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Hollowheart Keep Pack Thread — Hollowheart Keep 
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Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
The man gave a quiet hum as the boy suddenly seemed to retreat. Had he realized that he'd said a little too much? But that wasn't for Chulyin to judge. They were packmates now. He couldn't help but wonder what Karpos would do next. If this was truly eating at him, would he go to find his sister? If she would on this side of the mountain, maybe he'd have some luck. If it hadn't been so cold and late, the man might've pushed him to face his demons. But again...Karpos was just a boy. It wasn't right.

With a tip of his head, the copper-eyed man watched the pup disappear back into the pack den. He lingered outside of a moment, staring into the darkness, enjoying the serene quiet of their new hiding place. They weren't so secluded now, though. Not trapped atop a mountain, hidden away in the rocks. They were among other packs now. With a deep sigh, Chulyin too rose to his paws and retreated back into the den. The cold went away as he laid down near the entrance, head rested upon his paws as his eyes lingered on the boy for a moment long. Sleep, eventually, took him, leaving behind the cold and dark, and bringing in the light. <b style="color:#a51919">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by PuppyThief who has 68 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Evann Atlas

She had brought her pray to the leaders, who in turn had accepted her into the pack. Then, too anxious and filled with adrenalin from the hunt to sleep, she had decided to look around her new home a little; hoping to meet some of her new comrades. But the forest was dense, and the residents of Hollowheart Keep seemed guarded, at ease hiding amongst the shadows. As the rush from hunting wore of, Evann's legs started shaking again, her starved, exhausted body begging for rest. Relinquishing her catch had been a true feat of strength, her body calling for its nourishment, but she had done it; for the good of the pack.

Now she found herself at the very heart of the keep, the pack den laying empty and silent before her; during her hunt with The Silver Dagger, no other name had ever been offered, night had become morning, and now, as she gingerly sat herself down on the cold forest floor, the day had grown old enough for the pups to be out and about. Pups and pups... They must be nearly yearlings now. The brown dame looked at the clearing around her, wondering exactly how many youngsters belonged to her new home - She liked pups, back home they had been the only ones never to judge her for her stammer; Home... THIS is home now! She reminded herself. She would very much like to meet the Hollowheart younglings, hopefully they would be just as kind...

Liking the hare blood from her jaws, she slowly lay all the way down, stretching her quivering legs out to give them some rest. She was still hungry, still exhausted... But she felt much better, safer, happier. Home.

Thoughts - <b style="color:#59009E;">Speech
Played by Jess who has 161 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling

With a yawn, Mercy touched his nose to his mother's cheek gently and continued on his way toward the pack's communal den. He'd caught his mother on his way back from the borders and as she was on her way back out to scout. With the herds having disappeared, he knew it would be some time before he saw her again- she said she heading out further abroad, taking Gent with her, in search of anything edible outside their usual hunting areas which were closest to their claimed lands. He knew it was dangerous, but his mother had left with such ease and calm that he assumed she wouldn't be gone long and she didn't expect anything eventful to happen.

She'd brought him the haunch of a hare she'd caught and in their brief conversation had mentioned hunting with the newest member of the pack. He was surprised and somewhat amused at the fact that when he asked his mother for the new female's name, she had none to give. To him, his mother seemed quite social and outgoing- but then again, he knew she wasn't generally very talkative with strangers, and had likely prioritized the hunt above social hour. Deciding that he might check this new wolf out, he headed toward the pack's den and wasn't long in finding her scent and tracking his way toward her.

Like many members of the pack, Evann was mostly dark in colour, though her dark fur was tinged with grey and brown, unlike the others who were mainly black and grey. She was larger than his mother, but not bulky- few wolves were, anyway, this far into the winter. He lowered his head in a greeting and flicked his ears forward, stopping in his tracks. "So you're the new member," He said, with a kindly smile. His mother had been quite vague about what she thought about this new member, so he didn't close the distance just yet, preferring to see if she responded in a favorable way.

Played by PuppyThief who has 68 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Evann Atlas
Well hello there! XD

She had started cleaning her paws, where a bit of blood had somehow landed, quickly drying in the cold, when the sound of nearing food steps made her ears flick. Looking up to see who it was, she was pleasantly surprised recognize the disproportionate form of a child, not yet a yearling. A faint smile snuck its way onto her face at the sight of his lanky legs and large paws, moving with a slight tumble as all wolves his age would.

