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In This Lonely World — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
Backdated about 2 weeks because this is really late. So that’ll be 1/13/2014
@Phineas and @Borlla

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

The travel had been hard, almost no food, cold nights – half of them spent in a hole dug into the snow next to bushes and trees – and the long distance covered that would have been tiring even without it being the harshest winter of all. The scent of the borders so close gave her something to think about other than the hunger that gnawed at her stomach, and the fatigue in her body. She felt like lying down and just closing her eyes to sleep, but if she did, she may never wake.

Her surroundings which had whitened due to the snow blurred as she slowly made her way closer, walking next to Ace so she had something to lean on every now and then. Her body was gaunt and scrawny from lack of nourishment; all sharp angles, and her eyes had dulled over from exhaustion. The Young Slayer knew that she would die if she didn’t join a pack. Hopefully they would let her in, but they should, no one could turn away a pup who was so close to death.

When Ace stopped she copied, and leaned against his furry side to take the weight off her paws without laying down. She heard him howl out for the alphas of the pack that two strangers were at their borders, but that they meant no harm. Looking around, everything was the same as it had been when they first started their travel, except Thanos was no longer with them. He had agreed to show them the quickest route to Magnolia Glen, but when they got close he parted company and left. Even though she had tried to make him stay, he wouldn’t, and she had no idea why. But now that they were so close to having a home, she relaxed her body, and waited for the alphas to arrive.

311 Words

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

Ace padded along slowly, slower than he would have if he was by himself so that Adsila could keep up. He could hear her breathing hard, and constantly checked to see if she was okay to continue on. Her body was emaciated, and her movements slower with fatigue and cold. The winter was harsh on all wolves, but it took its toll on her more than others as she was still months away from her first year, not yet old enough to be on her own. It pained him that he couldn’t do anything to help, but the sooner they arrived at the packs borders – which were very close – the better it would be for her.

Stopping a few wolf lengths from the border of Magnolia Glen, he felt Adsila lean against him, and lifted his muzzle to let out a long howl, announcing the presence of two lone wolves who meant no mischief. It was now two, as Thanos had left them as soon as they got close enough to the borders. No matter how hard both he and Adsila had tried to get him to come with them, the tawny male refused to change his mind, and just left. The silver male had no idea where Thanos had gone, but he knew that unless he joined a pack, he would die in the cold.

His silver eyes lowered to Adsila, who was leaning against him, eyes closed and relaxing. She was no longer the strong-spirited pup she had been before Shade died and Pitch Pine Trail fell into despair. Her personality had become more closed, and she spoke less to the point where he could only get a sentence or two out of her at one time. It frightened him, and he hoped that once they joined Magnolia Glen, she could open herself more, have friends again. Act like a pup again.

314 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
The land of Magnolia Glen was beginning to become something of a boîte. Just a few weeks ago, their numbers had been small, though Borlla hadn't be bothered by the fact. But now there seemed to be more activity about, more living breathing souls. Of course, that didn't really keep her stomach from grumbling and that was certainly saying something, as she was typically one of the first to eat. But more bodies didn't mean more food coming in. Perhaps in the season of Spring that would be true, if all the wolves stuck around, but now, when there was nothing, when winter seemed endless, they were little more than ghostly bodies that would, inevitably, make some sort of mess of her life.

The Queen's black dappled tail swung lazily between her calves as she wandered along the borders, hoping, praying that no one would show their face. Oh how she wished for a trespasser rather than someone kind and sincere, looking for a home. Someone she could truly tear into...Her hackles rose as a howl filled her head, drowning her faintly dark thoughts. If only. Sighing, she pushed through the warm tendrils of breath, heading with little pleasure towards the source of the sound. Ears up and posture certainly dominant, the woman saw the man first. He was large, much larger than she, and it unsettled the woman. Only when she saw the dark child at the man's side did she allow a snarl to slide from between her clenched jaws.

She stood before the two vagabonds, her posture threatening to say the least. How dare this man come to her borders with a child in tow, as though that might increase his chances of finding a home here. She felt for the pup, she did, but her own needed food first and foremost and she was furious at the thought of a child not her own feeding from their kill. She snorted, steam drawing out from her nostrils, and looked between the two. "Make your case."
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Phineas was quick behind his mate – given recent events, her fall and Hypatia’s kidnapping, he was loathe to leave her out of his sight for very long.. especially along the borders where anyone could be lurking. Of course, Borlla might have been suspicious of this, but had he outright told her, it was likely her independency would not take it well, and it was likely his shoulder or cheek would see her teeth in a flashing nip.

