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Whisper Caverns Pack Thread — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

That urge hadn't gone away. It was still there raw and open to the air. The need to prove herself only heightened when she received her pups answers. They both wanted her to take her place as leader again. If only to attempt to make things as they once had been. Though she knew in her heart that as long as another male led beside her things would never be the same again. Of course it stands to reason that I'm only...second? right now? She recalled the submission Inali showed her and wondered if Simaea would submit so easily or if she already thought Nari as above her. The silver wolf wondered about that. She had seen the commanding nature of Simaea while she worked a number of times. Depending on what the healer thought of her Sim might not simply submit before Nari once they met.

Her ears tipped sideways in surprise as Titan let out information she had not known. That Tokino was no longer the lowest male in ranking. She wondered if he had successfully challenged Kieth for second when another thought came to her; that Nari had not scented Kieth around their den or borders either. Had he also disappeared? Maybe he left with Sloane? Or went out to find him? She wasn't positive, but the silver wolf hardened her heart trying to push the pain away. She had to be strong for her pups now through all of this trouble. Especially since they expected her to retake her position as alpha. Logically it was the correct thing to do but Nari was sure she wouldn't be able to challenge her knowing how well she'd taken care of her pups and the pack. She wouldn't steal back her position from the good female. Narime felt that it was not the right thing to do.

Sighing the woman watched her son edge over to the den's entrance. The boy scuffled around the huge opening of the cavern asking for her to show them some hunting techniques. Smiling broadly Narime righted herself then looked down to @Malia.

"Want to come with us darling? I'll show you how to creep up on anything out in the snow." She gave her daughter a warm lick on her rusted nose nuzzling her cheek before pulling away. "Honestly I would like your company." She gave that comment to both Titan and Malia then started for the mouth of the den. It seemed that it was not yet time to rest herself for the day.

(Exit Narime)

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
The woman had in all honesty surprised herself, never before had she thought of herself as a leader and yet she found it came naturally to her. Perhaps this was because the role had kept her so busy, she never had a spare moment to stop and think about how all of this had come around, she simply did the best she could to fill the role she was in. Minka knew that Ash had been a huge help in her becoming more confident in her ability to lead, when she had led alone she had felt as if she was drowning in the responsibility, there was simply too much to do for only one wolf. Though they had never gotten close, hardly spoke really besides brief friendly and formal exchanges based around the pack the woman was incredibly thankful that he had come.

In a rare spare moment the woman found herself making busy work, work that didn't necessarily need to be done that second but she was doing all the same. In adjusting to her responsibilities Minka had adapted to the constant business, and found it hard to spend any free time lounging or roaming without purpose. At this moment she was clearing the snow from the entrance to the cave, a task that had to be done every couple of days to keep the entrance open, a task that had been done just yesterday. The powder was light and moved easily and soon the alpha found herself done and without much to do once more, sighing she stared off into the white of the snow that had been constant once again. Winter had gripped them in yet another freak storm.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The winter that was going to be long was raining down hard on all of them. Ash had been working none stop in efforts to try and provide for his pack, and this winter had been extremely hard on all of them. Perhaps it was fate that drove him away from the mountains, because he was certain if they would have stayed that a terrible fate would have become them and the wolves would have been stuck, something that Ash knew would never be able to occur. Sighing softly, he walked throughout the territory, his mossy green gaze sharp and observant, making sure that every detail within his new territory was in its rightful place. Minka seemed to be quite the partner, though they never exchanged many words besides pleasantries, which Ash felt was a respect to Namara, whom he claimed as his interest when they had first arrived.

As he approached the den that day though, his partner caught his eye. Moving towards her and watching her movements, he noted the lost look about her, as if she did not know what she was doing or what she should have been doing. The Hervok alpha was no fool and knew that Minka was everything but a slacker. He had much experience from the past on how hard winter could be on any wolf, especially the leaders. So giving her what little comfort the former Poison Path alpha could muster up, he sat a good distance away from her and spoke, "You know, it isn't a crime to relax every once in awhile, Minka." He spoke the words kindly and with some insight. The brute remembered overworking himself when he had been back in Poison Path, especially when Athena had taken many falls, Ash had needed to support the pack on his own and instead of receiving help with his tasks, he carried the burden of two instead of one. Luckily, Minka would not have to go through that any longer.
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Minka startled slightly at Ash's words, broken from her thoughts, more of a mental inventory a list of all the things she needed to complete. Smiling towards him she chuckled, "Perhaps it's not, but I find I no longer know how to keep still for long," the fae was sure he understood. He had spoken of previous leading experience, and he was doing a good job here at the caverns there was no doubt so surely he understood why she tried so hard. The cavern wolves were her family through and through, she loved each and every member fiercely and would protect all of them until her dying breath if need be. This is what drove her every day, knowing that they depended on the she wolf doing a good job, making decisions and keeping them safe, and she would not let them down.

The tawny woman's mind wandered to Narimé, who had been home for a few weeks but who Minka was ashamed to admit she had been avoiding slightly. Not that it was hard with how busy she was, but even when she knew there was work she could do alongside the previous the alpha would chose to go elsewhere. Turning towards the rust coloured male the she wolf decided that confiding in him would be the proper thing to do, "Do you believe that me holding my position as leader now that Narimé has returned is the right decision?" It was an honest question, there was no pressure in her voice only curiosity, here was someone who was relatively outside of the situation, he had never known Narimé. Ash was someone she respected and his opinion was valued, he led beside her loyally and without judgement, he truly was an honest man.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

The large male listened to the other woman's response and small sigh catching in his throat with her response. He could understand where the young woman was at that point in time. He too had always worked his ass off to the point when it had become dangerous to his health and he had needed to go and do something about it. Ash did not regret the choices he made, but sometimes wished he would have known better in the past, perhaps then he would still be within Poison Path, leading them and protecting them from the shadows. It was easier to do in the mountains, because the branches and trees helped hide him, but he did not blend as well in the earthy setting. The two alphas sat in silence, something that Ash had come accustomed to over the years, and comfortably sat in his spot, his head moving to look at her when she spoke. Blinking back his look of surprise, he looked down at the snow covered ground, his mossy green orbs narrowing, making it look as if his eyes were closed.