When the boy spoke she politely slit up her eyes to meet his, their gorgeous puppy-blue sending a pleasant warmth through her, awakening the few, pleasant memories she had to call on. Smile growing warmer, she nodded politely; <b style="color:#59009E;">"Y... Ye-Yes I am. Ev-vann is my name, a... a... and I've j-just joined last na... na-ight." She hardly even noticed it anymore, the stutter. It was just there, part of her, and especially around young wolves, it rarely seemed to matter; As it shouldn't.

Looking the lad over immodestly, she noticed how similar the pattern of silver, gray and black was to the woman she had been hunting with this very night. Coincidence perhaps, or maybe they were related. Returning her eyes to his, she let her grin drop to an apologetic smile; <b style="color:#59009E;">"Excuse me for n... n-not standing, b... bu... b-but I'm quite t... t-tired." She spoke to him like an equal, something she had always done with even small pups - maybe it was because they were the only ones who would accept her as their peer, or maybe it was because she knew what it was like to be spoken down to, even if you were perfectly capable of understanding.

Continuing in her friendly, yet polite manner she asked: <b style="color:#59009E;">"M-May I ask y-your name?" The boy seemed nice, his warm smile and welcoming attitude putting the older girl at ease. She was so very happy to be interacting again, after so long on her own, and especially with someone who she already thought of, and would hopefully also come to consider her, as family.

Thoughts - <b style="color:#59009E;">Speech
Played by Jess who has 161 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
hen the female spoke, it was with a smile and a tone of voice which convinced Mercy that she was friendly- but despite the good-naturedness of her gaze, her voice shook as she spoke. It seemed odd, to Mercy, to hear someone speak with such broken words when they were not obviously frightened or intimidated. She wasn't twitchy or shivery, leading him to believe that her speech pattern was truly unusual. He'd never encountered a stutterer before, and was surprised that something like this hadn't been mentioned by his mother. Likely it was because his mother had more tact and was better able to accept a speech impediment. His surprised showed, but he was quick to try and cover it up with a smile as he moved closer.

"I know," He said, as he dawdled through the snow so that he could lay down, not too far from her side. "My mom told me. She's the one that went hunting with you- her name's Sagacity," He said, having somehow got the feeling that his mother hadn't even bothered to introduce herself. Her eyes had had a far-off look when she'd left, meaning that she wasn't really in the mood for small talk. He shook his head when she apologized for not standing, to dismiss the need for such a formality. "S'fine. This winter's been crazy," He said, even though he had no other winters to compare it too. It was crazy enough for him to believe that it was unique in its ferocity.

He glanced over when she asked his name, and found himself for a moment looking into warm, chocolate eyes which were soft and gentle. He found himself not caring that her speech was interrupted. "Sure. I'm Mercy," He said. "Welcome to the pack."

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
Chulyin is invading because socializing (and ugh he needs to meet the kids), unless this expires and then i cry

With the knowledge that Naira was striking out to find what little food might be left, Chulyin stuck close to the pack lands now. He'd wandered about too much on his own search for food, and figured that it was for the best anyway. He was a large man, better at killing the prey than catching it, and had really only been so successful in his outings because of the women he'd met. As per usual, he'd left the den early to scout the borders, refreshing the scent markers as he usually did, checking for the scent of strangers, possible invaders, only to find nothing. Returning, he could help but overhear a familiar voice and an unfamiliar voice. He'd been aware of a new body within their lands, if only because of scent, but had not yet seen nor spoken to the stranger. Closing the distance to the den, he spotted the pair now, Mercy and who he could only assume was this new stranger.

He hadn't had much contact with the children of this pack, in fact having more contact with the boy who was not a native to their pack, then his his own blood, or even Mercy, who had been here as long as he was aware, longer than he had, even. As he plodded heavily through the frozen layers of snow, he bowed his head at the pair, <b style="color:#a51919">"Good morning." Ears pressed forward, he looked over the female. She seemed pleasant, a kind soul if the look upon her face was of any indication. <b style="color:#a51919">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by PuppyThief who has 68 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Evann Atlas
LE-GHASP! You can't just BARGE IN!! - Nono jk xD Happy to have ya, Ev needs to meet the pack ^^
Oh and Sorry for the wait... :/

She saw his surprise, open and honest as it was, and swallowed hard in the silent second that fallowed. Then the warm, uncaring smile returned to grey boy's smile, and she breathed out silently; Thank you... This was the blessing of the young, so easy to accept the unusual, since most things were new to them. Evann smiled back, following him with her soft gaze as he walked over to lie himself down a few steps away, giving a polite, thankful nod when he dismissed the need for standing.