It was a risk he took, and the large male trailed after her. He had left distance between them –and so emerged only after he heard her words addressing the rogues. His eyes swept over the two – a dark cub who looked to be around the same age as their own children, and a silver male, who he only assumed was the guardian of the cub. It was a terrible time to be wandering with one so young, and yet his sympathy could only stretch so far. They had mouths to feed as well.

Sidling up to the side of his mate, the ivory wolf held himself proudly – his muzzle bent only to nudge her gently as he awaited the words of the wolves. He would be a silent observer for now, pleased to know that Borlla was now healed to the point of accepting members – the thought of losing her had been too much for the regal wolf to handle, and he looked forward to the passing of winter, so they could assume life as if the accident had never happened.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young pronghorn has fallen behind its herd and starved in the snow. +5 Health
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
@Borlla and @Phineas

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

The Young Slayer wasn’t sure how long they waited, but eventually a white and cream wolf emerged. Her fur was mainly white and cream; more white along her underbelly and face, and more black along her back and there was also a darker colouring on her muzzle. The woman’s ears were up and her posture was certainly dominant, so she guessed the wolf to be one of the two leaders. Her orange eyes seemed to be scanning over them, and when her gaze slid onto Adsila a snarl emitted from clenched jaws, and she flattened her ears, lowered her tail and half-hid her face in Ace’s shaggy coat. It seemed that the woman did not like her presence, but why? Was it because she didn’t want any more wolves in her pack, or because she had her own young? There were many different possibilities, and most weren’t good for them.

The white and cream woman’s posture was no longer just dominant, but threatening, and when she spoke it wasn’t in a particularly kind voice. But before she could do anything, another wolf appeared, whom sported an ivory coat, with a saddle of cinnamon and ebony hairs that stretched along his spine. He was larger than the white and cream female, and the Young Slayer guessed them both to be the leaders of the pack, possibly mates from the gentle nudge he gave her.

Her silvery green gaze met Ace’s silvery eyes, almost asking a silent question, “will they let us join?” Adsila couldn’t imagine what would happen if they were chased off, she barely made it to the borders, and the other pack was over a few miles away. There was no way she could make it, so the pack borders they were at was her only hope for survival. Burying her head in Ace’s fur again, she kept silent, letting him do all the talking, and hoping that the two wolves before them would be gracious enough to let them become members.

333 Words

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

As a white and cream female appeared on the other side of the border, her orange eyes scanning over him and Adsila, the Silver male did the same. She was smaller than him – then again, most wolves were – and had lighter features along her underbelly and face, while her back and muzzle were darker. The pale tawny female’s ears were up and her posture was certainly dominant, and there was a fair chance she was one of the two leaders. As a snarl vented from her clenched teeth at the sight of Adsila, Ace fought back one of his own, and instead lowered himself to the ground, keeping his eyes averted from her face and his tail down, almost starting to curl. She didn’t seem to be one of those wolves who took just anyone in, and he wanted to prove to her that both he and Adsila could be useful. But mainly, he just wanted her to be safe in a pack, so he wouldn’t worry over her safety.

When the pale tawny female spoke, it wasn’t in a kind tone, but neither was it in a hostile tone, just very protective. Just as Ace opened his jaws to speak, another scent caught his attention, and he looked up to see who or what it was. Another wolf padded up to the pale tawny female – whom was also lightly coloured – and gently nudged her; was he her mate? Made up of a pale ivory, the male’s coat was spotted with hairs of cinnamon and ebony, and a saddle of said colours along his spine. From the ivory male’s posture, he was most likely the other leader, and Ace quickly lowered his eyes again.