Letting a breath slip past his lips, he parted her lips to speak, "I think you're doing the right thing...staying in your position. Nari is still shaken without her mate by her side and I worry for the well being of the pack...should she rise to power before she reclaims her mental stability." The man had nothing against the woman, but his words were the truth, because really, the Hervok was fond of the gray woman, she was kind and sweet, everything that Poison Path had not been. Turning his gaze back on her, he spoke calmly, but his voice was assertive and strong, "That being said, I can't say that she feels the same way, being that she founded the pack, but none the less, she may pretend like she doesn't need our help, but she needs family right now...and we need to provide that for her." He then let his ears prick toward, waiting to hear any response come from the creamy woman beside him.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

The silence that stretched for many moments was comfortable, something that often accompanied them when they worked as a pair. It was strange but they almost worked better in silence than with actual verbal communication between them. Perhaps it was because of Ash and Namara, Minka often felt herself avoiding him when they were together to avoid stepping on toes. Never would she want to encroach upon another fae' mate and so the alpha left Ash at a respectable distant, more coworkers than a pair. This is why is surprised even herself a little when she posed the question about Narimé, never before had she asked such a personal question of the male.

The tawny woman thought back to the glimpses she caught of Nari since her return, and it was with a troubled heart she realized how much had changed. Though the grey woman put up a strong front, especially around the children, something had shifted something was missing. Staring off almost as if to a distance Minka nodded, lost in her own thoughts she murmured "She isn't the same without Sloane, his disappearance has scarred her deeply even if she won't admit it." When the pair had reigned it was Sloane who most often made the decisions, Narimé happy to lead by his side and raise the children, but now would she be happy not leading? Minka's features betrayed her thoughts as they usually did, "But I fear if I fight to keep my position Narimé will no longer respect me, especially if she feels strongly that she should lead." It was the way of the wolf to challenge if they felt they deserved higher ranking, they were proud beings and Minka was sure Narimé was no different.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

After the fiasco that had been the pack meeting, Inali had stayed as far away from Ash as she could. Really, she had avoided everyone. She needed time to think to herself, and being divided didn't feel very good. But after stewing about her decision for days on end, she had finally made her decision. After so long, @Minka would finally get an answer. This decision had cost alot from her. She had been so afraid to not make the right decision, that's why it had taken her so long to come up with an answer for her friend. But no more. Inali reared her head back and let out a howl for the pack mate that she considered her sister. Inali had made her decision, and nothing would stop her from telling Minka the news.

Lowering her head, the woman waited in front of the large pack den where most of them rested. Usually by now she would be pacing because of the nerves, but for some reason she felt unnaturally calm. Inali hoped that was a sign from the Fates that she had chosen well. As she waited, her mind drew even deeper into her thoughts. This was no longer the home that she was so eager to learn the previous spring. It broke her heart, but it was true. She belonged here no more.

(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2014, 03:29 AM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Sorry! This weekend had been killer and this post sucks @Inali

When Inali's call had come Minka had been marking the far western borders, and she cursed herself for being so far away. Hostility was running high within the pack, they were a ticking time bomb before somebody snapped and it broke out into violence. Silently the fae had been hoping and counting the days that passed, each bringing her closer until they could leave. It didn't help that they had now entered the breeding season, the females of the packs hormones reigned supreme and males were all on edge with need. Warning growls and barred teeth were a daily occurrence as the genders did their best to get through a time that was always difficult within pack lands. This year however it had also brought the rusty alpha much joy, over the past few days herself and Tokino had been inseparable, and with any luck they would welcome pups this summer.

Moving at a brisk trot Minka weaved through the territory, doing her best to avoid the areas where snow was turning to slush. The grounds were warming and soon the meadow would be nothing but a mud bath, threatening to suck in legs and never release them. The sight of the small rusty fae brought forth a small smile from the alpha, she had been giving Inali her space to she could make a decision, but she missed her friend dearly. Gold eyes swept over the she wolf she considered her sister but she remained silent. Now was not the time for Minka to talk, now was a time to listen.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2014, 11:21 PM by Minka.)
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

It took a bit for her friend to come, but good things come to those who wait, or that was what her mother had taught her so long ago in her puphood. Minka came, bearing a small smile. Inali hadn't noticed her tense shoulders until they had sagged in relief. For some odd reason, she thought Minka would greet her with hostility. Bowing her head in submission, for Minka was still her leader, Inali gave her a smile in return. "I think I've kept you waiting long enough sister," she began, a tilting lilt in her voice. Her plan was to walk calmly towards Minka, like a normal adult, but the bounce in her step betrayed some of the childlike innocence she still held. Laughing softly, she continued. "It seems you will have a new second in your ranks after all." Inali nudged her muzzle against Minka's and then pulled away, awaiting a response from her dearest friend. One little detail was forgotten though. She knew she would have to mention Simaea and their budding... relationship?...sooner rather than later, but for now she would feel content in Minka's presence.

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