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Dag on Rodents — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
I'm having this dated after she heals up some what.
RE: Frost was outsmarted by a rodent.

Frost felt good today, her leg had healed up some so that she could walk better and her belly wasn't completely empty. Her health was still dangerously low due to starvation but she was feeling better today nonetheless. The young women stood still watching the rodent ahead of her silently. The poor animal was about to meet it's fate, or so she thought.

Dashing forward with an open maw she started the chase. The little critter was quick to move and before she had realized it ducked into a snow hidden hole. She ran over it snapping her jaws wildly and clamping down on air. Growling in frustration she turned around to dig furiously with her good leg's paw. It did her no good and soon she realized this. With a grunt she stalked away some with a defeated frown. She listened to it's tormenting chatter, as if mocking her. *Just you wait* She thought sitting down.

Now, Frost knew she had short patience, but this seemed to be disregarded by her. She was determined to sit out here till it came outside. Of course the plump rodent could of had many other emergency exits but she was too hungry to consider looking. The event that took place was just enough to dent her mood so that she was a grumpy wolf. The snow fell down on her beige coat from a mid-morning sky. The sun hid amongst the clouds high above.
Thanks TABs for the table and it's photo I've used for her featured photo.
Thanks PuppyThief for the winter skin and avatars!

[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
So much time had passed since his return and still he felt as though time were moving slow. He was unsure of what would happen with his acceptance into Secret Woods, although he was positive that Nina and the kids had missed him, his absence had tore into a huge hole into their trust. He could only wait, and hope for the best as he waited for an answer--in the mean time, he was hungry. He was always hungry, and rightly so, considering his size and current health, he could eat everyday if things went his way but it was nearly impossible to catch every single meal that crossed his path. That didn't mean he wasn't willing to try. With winter upon them, he needed as much fuel as he could get to keep himself from losing muscle, and on this day he was hunting rabbit, following the fresh trail of tiny pawprints.

The rabbit would be a satisfying treat until tonight when he would need more fueling, but that was neither a focus or a concern to him for the time being, instead he had every intention of finding this rabbit. After 15 minutes of stealthy tracking he saw it, the ears of the rabbit swiveling atop its skull as it focused on the sound of Koda's footfalls. After two steps, the chase was on, and the rabbit was quick to seek coverage in the thicket of trees where it would blend in with the surrounding and camouflage itself from its attacker--Koda as always, was three steps ahead of it. Increasing his speed, he plowed through the snow behind the rabbit at an angle, twisting and turning with such precision, one would assume he was flying instead of running. In fact, it was because of his age, and experience in hunting rabbits since his days as a young lad.

The rabbit grew frantic, miscalculated its step, and stumbled over a path of thick snow giving him the boost he needed to catch up to it. Before the rabbit reached the treeline, he threw a forepaw forward to trip it, in which it tripped, flew an inch ahead, and fell victim to his jaws in a flash. He snapped the spine of his prey quickly, feeling the sweet reward of blood on his tongue as he slowed to a slow walk. Dropping the rabbit to the ground, so that he could feast his eyes on his prize, he hardly noticed the figure of the cream wolf in the distance, frail and thin, he assumed that winter had been a harsh one for her. Dipping his head to scoop the prey into his jaws, he approached Frost with caution, his tail high in the air as a signal to her that he would fight if he needed to, and dropped the kill once more to speak. "You trying to catch frost bite miss?" he wondered, seeing her sitting so still in the snow without the presence of anything within a radius of her. Maybe she was of arctic blood and felt nothing, "are you in need of food?" he continued on, turning his gaze to the fresh kill at his feet. If she needed it, the male didn't mind giving her the kill, if only it meant that it would keep her alive longer.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
(Hiya! :D I asked Lighting, just to make sure, and she said that yes Frost will be getting accepted. So in this thread they are both members. :) )

The smell of Nina, her alpha-the thought of having someone above her sent chills down her spine- and some male stranger came to her shortly before she saw him. Giving Koda a quick look over she could assume he was in much better health then herself. She also took note that he was much bigger then her, had honey colored eyes, and a multi colored coat. Slowly she stood up and took a neutral stance, she didn't know who ranked above.

"Hello there, fellow Secret Woodlander." She spoke at the same time as him but managed to pick up the words spoken. "I would say jinx, but our words were different. No, I'm after a clever rodent-she turned her head towards the borrow- and it's funny you mention frost for I am named Frost. " She took a moment to give a small humored laugh, smiling warmly. She attempted to look as friendly as possible, her tail taking on a small wag.

