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To Save A Life
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Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
Dated: After she gets accepted at some time.

Now dull lifeless like sea green eyes stared out at the bright snow covered thickets before her. She stood silently just behind the boarders, her only safe place. The beige she wolf leaned against the tree weakly. Her limbs held a slight shake to them, and her belly grumbled multiple times. The skin on her body clung tightly to her ribs from starvation. Frost had finished with helping out with markers for the morning, but she couldn't fully recall this. She felt so confused as her mind seemed to slip from her grasp...like she was going mental. Along with her way of thinking straight, her soul seemed to leave her. Fallowing closely behind was the light that once filled her -at some point- lovely orbs. She felt so numb emotional wise. So...dead? Yes, dead.

The young woman sighed heavily, a bitter frown on her ordinary black leathery lips. Where had her strong will to live gone? With droopy tired lids she allowed her legs to carefully buckle in turn. Her body plopped into the white powered with ease. Clear flakes sprayed up in response, but she ignored this while laying down her head. Unwillingly she began her short nap that would hopefully give her the energy to travel back to the dens. The cold Winter wind whispered into her ears a sickly tune of sorrow. Yet it seemed to encourage her at the same time, whispering to her three simple words. "Don't give up," Little did she know that she was actually talking to herself.er wind whispered into her ears a sickly tune of sorrow. Yet it seemed to encourage her at the same time, whispering to her three simple words. "Don't give up," Little did she know that she was actually talking to herself.
(This post was last modified: Jan 16, 2014, 03:28 AM by Frost.)
Thanks TABs for the table and it's photo I've used for her featured photo.
Thanks PuppyThief for the winter skin and avatars!

[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Danica was traveling out to her family's boards extremely hungry. There just had to be something to eat somewhere around this place. Her over sized ears swiveled around alertly. While they did that beautiful Emerald green eyes scoped the land around her. The trip was not, in any means, a easy task to complete. The had snow rose to her chest at some points. Plus there was tons of it and some was caking to her sleek Winter coat. The crystallized tuffs of fur encased in ice discouraged her as she went along her way. Was it worth it? She'd question but keep moving knowing it might be. Maybe if she got lucky, there would be something she could return with.

Shivering with numb toes she met her destination and inhaled deeply. A unfamiliar scent of a she wolf, tingled with her mother's own, was brought to her moist black nose. Cautiously she fallowed it through the thickets to find the older canine. *She looks sooo cold, she has to be freezing her paws off!* Without another thought the pup timidly came forth. She quietly and gently laid down next to her company, pressing against her. The beige creature was in fact a bit on the not so warm scale. Her thick Arctic fur seemed to heat her well enough though. Still the little silver-ish cream puppy staid by her side. The decision to stay till she awoke had been made easily.

Moments passed on as she waited patiently. Hopefully this wolf would be able to help her search, once awake. Though if Dani had paid better attentions she would of noticed how much of a skeleton Frost was.
Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
Some what brittle ribs rose up and down in steady breaths. Her 3 second long dreams were pleasant enough, but fueled her lust for her desires. The images of spring, summer, and meat taunted her. She enjoyed them yet at the same time knew it was not real. At some point she felt a body curl up next to her own, offering warmth. Her sleep was to deep to allow her to come out of it. She was thankful to not be alone anyways. This left her mind as she slipped back into her fantasies.

It was maybe at least a hour or so before she tripped in one her of her dreams. She awoke gasping in shock, *Your fine*. Those always sucked, felt like you were falling into nothingness. She glanced down to her side and smiled slightly. Resting besides her was a cute little cream puppy..not to young though, of course. It was much to late in season for anything much younger then this one. She nudge it's cheek to awake it, "Hello there stranger." Her tail lifted and fell slowly with a soft thump thump thump each time. The young one opened her lids to reveal what Frost thought to be gorgeous eyes. They were rich in a dark Emerald green, reminding her of the alpha suddenly. "I'm taking it I'm in the presence young royalty," Her tone was friendly and slightly joyed. The pup gave her a touch of happiness and...possibly hope. By the second nudge it drowsily it lifted it's head causing the women to giggle. *Adorable*
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
In her long Dani had dosed off herself, slipping into a wondrous releam. One where she was fierce, brave, and strong. Her small family was happy and she had both of her brothers. It seemed so perfect and so far from reality. It soothed her but soon enough she was being awaken by the adult next to her. Begrudgingly she opened her eyes.

When the touch came another time she lifted up her face, "Oh, um, hi...I'm Danica. Yes I am a Secret Woodland princess." She spoke in a shy tone and lost Frost's gaze. Frowning the women moved her muzzle to her own and gently brought her face back, "Don't chu ever shy away from anyone dear. Plus I also promise to never hurt you little miss." She spoke in a voice so trusting and kind. The pup replied, "But I'm this way, it's hard to be brave." Her elder's smile returned and caught the girl's attention, "Your still so young, you'll find your confidence eventually." This gave her hope in herself, maybe she would! That would be so glorious.

The other she wolf sat up and Dani fallowed quickly in pursuit, not wasting a second. The beige wolf intrigued her greatly, "What is your name?" She asked forcing a smile. Honestly she was tingling all over with a nervous sensation...as if a fan girl meeting her idol. This wasn't her mother nor her dark furred big brother, but some one completely brand new to her life. She calmed her breathing in hope to settle all of her controlling emotions.

(Fade out from here, let it be assumed they spent the day together bonding.)
(This post was last modified: Jul 19, 2014, 05:17 PM by Danica.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health