The young lad was very respectful, leading Evann's smile to widen uncharacteristically in humor, when he confirmed her slight hunch, finally adding a name to the infamous Silver Dagger; Sagacity... An unusual calling, but then again, she was far away from home; something the grey boy confirmed when giving his own name; Yet... It seems... Fitting. The brown girl nodded again, her smile returning to the small, warm show of friendliness it had been before.

She was just parting her lips to thank the boy for his welcome, when the sound of heavy steps made her ears and, seconds after, her head snap around. A dark figure entered the small clearing by the den, large black plowing through the snow, where both Mercy and Evann, with her small stature and lag of hull, had been able to walk on top. The lassie's smile faded, but her eyes, locked on the new-comer, showed only curiosity and hope; no fear. She knew that any wolf who was able to make it this far into the pack territory had to be a native - his smell, born towards her by the cool winds, confirmed it. Still, she was anxious to so suddenly be faced with another adult, her body tensing slightly, sending stabs of pain through her tired legs.

Despite her nerves though, Evann soon pushed forwards, politeness being an important quality to her; "Go.. Go-Go... Good morning to.. t-to you too." She looked to meet the man's golden eyes shortly, before shying hers away, looking over to Mercy in search of his reaction to the dark male; and, bizarrely, finding strength in his young, blue gaze. Blinking once, she quickly looked back to the standing wolf, courtesy once more at the front of her mind, she anxiously waited for his response, forcing herself to meet his eyes again.

Thoughts - Speech
Played by Jess who has 161 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Though the pretty female seemed pretty calm in his company, she stiffened when she heard the approach of another wolf. Mercy's head lifted, but his ears were perked and interested, not frightened or alarmed. Not only did he recognize the scent, but he knew that no lone or dangerous wolf would be able to trespass so far into their territory, as new as it was, and make it all the way to their communal den without someone calling out in alarm. He lifted himself into a seated position and his tail automatically began to wag as soon as he saw Chulyin. Not only was he equal to his mother in rank, thereby earning the boy's respect, but he was also Naira's brother. His size and characteristically austere nature also won him the boy's admiration, and Mercy found himself drawn by the mysterious and quiet allure the man carried himself with. <p>

"Mornin' Chulyin," Mercy said with a smile and a low tip of his head. Evann greeted him with the same stammer she'd had earlier, but he couldn't mistake the hint of nervousness which had crept into her soft tones. He could feel her eyes glancing in his direction as though to see how he judged their new companion and develop her own judgement from that. Mercy was relaxed, but showed a great deal of respect nonetheless for the dark male. "This is Chulyin, he's our beta male; and he's Naira's brother," He said, with a tinge of pride. Though Chulyin had missed Mercy's earliest months, he still liked the idea of one day being able to call Chulyin family as well, given that Naira had had an important hand in raising him. "This is Evann; she's new." He said, introducing one packmate to the other with friendly ease. </blockquote>
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout

Having returned from one of many scouting adventures without seeing any trace of Mercy, Sagacity walked dejectedly back to the communal den area, head low and tail hanging limply. Her ears pointed back, a sign of her contempt with the world, having left her without her one and only possession- her son. Due to the fact that it was breeding season, she felt even more alone- Faol was gone as well, and she felt a longing that she knew no one in the pack could satisfy. Naira was her one source of consolation, but as she had last year, Sagacity gave the alpha female plenty of space now that hormones were running high. The pack was full of females, but only Naira and Mapplethorpe were a pair; she knew that the two of them would be having pups come Spring, but right now, that didn't matter. All she wanted was to have her son back.

Her attitude brightened slightly when she caught the scent of prey, a rabbit. There were no tracks, but she scent was strong enough that she was able to pinpoint its location which was, in fact, buried deep in the snow inside its nest. She scrabbled and dug as quickly as she possibly could, and as soon as she felt something soft near her feet she plunged her head in and grabbed the meagre, fluffy bundle. A few snaps of her jaws and it was over- the rabbit was dead. It wasn't much of a rabbit- the thing was half starved itself, but it would be consumed, fur, bones and all. But rather than eat it herself, she carried it to the den, and dug a hole in the snow only a few feet away from the den's mouth. The rabbit was buried and marked with Sagacity's scent, so that any wolves inferior to her would know that the rabbit was not to be touched by them. Pups, naturally, were exempt to this- until they were adults, they were the top priority in the pack, and needed to be taken care of. So once she finished with her stash, she called out; a message only to the alphas and the two remaining pups, that there was a small meal to be had. Tired, she slumped down on the ground just inside the den and set her jaw on her paws so she could rest.