"I don't know your rank, so please forgive me if I'm suppose to be submitting." Her head cocked a little in unsurety while her tone held subtle confusion. "For your rabbit Sir, I can not accept it. The prey is yours." Her sea green eyes flashed to the fresh kill for a moment and she had to restrain herself. The craved look of starvation nibbled at her orbs, but she fought back at the compulsive need to rip into the meat and scarf it down. Flicking her glance back to him she awaited his response.
Thanks TABs for the table and it's photo I've used for her featured photo.
Thanks PuppyThief for the winter skin and avatars!

[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Frost seemed friendly enough. Her demeanor posed no threat therefore a smile spread the length of his lips as he listened to her talk, giving a name similar to the weather they were forced into--frozen, frigid and unbelievably cold. Though Frost was nothing like her name, because she was calm and collected, and her personality made the older male chuckle, he listened to the reason that she stood so still in the midst of such freezing weather. She was hunting a rodent, the smallest meal a wolf could muster to hunt, and this truth made the male turn to the rabbit at his feet with guilt, how could he keep such a meal from this woman when she obviously needed a meal. "A rodent is hardly a meal for a wolf your size," he started, gazing to the spot that she stared so intently at, "besides, that rodent is probably far gone by now. They have plenty of tunnels beneath the earth." he finished, knowing full well that Frost would be there for hours without a prize in her jaws.

When she turned down his offer of the rabbit, the male felt a pang in his chest before giving a shake of his head, acknowledging the woman's strong desire to remain strong and independent, but if she wanted to be an asset to this pack she needed to know how to settle into a pack life. "Please, you need it more then me." he added, nudging the rabbit toward her finally with a push of his velvety black nose, the blood that spilled from the puncture wound from his teeth had frozen over from the cold. "I am Koda Reinier by way, it is a pleasure meeting you Frost. I hope you are liking it in Secret Woodland so far." he was sure that the woman would be able to recognize his last name as that of their alpha, Nina his soul mate. "and there is no need to submit, we are family and I feel no disrespect from you." truthfully, he didn't know what his rank was either, it was better just to drop ranks for now and situate those out down the road.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

A young pronghorn has fallen behind its herd and starved in the snow. +5 Health

Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
"Yea, a rodent is a small meal..." She spoke agreeing with him and trailed off at the end. Frost was feeling pressured by the male and her own harsh hunger. It was like being between a rock and a hard spot. "Persistence can pay off," She said this in attempt to refuel her determination. She knew better though and that the rodent wasn't likely to be around anytime soon. She sighed a little with frustration, "Stupid little critters are intelligent." *Oh nice, that made plenty of sense. Call them stupid and intelligent in the same sentence.* She scolded while scowling.

Koda shook his head, pulling her attention back to him. He kept offering the rabbit and she kept denying it, *Winter is harsh. You both need that bunny.* The thought made her suggest, "Share?" Her voice was begrudging; she didn't want to take any from him. She looked down at it while licking her leathery lips in anticipation. Meeting his glance she replied, "Thank you, I am. The pleasure is all mine." She spoke feeling the same emotion as of before, when she was accepted. More of her seemed happy now but she still repulsed it. The warm feeling was connected with pack life and there for disliked. Her fighting it was useless though, she enjoyed being around others....even if it took away her freedom.

Frost didn't pay attention to the name, not realizing part of it was the same as her Alpha's last name. "Oh, um, thank you." She smiled and that 'terrible' filling seemed to fill her ear tip to claw. *Family...* She thought tossing it around in her head. *I might have to rethink this just for the Winter thing.* This crossed her mind causing her to offer him a smile. *No, that's foolish!* The opinions began a inner war.

"Hey, you smell that! No need for your kill!" Her voice lightened up and her grin grew. Her tail waved ferociously as she, not giving him the chance to answer her, bolted towards the sent following her moist black nose. It hurt to be moving so fast in her condition, yet this was pushed out of her mind. *Food,* She thought coming to a stop at the scent. Looking it over she spotted the chest and gave it a crazed look. She began to nibble on the unfrozen meat viciously; ripping, tearing, and scarfing down the food. *Koda,* The name made her stop eating and sit down. She peered around to look for him and saw nothing moving near her. Barking out her presence, instead of simply howling, she awaited his company. Blood had split down her neck onto her chest and paws, her face was splattered on.

