her. Lani wasn't sure what he was going to do, so it surprised her when she felt his tongue touch her soaking wet coat. While this was strange, what really startled her was the noise. He spoke! Well, not technically, but it was the closest she had ever heard him come. He was whining into her fur as he licked furiously her. Stepping back she shook, flinging the excess water from her ebony hide, before dropping to the snow and rolling around. Before her mother died, she had taught her that the snow helped wick away the water and freeze what was there, rather than suffering from the cold water.

Quickly standing, she approached her dark pack mate. She stepped in close, almost tucking herself against him. She didn't care about space anymore, he had already crossed that boundary anyway. Besides, she didn't feel like dying today. Hopefully, his warmth would help warm her as her helped dry her. Lani sat, bringing her own tongue to the places she could easily reach. Luckily, most of the water had frozen, but now she needed to get rid of the ice before it began to melt again. Her body continued its protest, causing her body to vibrate against his as she shivered. How embarrassing. "I-I'm-m s-sor-r-ry." She wasn't sure if her would understand what she she was apologizing for. Hell, she didn't even really know. For being stupid and chasing the rabbit? For not being careful and falling in? For putting him in this ridiculous situation in the first place? Maybe all of it. He must think her a complete dunce or maybe a weakling. She had only managed to snag a couple of those rabbits while he took out the rest. That's where her frustration had come from. She didn't like the fact that she had been so useless.

The warmth from his body felt wonderful but considering it wasn't direct, there wasn't a whole lot of change. She resisted the urge to press herself close. She had already put him in a position where he had to lick her, she wasn't going to push her luck.
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

Lalani finally seemed to grasp the danger she was in after several moments of Hati licking the water off her pelt. She moved away and shook the excess water from her fur sending tiny droplets in every direction that froze before they even hit the snow. Then she lay down and writhed in the white powder, freezing what still clung to her fur. Hati wrapped himself around her still shivering body to convey warmth all the while licking sharp spears of ice from her fur.

"I-I'm-m s-sor-r-ry." Hati frowned, understanding her apology but not caring much about her feelings at the moment. Every second was important; if only they had been near a cozy den or some kind of shelter when this had happened. Once Lalani was reasonably dry he would bring her to one. Would she be okay until then? Or would the ice claim her heart even as they fought against it here? No. He would not let that happen.

For a while they remained there, huddled in the snow, slowly removing the icicles that otherwise promised to kill Hati's pack-mate. Slowly Lalani's shivers became less intense and her movements freer as her muscles regained warmth. Relief flooded Hati as he realized that she would be okay: she would not die today. Her black fur regained its dry fluffiness, and he took that as his signal to move away. Undoubtedly she was still cold, so he motioned for Lalani to follow and bounded away. Running would warm her more than he could, and he would feel better if she was in a warm den instead of out in the open. The hares would likely be eaten by coyotes before he could return to them, but they were not as important as this. Which was ironic, because the hares were the reason it happened in the first place, Hati mused dryly. He snorted at the thought.

They kept by the river until they reached the den, and Hati waited for Lalani to enter before trotting in himself. He looked at her questioningly, looking for some sort of encouraging words. He wanted to hear that she was okay. She was, right?