His body had been set in motion. All work and no play. Thanos had been wanting to show his brother he was a hard worker and worthy of a title of his own. Though his mind had shifted from being a guardian, as there was already two and in his mind that should be enough. Then it had occurred to him that he had some survival skills and was good at helping. This put the idea of teaching the young in his mind too. Yet after his brothers' little girl seeming to be scared of him it put a wobbly setting on that plan.
For as long as he had been here he had seen very little of the man he came to see, Phineas. Lifting his head to the sky he let out a bellowing call for his brother. Going to be in front of the pack den the Argyris man slowly sunk down to the ground. Waiting for his brother, Than couldn't help but wag his tail and smile. He had found his brother, he was living with his brother, how could it get better? Being to anxious to lay any longer he chose to stand and then started to pace. Him and Phineas had so much to get caught up on. His larger brother now had his own pack, a mate, pups and a real place to call home. Hopefully his other brothers, Aeolus and Eerbos, could see that their oldest brother was finally happy.