Not sure if he would hear she said loudly, "We should carry whatever we don't eat back to the pack. It won't be easy, but they could use the food in their bellies." As she spoke her eyes glowed excitedly and seemed more alive like once more.
Thanks TABs for the table and it's photo I've used for her featured photo.
Thanks PuppyThief for the winter skin and avatars!

[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Darn! I guess the switch button no longer works for accounts, I kept thinking I was under Koda's account. OMG, must get those posts deleted!

When the woman suggested that they share the rabbit, his shoulder shrugged as a means of letting her win the fight--he would not bicker back and forth on a meal. He nodded his head, acknowledging Frost's request as once more he nudged the dead rabbit at her feet, allowing her to take the first bite. At the moment his appetite had subsided. "I'm fine with sharing. Go ahead and take the first bite, I'm sure you're starving with a meal so close to you." he fell silent while turning his ear backward against the wind, sitting in one spot so long allowed him to feel the grip of winter along his back hairs, shaking them vigorously he attempted to rid the feeling from him.

It wasn't long before the woman, seemingly forgetting the meal he'd offered her, bolted in the direction of a buried creature. Turning his nose toward her, he caught the whiff of stale meat in the wind and watched as she pulled the remains of a buried pronghorn from the snow and began to devour it. He shook his head, not understanding the reasoning of this woman before him because it amazed him that his freshly caught meal had gone without a nibble thus far, therefore he took it upon himself to begin his own feast. Tearing into the rabbit flesh, he ate quickly and quietly, until what remained was the coat of the rabbit blowing calm in the wind. Licking the blood from his lips he walked toward Frost, who was feasting quietly herself, and settled at her side for a rest, speaking only once the woman spoke on considering bringing what was left for the pack. It was an idea to consider, "Wow, how thoughtful of you." he started, smiling at the woman who was finally getting the nutrients she needed, "that sounds like a wonderful idea,this pronghorn should be able to help some during this strange famine." his concern rested firmly on her health first, and the remainder of the pack once they returned back with the food, "once you're ready let me know." and he waited patiently for the woman to get her fill.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink

Frost nodded at him and went back to munching on the old meat. She hadn't been eating long when the scent hit her nose. Whispering to him she said, "Wow, today must be our lucky day. What should we do? Howl for the others? I'm going to finish this before we find them," She was not sure what do to, the fact that the deer smelt very close excited her. With more silent bites she went back to her meal. Her trouble to focusing on was obvious as she trembled from adrenaline, she wanted to tear into something alive for the pack. She was perplexed at the odd blood thirty emotion consuming her...yet at the same time felt a oddly powerful from it. Tan ears were swerving about as she listened in concentration. The beige wolf's small belly filled up quite quickly and soon she was ready to track. The carcass before her still had a small portion of meat sticking on it. What was left wasn't a generous amount, but would fill a pup. If she felt less confident about a successful hunt happening, she might of saved some more.

Limping she approached the male thinking of @Nina and the pack. "They need this food, it is important to all of our survival." She mumbled under her breath. A twig snapped from some where around them and Frost froze. She immediately stopped talking, lowering her body in attempt to make herself less noticeable. What was to happen? Would a meal be killed for the Secret Woodlands pack? *Maybe, just maybe.*
(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2014, 10:55 PM by Frost.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Do you know how to send alert to the whole pack? If that's possible anyway...

He waited with surprising patience for the woman to finish the pronghorn meal, having satisfied his own hunger earlier from a small rabbit that had died at the expense of his jaws and no longer felt hungry--it was nourishment that fueled him completely. When she was finished he found it odd that the smell of deer crossed his nostrils, the possibility of a meal within the grasp of the pack, that is if they could assemble them without scaring the herd. He was still in his spot, allowing his nose to lift toward the gust of the wind, attempting to decipher how many potential deer there were for hunting but it was hard to tell from this distance. Expelling a huff of breath he looked toward Frost with a gleam of excitement along his features though he did not speak for fear of ruining this opportunity--there was no way he was throwing this chance away.

His tail rising, he lifted his head to send a boisterous howl into the wind which was directed toward the members of the pack. He was sure that his call would reach at least a mile wide, hopefully some Woodland wolf was close enough in the area to help bring down the weight of a fully grown deer. No doubt the weight himself and Frost combined would not be enough to chase away the other herd members so that they could find a weak link to hunt down. "Call with me Frost." he stated, giving her a side ways glance. They would need to send an urgent enough message to get a prompt response.