Clearing his throat softly, the Silver male made sure he was appropriately postured before speaking, hope in his voice. “I am Ace Caravello, and this is Adsila Slayer. We have both travelled far from Dragonfly Fen where Pitch Pine Trail has disbanded. All we look for is a home and a family, both to care for us and to look after.” The scent of a pronghorn nearby – most likely dead - caught Ace’s attention briefly, and he turned his head to where it was coming from. Usually, he would have immediately eaten it, but it was in pack lands, and he wouldn’t steal from them, especially if he wanted to join. “I was a guardian in my previous pack, and if you’ll let me once I prove myself, I could protect the borders for you from wolves and other creatures that mean you harm.” He glanced at Adsila and met her gaze, a silent question in them. He nodded slightly before righting his head to stare at the ground upon which the two wolves stood upon.

460 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2014, 03:56 AM by Ace.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
WOAH sorry this took so long. o-o; the SoW post really threw me off.

As her dark lips fell back over eggshell teeth, she let her ears tip forward, attempting to give her facade a more neutral tone as the larger male attempted to vouch for himself and the child. Her golden eyes followed him as he lowered himself below her. This alone pleased her, as she had found his taller stature to be somewhat threatening, especially with the child at his paws. Although the girl was likely the same age as her own children, Borlla found it odd that the girl was so meek. In a few short months, she would be an adult. She shouldn't have been trying to make herself one with her guardian's pelt. Of course, this was coming from the mother of two children who might as well have been spirits; hovering about, typically silent.

Borlla was not startled when Phineas drew up beside her. His caution was warranted, but currently unappreciated. Her frustrations, thankfully for her mate, were currently aimed towards the lone pair before her, and so she welcomed his touch, canting her muzzle slightly throwing in a side glance, before setting her eyes upon the wolves again. Jaw shifting slightly, her teeth clicked together as he spoke, hardly aware of the scent of prey in the air. It took little investigating to know that it came from somewhere behind her, well within their boundaries.

He claimed to be a guardian, this Ace, and something within the woman was instantly comforted. Her daughter had recently gone through terrible tragedy. Tragedy that might've been prevented should she have had a pair of watchful eyes upon her. Eyes shifting again between the strange pair, Borlla pondered for a moment. In this short moment, she not only found the scent of the pronghorn, but of rabbit. The furry prey occasionally reared its long eared head, and it seemed this was one of those times. "You, Ace," The pale woman addressed the lowered gray man. "Perhaps you might prove you can do more than be watchful." Tilting her head towards the direction of the scent, hoping he would understand her intentions. She wished to speak to the girl without the presence of her guardian. Perhaps she would prove herself to be a bit more than a furflower.

"Adsila?" Borlla attempted to make herself more cordial towards the child. "What do you like to do?" It was a simple enough question, open-ended enough that perhaps the girl would offer something insightful. Borlla could personally care less about the child's lineage. Those were details she could uncover later, when they weren't starving. If this girl was going to hang about here, she would have to be prepared to serve some purpose.
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
His eyes skimmed over the two – the cub was nearly full grown, likely the same age of his own two children, and yet her quiet nature seemed to highlight that she did not hold much knowledge to what was expected of her at the borders of a pack she was not part of – at the age she was, hierarchy was indeed something she was learning, and rather than submit to the Leaders of the territory she stood so near, she instead buried herself to the silver male’s pelt in an attempt to hide. Had it been Kyros and Hypatia, both would have been clipped appropriately on the ears – they knew to follow the ranks of the pack.

Borlla gave direction to the other male, and while his own large figure remained tense, uncertain if he should remain and listen to the child’s story, the regal instead trailed past her to follow after the wolf named Ace. The scent of the rabbit was enough to ease this decision, and only with a parting glance to his leading Lady, the male would usher a snort as he passed the silver male – it could be a test of sorts of the stranger’s skill.

Magnolia Glen had only fostered one other pup – the memory of Elliot hitched in his chest as he recalled the lost youth. His permission had only been granted to these lands due to his abandonment, and even still, Phineas could recall the glare his mate had set upon the boy, seeing him as a threat to her own young. He left this pair’s fate entirely up to her – and if he was lucky, he would at least gain a rabbit or two to feed his own young. Despite the silence that surrounded them, there was one thing that had piqued his interest. "Pitch Pine Trail disbanded? Whatever happened to Shade Slayer?" The news of the pack's falling was of little surprise to the ivory male -- his time spent with the swarthy Slayer had only proved the male to be a flake.
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2014, 01:42 PM by Phineas.)